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when Jim duly те saying some.
operate a in of the sist October Bayles, wasta. and ed to to the nee be reinovhelp om and Centrei Widusce this work wit Boxins fons will be treated to At Kendal Coroner inquiry held Tip of Wistin commun Paciti Theatre at Mandeville.
press, says Baker.
ty in Panam. The store.
Bashes with Walcott the list or its kind to be in the in 15. Bryan Last Sunday morning when op West Indian women and a management of this works to carry the tight to the coroney for this parish. Kinkste to proceedits tos miles here, and how knows Brians to a willing by Mandevilla, November Toquarters with an order from doubt cushrouded the plans viris and the frequent feloni, Indian Trading Company Lim, tisport all the time. On the His Honor Mr. Orpen, to take some cars at the Greenof the United Brotherhood to ous acts of the men air Texed comercial val other hand Waleont likes to mix beli the enquiry into the cirum. vale station. He called to his fire.
have their delegation of five youngsters all on account of concern, was opene up for bus things a bit and is also aggres stances touching the tragic death man and to the deceased to have members meet Secretary of the poverty and distress mess on the morning of the 10th sive, so there is sure going to be of Theophilus Mitchell, the night the engine ready at once: he got War Baker, fortune was smil brought about by low wages, inst, when contoh some classy bout wonight when man of the Kendal Railway sta no answer from the deceased and household harde two gladiators shake hands mint huet his fond on the He sent the fireman to the quar: ing upon them from within and the high cost of living ware as well as and a call from the Secretary The Secretary of War was ettes, Foil chocolates in the one then there is also the let 131 October last, mis ters of deceased to call himn. The chocolates final o e, an round murney the next morning between engine one in deceased root had told lifeless body having fireman returned say to bring in the Colored men impressed himself is being and other concernet to and fast Ground preliminars; No next woning between en to see him was answered by satisfied that no one could the view when this on a whole is going to be a gond rers of train No. 5, which Some little time after the tirethe entrance of Nicholas Car have represented the case thrown on for the tirst time being card at the Pacitie 10 the metropolis at 15 o clock man returned and told him that not.
The Company wil op and night.
ter, General Chairman of the better than had been done by a branch sur th reaching kendal somewhere the deceased was dead between Brotherhood, William Stoute, that man. pointing to Prof city or Colon in the walls part of REFUTATION about eight o clock on tho night a car and the engine. He went Vice Chairman G. Heplin, Inniss, after the latter had the new year follow out The business is under the di Secretary, Syst Division, taken his seat. The true coning jury was empanelled: Mesers and and saw deceased crushed and in a standing position.
San Prof. Innissad Victor ditions of the Segroes on the rect management Sunith of Mr. SS! (foreman) Ar ceased had a well known West With referer. ce to a Hand Bill thar Manton, Biston Powell, cloth. He and the tireman put bug and some Canal Zone are now fully draw who for the past thirteen which was distributed an ound Thomas Glave. Gilbert Rob wood in the engine and as soon Collins.
The reception by the hon known by the Secretary of years has had varied experience this city with the headın: The inson, Eustace 13. Hall. Asher as steam was get the ingine was orable gentleman was mos War, and misrepresentation in the Commissary Department Black Star Line wil: arrive on Spencer, Daniel Miller and reinoved and the body was taken cordial and the delegates feli has been shamed into silence of the Panama Railroad and who the 10th and The West Indian Thomas Ranglio.
In answer to the corner wit quite at home in the presence Before dismissing the dele. is full qualitied to steer the new Trading Co. Ltd. will open to Hargreaves, sure of the distinguished represen gation the Secaetary of War enterprise on a successful ca the general public a full line or o. who performed th post mor. he heard the specialeothing wroen tative of the United States promised that immediate The promoters and investors same was not authorized by the ries on the body were consistent the engine.
grocery etc. beg to state that tem examination, said the inju Williamstield, he did not steam Government. The air of os amelioration would come to are to be congratulated on their C. with the inan being crushed to By a Juror He found his eng.
tentation which usually per the colored employees of the attempt to inaugurate a chain of The general public is therefore death ine about 15 feet from where he Corporal Alfred Augustus By left it on the previous night.
ministration building was en Panama Railroad Company. goneral public should be extend done in the interest of this new position in which he saw the Eist. The only thing he could vades Some sections of the ad Pauama Canal and those of West Indian stores on the Istb. asked not to take this heudlinelunnan gave evidence as to the There is mus and the patronage of the seriously. It inight have been a down grade to the tirely lacking in the Govern The members of The UniAs a West Indian concern, and not by anyone con body. He did not think deceas say that the cars could be or office when Secretary ted Brotherhood of Mainte business it should receive nected with the Universal ed had been sleeping on the cow. ed from where they il were the Baker with Governor Harding nance of Way Employees and the full and the Negro improvement Association catcher brakes were not properly set.
African Laborers West Indi port units: stene to the case of the Railway Communities An Engine Driver Evidence Shop The West Indian Trading Com League Francis Jones, a mechanic, Rudolph Meisle, station master Silver employees as presented should feel proud of their orpiny Ltd will be a successful George Earle, engine driver, at Kendal, Thomas Williams, tireganization and regard all concern iſ the true spirit of racial Musical and Dramatic En said on the night of October 31st man on engine 40, gave evidence, by the delegates.
Prof, Inniss was the spokes statements against it as unto solidarity is exhibited in connectertainment.
after bringing in his train and and the Court adjourned for man; and in in his usual clo ward propaganda, he ene tion with it. The store is open doing some shunting work at lunch.
Dont forget the musical and Kendal station, he brought his quent style delivered a pa mies of the organization had daily tili p.
Lets Another Enzine Driver thetic description of the true betted that the delegates paleosize this set to the there and Dramatic Entertainment that will engine to a standstill about 10 are WEST INDIAN TRAD. Choral Union, at St. Anthony been left. After the engine had frea Kusselt was called me stat. economic conditions under would never see the Secretrry be pulled off by On resumption James Al.
which the colored people on of War. what will they say ING COMPANY LTD. 22 CEN. Hall on Thursnay evening ti e been put out of commission, the ed he was an engine driver of the Canal Zone have to live now?
TRAL AVE, TWO 4001s from 18th Soine of the newest and most to operate the dump grade. so way. On 31st October last, he deceased came upon the left side the and labor, setting forth the The Secretary of War gave the Amador Theatre. catchy pieces are being pre that the fireman could put out drove engine 34 from Clarendon facts of the West Indians im the broadest recognition to portance and working ability the United Brocherhood in WATCH NIGHT SERof the evening, will be the intropared to be staged. The surprise the bid deceased not to do so that is reached Williamsfield Park, and and deploring the discrimina his reception and treatment VICES.
duction of something new to the until he was satisfied that there that night about 30 He blew public of Panama in such enter was enougn water to keep the en arrived at the. Hinselt tions and oppressiveness of a of them, and after promising his.
40 when he beg to inform the Public, prevailing system which to see that conditions are im through this foediu me that the tainments. Dont miss it for any. gine over night. Deceased went and keeps back from the Negro proved concluded his most Prince of Wales Lodge No. 2632 thing, to carry wood for use on the enthe conductor of the his just re assuring remarks by say and the Eusebius Lodge No. 2008 melancholy, then follow the was satisfied that the engine had patcher in Kingston, that it was mof you are feeling lonely and gine next morning. After he went to the agent office, and in the course of his speech, ingcrowd Mr. Inniss made reference to too great a nation to oppress asual watch Javenile Lodge night Calidonia, call at the Hall, pay operated the grade and the fire. be accommodated at the station.
will the increasing demoralization any people.
Services on at 10 pm. in the St. Charles will have all the fun and laughter the engine. He asked the assist ceed to Balaclava. He did the on December 24th, 1919, Lodge Room, corner of and 10 will drive all dull cares ant station agent what time was shanting of one or two or the that BROTHERHOOD NEWS Sts. Color. It is a glass two of ice recorded for putting enaway. Then a in With much ersum, with a Slice of cake with wine and her spidsin. ut the rear then coupled up an empty regret that owing to the growth each will send you home happy. son for going to the agent was that wasne nether siding. The fire car of the Lodges, we are unable to Remember the hour.
because it was it was customary to ahead again with seven man gnalled him, entertain them, but on the 25th, Happenings of h: Various Locals Doors open at 30 a whistle when the engine against the passenger train. His cars Caristoas Evening, at p. Curtain raised at sharp. was put out of commission. He train did not strike the passen they will be entertained by the Mariners Lodge Nc. 2522 Secretary Deane. The meeting roles avenile Lodge Loyal Nelson Lodge No. 19 biler waren get the met een train with true torcea then ne at No. 2608. with recitations, songs, afterwards left platform and His Honeur: The insinuation Kindly bear in mind that our and dialogues, etc. All are con o.
Went back to ack to the engine where is that you struck the passen zer The brightest meeting next meeting will be on Decem dialkoninvitedin tespecially the Members of the above named out the fire. The fireman said it train with such force that even he saw the fireman still putting held since the unveiling of the ber 27th at p.
Children chapter of our locai. took place Lodge are asked to take parti. was troublesome to get out the the engine was removed several THEO. BERNARD, cular not ce that the meeting of fire, and he showed the fireman.
on Thursday night, December the District which was arranged how to get it out in an easier Journal Agent.
11th. The meeting was called to Concert in Aid of Charity for the 13th has been cancelled. wa. Ee then left Williams, tbe been removed, from the signal Witness: The train might have order by our president at p.
It was then a greed to give in and after the reading of the mingine he received. He blew the waistle Success Lodge No. 2502 The public is hereby reminded structions on Degrees, also to re, and went to his room. This was when shunting on the passenger fireman, in the utes. The ceremony of initiation of the Concert in aid of Charity ceive Contributions. To was performed in accordance to be given by the Household of brace this grand opportunity Shearer or Bryan near the eng. His Honour: Are you sure?
em about 10. 40 He did not see train.
with the new ritual.
On the Ruth Lodge Hall, be punctual full at.
me to ting his ceremony the press regular meeting was convened in St. et centralt habe, con the tendance is required.
ine that ident was assisted by our able and every one who was present 21st. The promoters are leaving international Longshoremen engine blow in the Williamsfield night Just after he had And do you know that there was cleared the points with his engine a night man working at en zine secretary. Much interest by the never regretted it. this meeting no stone unturned to accommoat the eastern end he heard an No. 40.
Witness said he was aware of present was paid to this puts us to consider greatly we date all patrons.
Association coloured)
Meeting The direction. After he had cleared it. It was about 11. 30 when he quite a number of visiting brothers from locals Local No. 1073.
the line shunted the train. After this he en by the we couldn o mestre beleia se can British Consulate. Notice.
Members of the above named Engine 34 came in got a clearance and went on to members Green Vale. It was only one are askad to try truly say that it was a happy time and attend their meetings more we are asking the moral support The British Consulate in this that the last meeting for the with cars as a special. It was contact that he had with the pasregularly than they have done in of every colored employee to City would like to know of the month of December will be held standing on the line with cars up senger train before leaving for the past. Bro. Jones gave a very make our number stronger. Boys whereabouts of Mrs. Ella at tho Anciens Order of Mor res to the time he went to rest. On Green Vale with seven cars. He interesting address, also Bro. Contiuned on Puge) Jones in connection with Army ter Hall on the 15th, ins. com the morning of the 1st November left Kendal at 12. The next mancing at 30, m, precisely. the station agent came to his (Continued on page 85 Was train cars and blow a no CRL of the engine brothers present wint meeting was very plent was given The matters,


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