
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION 11 DOO of pertinh shrimps it mary utix is light to each prevent it irom dashing against the Los It is suggested that the boat in pro chingothe pen wis rusid aust it by the tide which was hen Vitro itin its being piz Pre the uniortuna parts of the the wh bats arrived at 01 in at the crie 10 for the boats re the Mr.
abou 32 years and and his The with under paintul circumstant que e 11 Our Glorious Dead Plaque and Scroll for next of Kin.
committee of the Cound meet at Citer arranged The Calidonia Jewelry Store payment of 3363 from the Record Once Pot concerned.
his not the With rigard to the decision His Majesty Gorrent suoi te all all to the next of these who have fallen in the war, the merara Goverumt have ceived a circular despatch fron the Secretary of Satantome ing that the work of dit batu the scroll hul begin case of officers the set will be distributed fron the Of.
and in the case of wher unit The concur rent issue of the plaque his been found possible owing to the necessity of building a special factory for its manufacture, and it has not been thought desir.
ble to delay the issue of the scroll pending completion of the arrangements for manufactur.
ing and distributing the plague.
The Scroll and its Description The scroll is of thick paper in the form of a rectangle approximately eleven. and. tive sixteenths inches long by sevenand seven sixteenths inches wide.
It bears the following Inscription: He whom this scroll comme.
morates was numbered among those who, at the call of King and country, left all that was dear to them, endured hardship, faced danger and finally passed out of the sight of men by the path of duty and selfsacritice, giving up their own van lives that others night live in Let those who com after see to it that his namo be not forgotten.
This is followed by an inscri tion of the soldier name and regiment.
The whole inscription is sur (Contiuned on Page 6)
WATCHMAKER Jamaica Commissioners suggest in order to save time that while they are working at the details of the The Lighting of scheme generally your Board under the Electric Light Kingston. Gorror in Prive Council for a Liw above quoted, apply to the license which will enable them to Owned By Letters which Commis contract with the Commission ers for the execution and mainsioners Have sent to THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, tenience of the necessary works Mayor and Council and generally to fultil on their behalf the duties and obligations Fead Office, 55, Wall Street.
NEW SCHEME IN HAND imposed by the license am, Sir, our obedient servant, To Generate Electricity Syd. WJ MALKER Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 109, 000. 00 from Supply of Water Secretary Power at Constant The letters have been referred to the streets and lines commit.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Spring tee of the Mayor and Council The following is the text of a DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL letter which the Kingston Gene Mr. Hector Josephs KCB.
ral Commissioner have id; has been appointed to DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD dres to the Mayor and Council act as a nominated membro relative to the lighting of the the Legislative Council, during streets of Kingston the leave of absenc granted to am directed to acknowledge the Hon. Gideon.
Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches the recript of jor lotier dated 3rd Septimber asking the Com this Institution Offers Except onal Banking Facilities.
The Secretary of State for the missioners to resume the street Colonies has sent out a number lighting as existed prior to the of Imperial plaques and scrap Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
outbreak of the wa In reply am directed by the distribution to the next of kin of those who have fulen in the INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACHOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM to remind you Great War.
that after the outbreak of the owing to the increased wall and also to the Gov.
prico Trinidad ernment lighting orders the street lighting had to be cur.
and with a Board of Directors in tailed and the committee appoin. Warning to England including men renown.
ted by your Board to meet a Tommissioners ed in commerce and tinance. The Shopkeepers Boa! Band of Directors is given to discuss the matter as: Messrs. Austin, that for the then and still payable by the Farthings Must be Used Year Wood, Wilkinson and Dr. Gooding with a reduction of the pumbes CAN BE OBTAINED AT TREASURY Professor Taylor, Council they would be satisfied of lamps from 690 to 424 This Obarrio Building.
No. 2, Calidonia Road left the commissioners with The police have intimated their a We take our hats oft Mr. Luafter balance, all intention to enforce the use of meeting charges, averaging 450 per farthings by shopkeepers and rence Taylor, a son of Mr. JHA.
LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR annum for depreciation on the others in order to mitigate to Taylor, accountant to the firm of capital value of their plants viz. some hextent then mendurable who has just been so loigtly lon. Catford Co. WATCH REPAIRING 437. 000 hardships experienced through one of Since the lighting order has the prices of foodstuffs which are oured as to be elected Professors When mak at the London Royal Academy of of Pianoforte playing WE KNOW HOW.
been revoked the. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE, have increased the number of ing quarter or half pound pur. Musie. Professor Yaylor is a Bar a lamps to be lighted from 424 to chases of certain commodities Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
502 while the price of coal has sold at 5e. 7c. 9c. or at such oda badian of whom we all should feel advanced from 60s per ton to prices per lb. the buyer is made justly proud. He has been suc80s per ton to pay as though the cost of the cessful in reaching to the heights O, CAMPBELL The Commissioners have intro. article bad been at least a cent of the profession of his choice, JEWELLER.
duced all the economies that they higher, a hirdship which can and we extend to his parent and Phone 1053.
conceive possible in working this be rim wed by the use of relations here our sincerest conCars Stop at the Door.
gratulations. In the war for two and for the year ending concern, last the profit of 450 In the interest of the poor con years he did his bit among the Artists Rifles was on account of the extra light sumers we are glad to note that ing, converted into deficit of our efforts in their behalf oa this 4360 same question, have borne fruit, Post of Resident Surgeon Coal has still further advanced even after a lapse of time.
and with the depreciating ex. The Farthing Problem The Senior Post of Resident change the Commissioners estiSurgeon of the Barbados Genemate a loss on the year transac: With reference to the farthing 12th instant. Dr. Skoete Correspondent writes. ral Hospital was filled on the tions approximating 41. 000. This problem allow me to ask what 27 years of age, a McGill Grad will only be obviated by increas ge for street lighting about the country districts, es mate of the class of 1915, and 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA by 700 and 10 private consum. pecially those people who are a son of Mr. Torrance Skeete ers to yield another 300. This living in far centres? suggest of Bennetts, Christ Churen, was Next Door to Cecilia Theatre step las been delayed for the that a stock of farthings should the successful applicant of of present because the Commission be left at tbe Warden Office or eight: two of this number at ers are hoping that in the near post office of each village com least being medical men of many Headquarters for future there will be reduction munity where they can be obtain. more years standing, and one, in frieght charges and possibly a ed readily Dr. Nason, a practitioner of exreduction in the price of coal.
perience, if we are to judge of High Class Furniture In order at the present time to Drowning Fatality his 52 years, and a member of light the other lamps in the city a prominent local family The body of Wilfred Hall, the weight of social influence, says The and bring the number up to the 690 the charge All New Goods Sold at would be per seven year old boy. who met his the Herald, told, and Mr.
lamp or 5, 520 per annum.
death by drowning in the Dry Skeete romped home winner The Commissioners would not River yesterday morning, was (7 votes) with Dr. Carter second Reasonable Terms.
Board at the present time, and morning about 45 o clock, and but not by quite so forceful a make any such proposal to your recovered in the shipping this votes) also influentially backed as, the cost of coal will probably not yesterday as reported. It social and financial personality WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US remain high for some years to was seen floating by when buying Furniture.
come they are projecting another pamed Caruso, who brought the At a recent meeting of elector A Welcome is extended to a carried out in connection with to Harbour Constable Barclays in Bridgetown, Barbados, mr.
sit our large Stock the gas works which will be the The body was subsequently view Maughn was elected to subject of a separate communi portu Health Orlicerre and After rendered vacant by the death of ed by Dr. Laurence, Acting seat on the St Michael Vestry cation am, Sir, wards handed over to the parents Mr. Clairmonte.
for burial.
Your obedient servant. Signed) WALKER, Demerara Secretary Barbados Furthsr Letter Honorary Colonel The Commissioners have also in the Demerara sent the following further letter 46 STREET, PANAMA. From the Globe)
to the Mayor and Council River.
The Commissioners have in At the dinner on Trafalgar Just received a full stock ofcontemplation a scheme for the night given by the officers and storage of a considerable quanti non coms of the Barbados Volun. Youug Couple Met a ty of water at Constant Spring teer Forces intime tion was made SILVER CHAIN GOODS and are of the opinion when that of His Excellency Lieut. Colonel Watery Grave Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES is accomplished that they will be Brien being created an Honorable to supply water power suff ary Colonel of the Force. It is Says the. Demerara Argosy on For every form of disease: cient to generate enough electri now announced that His Majesty Tuesday afternoon 18th instant city for the lighting of the streets the King has been pleased to al about o clock Mr, Charles Coland lanes of Kingston and St. low the acceptance of the post lerson of Stanley town, Canal No TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
Andrew and of the public and of distinction.
2, West Bank, accompanied by parochial buildings of the two his parishes.
British Union Oil Compary boat to attach light to a fish pen own request, left in a small Give us a call and inspect our New Stock. Under the Electric Light Law 32 of 1890 the Governor in Privy This is a Britiah concernen in the Demerara river opposite Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Coure is empowered to grant ajoying special concessions in this Stanleytown. fish pen is a FLOWERS, Proreitor.
Licerat the Mayor and Coun place with the object of boring spot in the river enclosed with cil of yston for purposes of for oil. It is a swell business spars made of wood to which a O, Box 36, Panama City.
Telephone 519.
the Lie mentioned, and the standing on a capital of 6, 000, 000 seine is attached for the purAND carilings 31, March Panama Furniture Company freedom wid the chai CA NEED, WATCH?
We Always have in Hand a Complete line at Reliable Low Prices Watches and Jewelry over Give us a call Before Going Elsewhere. You are sure to be on Tim if Your WATCH Was Repairad by US Remember We Make Wedding Rings and Other Jewelry to Order FULLER is the MAN You Want o sce 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Corner 22nd Street, Pancmo, Phone 939 Drowning Accident Chorrillo Drug Store ALLMAN LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Between 10th and 11th Sts.
Bottle Alley. Colon, MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY Latest English and American Fashions.
wife Frances ces Collerson, at ber Also Cleaning Pressing Your Patronage Solicited Prices Moderate MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY


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