
HE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919 PAGE THREE. The Open Forum :The Woman Exchange The Rev. Father Cooper Returns.
Is Tendered Audress Of Welcome.
The following laddruse of Wolcome was tendered the Rev.
Father Cooper of Christ Church Colon by a number of his parish ioners on his return from vacaperiu tion:Sir Sisters indefatigalle EX High School Education in procure for them to share in the Starlin. Which One Hundred llars 10their ons will receyememe time terprise that every degro should of Lilliards they play tributors nevertheless The non THE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co.
GRAVES and JOHNSON at the Union LOVE CHARIOT BENEVOLENI SOCIETY. The Co In Chariot Benevolent We do not hold ourselves responsible loro ini a expressed in the Sockly wh was founde on July 11 the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents 1918 antitrd April 8th 1919 will t1 give a bonus tall its financial Members No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama covering wer LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
en uran u nick ur fue a The Shop of Personal Service It furih bisel this year set any some link selv sur heir dependents Watch Your Dimes. This o e has been wing for over unpredenied in the hals of any DRESSMAKERS year and donnexell work in eiety on the Isthmus, mores, oue that meeting the great need of the children have ample is seen AnniGatun Canal Zone To develop a personal Mode for for whom it wis established.
versity, an reflets the highes comenDecember 31d, 1919.
This Institution is operated and main dation units urinar Mr P. Lorde each Patron is the special function of Inval in your last issue of the txined by voluntary subscriptions from man of serling ability, stimoni Wkm letter written by Red the good at heart who reulize their duty coupled with foreight and preserve suce et our establishment.
Tanker which certainly do appreciate to their less fortunato brothers and one who never sayfal. then next to him ANN THOMAS, Proprietress. um sorry to ree that the majority of 18 Mr. Burnham he th: Colored settlement of Gatun can see At present there are twenty five bede Bertary, a man who has the interest of men that far. They have a Clubhouse Secre which coet One Hundred Dilers. 100 the Society at he iri, nd wh use many in tary. his town who is ruly making us. c) per year, for each ocupant wereut aktibo help to steer the Society the Gatuate pe ir money. Believe Many more application are drink haw Mests Willem present standing Then the Offi the be surely takes it dimes from them in, and it is the derire of the Min Burke but the poor fools don ne that. These prior people don seem to realize these rement to extend the hand of min to Growent and Cox urcoll men with our che a dollar and that that my as possible, bnt luck of fulles who have somnd firmly wach. ch with Organizer in all his endeavours for il in the way will always prove a valuable asset to its possessor, particularly to ambi dollar will huren APPEAL. Yur mutual coration Bood and well tre of the shit whi tious youths and youngmen who are desirous of entering professions in West Badan Trading Company of and support syre bring respectfully so and is fuiting all late obligation which a knowledge of classics and mathematics is indispensable: or that by DAVIK those dimes at and supplied a ling felt want on the they will surely stunt. Jollars and cited towards the intenner of ROBERT LINDSAY, The that we dollars will procure tot least one occup int of this Ineti uin lahmu Members who are entiende for Residence No. Calle Domingo Diaz SC pur year. One Dollar. 100 forihe Carism and will be to be sc.
Apartment Upstairs Box No. 1011, Ancon, row They do the serin to realiza SC has been fixed as the min mum vide them with their little odds an tenis Call to any amount from our Isthmian con and thus enable them to enjin a pont boller of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE is willing for hour of Christmas with their family ani friend moder to consideration to assist yone who my bedsions of obtaining air making themselves that much poorer The a one We wish this Society more years old a higher education and making the Canal Zone Ci nernment need not point out to you thi hren av ret success antud as its motto is t, 13 antt.
Subjects taught: Aritlometid. Algeria Tactical and Theoretical that much eher They do not seem preciation of gratitude which such an Le Benevolence, and Truth Max Geometru lemnents of French and Latin. English including Grammar and realize that these silver hobh none were act on our part will carry on the minds its Members who put her appropriate tot built for our comfort rendit of the nedy beneficiaries, and the puis etto from the the lite LB Composition. Business fort, letters, cte: other subjects taught as demand hayat sudents prepared for Cambriige Local Examinations.
The Authentics thought that by creo elie of Jamica and Lik Brothers Tether and in such places they would be able have een advised to inform the doing so the success of the society will Hours. 00 to 10. 00 Call or write, 10) take from us that which was left kind donors, that any of them visiting be assured, and will become a wonder uuatter deduction for Commissary books the Hote, will be gladly shown around ful power for good in this Republic.
and rent were made. And they are surely rely by Mrs. Forthley, mostron in charge ketting it from the people of Gatun namnes and amounts of contribute These secretaries can always ask for tors will be published in the Daily NOTICE money to build playground and extenexten Gleaner.
sions and all the like, but who is going Feeling assured that such a noble cause TO MEMBERR OF to receive the benefit? m sury when you will have your moral as well as financial cre out of a job you cannot enjoy the support, and thanking you in anticipate rivelege of the playground nor anything Members of th Colonel Yours with gratitude Ise that you might have helped to obtain tion on behalf of the kiddies, Gatunite, its time you try to cut out Labor Union please be informed PINZI, REMEMBER election of officers for We Sell that unnecessary spending of the few The City Pharmacy the 1920 term will take plac mes that they leave you on your pay 11:! lon Sunday Commutator case, a id Rollers els try to accumulate them they will in the near future bring you Libertya December 21st, 1920. Only finen Hose onnections for all Cars Function Postponed. cial mebers will be entitled to think that we are all clamouring for: Electrical Bulbs for all Cars then if we want liberty Why don we vote, Members in treati are Air Gauges and Air Pumps try to scrure it throng that as part at The Function which was planned to asked to pay up their dues in come off on the 9th, inst in connection time to quality for this occasion.
Plugs, Champion, Splitdorf, Thanks for pace Mr. Editor with Ladies Division of the Univer.
JNO, ASH Engine Bolts and Gaskets GATINITE sal Nes Improvement Associativa, ete, Secretary at ther Hall, corner of 5th, and Hudson Spotlights, Head Lamps and Reflectors Lane, and to those Lodges to whom comTransmission Grease, Oil, Gasoline, etc. Children Home. nication had been sent for their pre Dr. GONNELL since, will not come of till Saturday the Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
13th, inst through unavoidab e circum SURGEON DENTIST Sir. Hlaving been appointed Freas. tances, Officers and members of Liges PHONE 83 BOX 816, ANCON, urer, beg to announce that a CHILD. written to are asked to take special no.
REN HOME is built on the Rectory tice as their presence will be required on and be found at 175 land at Halay Tree, Jamaica that occasion.
Central Avenue Ladies Auxiliary Initiates. This Ladies branch of the Order of the Opposite Station Knights of St. John is fast becoming into prominence, and under the leader One of the most impressive initiationship of a lady in the quality of Mrs.
ceremonies held by the St. Mary Ilelp of Garvin, the members feel confident of Christian Auxiliary No 209, was that having a larg. membership in the near imposed on seven candidates on Saturday future.
Tailor and Outfitter (BRANDON BANK)
night last at their Lonigo Room at Court Land Hall, San Miguel. The ceremony Dealer in School Books, wsi by hand ed by the genial President FITZ BOWEN and Stationary.
Mrs Fuzene Garvin, who, after introdueERVICE ing the seven eaudidates into the myste.
THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR No. 11 Street, Panama res of the Order, exhorted them inn chains from Central Ave.
28 November Street, San Miguel ANAMA (POUNDED 1808)
in sviring address, to inculcate the princ COLON pies of the Order which they had lern.
House 20 Address: Box 895, Ancon, Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford) un(Under new management)
Take Notice questioned security for every dollar No. 128, BOLIVAR STREET, deposited with this bank.
Between 8th Sth. Streets, Colon The following persons are re.
quested to call on Dr. OG Johnson Secretary of the West Clean, Sanitary, Up To Date. Equipment ndian Committee, at 143 CentraAvenue, in connection with ceri Massaging, manicuring, shampooing, hair straightening, tain inatters referred to the Com hair dressing, scalp treatment and lightening of the com mittee by the British Legation:Rosaline Skeete of Panama ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON plexion. Wrinkles, tan, freckles, liver spots, blackheads, BRANDON nimples, dark mark under the eye and all other facial Ida Walker of Green Castle President.
Vice President.
Treasurer blemishes removed. Cerns, bunions, callouses, perspiring Estate, Antigua feet cured Ela Noble of Jamaca, Joseph Osbourne of British Kashmir Guiana.
Preparations for growiug the ball and improving the ADVERTISE IN quality of the skin. hair grower and beautifier, wbitener and clean er, vanishing creat, dandruff remedy, Cream bain (excellent for men after shaving liquid face powder, muge, shampoc, face lowder (5 shades. Dr. Walter bighgrade antiseptic tooth low ler is Stocked with everything in We stop hair from falling make it grow and improve WATCHES CLOCKS (Ladies Gents)
Give me your order for your the quality. Take a six weeks treatment and be convinced.
Large and Small Call at the parlor and consult the Beauty Culturist.
WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, JEWELRY RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for tremendous assortment Agents want fo: the NILE QUEEN preparations, Gentlemen, Ladies and ChilWe have also just received a beautiful variety fo English dren.
Write for terins to Box 736, Cristobal, or call at tits Parlor.
MADAM ROBERTS, THE BIGGEST VALUE ON Every article makes an ideal gift as a Beauty Culturist.
THAT LINE WEDDING, CHRISTMAS OR BIRTHDAY PRESENT Graduate of the Kashmir Iustitute, Chicago, Ill. SANGUINETTI BROWN, Call oarly and select yours FURNITURE DEALER JOHN WILLIAMSON Advertise in the Corner 3rd Novembar and 19th Watchmaker Jeweler.
Strests, Guachapali. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon Next Store from 7th Street, WORKMAN Ancon Box 836, Chris Church, Colon Dee. 1919.
Rev. J, Cooper, Rector of Christ Church By the S, Colon, RP Dear Father Cooper. It is with feel ings of real joy and with a profound sense of gratitude to Almighty God Who has spared your life and brought you safely back to our midst that we one more welcome you amongst us here this more.
ink We are glad to learn that, not with standing the tension your nerves must have undergone during the last five or six weeks when you realized that Owing to the shipping conditions obtaining in the nited States vou would be prevented from returning promptly to your Cure on the expiration of your annual leave you spent a pleasant vacation in the Land of the Stars and Stripes.
and thoroughly enjoyed the rest you so much needed.
Our arrat joy is that you have been protected from the dangers of the sea and that your life has been mercifully preserved to continue the faithful and inPresente valuable services this Parish for twelve and a half eventper services you have rendered to ful and not unprosperous years During the time you have been absent from us you have lived in our thoughts and in our affection and have been the object of our constant prayers, and we regard your safe protection while you travelled by land and by sen and your presence in our midst this morning as an answer to our many prayers in your beball.
We have all mis ed your kind helpful presence during the twelve week (nearly)
that you have been away from us, miss.
ed the regular administration of the Priestly duties, missed you especially at son our Harvest Thanksgiving Services, but we have kept together as a congregation; bas been no falling out by the way. and everything relative to Church matters bas, we are glad to be able to say, gone on satisfactorily and well.
We trust that you have benefitted you bener considerably by your travel and from your sojourn in the milder climate of the Great Republic of the North; that you have returned with renewed energy and increased strength to take up once more Pemote and to carry on the arduous duties of a devoted Parish Priest in this important Cure; and that the great Head of the Church will continue to own and to bless bless your labours here and to stamp them with the kiss of His own Divine On behalf of the Church Officers, the congregation and the various Church Guilds, We are, Yours very sincerely, Rowe, Humber, Fred Sarouels, Theo. Lamont, Facey, McLean, Francis, Rice, Mrs. Eva Morant, Mrs. Garibald, Mrs. Humber, Cunningham. Father Cooer Mr. Cuaningham added, have viry much pleasure in presenting you with this address on be.
ball of the Parishioners of Christ Church; and, if an assurance were necessary, assure you that it contains the true senof our hearts the real sentiwe entertain towards you.
Father Cooper, who was visibly moved, replied enitably, expressing his thanks for the address of welcome and the real pleasure it gives him to be again in residence amongst his people in Colon.
there approval.
WM. LAWRENCE Panama Banking Company ECURITY Kashmir Beauty Parlor timents of our ments that we General Banking Business Transacted The Voice of Wisdom.
Marvellous Nile Queen Toilette The Workman THE JOHN WILLIAMSON JEWELRY STORE Waterproof Raincoats The Allies taking their cue from De Witt Pills have won the world great war for the freedom of man.
DeWitt Pills have won greater VICTORY over human diseases Millions all over the world have been cured. WHY NOT YOUP Do you suffer from depressed and tired feelings, restlessness at nights, pains in the back, sides or joints some times with swelling achings, limbs, pains in the Groins, too frequent a desire to urinate, weak or lame back.
burning sensation, or irritation of the bladder If you observe any of these discomforts, start to day to take the only real eure DeWiws Pills, and you will be rewarded with HEALTH, STRENGTH AND LONG LIFE. Hun dreds on the Isthmus have been testify.
ing to the value of the medicine. Have no doubt, and begin your treatment DOW.
One bottle is enough for some, but deep rooted cases need longer treatment depending on the severity of the case.
Sold in sizes at all first class drug stores. Beware of imitations some deal ers are handing out. DeWitt Co. Lid, London Bottle with blue seal. City Pharmaey printed on wrappers.
THE CITY PHARMACY, 139 Con. Avenue, Panama.
Agents for Republic of Panama gad Canal Zone.
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