
Hallinnon Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica WALION at the office Contration Correspondent on all matters nue and corner of Street, anama, of public interest invited RU for publication must be PO Box 74. Panana written on one side of paper only, and RUSLASKIN One that not necessarily for publice Six Thr Sviitsiness tie un sol att.
TOYS. TOYS. TOYS. Negro Fellow inen: if you could silently, quiet?
ly, clearly. peer into the hearts o the sa flures in life if von An immense and Varied Shipment cuid but one learn the vervealed sobre secret of men just received.
and women who merely surve tie sak Stressol initial closed chamber would be more tale of SaifishBig Assort10nt now on riess. Per er leita la Exhibition of the loss in the palladiun of our rights. JINIS TUT! DECEMBER 1919 Sold by Wolesale and Retail The Secretar: Baker Moats The Silver Men.
Greater Conquer is the man EDUARDO VALENCIA who can Conquer Seit.
Satemat we love to hinter the rest of the Isthmian population may Santa Ana Plaza next Hotel Metro ole think of Secretary of War Baker visit to the Panama Caminduling nearly sixteen thousand West Indians and other aliens, have been made to feel fishness Negro Rice ce in to bring that one of the greatest of America statesmen las Editorialettes ders of the race touched this soil in the person of the honorable gentleman We dont be and of ghosts!
should oben ise or be There are streakers 40003) of our people who whose adient to this clime has been the topic of foremost indolentit Linthoi the silver are stindame the fact dison, during the past seven days of the most event Correct!
us keep the left foot, forro employees an host of the amih in very ful significance.
West Indians are generally and go on. Cornici!
Judas but they should be Preceding, and during the first day of Secretary Bak reported as being law abiding menace: Selmamei, branded and ostra flsiness is it er arrival here speculation was rife as to the possibility of and industrious. It all true. The United Brother Landes Jealousy, Insuthe delegates of colored labor meeting the distinguished That how we have been Salute!
hood is too respectable an iarit, Provincialisin Pieju dice, visitor. The greatest discouragement and the most pro taught and it is a rather hard The brave delegates from organization to harbor such Service Cowardice, wora! Cow Ignorance, Dishonesty, nounced opposition greeted the hopes of Negro labor to say job to depart from the pathis the unprinciplid jack daws in its ardic, Fear, Faure, Hatrcd, a word to the representative of the Washington Govern of our youth. Yet bad com who waited on Secretary Ba fold. Hats off, to the noble Degradation, Treachers, met holding one of the highest portfolios of the Wilsonian panionship and evil influener kur last sunday performed tive! They have defied foes nomic Slavery awitina can not; and at one time it looked like a foregone con can poison the good traits and so man service for their fd and silenced traitor Salute! The bideot De Cim intermen clust of failure.
convert Virtue into vice. The ows We owe them respect boul justice triumphed, energy conquered and the Se only influence we should vild for their manliness and pera Oh, Yes!
THE UNITED to is that which will enhance sistemes in the presence of BROTHERHOOD OF MAINTENANCE OF WAY EM our morality Public and organized opposition. They Whenever a foreign con and wait LOVLIS AND RAILWAY STOP LABORERS last private school teachers, fase the boys with the goods pany comes into our midst si shino 113 els noss Sunday morning in the office of the Governor of the Pana ihers, mothers and guardians and we ve got to hand it to there is a wild rush for tick3e: Mshness ina Canal at the Administration Building, Balboa Heights, should all act together in them. Discouragement and ets for the show, whatever it thiAmans and each member or this delegation returned to his home seeking to preserve a high but could not avail tº may happen to be. Whenever and who claim strengthened by the success of this efforts and with an in moral standard among our disuade them from pursuing local talent puts on proVolunan Venn vi ici upon his la a feeling people. The responsibility the purpose to which they Silver who is hoerally sured by every honest member of The for sell preservation is ours; had pledged themselves. They gram the attendance is al ints a ww whicul United Brotherhood.
the duty of protection may be wanted a hearing, and they ways cold and uninspiring rent light, etc. who claim The interview which the Negro Labo Delegatas had another ipward, Forward, got it. They have taught us Why? Have we no faith in that 250. 000 FT with the Secretary of War was one of the happiest occa. Onward! These are the or a moral lesson, and that is our own productions? It use free likht and time or sions of the Silver Employees on the Isthmus since the ture are not suthicient for should be our great desire to It is nothing less tha Selfishfirst steam shovel hit the back of Gold Hill and the first stick of dynamite tore way at the bowels of the Culebra tution has been recognized by the Secretary of War, and the efforts of our own people, missury authorities to sell to ness that com Cut. The utmost accessibility was accorded the delegates its life as a permanent organization is now securely guar and their ability to entertain 19 cent per hour wo or the 40 as they came into the presence of the one to whom the now anteed.
Mr. Baker visit to the Isthmus and everything in snappiness at first, we should ones as sold to the 250 (9) and us. Even if there is a lack of per month man inferior goods ut at the decrepit Silver Employees Association failed to send a dulyprice of superior elected and fully accredited representative some time near connection with it is now history: With it goes down in not depreciate their initial ef 50000 per month man.
the commencement of last Summer.
the eventful annals the record of a significant meeting of fort but rather encourage willions of men to be slaughtered It is Selliseness that caused message from the United Brotherhood in the inter five Negroes and the Secretary of War. In the chapter of them. West Indians are est of colored labor was carried to the Secretary of War by incidents surrounding the coming out that august person. usually as good entertain in the fishness ethise the riven to on battle of Europe. It the delegates, and it was delivered. The Secretary of age there is a page which tells of his impression of the ers as anyone else, but they the stora millions War received the message and was profoundly impressed. West Indian Negro and his ability to represent his own are easily discouraged when and widows. Selfishness It was great. The dignified but unassuming demeanor of race. No one could have represented the situation better the patronage of their people the Churches the hearts of the delegates for him. There was an abso spokesman of the delegation. This, in itself. was a high cially united we will not hesi to the poor and ignorant over thermischt man shot a feeling of the deepest esteem into than he said Mr. Baker, referring to Professor Inniss, the is denied them, If we are ra Seleninos enint lute absence of the autocratic arrogance which character compliment to one of our Negro leaders, which we ap tate to give the set up to set haliferent arelikvos Denomi izes the bearing of so many of the Zonian underlings, and preciate.
our local entertainers and nations. It is Seifishness that the noble visitor seemed conspicuously oblivious to the The United Brotherhood is grateful to the Secretary amateurs. Let us help them. causes our opponents to strain nauseating bombasticisni of Isthmian prevalence. of War for his considerate hearing. This organization every tibre in their manhood to keep us divided in fact, Selfish The reception of colored workingmen by the Secretary thanks him for his assurance of amelioration. Mr. Baker ness has been at the root of all of War has rivited the confidence of alien labor in the im has come and gone but the Silver Employees will always EL OBRERO (The Workman)
our failures in in this world. There partiality and fair mindedness of economic America. This remember him as one of the greatest characters around fore, am offering you great country, at home and abroad, has always valued the the White House in Washington. We wish him the brightPublicaclón Bilingüe noss as the only remedy and care labor of men regardless of class, creed or color. dollar est political future he could ever hope to enjoy. We hope, for Selfishness, am quite aware worth of work, to the mind of a true American, is not that the members of the United Brotherhood will obtain Nos complacemos en manifes. of the fact that Unselfishness is valued below par; it is worth a dollar, and a dollar is paid full benefits of his visit while those who thought their tar al público, particularmente al not a Gift; but am sure we can now close hoping you for it no matter who performs the work. Secretary position and activities ridiculous will refrain from accept público obrero y a la clase prole will see the advisability poneras Baker announcement that The United States is too great ing any changes in their economic status resulting from taria de esta Provincia, que ya ing from your mind Selfishness, está en la localidad la persona and install in its stead Unseifisna nation to oppress any people is an endorsement of the the representation made by the delegates last Sunday.
attitude of his country in its relations to labor.
The self respecting and honorable Silver employees tensificar entre nosotros, por me dom of our Race.
que habrá de encargarse de in ness, for the Rapid Progress, Consolidation and Economic FreeThe colored people have been asking for the full ad who have become members of the and dio del periódico, la propaganda ministration of America economic policy on the Canal are anxious to express vote of confidence to Governor Socialista en la preciosa lengua Notice to all Resident in Zone. They have not been receiving it in the past, but now Harding and all prominent officials of the Panama Canal en que hablaron Calderón y Emiit has been promised by the Secretary in the presence of and the Panama Railroad Company. These officials have lio Castelar.
Governor Harding and we feel sure that it will come soon. learnt that the West Indians and other Brotherhood memProximamente, pues, aparece.
Every Silver Employee believes that the Governor of the bers are important parts of the human machinery of the rá el programa que habrá de tra MEETING at the Skating Rink There will be BIG MASS Panama Canal has decided to do his very best for all. Panama Canal; and the right treatment of them will never tar EL OBRERO (The Work. Sunday afternoon, at o clock and it is also felt that with the exereise of a strong and fail to evoke their deepest gratitude and sincerest appre man) en su sección castellana que to the interest of all.
manly hand he will succeed in extending to the Negroes ciation.
no dudamos será bien acoido por some of the things they have been so long asking for. Gov The United Brotherhood has already weathered a el público trabajador, a quien irá EDUARDO MORALES, ernor Harding has in him the making of an extraordinary statesman but it is feared that he has been humbugged, stormy night and day is breaking. The vessel will soon especialmente dirigido.
harbor safely and the whole crew shall land in tact. Vox Breaking up Of Christ in the past, by men to whom he looked for an honest pre populi, Vos Dei (The voice of the people is the voice of Colón, Diciembre 13 de 1919.
Church School.
sentation of the economic situation among colored people God) and after months of persistent importunity even on the Canal Zone.
We are pleased to notify the amidst sacrifices of personal interests on the part of sev public, particularly the working who are interested in Christ Parents, guardians and friends Now that the real situation has been indirectly brought eral victimized members, and after years of the most pa public who are the oppressed Church School Colon; as well as home to him the highest confidence in his future policy to tient waiting eyes have seen, ears have heard and it has class of thia province, that there the general public, are hereby expected that misepresentations will be permitted to employees some of the things which jerebics and fair play will undertake to testiły amgne hoole all come more tion Tuesday wards the Silver employees is entertained. It is no longer now entered into the heart of man to give to the silver is in this city the person who reminded that the breaking up exercises in connection with the stand between his ministrations of justice and the colored have long ago provided for them.
people. The Secretary of War has seen the conditions of us through the means of the per evening, the 16th of December: Good bye, Mr, Baker! May your greatness increase riodical. the Socialist propaganda the proceedings beginning at the suffering negroes, and the Governor eyes have been opened. The Negroes have reached the head of the foun. and the brilliance of the country you represent shine more in the beautiful language (Span o clock sherine tain and they need no longer drink fetid water. We feel conspicuously in the firmament of nations. And now, Mr. ish that Calderon and Emilio The Rev. Father Cooper, Rector Governor, we are still here, awaiting your good pleasure Castelar spoke.
of Christ Church By the the greatest degree of certainty that Secretary Baker, like and consideration. We are looking to you for the comfort in our next issue will appear Sea, Co.
lon Beach will preside and sev.
the prophet, has taken the poison out of the pot.
and happiness of our families area in segment that you the propertyrene about the new Spar: partognathene te liberal one.
eral well a wave of contentment has rippled an overwhelming will help us to preserve the morals and integrity of our MAN will treat about in its Spancourse over the whole area of the United Brotherhood of women and girls; we are hoping that you will help us to ish section of which, we have no rich and varied, promising a real Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Labor. kill starvation and keep our men and boys from the prisons; doubt, will be well patronized by intellectual treat to all who aters on the Isthmus consequent on the cordial greeting we are asking you to instruct the bosses and foremen not the working public to whom it is dance Werbeme aleca sieme, retro and Its integrity as a reputable insti. we are here!
which their conditions may be expected. Hurrah, for the to antagonize us. Good bye, Mr. Secretary; Mr. Governor especially dedicated.
sure that none who attend will Colon, Debember 13, 1919. regret having done so. silme ions of orphans lo teach is given in vou Unselfisb Don fail to come.
a rtistes will exercises.

    El ObreroSocialism

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