
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes American Bazaar LA BOCA Soooo Concert at The Hali.
RELIABLE HABERDASHERS sacred concert will be given by The Clid Army 1L La Boile evening at the 2017 this worth while being Padission 21eente al 15 S5o Walk Overi!
The Shide for You Herest Festival Services.
The Heart service pray QUALITY NII Nr. APPEARANCE be put 10 La Boca Literary Society, DIVERSITY OF STYLES, the Lilis 0:00:00 00:00:09 Co the facu der Mrs. Smith Buttersture Hurlineritation Giveis all Mr Siklon taking sota eral Vinted the manne gerile.
Fli Instructive piece of litera Romance of labor by ire AND DURABILITY ARE او BEHIND THE WELL KNOWN WS MARK OF Bu by Mrs Jumandli but wi મ Erriven by WALK OVER The chairm Mr Jump cor Let your next pair of Shoes be 20:00 10. WALK OVERS into the. accorice and Thursday morn EMPIRE The Surplus West Empire Star Lodge 2513 Indian Labor.
There will be a meeting of the above Lodge on Wednesday Dec 17, 1919. Im portant matters to be discussed.
The Problem of diminishing There will be a bigh class secular con on the Isthmus, and which has the Surplus West Indian labor cert at the above Lodge Hall on Satur oft times been brought to our day night Dec. 20th 1919. Tickets on sale at 25ets; members of the Brother attention by our local news hod invited.
papers, was pertinently put to the representatives of the GATUN nited Brotherhood by the Hon.
Newton Baker. Secretary of War, on Sunday when he ac Este out well known all round corded them an interview cricketer was confined at the ne This problem would have been Il spital for the past three woohsretureid solve already had we not ex on the Braint, and suppcted others to solve it for us The tancik laby Ly Do Some think that we shald sit wasio ndani day, and wait the opening is not only wearing el mit receiving this congratulation of work by thes who have of the tiny friends around this vicapital. We do not doubt the whate the Gatun Members efficacy of prayer. but wa be.
rate what a day that will be wlien lieve it should be well se son there will be a second Donald to play with self help.
We have put forth enough prayer, but The Colored occupants are asking the latatie who, thinking he was little effort. Whave been like their quitter will lw painted to the late for a train knelt down in Xings to do when the the road and prayed that God which is hiding snakes and causing saw tallittle ones to turn into their beds would detain the train for him.
Direfote in. will be made low. How tonie instead of praying while run will this complaint le gloring before the erus of our De land foremon thousands who are idle. We can We need capital to enploy the of the painter I Div, vive the poor hard working negro, or silver employee, which get this capital without borror vir suits us, a square deal.
ing a cent. From each of the 15. 000 silver employees, at least Nick the Greek chauffer who makes 00 tinds its way into soineseveral trips or to Colon with our body pockets as, protits every pula is in his fast going motor car month This total of Cicollision with our DQM 75. 000 a month which could be for some day last week he was used to take care of the Surplus made to ten dollars. Don labor, But those who rece Mit straight nat time Vich this large su use it otherwise Willcre we are for Tomorrow its a It is the dut of every silver to easing alter pay day cain don fall posto assist in daming on the day when there is no pows. not into the faltstrain of dollars which tors will be going up in a the pockets of Laamani but tid organized team called York lire la under the capitiney of Marcus Clarke offers of foreigners. Upon wis will hawa all over thu Tathmus stream we could launch ostmi and is very bird to connect with in his cultural schems which will not buline WT was the stronger due the surplus labor to e shit BalCur, Lynton μιμιδο reduce cons, so the others. mens de the high cost of living The to the one stream can be successfully dammel by establishing Co Our commissary and Post the perative stores, ployees surely worked this week especial. Remember that by becoming lv our It Office Employee as there is cooperators you reduce nnn man in that offer the Commis high cost of living assist in sary Employees had things a little better runinishing surplus labor, ani but they still worked hard especially cause wages to rise.
during Wednesdy and STOUTE inge what evervone has to say ito Xmas and it comes once a year, but our Colon.
Postal Employee will say not at Gabun Dec 10, 1919 As every day look to him as Xmas; what do you say Commissarists. Star of Hope Will CeleWell what about those quarters which brate 7th Anniversary.
the M, carpenters were working on bard are they finished as yet the 15th is near at band, what do you say Bachelors at The 7th Anniversary of the are you going to take a room without a Star of Hope Lodge of the Im.
ceiling; why we notice one part has been clied and not that part where you will Odd fellows. London Unity No.
proved Independent Order of be occupying lets say no at one but yet 632, will take place on Snnday remember we want that grass over by the p. in the houses fiye and fifty seven bewed down copia Progress Lodge Room, before Xmas All members representatives are asked to ARMISTICE LODGE be on time, as as they will be a very long program for the evening. Vuvells dispensation, Instal pleasant evening is anticipated, and the members of the Unity officers, and dedicate hall.
are very busy in making prepaOne of the most sublime funerations.
tions in the history of the Mee banic World, came off on Saturday 29th olt.
United Methodist Church at the Armistice Lodge No. 1. U: Precisely at 30 Bro.
Harvest Festival Services will Downer called the meet be held at the above Church ing to order. The funetion being in Panama first, on January 18th of a public nature, the hall which and 19th.
was beautifully decorated to suit Sermons on Sunday and the the occasion, was filled to its Festival on Monday. At the close utmost capacity Iin mediately of these services, Evangelistic the meeting the Chairman addressede ting Meetings will be conducted in tha audience and called upon Misse. side and outside the Church to the Wilson to unveil the Dispensation, week respectively. a brilliant address and the Similar meetings will be held in then unveiled the Disperesstand the other churches of this misamidst great applausis pensation, sion at a later date.
At stage the Grand officers an. Anderson is gradually imThe health of Pastor the Rev.
nounced that they were present proving.
and ready to install the Lodge.
The staff of officers installed to serve for the ensuing term NOTICE.
term are as follows. Bros. Henderson Garabaldi 01 AM Want to know the present ad McCalla Secy; Haye asst: dress or whereabouts of James Secy: Passmore Treas. Spooner. a Barbadian, and Jas. Edwards Charles Gregory, Jamaican, both shoePessoa Simpson Io. makers by trade. Williams Tyler, door Guard; Sutherland Chap; FISHER Kirby P, Prov. Chiriqui. David, The and stand officers here retired of after returned and dedicated the hall to the use of the Armistice Lodge. The ceremonSANTO TOMAS HOSPITAL ies were of a most impressive Notice character, and left their indelible prints behind. Special mention must be made of the choir who First class examination and in their melodious added treatment of all private diseases great deal to the success of the of men and women free at Vene function. Several Lodges were real Clinic, Santo Tomas Hospirepresented and all with one ac tal. Specialist in charge who cord expressed their joyful feel gives personal treatment to each ings and wished the new Lodge cases, Blood examination and success. Refreshments were 606 administration where necesserved and the meeting came to sary.
a close with the singing of the Hours: to a. to and Doxology 17 to p. m, daily except Sundays.
PACIFIC THEATRE Saturday 13th. p.
JIM BRIGGS the 14th inst, at 2p Road.
the Serap Basket The meeting a the is given by Mr. The Prodigal Son This was vir plaints and in deliveredand lot much that for consideration and investisse tion in the shrink of christin life.
Another fine programels been arTanged for Sunday (Dec 11 when Mr.
Panama and Colon. Bllunter of the La Boch Coloured oooooo CO 08 School, will give an address. All nie in vitel to come out. Come early and secure a good rescat, Starts at 30 Sharp of traffic, light up the most dangerous part of the cut at nihts.
RED TANK Yet some more we have a free Board ing House. The Stockade then ask the What was unanimously voted to be R, about the Revenue from this one of the best meetings of the Rod Station.
Txok Literary Society ever beld, came So nint we deserve a little more consi.
ofi in the local clubhouse on Thursday deration? But what do we get in renight, 4th inst. Owing to the rain, the turn? No Road, a box car for Commis.
attendance was not as large as on pro sary in which the manager and saleeman vious occasions. The very interesting over feet are compelled to be always rogramome of songs, speeches, responses in a stooping posture and the Storeman, by quotation and a Carpenter to be able to do the necen kept the audience bright and happy gary repirs.
VS throughout the It was pleasing to see the carncates and interest dis.
The Office must be wondering played by less by the visitors who were given a tinually dropping in. Wel Grape Nu every member present, and no what is happening at Gambon for the way application for quarters are conhearty welcome says there is a reason.
15. ROUNDS. 155 so appreciable was the programme says that it is almost impossible to particular The boys intend to re organize All work to play Good Preliminaries izr, but mention must be made of the local Cricket Club Bong by Mrs, Blanchard, the speech by make Jack a bad boy.
Mr. Clooks on the Future of the Roe.
Mr. Wooley rending on Industry and Prices: 50, 75 and 00 Cy.
Happiness, Mrs. Savage, simply excel led terself in the sole The Rose of The Workman No Man Land The applause by all and the expressions of appreciation and the audience was ample proof of the the literary treat given to the meeting, not only of the songs, but also of the rendition by Mrs. Savage Indeed, the two bodies mentioned, will CHRISTMAS CARDS always be expected to support the musical part of each meeting programme, Sug.
gestions were made for the upkeep of in the association.
FOR PRINTING constitution cominittee for drafting.
rules for the society was appointed. word of praise is certainly due to the Programme Committee, with Mrs. Tas lor as president for the very appreciable programme got up from time to time.
with Mr. Palmer as president, Mr, Thomas as seeretary. Mr, K, large assortment just received at the Manning (secretary of the clubhouse)
and an interesting number of members (all indefatigable) it is safe to predict long life and abundant success for the Red Tank Literary Society.
JOE WALCOTT congratulation from the after the lend interest Xmas Greeting RS WORKMAN PRINTERY GAMBOA Beautiful display that will Meet the taste of everyone strains Our District is getting busy once more with the Iron Workers rushing the Gravel Cranes, the plant will soon be in operation. The rattling sound of their hammer reminds passersby that there is still someone at Gamboa.
Did the other folks ever stop to think that Gambon is the most important section? think not. If so we would not be so forsaken. What if Gambon should cease supplying this half of the Isthmus with drinking water, the whole Isthmus with sand and gravel, the Panama Canal with water to float the ships, inform ships of the condition Secretaries of Locals and Friendy Societies are specially invited to see our stock before placing their orders.


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