
SLX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919 Jamaica Will Join In Big Conference LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN? Shoes Sir Haldon.
Governor been have filled. The spe.
cial desires of as of His Excellency for alent cannt coming magueral son was reached Work reopened naximum hoor day but have however, it is o Anderson, Pable Contractors, well. nown topi Wito have under akan of contracts, an mg th. 19 reconstruction of the bridge over the River Forth, the Carstairs Re: the widening or the Californian Railway.
Will Take Active Part with agenda on subjects to be disTHE HOME OF Grenada Other Islands in Discuss cussed at the Conte:ence in Bar bados next February ing Natters of Interest Drafts on subjects suggested at meeting TO THE WEST INDIES of the Associaud Chumbrit of Smich to Retire.
Commerce of the British West Indies, February, 1920.
Due to Efforts of Jamaica Imperial trade relations with High and Low Cut The Grenada West Indies mentions that Sir Had ton.
Imperial Association: special reference to:Smith, Governor of the Wind.
Delegates Selected (a) Preference granted by the in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet ward Islands, has completed his Mother country and the Colonies tive full years of service in Gr.
a visability of reciprocating by nada, but it is not expected that PROVISIONAL AGENDA granting substantial return pre the Pocket of All He will relinquish the ruins of ferences.
abministration until June next (b) Mutual increase of prefer about wrich time he goes on For the first time in its history under the Reciprocity leave preparatory to rent Jamaica will take an active part ence in discussing with all the British Agreement with Canada on pension. All the same, any Trade relations between Bri West Indies matters of common MULLER way telegram night arrive announcing the appointment of and vital concern to this part of tish West Indies and Venezuela British Empire the new Governor for the Vindwara Consideration of the report Sole Agent Islinds All the likely post in In a few week time it is ex of the Inter Colonial Customs or out of the West Indies which pected that Mr. Phillip Cork, Conference held at Trinidad on CMG late Colonial Secretary the 10th March, 1919, and discus might have been ofered to the of Jamaica and Mr. William Morsions of resolutions to 13 passed 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA rison, will sail from Jamaica to thereat.
an African appointment represent the Jamaica Imperial Consideration of the report Association at the great Confer of the Colonial Office Committee be met and his alternative for ence of the Associated Chain on West Indian shipping and the Straits Settlement appointment has been knocked on the bers of Commerce of British discussion of the question of head, as the post is no long West Indies, to be held in Barba: steamship services, contracts working on the Persevereance vacant.
dos in February, 1920.
and subsidies between: road have struck work and are Mr. Cork will be leaving Eng (a) United Kingdom and West demanding an increase of wages Calidonia Show Rooms Camito on her land by the Indies.
We think that this hats Labour Conference Decides mext voyage to Jamaica. We (b) Canada and West Indies.
brought about by the recent de House No. 20, Calidonia Road learn that he was cabled by the on 48 Hour Week.
cision to raise the pay of Agricul Imperial Association recently. Inter Colonial tural labourers.
Feeling that (Four Blocks from Corner on Right Hand)
the latter request being that Development of commercial they too should have more pay, Washington, November 14ththe should be one of the Associa aviation in the West Indies. the Government labourers seem special Committee of the Intion delegates at the Improvement of telegraphic to be endeavouring to cause their MANUFACTURERS TAILORS AGENTS ternational Libur Conference West Indian Conference. Mr. coin munication, with special re employers to fall in line.
has decided in favour of an Inter Cork has called back saying that ference to the need of establishOrders Taken For national Convention for a 19 hour out Week File decision fa passage to Birbados from ing an all British cable route.
Jamaica can be secured next.
he will MADE TO MEASURE SUITS by it The emigration of labor from Demerara Hintergo to Barbados in najority vol, the Labour the British West Indies and the minu.
land Railway constituting Mr. William Morrison who Deler was desirability of, as far as possible, Also Raw Material per yard from asked to be the other delegate, retaining it within these Colonies.
men are en to have the earum tras aiready Project consented to go 25 and upwards that they Sanitation and prophylaxis Tue passage will be procurable may inake further su 2014. stions either by way of New York or of tropical diseases in its bearing An Attractive Schome Proposed throughout the the sittin of the the American island of St. on the commerce and industries SUITS Made to Order from 17. 25 and upwards Counmittee. They have have sto for Thomas.
of the British West Indies.
The Hon. G. Woolford, one a We learn that the Jamaica Iin. The closer union of the Brit of not so far succeeded in their the Demerara Colonization perial Association is sending to ish West Indies as tending to delegates recently from England, One Third Deposit On All Orders point. Senator Robertson Minis: the West Indian Conference a their commercial development accorded an interview to a press ter of Labour, has how very important resolution on the and prosperity.
on proposed understood, pro question of joint action amongst In addition to the above, it is construction or a hinterland rail Orders Mailed to Customers Address posal to consideration som the British West Indies in mat.
He informed his intar: this proposal the Conventi ters of primary and common con hoped that Sir Francis Watts, way. EDWARDS, Tailor and Cutter would still be on a bourbe cern. Other natters of great Commissioner of the Department viewer that with regard to the but working hours on any indi.
interest to the West Indies will of Agriculture, will deliver an ad railway the present position is vidual day would be limited to also be discussed at this Confer. dress on the formation of a West that the terms for the conces noe, and the ressociated wiha be that Mr. Pavitt, Trade Com have been submitted in draftnt made by the wint the Indian Agricultural College, and sion asked for by the coinnany Christ Church Colon.
bers of Commerce to the several missioner to the West Indies, the Colonial Office and His Excel Governments of the West Indies will address the Chamber on the leney the Governor. The com The Rv. Father Cooper, who returuon the basis of the decisions ar work of his Department, after pany with which am associatwhich discussions will take place ed, said Mr. Woolford, is asking 122 Central Ave. Panama ed a few days ago from his innui vaca.
rived at by the Conference.
on the subjects.
the colony in effect for a lease tion occupied the pulpit of Christ Church Provisional Agenda.
EDGAR TRIPP for 99 years, with a monopoly to on Sunday last, morning and eveni construct railwavs outside of Hon. Secretary, The Hom; of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment perching to a large and appreciative The following is the provisional Georgetown, our main object to construct ta truck line and Prompt Attention.
At the the morning service, just after the announcements were made, Mr. Cinning sent tax interesting News from the were to be applied from Georgetown to the Brazil.
to planters also it would mean jan frontier. We have secured Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of ham, the Catechist, stepped forward and the Brazilian border rights in taxing industry. The average the Arizodas, Representatives (Continued from page addressed the Rector and the congrega PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDImounted by a device including 6d. nett per bax; today it is bring att pre war price of cocoa was tion as follows: of the various states there being CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC. Rev. Father Cooper, members of the Royal Arms in colour with 55. nett locally per bag, at the time in London, which was the initials of bis Majesty the ing Christ Church, and Fellow worshippersWe are asking very fortunate.
Dr. and Mrs. Sharp leave for for no money subsidy. In lien have a very King.
We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
a very pleasing duty to perform. have been deputed by the Ch reh The scrolis will be accoin. St. Andrew to day. Di Arthur theroof we are asking for subBoard and others concerned to say a panied by the following letter is expected to take his place in tantial land grants. We are also word of welcome to our Rector on this from Buckingham Palace over St. George as from this day.
Phone 939 discharging all liability in con O, Box 829, Ancon. his first Sunday with us al er his rotura, the King signature: nection with the cost of the iniBROWNE McALMON That word of welcome has bo put into join with my grateful peo: Dearth of Sugar cost to the colony whatever.
tial survey. that is, without any the form of a brief address which am to PROPRIETORS.
ple in sending you this memoread and present to him on your behalf.
rial of a brave life given for After 99 years it will be open to now proceed to do so. Then turning others in the Great War. the colony to take over the rail to Father Cooper, he read the following Argosy.
There is a dearth of Sugar in way or not.
address in a clear and distinct tone and the colony at present, and in The Personnel of the Company with due deliberation spite of efforts made by traders.
Excess Profits Tax.
Mr. Woolford added that the it is impossible to obtain that comodity from outside. The negotiations are being conducted supplies in Trinidad and Barba by a number of persons who will meeting of local merchants dos are limited to home con form a company, the name of large and Fresh Shipment of Local.
was held yesterday, when it was sumption and those colonies which was not yet fixed. The decided that a deputation should railway was consequence, restricted PANAMA CITY being promoted CLĂRKE BLOOD MIXTURE the Reconstruction and Fee wait on the Governor at 30 to. exportation. This government The members of the above representations on has applied to a tion of Ltd in compLocal who have not yet paid the Excess profils Tux now be supply. but have failed and now with the International Trad. Royal Infant Preservative their entrance fee, of 50 fore the Legislative Council. The prospects are held out of that ing Coy. Ltd. Among the direcU. Cy, in full are urgently merchants contend that, accord. colony being able to help us at tors were Lieut. Colonel the Rt. AND JOTHER PATENT MEDICINES. requested to have said annount ing to the terms of the Bill, they all. Demerara is reaping a new Hon. Lord Willoughby de Broke.
paid before January 1st 1920. as are singled out for special taxa crop but there the cryp is said Messrs. Keiran, Arthur per concession) or they will be tion, otherwise other persons in to be fabulous, being the Hate is also a wealthy and inW. Scott and Wilcox subject to admittance as new other lines who have made for of meinbers with the regulation fee excess profits during the period Sugar. In so far as locally fluential nobleman whose info of 75 Cy.
1918 20 woula have FOUNDED IN 1881 been included manufacture sugar is concerned ence and financial backing would The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
JAMES CLARKE among those liable of taxation, we are afraid that our equire probably be available to the comAs the Bill Stands husbandry or ments cannot be inet from that pany.
Secretary agricultural will be already very limited source.
MANUEL ESPINOSA have come out to the colony specially to be present during Central Avenue, 33 excluded.
JAMES GILL averse to paying any that might take deliberation With the present state of our place with regard to details Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
and fits Tax are invidious and, more finances it is expected that all have been requested by the comover, the retrospective aspect is public works awaiting the for.
mation of a definite plan before purpose of rendering such as to London for the pany to ATTENTION!
constitutional positively objectionable, if not ur.
The merchants being undertaken will be post. sistance as can by reason of so teul that they are not adequate poned indefinitely. This is like such local knowledge 10 When You Lepre From Panama feel dy represented on the Council So ly to be the rate of Electric sess in organizing the commencor along the Line and arrive in that they could make effective Lighting of the town of St. men of the survey and the com: Colon, you will sure to be hungry Frotest in their own behalf, and George: Householders are, how. Pletion of the agreement in com Call at 144, St. at the shink this places them under a ver, making arrangements to don which will no doubt be digndisadvantage. So far as we have have their residences properly ed by the Crown Agents for the been able to gather, it is said that lighted and several of them colony. Solicitors have alrendy REDJ LION RESTAURANT merahunts are in a position to have already booked orders, for been appointed by the company where you will be served with grove that Excess Profit have the Delco. Edison and Jother and are the policitors to the your Real Home Cooking been paid in England on the in lighting plants. Times while the works conscome earned from cocoa e teter; truction will probably be placed PRICES MODERATE.
and do not think that if the pre It is said that the lal ourer in the hands oi Messrs. and RUSSEL Prop.
The Chemical Hall aud ence.
being JUST RECEIVED Notice to Masons have, in charge made Central Drug Store 100lbs Merchants are not pursuits that the terms of the box, but feel Excess.


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