
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1919 PAGE SEVEN sos0X50X500 30 icon The Cascadas Set tlement Scheme.
Sale of British West Indies.
Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes ca in Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as and, in SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE will be of our West TIMORÍNG ESTABLISHMENT pelin Ireland. The try Moneyism Wanted at Once Lee Chong Co.
The following are the particu.
West Indian Paper makes Jars givinithe assignments Commeuts.
to be made Silver Einployees of the Panama Caval. at Las Cas.
Referring to the sale of certain AND West Indian Islands as supuest ed by Lord Rothermore, the TIPINIMA (1 Grenada West Indian of the 7th )9 CASAL ZONE ultino comments thus: Executive Office Grenada is of one the islands marked For Sale by Lord RoBhoa Heigl November 21, 1919 thermere, and a meeting should be bold here to pass a resolution ALL CONCERNED denouncing the proposal As Forth of providing homes one writer puts it, Lord Rother, for silver employers who are temporarily mere is an English peer all overout of work, where they can opport in unfounded fear of banktheir familients nominal exp ne and with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
ruptoy, would sacrifice priceless will not be subject to the general rules jewels in order to keep pp.
in Rintising qarors whinen dearances. That is all well and ployment is terminatel, spinments will good where trinxets, curios me to houses in Lis Cascada and work of art are concerned, under the following conditions: but he has proposed to sell hearts Ahments le nude liv the and souls, and place against the 1) Quintet Pro Miguel debt for American fodstuffs Arpits will be compted at any of even the blood of est. thi Dicti! Cutest offices and diin heroes, both the blood of forward tor District Quartermaster the the quick and the dead.
HESS soos 20:00 o0o oooo:c0:0000 00:38:38So65 6:58X0SC SB bood of those who bled for we til Ditt Quartermaster at edro tablishing on earth the solid fact Miguel пот of popular self determination 21pments will be made in the based on the imperial majesty of following onder thie following described building or port DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS Civilised manhood, here. there To close with milies who of building and of the following Returns To His Old Stand PHILIPS and everywhrre. We say Fle have been lail off within the list six stried not of land, both situnte in or in Lord Rothermere! The West Inmonths and would startoty chear the writy of the village of Las Casas Carl Zone, to the said party of The General Public and friends dies will spit in your face its the second part, under the conditions of Dr Edwards are asked to mark of contempt in this ques tion. The proposal to hand over PINK Crulis and regulations breiter set out take notice that he has removed Guarantees Satisfaction in the colored Britisli subjeets to the and we live is to attoo hercufter promulgated by the form No. 114 Bolivar Street, to chí Quartermaster of the anoma Old Suand. 182. Bolivar it till in the Canal and which are to be considered Sueet. Opposite the oth role of a wickeder Ger cutting and manipulation of Masonic many is an insult to our loyalty Avisamuti will to make in a batthier and addition colitis govern. Temple, and is prepared to treat VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE to Great Britain. Why the there and occupancy the said all diseases, sally those of willing or part of being and plot of Women and children, is he has bejimd at by Ireland! And Thompson whose oupation land by the party of the second part to specialized in these sujets Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats the United States wil then get a in pottura, Istiteit in wit during his recent stay in New Boou base for the war that is this will be inde in netdance York SPECIALTY sure to come, when America with dite of pication for artist Apartment in the building num will be found hel, situate in the village of 14 LADIES SKIRTS COATS greater menace than German Militarism To non employee who are y Cadas, Caloget er with to the peace and here of gricultural land in the pically capable of performing work on 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE happiness of the world, to need vicinity of said village, and which one all the forces of Liberty Justice burstare of land is situate and distilled Twɔl Competent Box 963, Ancon, 18th Street, Central. Beforeignment is made the pas follows: and Righteousness to break an other false god the Dollac plicant will be required to sign form God Almighty.
of revocable license, copy of which is at The one hectare of land herein Trouser Workmen tached assigned to the party of the second part to be promulgated in and for the village Forms of revocable license my shall be fully cultivated and kept under fu cultivation by him, and shall not be Apply to of Las Cascadas.
be obtained from the District QuarteDoe this. day of.
Additional mister at Pedro Miguel, who will se sub let to a third pariy. ALLMAN. 1919, at Las Cascadas, that they ne properly filled out and act of agricultural land, one bretare 132 Bottle Alley Canal Zone witnessed, and copies forwarded to the extent, may be assigned the party of Auditor, the Executive Secretary for the second part upon condition that such COLON.
Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, RK MORRIS Reveral files, and a copy retained for his additional land will be fully cultivated Exporters and Commission Merchants.
Chiei Quartermaster of the and kept under cultivation, at an addi tional rental of fifty cents. 50) United NOTICE Panama Canal, Party of the Assignments will be made to partStates Currency per month. In the First Part, mente selected by the District Quar event of cancellation of the herein license, To whom it may co cern Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: Witnesses trict Quartermaster.
Such Apartments the party of the second part shall not be The Officers and members of the By will contain a minimum of 300 square entitled to reimbur ernent or datonges for Royal King George Lodge No.
feet of floor space, Rental will le or on aceant of any crops or trees with 17. begs to Provisions and Canned Goods.
at the rate of 50 Sc. which the plot or plots of land assigned Party of the Second Part.
per month, per apartment and 50. cor. to end second party may be or may longer a member of said Lodge notify that Israel Cuffy is no South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour. per month for the rental of one have been planted.
and Order, having been expelled The herein license covering both in consequence of acts deroga Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye. Dr. JOHNSON hectare of land. Each Issee must rent and cultivate a minimum of one hectare use and occups. cy of building or Colgate Co.
tory to the Lodge and Order. Octagon soaps SURGEON DENTIST land. Additional land may be secut part of building and one hectare of agri ed at a rental of 50 cents per month per cultural land herein referred to and HENRY SPENCER Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc.
Phone 1003 Address hectare on condition that it will be cul scribed is reveable upon ten (10) days cultural Secretary tivated by the lessce and that it cannt The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co.
Hair Pins.
Ancon, 852 written note to the party of the second be sublet to other persons.
part from the Chief Quartermaster or his Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste Panama Hats All desses will he granted. com representative, the District QuartermasIngersoll mount of ter at Pedro Miguel.
Watches, etc.
misary privileges to the CLEANED and BLOCKED 20. 00 per month. Such privileges will The monthly payment by way of and TRIMMED to Order ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc.
be covered hy special authority cards ROWLINS iesued by the Auditor of The Panama rental, above referred to in the sum of ALSO Begs th notify his old customConal and subject to such conditions as Three Dollars. 00) United States For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us. ers that he has returned from the will be made by him ond approved by Currency, shall be payable monthly in MILLINERY DRESSMAKING on the United States of America, and has taken up his position again Revocable licenses will be grant month, to a representative of the Collec. HOUSE No. 965, La Bcao of HEAD OFFI ed to such businesses as are considered Station in the village of Las Cascadas.
BRANCH OFFICE as Agent for the necessary by the Police Department and 134 140 Bolivar Street Washington Tailoring Co.
62 Central Ave.
will be subject to regulations which will to the extent of twenty dollars. 20. 00 Lessons Given The privilege of making purchases Colon, R, Panama, OF CHICAGO, ILL.
be published later.
United States Currency per month at the on the Clarinet, the leading Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, Samples and styles on hand It is expected thatetrain service Gamhoa Commissary will be granted to Band or Phone 895.
proper fit and workmanship will be discontinued within the next said party of the second part, which pri. Band Instrument.
guaranteed, or money refunded.
year. After the discontinuance of this vilege will be extended by special author. Orchestra furnished for all service communication with the West ity cards to be issued by the Auditor of Price and Quality Can be Beaten kinds of engagements.
side will only be possible by a boat at the Panama Canal and the Chief Quar Postal address: Box 788.
Gamboa, or by road from Miraflores to lermaster and under such rules and NEILSON United Brotherhood Directory Ancon, Pedro Miguel locks, when the military regulations as may be formulated by Clarinetist Republican Band road Areon Phone 1053 WILKINSON Panama Canal Lodge No. 2149, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, CHESTEI. TIARDINO, The apartment oceni St. West, House 37. Panana Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; WilGovernor party of the second part is to CONTRACTOR BUILDER Geo. Henlin, Secretary Treasurer. liams. Secretary Treasurer, Form of revocale good condition and repair at the of and by said party of the second LEGAL NOTICE license attached Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, Victory Lodge No. 2509, Parsiso.
General repairs to the building which are THIS REVOCABLE LICENSE made not confined to any one apartment may in the District Court for Shieldsf Secretary Treasurer.
Panama City, Woodruff. President; Wright, President; Fields, Secretary First Class Workmanship President.
Plans and Specifications Free by and between the Chief Quartermaster be made by the occupants and the cost of The Panama Canal, acting by and un of labour divided in any way satisfactory the Canal Zone, Cristobal Division Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. der the authoriiy, conferred by the Gov. to them, but in the event repairs are not Spence, President; Jones, Cox, President; Callender, Secretary15th Street West House 90 ernor of the Panama Canal, party, of made by the occupants such repairs Eugetta Prince Secretary Treasurer.
Treasurer. Box 411, Panama, the first part, and. party of will be made by the Quartermaster De Vthe second part WITNESSETH partment and cost such repairs will William Prince, Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gamboa.
Civil No. 307. Forsyth, President; Small, Secre Dunn, President; Killing.
That for and in consideration of the be charged to and divided equally among. con party of the the occupants of the building. The To William Prince, the abovetary Treasurer.
fact that beck, Secretary Treasurer.
second part, agrees to perform at least grounds immediately adjacent to.
Success Lodge No. 2502, Gatun. Liberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank.
twenty days labor for The Panama apartment occupied by the party of the named defendant: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, Rayside, President; Bracey, Secre Clarke, President; Taylor, Canal or the Panama Railroad Company second part and allotted to bim by the tary Treasurer Secretary Treasurer.
during each of any four months of any District Quartermaster at Pedro Miguel, That on date of November 17, Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, Panabe kept clear of vegeta 1919 named plaintiff. total of at least eight elion and otherwise maintained in gani kiled in this court an suit against ma City. Collins, Presldent; Henry Wn, Stouto, President; Headley: EYES EXAMINED one year, or a Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, second party may be called condition, as directed by the Health for the Annulment of Mar. Spencer, Secretary Treasurer.
Secretary. Treasurer.
GLASSES PRESCRIBED Panama Canal or the Panama Railroad Department.
Aurora Lodge No. 2604, Papama Company to do so and for which labour The plot of agricultural land or Now, Therefore, unless you Panama City. Buckley, President; Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panama Perfect fair and near vision in the party of the second part is to be hands hari ined to the tear to y he second appear at a Session of said Court Day, Secretary Treasurer: Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, one pair of glasses.
pay appart be designated by Panama to be Atlantic Pacifie Lodge No. 2505, Pan Secretary Treasurer.
plicable to the class of labour performed Canal representative stationed in the o clock, Thursday, Jan. ama City. Humphrey, President If you do not need glasses we. and be Howard Severs Lodge No. 2515, Clon.
will tell you so frankly.
further consideration of the monthly monumented in a way suitable to said uary 25, 1920, and answer the Manley, Secretary Treasurer. Jones, Secretary Treasurer. We offer best Optical Service complaint in said suit, judgment payment by the party of the second Panama Canal representative by and at will be taken against you by Evergreen Lodge No, 2506, Paesma Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama. Alf. Office. 182 Bolivar Street, part to the Panama Canal of the sum of the expense of the party of the second default, and the relief prayed for City. Headley, President; Nelson, President; Wm. Irving, SecreCOLON Three Dollars (83. 00) United States Cur part.
in same will be granted.
Miller, Secretary Treskurer.
rency, The Panama Canal, party of the The party of the second part shall first part, grants the use and occupancy, faithfully observe the sanitary and police SGD. CHEATHAM, Progressive Lodge, No. 2507. Colon, Colon Advance (New Lodge) Colon! Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge Scott, President; Caterson, Secunder the herein revocable license, of rules and regulations now in force and Asst. Clerk of Court.
le tary Treasurer Gunter, Secretary Treasurer.
charged at the uso Important Notice me, open for traffic them.
Panama Optical Co.
shall days labor. when the said tary called upon by the you of


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