p. 8


very Rousseau The Mystery King The stupendous Universali che non in ting er den mest et dans les prestacions was taken ELMO DE MIGHTY ale Un 11 Advertise mott Workman Cricket.
38 SSC 230. 00 900 900 SCXoxocs Brotherhood News Epire Star Lodge No.
COLON (Continued from Page 1)
At the first regular monthly Last Sunday before a fair sized crowd SATURDAY DECEMBER 13th, 1919 unty is strength, so therefore meeting of the Empire Star the BGCC Botsvere thrashing let us be No. on at the hands of the Standard cracks men. Wishing all loonis success, ht of the 4th inst, some JIM BRIGGS. VS. JOE WALCOTT During the Week They was an ideal one for creat Yours fraternally.
ortant and interesting busiand the wicket was in plendid condi GEORGE ness transactions were dispensed.
tion. Gwon the toss and sent 15 Minute Rounds Among other topics, provision Teacher Thomas Standard to the bat.
Journal Agent Beginning Monday 15th was made to partially aid our and Tom Burton, the two veterans of Sunday 14 employed members, which the team went to the wicket first, and Perfection Lodge No. 2522. aturally a move in the right when the score was only Burton was diction considering the pres.
caught at mid off Smith took his high cost of living al.
lace, but was sent back to the pavil.
above named Local was held on No a very few of the members con without scoring llart now filled December and at their Lodge of his local are unemployed and the vacancy, and the stand of the day Beginning Monday Serial Hall. made when he joined Teach.
large attendance of con equently unti nancial.
These two batsmen carried the score and during the rest of the week the members were present and much important business was transact. Our nexs, meeting night is from up to 50 when Hart not long oil. Immediately after, Teach great Un versal Serial ed to the best interest of all the sheduled for Wednesday the fo vietint the same bowler. Both sisters; we had the honor of hav 17th inst. when a full house is balsmen had played a good innings and ELMO DE MIGHTY.
ing Bros. Collins, Tompin, anticipated as rery important E Manley and others, each of Ders ve asked t) beri matters will be discussed. Mendedin inking the sting out of soio CXOOX90cos 20 which the bowlers. Many bowlere were tried os: S:38::5 Un a very instruc by but well did Meade Julien tive address and wished usfall to the voluntary common sind lind play that the total reached toward the Stoute Contribu.
prosperity possible We now take the opporsunity tiou Fund 12 furetle inimesele Foobil Cub hal thrin Dr. LOWE, Siiver Employees Associa to thank th Brothers for the in ARE this ter at they manifestd. GABRIEL un tie wickets and within wirket 00:canal Zone, The meeting was brought to a Jurnal Agent.
infor rits, it did not seem as L, Edin.
close at 10 they could reach but thanks to al 139 CENTRAL AVENUE Del 1919 TO ALL CO CERNED.
Dont tett next meeting by Ol ollard PANAMA CITY Today in the wall the eventually teache!
on Demon 15th, and learn the Lily of the Isthmus Louse For Stan meeting of the old Board of result of our concert.
No. 2503 and Thomas Fllart 16.
and beweticiden ett be. Directors the Sir Office Hhurs: 30 a. p. ing luni. Da se non will be com NEWTOX Monde 11. Julien 12, linds 10, Journal Ant p. p. tind the Limaria vened at La Boca on Saturday FB Poland 2nd Rowland Trul tonled on the other thier or the lo har et fir sumarle, Barang cao, Box 798 Phones: Residence 1002 Ball, the Base Bail and now we can increasing in the purpose of making tinal settle. Empire Star Lodge No on the instant the abovenind local was held We find the tiilit tried the ment of this of said AS turing Wheets for run Ancon, 2513. Table comment Microll for 33 Tor BGJ.
All members are asked Foot Ball Allere captured for 300 to be on time at the usnal bour.
Im with our est. md lei.
dent Bro. Bridge in the This last Club has been am 30 On Sunday afternoon the chair Vincentians Whip Pedro Tragic Death of boots members The stand ord Respectfully Ladies Auxillery of the Empire Miguel There was a good attendance Club and will be CHARLES STEVENSON. Star Lodge No. 2513 will begin of members and all were anxo (Continued from Page Last Sunday at Bishop Follow the proper working order at the augurated Standard Oval is often as possi It is hoped that the Ladies on the organizition abt which Views defeated the Pedro Miguel being in a game that was filled with ex. morning, he heard that the night ble: a Special meetins held on the the st Bink will make it pos there was no disappointment.
Winning the toe man was killed.
night of the 10th ist nominate sible to attend and so make the After a report from the Presi.
the licentists decided to lat, and Walter Shearer, acting con. the following men to be its on merting and the Auxilary Badest had been restant som by careful playing thony put up a total ductor of train No Kave evid. cers. DFEwe President.
Success Tuninst the strong bowling ence, as also Bryan, a cussion on same, the installat Those entitled to Membership of officers for the new year Dr. Fordes Vice President.
of the Black man brothers. Reiland brakesman. Agard, Treasurer. Jen IN THE are the Wives, Sisters, Mothers proceeded with by BAIT, Pinder. After the usual recesc Peiro Without retiring the jury came Secretary and Daughters of the Brethren Limbert Past President Mix went to the but, and many were to a verdict that deceased thet The following will comprise of the United Brotherhood. installed officers were the fol the lets that were wagired thit the death accidentally by being the playing unit Forde, The Meeting will convene in lowing Bro. A. Bridge Presi.
score would be wiped off with five crushed by engine No. 40 for Captain; the Lodge Hall. Time 330 pm. dent. Motley Vice Prestart; Wiles Advisor: wiekets and so vigorously did Black wh. Forde, John, HG HEADLEY Reynolds Financial Seey.
an open his ironings that it reals which no one is criminally res. Drayton, Philips, Hubert. Hinds. IT PAYS Financial Secty.
Treas, A Gibson, Journal looked true. But they ruted without His Honour thanked jury BarkerS Year Agent Cook. Chaplain.
Pierre, as we wonlod so ll that all for their very patient heating wood, Skinner, Hutchinson Per Migud fell for For Vincen and discharged them at some Ied Reid, Conductor: Dis Warden; Morris and Wilson Aurora Del Istmo No. 2520. McDonald, Outer Sentinel, tans. Lwand made runs Pierre time nearing o clock.
This list is for men British Consulate Notice.
and Samuel bership, and all interested West Logan, Inner Sentinel.
11 For Pedro Indians who love clean sports All members of this Loige are through matters of vital imorMiguel, Jas. Blackman 24, was the only The installation being gone coulle igre some of his side. Pienc hereby invited to attend a very tance were discussed in to AVISO.
must avail themselves of the op The British Consulate at Colon important meeting on Saturday the satisfaction of all present.
took wickets for 13 runs, portunity by becoming members, would be glad of information re December 13th, at 30 at La Boca Crashes Yorkshire. Se invita a todos los miembros invat helpful of exercises that tive of Jamaica, who was for Street and Ancon Avenue, Foot Ball is about one of the carding one Cyril Absalom, a na Mr. Grant school hall. corner the meeting was then brought del gremio Aurora del Istmo No man could indulge in, and those some time resident in Colon.
to close Al Isthmian Park the Yorkshire The late attendance of em.
just crumpled up before the La Boca 2323, a un miten que tendrá Members who have not vet for the insignificant score of 32 lugar el 13 de Diciembre del pre who are familiar with it need no meetings is baci paid their quarterly dues are of the local as muca pre invitation. The present Batting first La Boca put up a sente año, a las 30 pm. en el be seen in action almost every af once more warned to come across tol 112 runs thatıks to the poor feled na Avenida Ancón El agent fro 4. 30 to Dr. GONNELL salón escolar de la calle J, ternoon at the Standard Oval with the 75, if it is true that time is titkou for their ad mittanc There is no rest of Yorkshire. Out of this total Seals Deriodista se encontrará abajo a SURGEON DENTIST they consider themselves as or why why members ganized laborers and if they made 39. Bubb 32 and Eastman 13. The cannot be on Lin lo only man on the Yorkshire side who fin de indicarle a los socios really want that the MWE 30. as the majority are of their jobs at o clock a escuchar FITZ BOWEN and be found at 175 de made double figures was Brathwaite, gar reunión. Venid a RS. Laleviate their deplorable We hereby impress on them conditions.
who made 15 Yorkshire has radly diap la voz de la justicia y el trato que the necessity of attending early to call the attention of Central Avenue pointed its numerous supporters, for merecemos los obreros del Roll THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR the Secretaries of the various ried far into the night.
so that the meeting bentuk from being an expected Cupholder, she de Plata de la Zona del Canal y 28 November Street, San Miguel al mismo tiempo se les invita a Hou je 20 is now a tail ender, Opposite Station English Locals having Spanish Members, although they can la celebración de nuestra Caita GERALD GIBSON, Games For To morrow Constitucional, que se verificará understand, speak and write Journal Agent.
Jamaica vs Pedro Miguel at Isthmian el 21 del presente (tercer domin English to transfer them as soon ark.
COS de asistir que les as possible to our lodge.
Pie wick vs Vincentian at Standard conviene puas en est reanión se We are very much in need of Unique Lodge No. 2514 Oval informarán de nuevos asuntos y some more active element. regular meeting of the above Britannic vs Standard at Bishop es indispensable el que se ente.
CONSTANTINO MONTERO, nained Lolge was held on Wed.
Hollows ren personalmente de lo que ocuSec Treasurer nesday night, Dec. 10. for the Surrey vs British Guiana at rre. Es lo único que por ahora purpose of installing officers.
tengo que decirles.
Meeting was declared open at LUIS BATISTA, FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Victor Collins Lodge No.
Invincible Lodge No. 2518 m, by the presiding oflicer 2503.
Presidente, The members of this local are Brou Bro. Geo.
Toppin. After going JAMAICA There will be a meeting of the NICOLAS PEREZ, asked to bear in mind the grand through the tirst part of our Will leave CRISTOBAL, am and BALBOA at Noon, SATURDAY above named Lodge on Monday variety concert, which will be meeting, Organizer Carter Aġente periodista night 15th inst. and members 13th DECEMBER, 1919, for held to night (Saturday Decem being present was then called are urgently requested to attend BUENAVENTURA ber 13) at the West Indian Red upon to perform the installation as business of importance will Panama Baptist Bee Club Cross Hall, Calidonia Bridge in ceremonies which he did in a come before the meeting.
Cantata. CAUCA aid of Perfection Lodge (Women most impressive manner Members are again reminded Locah. We want every mem officers installed are as follows: will leave CRISTOBAL, a, m, and BALBOA at Noon, MONDAY, 15th Jackmil, Past Presi that paying of dues is not all his appearance ber to put in his DECEMBER, 1919, for Allman that is is required of thein: attend There will be held at the Pa.
and make the concert a financial dent (re elected. Tumaco Esmeraldas. Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil ing in eeting is equally important ata Baptist Church. GuachaJ. Trotman. Vice success. Our sisters need help President; as it is the only legitimate chanwali, by the Bee Club of the and it is our duty to help them. President Geo. Toppin, Finan: nel from which members can Church, a cantata entitled The S, ORIANA first class musical treat is in cial Secretary: Neblett, Rebecome conversant with all Carpenter of Nazareth on Will leave CRISTOBAL, TUESDAY, 16th DECEMBER, 1919, for store for all who attend. Price cording Secretary: Forde.
matters affecting the Brother 16th, inst at 30 Now and of ticket: 25 cents Journal Agent; Chas Car ni.
shen appears a cantata that proNEW YORK. and UNITED KINGDOM The next general meeting of chael, Warden; Stinlard, The President will sound the phesies perennial interest.
the Invincible Lodge will take Conductor; Alleyne Caplin; gavel at 30 and members are the case with The Carpenter ORTEGA pluce on Wednesday night next, Gibbons, Inner ntinel; expected to be in their places of Nazareth. It is an inspiration will leave CRISTOBAL at a, mand BALBOA at Noon, SATURDAY, December 17, at St. Anthony Moore, Oater Sentinel.
when it is sounded. work that will inspire people were duly 20th DECEMBER, 1919. for HUSBANDS who sing it, as well as those who importance will be discussed, installed, Bru. Carter then guva PERU and CHILE.
Journal Agentear it. The music is exceedingly and all are urged to attend.
a very brilliant address, in which tuneful and of a charater that GUATEMALA We must again call attention he impressed as the minds ich to the fact that the Invincible the members that they should Special Meeting amatuers as well as professionals ill enjoy to the full. It is orwill leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon, TUESDAY Lodge was organized especially stick together and never give hestrated. very cordial invita 23rd DECEMBER, 1919, for for men working in the Utility way irrespective of what may be The Shoemakers Association ton is extended to every body. Guayaquil, Paita, Eten, Pacasınayo, Salaverry, Callao, Cerro Azul, Pisco, Gangs of the Quartermaster Der in opposition against us. This of Colon will hold a special meet Lomas, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique. Antofagasta, Chafaral, partments of Aucon, Balboa and was followed by an address from Balboa Heights. Up to Coquimbo and VALPARAISO.
Bro. the pres.
ing on Monday Dec. i5th at 30 on the premises of Mr. Gre. Subscription Fund or ent time the gardeners have not Skeete and others. Bro. AM.
goire Mana at the corner of 11th. VICTORIA come over to us, and we take man. Presidenttien thanked Wm. Stoute.
this opportunity to acquaint and members for the able way Bro. Carter through the officers and Streets.
will leave CRISTOBAL, WEDNESDAY 24th DECEMBER, 1919, for them that they must local reconeys in which he performed the care All shoemakers are cordially UNITED KINGDOM from they invited as the meeting promises NAME AMOUNT the Inyincible nonies.
to be very interesting. Besides For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at Lodge not later than January 21, Moxbers of the Unique Lodge the first reading of the bye laws Exploited Worker 00 submitted by the Committee ap1920, or we will not be able to will meet at St. Anthony Aalt, Workman Printe y 00 CRISTOBAL handle any grievance that may Calidonia, Road, at pm.
on pointed to frame them, some very Campbell 00 or to the Pacific Steam, Navigation Company, present itself for their benefit Saturday the 20th inst. instead important matters will be dis 50 No fee is charged for the trans of Chrisrmas Eve the 24th Dae.
cussed. All communite a tions Frijoles 00 PANAMA ter Please be in time, as business of should be addressed 10 8x1 Ch. Brown 00 importance will be transacted, vester (Secty. Box 851 Cristóbal Cooke 50 or ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agouls: THE TOTAL VAIL STEAN PACKET Co. Panama MORRIS, P, FORD, 0, H. Shields 00 Journal Agent.
Journal Agente ersat. qui bes reu No dejen Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
the hood Such may be in,


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