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VOL. No. 20.
CAPTAIN OF SAD ACCIDENT NEW ZEALAND AT BALBOA LABOR MEN BARRED FROM LANDING. et unfortunate vesterday Te 18 Buba Iram Trill او او اول Wit forloan werin Pricisely MrJS walls men, was mitten on the Serers said Was Receives Members of the One Man Drowned and West Indian Committee Four others Injured. Is given Royal Reception at a onlar last 15th in Brotherhood Officials Forbidden the cranial plain of II. Panama City. Zaland received the fol mornin to Land at Colon.
Wintembers of the Wit when On Wednesday last the first way to the city of Panama Imbard his in Piarisinin dan Commit of this city on Qurry Heights topold The New York times of the sprm He said he had an arca steamer of the Black Sur Line mediately and potation consistik Bilbon DF L hurt salvage Diston endins. contains the following ment on the voyag. from New Steamshi Corporation, soon to be of Messrs Carl Elliott President Thik man of the Committee: Ito known as the Frederick Down of the Wind Red 1, Carrinh; this 110 luni at Cristobal Some Weeks never becue an American citi Dr portavent the refusal to allow York with a passenger whom he Stern was mussrs Severs and Spair to criticized for saving an glid. jas but at present tearing the Harmoni Proprietor of the beso Jahison Scene name of the SS. Yarmouth, was Workman Printers. Sand zen. This man with two friends docked at per So. 10 Cristo CA Harris Roberts at Quan Het hul Canal Zone, it thout 11 of the West Indian Trdiner RAFVxtenscale Mears to gather kinned for the a Porn Tom Wall. Hinzi. Howard Severs, assistant to complained to officials at colon, Isa risult of the unfortunate the resident of the nited Bro. he added a The vessel carries ton to recive the builway et Bokani inai) SOUZ!
Was therhood of Maintenance of War aptain ai 1130 a the drowned on cut his broken Employees and Railway Shop assume that strong feeling nage and has a length of two hun. On the arrival of the train the hourappointed for the reception and others suffered minor Lubprers, and Anthony Spain, existed be consinued Because credand twenty teet. She brought to this country first classmittee met and Wome which was arring the Brit. injuries. It is sai that there organizer for that Union Torganized laborers, skilled and Cockburn who was ish Lacation, the Committedr. budy of the drowned man was returned to New York on the semi skilled workers in maintedeck passengers from the nited accompanied by Seyfried alongside of the ship and only one after the trainieri Fruit slemuslip Tiviles the ance of way departm. nts of railStates and Jamaica moiscended the Gmwv where was ruined from on the sea and vesterday, and declared that be road roads and and waterways. When we The Frederick Douglas isi ACL at Colon After the they found Cap un Luxeit an it is presumed that the truck cause they were labor men they were ordered not to land at Color neat ship and the passenger a customary shaking of hands some of his officers awaiting was resting on his body had been barred from landing at we protested on the ground that commodation is excellent. In the the Captain led by the deputation thum The Captain greeted and Colon and at Port Limon in Costa we were American Citizens, and saloon the life sin photograph of left the train By this time a welcomed each member of the Dr. Lowe leaves for Interior Rica demanded a Mr. Marcus Garve adorns the hike crowd had gathered outside committee as he stepped from La reason be given we the rails and occupied every space the yung was on the deck, and his patrons that he leaves Pana Canal Zone prevented them leav. mit to land or an exulanation.
Dr. E we begs to notify were told representatives of Gov. nited States oficials in the ernor Harding would bring a per The crew consists. colored of vantax to catch a glimpse as after it omcers and seamen wh the ox iwy shouted, of the first Negro Lieut. Commander Boyle with short vacation and that Di it was feared they would few words of welcome ma today for the interior for at the ship, they said, because explanation was made.
ception of the Chief Officer and Captain to navigate a ship across the Chief Gunner Anderson will act for him dissatisfaction create After the Government officials Chief Engineer who are Englis the Atlantio. Su dense was the showed them over the different among Negro crowd that it was with much parts of the cruiser his absence.
workers on the Isthmus. Appa left the Tivives. military police.
same Captain Cockburn, a Vogo dificulty the Captain and party, managed to reach a motor (ar government. As hat the position to mus British Consulate Notice the contabien guten was ered by the previene usationed on the pier to landing. We asked and native of the Bahamas is in command of the ship and main which was a waiting them, amid that the committee saw but one The British Consulate in this result. Severs and Spair suid, vermission to take exercise on tains the most cordial relations shouts on very hand of in. of the most interesting sichts, City would like to know of the they had been virtual prisoners shore, but the request was refused.
with his crew Captain. God Bless You Truly was a piece of lit iron ten whereabouts of Mrs. EH Eon and the vessel for the enit was a scene never to bilo gor inches thick and about mches Jons in connection with Arme tile round trip Find thip When we reached Limon otti.
The captain was born in Nassau ten in cireumference which The Brotherhood ofticers carcials told us we could not expect in 1577, and the lure of the seas struck and knowledgean out of ried passports signed by Robert to land after the action taken by placed him on the SS Rich As soon as the motor car was a larve protecting plate of on in those parts Lansing Secretary of State, and the oficials at Colon. We serta commanded by captam reihedthe captain and pay the guns by a German stelldur sentimeter sene bade good credentials from Samuel Gomp petition to San Jose the Capital.
Lobb where he recented mistic row off to the West Indian Red ing the memorable battle of the be to the most courteous set of cas bad of the American asking tions from Instructor Dilloin Cross Hall where refreshments coast of Jatland.
Federation to cross the Captain Cockburn pissed his bad been prepared. Here castain were then taken to the uncoo sailed in a foreign country, ation of Labor; and from country to Punta Arenas, on The visitor British Naval Officers that ever congressman. C. Hutchinson, Pacitic coast to take ship there Ca examination second mate in wkburn was again boseiged by and shown the large 12 inch guns England in 1900 and as Mate in another huge crowd of well wish and the inanner of their opera. The following letter accon. New Jersey. Mr.
and Senator Walter Edge ol for Francisco. This also was refused, our case Jamaica. 11. in 1903 Her ore and ardent support taken up orters of the tion. It was indeed an object panied handsome souvenirs sent Colonel Chester Harding, Gover at siterwards passed its mitte in Black Star Line Who wonll lesson 10 watch the operation to the captain, and ofticers of nor of the Canal Zone, issued the lawyer, the Soua receive England in 1904, and its master in not be satistid till they had all the breech was opened with the the slip by the Committee: order preventing them from from the Provisional Present shaken hands with the Captain Amatest ease and the December 17th 1919 at Colon, and Aguilar saying he wad been notifie to For several vers Captain or at least had a glimpse of him munt of the shell from the am Licut. Commander Boyle.
Cockburn has been serving as and needless to say they all had munition room at the bottom of II. New Zealand, of Costa Rica, stopped them at could not let us land in Costa the ship to the mouth of the guu Port Limon male or the high seas and doing their desires satisfied Rica. Both the labor oficials said Cristobal (2 the late war was in command of Leaving the dining hall the and the quick manner of placing Dear Sir. The undertigned, represent.
Immigration inspectors who they proposed to protest against the Frederick Douglas in the party repaired upstairs to the au and ramining them in position Elder Dumpster Steamship Com ditorium where it was arranged was something never to be for. ing the British West Indian Comic boarded the ship at Quarantine their treatment through the upang trading out of England to for Captain Ciekburn to address gotten. These big guns are cap of Panama begs to forward herewith 107 Vesterday examined the papers proper legal channels.
passports, and allowed the the Chief Guder the accom Union officials to land, as they at the War Department said to Washington, Dec. Officials the West Coast of Africa. Re the large crowd. It was not able of firing shells weighing you cently the captain decided to res until after a stirring appeal by over 250 pounds every minute, manting tokens of remembrance, as a were quite in order.
night no word had been received tire from active sea life and settle Mr. Toppin that the heated en. The committee were next shown mark of appreciation for the very courdow bras a landsman, but the call thusiast of the vast crowd sub the smaller rapid firing suns and the Commites were received Ly you and ed Nov. to take up the grievan. ing his reported refusal to per and hospitable manner in which The labor representatives sail. from Governor Harding concernof Marcus Garvey for a Negro sided.
were privileged to see to captain the Frederick Doug one of the modern periscope your brother officers on board the New Ces of organized. Canal Zone em mit American Federation of La.
las stirred the old fire in the old Mr. Seyinour then opened the They also saw som. pompom Zealand on Monday, 15th inst, at Balployees. Their Brotherhood, they bor to land in the Canal Zone.
said, has fire the seaman and he volun proceedings with the well known guns which are used as anti air. boa Federation officers said Frank teered at a pubiic meling in the Ethiopia the Land of our eraft guns for low tiring airships. Owing to the fact that the Secretary of headquarters at 27 Putman Ave.
Morrison, the Secretary, had nue, Detroit.
New York when the gathering sung by the large audience after were shown from Fathers was heartily In other words the committee the Committee is at present out of town protested to Commissioner of lurret to, we could not get the name of the chief Mr. Severs said he organized lumigration Caminetti. we said was in doubt its to whether colored inan could be found which in his customary jovial foundation stone on the ship, guoper engraved on his gift and we ask 9, 000 out of 14, 000 workers in the protest would be unsucre till the pisce.
but business like mariner he is including the tine and comfort you to express our regret to him for the Canal Zone during a visit last shortly.
troduced Captain Cockbur.
able quarters occupied by Ad this omission.
Captain Cockburn is a mano of ready conversation and wide greeted, and it was quite a Cn rising the Captain was lusti. miral and Lady Jellicoe.
In forwarding these gifts to you genBROTHERHOOD After seeing all the interesting tlemen, the Committee asks you not to NEWS experience. He says that his rac is one to be proud knowned me; tion abated and he was able to were next invited into the of the feelings of the donors which prompt few minutes before the acclama perts of the ship the committee consider the intrinsic values of some. ut tioned his personal aipowledge to speak. The Cantzin begar bw cers most where they were met od the gift, and hope that you gentlemen mates holding English certitiwaling the great pleasure it wave by some of jolliest and happiest Committee in Panams.
colored captains always remember West Indian Happenings of the Various Locals cates and serving in the Elder bint to be presentacioning them set of Officers that ever came to Dempster Steamship Company thathenonin was especialiste de sua pres the Isthmus. Each member o? We regret our inability to send each Invincible Lodge No. 2513 concert in the very near future.
honour conferred upon Place and date of concert will The largest gathering of memrington, a native of Barbados, and hie Black instein Line intestube as individual officer in an inter brance brat we He spoke of Captain Walter Car him in bringing the tirst shibor the committee was engaged by officer an individual token of rememnassured that the hos bers since the month of Septem probably be announced in the brother of the Carrington; bor of Colon and actualig inte esting chat for about 20 minutes pitable treatment accorded us on board ber turned out on Wednesday next issue of the WORKMAN.
of this city, Lynch Xso a native of Barbados their viens mize the SS Yar. toast to the King health was our respective colonies whenever your the Invincible Lodge met for its the Benediction and the Presi!
at the conclusion of which a will be reciprocated by our home folks in night last, December 17 when tions, the Chaplain pronounced Captain Cheathan a native of mouth in which is soon to be re drunk, then that of. Admiral ship arrives in port at the islands intend. last regular meeting for the year dent declared the Lodge closed also a son of the Isle of springen Las of the Black Star Line Steam Leggett and his officers Jamaica, and Master Jackson christened the Frederick Doug Jellicoe. and then that of Captained to be visited during its cruise in West 1919 esteemed President, Bro. January 7, 1920.
and Indian waters.
at 11 until Wednesday, Our crew. Dr.
The Captain said that he knew Lowe, Chair The Committee wish you, your brother James Corbin sounded the where to put hand on most of my ship, which is the first of a man of the Convee, in aer Zealand, Bon Voyage, a Happy Christ house to order. After the open get their obligations toward the The members of the Invincifeet of few officers and the entire crew of the New gavel at 40 and called the to ships ble. appropriate Lodge are asked not to for these skippers all of whom arenin ped, operated and manned by thanked commander Boyle and mas and a prosperous New Year; and ing formalities had been conclud family of our unfortunate Past the services of the Elder Demp Negroes for it was to be a huge all the officers and mombers of sinceаely hope a safe return of each an ensed. Never in the history of Panama the benefit of the Negro raceship for the kind and hearty ber of the crew to his home and the, Our Financial Secretary read President, who met with such a bnsiness enterprise operated for the some very important communi was there such welcome which they had accorded arms of his now distant loved ones, lamentable accident on Wednesqutions, which occasioned lengthy day last. Let us express our and excitement manifested Continuing Captain Cockburn that the different colonies of the the committee and assured them discussions, but finally were set sympathy in a tangible form and among the Negro Race, than on Yours very truly, tled to the satisfaction of all the not only by mere words.
Thursday morning when it was stated that it gave him great West Indies would certainly ree members present.
The West Indian Committee, MORRIS, flashed across the wire from pleasure to be Captain of the ship ciprocate the hospitality shown Plans for the financial upliftGatun that Captain Cockburk of not that it was the first skip he the West Indian Committee wher By FELIX LOWE. ing of our lodge were set on foot the Blaek Star Line was on his (Contiuned on Page 8) the New Zealan visited the IsChaira, one of which is the holding of al 1907 a great enthusiasm solely.
We have the bonor to. Continued on page 8)


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