
COM PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1919 Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Preparing for Tourists The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the doctor testimony INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION th tor Soweit spacious TOS the ves Mr. Washington Harper was on Thudiyleed teine poor What is Being Done at the throughout from the ground 11 or to the topmost storey. The Law Guardianship rendeva Myrtle Bank Hotel for place has been throughly reno.
Owned By cael by dat MEFNA vated.
Visitors from Abroad Cla rmolite: HIS number of expert assistants THEN TIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, NY. DMNA Bolin.
are coming from Boston to Jana at my then NEW ATTRACTIONS uca, not to take the place of the ofth Chairn. in Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
local assistants, but to supple.
Hostel Can Claim to be in the services of these and to Tide un ocurd on Talis look after the Titeltill Hotel of Haryt. the One of the Finest in which ons on Jingaryd. An The West Indies Bars alder MHW Ane can barh and laciv ma. Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Keting strong carit haur ad arrived for and Mrs Roof Bonets. Myrtl Bank IMPROVEMENTS MADE It is a matter of gritation to Official Depository of the Republic of Pa jama on Wednesday afternoon, the people in this country to kn Cermins being interrel This issue of the that visitors coming here from St Thon Carch Or svo DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CA VAL Cubi and other countri ats extenleite Tiden we do it a skin the mistammentary mily bine tourist som betale language the rains and DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD bus preparing for it. The stores the Mirt Bank Hotel Th Virant Pro terwars of our cut it in this Thuse persons Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches ing visitors. The cabinet are iery few equalit Kiti permiso il ero. Wen lantation St glerulis speculating on the pione who is now the Washington Hotel this Institution fers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Jis, on the fares. And in Colon must of cours spain Tie Miss Bidants erbjices in the thought highly of its appointments. Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
that Jamaican became a tour it has no gardens, nor is its sit: special prizes in this the tion to beared to the Myrtle tank Hot occurs. And INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Element School for noud me than once the thongshitavana is much bright clothing mid tron fun acks.
is er city thinking stonen Nog nam bo for many a long war, ki His Exceleny the Governor biri bilan for the coming son cannt any rati borist that und from ing. it possess on the time Lists will not only hotel than any which wanita here on Wednesday morning with the 1ritisi silva to this but all provided for its own people and the captain and crew or the John coin and silver belief this ready coming. The Coronado for tourists. Bradley, which was sunk at Calidonia Show Rooms island excep:under license which arrived liere on Wednes. We understand that arrange set while on her way from Sid das foren en brought the auments are being made by the ney to Newfoundland. They are: House No. 20, Calidonia Road vance gourd of these English ni Myrtle Banis Management for Edward Hague: Capt) Witam Trinidad Simia, who un certain to find a special balls and such like enliv Browne, wat John White (Four Bois from Corner on Right Hand)
hearty welcome here ening functions during the ancos. and Thomas Russel, Luyai nie the Myrtle proaching Christmas New Distillery, season Russell ani Arth Sherd MANUFACTURERS TAILORS AGENTS Band Hotel has been taking time. These will be thronged by local sam, who are being cared for by the forutoek and putting the people, both from the country by the Admiral Grant Salors. Orders Taken For To be Installed at Waterloo hotel in excellent condition for districts and from Kingston, who Rest.
the expected guests, Consider regard a reunion at the Myrtle The story of the sinking of the MADE TO MEASURE SUITS There will shortly be installed, been Barnet Hotel is one of thoscanost in the wind choose the state ofrece able improvements have at the Waterloo Factory, Cara made in the tire and entraining features of local soape Boeothalft Shoes grounds of this hotel. Two. with cargo of coal Also Raw Material per yard from pichaima, it hew and up to dat tic summer houses have recently On Thursday night there was for Newfoundland. She was but distillery, constructed on the bien constructed special atten the usual Thanksgiving Day din a few days out to sea when sjans 25 and upwards most hygienic principles. And in tion has been given to the lawns ner and dance at the hotel, which of unusual weather were detectthis connection, there arrived. veci yesterday from the United States green and smiling and graceful persons. The dinner went off ty, the sea became extremely SUITS Made to Order from 17. 25 and upwards to the eye. The hotel itself bas nicely, and dancing was kept up turbulent and before the fourth a Mr. Charles Landry an ex perienced chemist from the Jefbeen and varnished until a little after midnight.
morning broke the John painted Brad ferson One Third Deposit On All Orders Distillery and Del Vater ley was caught in the throes of a Coy of New Orleans. The sweeping hurricane.
Herculean having purchased loo Factory To Have Aerial Ser Stercha EleonoThon sopoffement efforts were wade to save purchase Orders Mailed to Customers Address plant appointment. but Captain and his crew the Company, Mr, of their vice Here carries a salary of between 400 Wer to instal and 4500 per aunnain and to were powerless in the face EDWARDS, Tailor and Cutter come out to Trinid perts, bas duty allowance, while in Jamaica November 2nd dawned and found angry elements. The morning of their Magre Pure Yeast Apparatus for fermentation, According Proposal to establish Base the post carries a salary of 550. her with tattered Rail, riggings to this process. the New EastFrom Miami to Key West Warning for intending the past, and the delen smashed to bits, boats a thing of ting Eastling Method. experiments in the fermentation of Is Being Considered Travellers clean, all victims to the mighty STEELSED ANDLIT SIBERITTERATUR molasses have proved highlon sat 58. The endeavours of the isfactory. striking caso is a rePLACES TO BE SERVED Mr. Edgar Martin a Jamaican crew were then concentrated towards heening the vessel aficat.
corded instance in which molass residing at present in Cuba.
writes to the Gileaner Warning his to the ground, when it was es containing 54 42 per cent of but this ray of hope was dashed sugar yield after their process of Efficiently Equipped Ships will count countrymen who emigrate to the to 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA fermentation 81. 45 per cent. of Cail For Passengers Mails republic, to lic, to beware of a class of covered that she had sprung alcohol. This is Mr. Landry y And Freight.
men, whom he designates as aliy awaiting the tinishing touch aleak. Crew and ship were gradu Next Door to Cecilia Theatre first visit to Trinidad, and from what he was able to see he is al In the Gleaner of the 28th states, as soon as Jamaicans land to the disastrous drama. When as Continued on page ulto, the announcement was made deceiving them by overing alohorizon. Renginio Santiago, go among them and a beacon of hope sails were sight Headquarters for that Mr. Frank Cooper had sent kinds of attractive and lucrative nais attracted the attention of a communication to the Mer work. On consenting to go with the Gladys Moshe; which cau.
High Class Furniture chants Exchange with regard to them the dunes are taken to NEED tiously approached the fast the establishment of a branch of hotel here. We can publish further de avercharged for every accommo and the crew eventually transfers the American Aerial Corporation bvted where they are excessively dering ship. Boats were lowered All New Goods Sold at tails of the proposal to dled like animals in they are hud. red. Two brief hours had elaps.
cd when the John Bradley It is on the tapis to arrange an ried off to the estates, where they was seen to settle down to her Reasonable Terms. We Always have in Hand a Comaerial base from Mami to Key are actually sold for amounts tinal resting place.
West. At the latter port, passen of one dollar and upwards.
The John R, Bradley was a gers, freight etc. will be embark on these estates the unfortunate British two tasted schooner of WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US Watches and Jewelry ed for Havana. Then there will men are worked and treated like 80 tons burthen. She was built at when!
Give us a call Before Going Elsebe another station at Santiago de slaves, with no chance of escape. Essex, Massachusettsi: 1900 and where. You are sure to be on Time Cuba and from the latter port Once in the clutches of these owned by Gorton Pew, Fisherie Welcome is ex if Your WATCH wos Repairad by US the airships would come on to Ja. men catehers, who assume the Coy, Newfoundland sur large Stock maica Other points are also vole of friends, it is difficult to Remember We Make Wedbeing considered the service with our correspondent hopes this as form an old Harrisonian evade It is learn that it is ding Rings and Other be in operation during the com warning will be heeded by inJewelry to Order ing winter and the company are tending travellers to Cuba, so Society for the purpose of keer. in touch They have gone to considerable naicans, he concludes, are en with a large measure of support querces? Even Wespectavie Ja with one another and with the FULLER is the MAN You Want o See school 122 CENTRAL AVENUE best equipped aerial transports Corner 22nd Street, Panamo, the matter and the gaged in this kind of businesses the Ileadmaster invites ail od Harrisonians who are interested will be maintained. The services 46 STREET, PANAMA.
in the proposal to attend a meetof pilots and mechanics who have Barbados ing in the Big school on Friday been on active service in the Dec, 5th at pm at which it is Just received a full stock of din ALLMAN great wat have been secured and hoped that the Society may be the management is, of course in Schooner Sunk at started.
It would not be surprising it a Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Between 10th and 11th Sts.
bol Sea.
representative of the company Adelaide Crichlow of King Bottie Alley For every form of diseasbolle 10 Goion, 300 William Street, was found dead biato visit Jamaica in the near Rescued Crew Arrives Bying the deceased boda bort qila 99 tabure, in her house on Thursday morn olyod 19h NU. Be Wit MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER Gladys Mosher suttering the evening before from TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
6981 LADIES SOITS. SPECIALTY New Harbour Master.
severe pans in ter stothrich but!
5099 horari di orolo (Latest English and American Fashions.
News has been received in Jaceived UNTOLD SUFFERINGS EXPE n ring light of the matter she Devipuli any remedy. An Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
maica. lof by RIENCED 239d inquest was beld later in the y 119 Ligon Also cieanihg Pressing gerobar Yet state of Coin wandten Throt 14 by Mr. w. Gowdey, Aeti moria di Satisfaction Ciuaranteedu 1918er Calthrop Caltbrop, nadwoodsico into usiholta FLOWERS, Prorektor. is After a twenty one days voy. Coro er, and a jary. po Your Patronage Solicited Harbour Master at Sierra age from Newfoundland, the two mortem amination was made Box 36, Panama City.
0974) o napderate list Leone as harbour Master for Ja masted schooner Gladys Mosh by Dr. Mortimer Johnson who Telephone 519 maica in succession to the late er 99 tons Capt. Tubin, arrived attributed death to weart disease.
MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY of the swept Panama Furniture Company men catchers. BA WATCH. dation, aller day.
plete line at Reliable Low Prices TELEDRETELLES Chorrillo Drug Store expense in iPhone 939)
o 911 TO 1918 hot 10 DAR


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