
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1929 PAGE THREE El the intru tine vent the :The Open Forum :The Woman Exchange Universal Negru improvement Association High School Education its secondary THE WESTERN 10 TO SUPPLY CO.
GRAVES and JOHNSON Strin JUST RECEIVED atong the con la pai.
in Gred with the in We do not had.
the wintiniai interni No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama Ladies Branch Holds Reception and Banquet.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Shop of Personal Service Dear Fietor Thanks for pure in Agriculture a Corner Stone agricultural tri of land in it vour widely read journal that is doing DRESSMAKERS mach to the upliftment of our people to Real Success all over the world To develop a personal Mode for Hundreds of pople thronk te work poot of thiversal Negro Improvement Mr each Patron is the special function of Vrien Communities hie Leg. Ladies Division Co Branch of the following our establishment.
to see and her with We are not yet a hundred per ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.
of rice terre ronizet, anton the which was given for all ovited of our read more ther den tests Something that ut Dr. Ridwny, Megan, to alleviate this montony ngu Marmandstreint and the our West Indian brothers at cultur ints, mechanics and beat kannst they are not pret with the foot for the Last Satur might the kutte the workrom it not le belirt pursue agrica Teretane in sdhesive chart in all Prely the ROBERT LINDSAY.
lily of its head program te wendete linehusve viewed the fut Residence Cle Domingo Diaz.
ng with the introdott many of the the BIN 1041, DPR who are inte set in the MIT FITTES willing for Toden Brober Bent in the an inte charniere of Irowia to be issued Was wise to be prostorant the thousands of the Windot 10 Stellen Practical tui Theoretical onliness. The following programme was grocs on this thom to co was the Fatin Latinerstmar and Best where the target as demand Singing with Musical indicho sition within a more come to this will naturalite Local Examinations, Iron Greenland the justers of the cause, thout amount the main entrare his listing Hours. 00 to 10. 00 Call or write rayer. One chose will be forthcoming Indispute Sixties. Works.
try is one of the leading for inte GRILL Crustacertion at solution of the Vegro Prolindi Address 11. Palking de primarily tertained with the mir du trios sem Saxaphone Salo. Me stores as adjunts should be considered Support Negro industrie. In: in full swin MrShot Duck. the. Im fulls contine that if the ject, agriculture is. Adress the the next season will ince the highest this joke, ut us make it on Thin Fiorel way which spells orront and be patient Selection by the Band still conjecture every Latinical memes. com. tr REMEMBER We Sell Adres by Mr.
Cyani contributing 00 monthly boginning in Trondhev to dand cer possible, support of Addra by the Rettive of the with January 1990 by conocatinn se pressimo ordinator once for at dopt the gre Commutator cases and Rollers Prince of Wales Lodge our system. Division for our calor permitiers, that THE VICTV Hose onnections for all Cars Morales betterment Wrist In Viwili inne with tweede Electrical Bulbs for all Cars Sauction by the Band greatly mitigate this tendens tie the member Vitrin xbow to the other derman Address by the presentative from the Air Gauges and Air Pumps Gung Star lodge ness thereof the Plugs, Champion, Splitdorf, Address by. Mr. Cadogan.
from now on lepitinti price Pro pred and the grands Engine Bolts and Gaskets wlien Vsee ther hang the laten Spotiights, Head Lamps and Reflectors tona.
Transmission Grease, Oil, Gasoline, etc.
Airesby Reprezentative of the Mizpah Yours for THE NEGRO RC Lodge large and Fresh Shipment of LEGAL NOTICE Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
Adurss by Teacher Sinille tunsch!
CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE PHONES BOX 10, ASCON Representative Gabriel In the District Court for Infant Preseruntive the Canal Zone, Cristobal Adre Royal Dr. Way Division rreption and Banquet rorating of Ham Chicken, Beef and other SuidAND JOTHER PATENT MEDICINES.
Eugetta Prince wieles, fruits of different kinds, soft William Prince, drinks etc, which kept the Lady tenberg of the Division very busy for over an Civil No. 307 hour keeping up the stream of eatables To Willian Prince, the above.
that was provided by them.
FOUNDED IN 1881 named defendant: At the ruption the house was called The Cldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
to order by the Chairman who stated PLEASE TAKE NOTICE (BRANDON BANK)
the shirts, pillow slips, ties, towers, MANUEL ESPINOSA That on date of Norenber 17.
drawings, marmludes, pickles. Pyjamas, Central Avenue, 33 1919 the aver paintiff handkerchiefs etc. wete, ready for Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
filed in this Court a suit against, ekatination he audience was astonished you for the Annulment of Mar.
ERVICE to be the fine things that could riage.
be produced by our race in 80 Now. Therefore, unless you ANAMA Mr. Cadogru said the (FOUNDED 1868)
inakes beats COLON appear at a Session of said Court weerman any German manufacture for neatness, to be held at Cristobal. at and encouraged the girls to keep on in o clock, A, Thursday, Jau: Our large Resources and well known the same strength that they started.
uary 25, 1920, and answer the The production by Captain Allen of complaint in suid suit, judgment conservative Management afford) un. Under new management) Flag of African Colours with inscrip will to taken against you by ting in gold in centre God Bless the questioned security for every dollar deiauit, and the relief prayed for No. 128, BOLIVAR STREET, Honourable Mateus Garvey etc; togetle in same will be granteil.
deposited with this bank.
with another of a er Dok Between 8th 9th. Streets, Colon seeing, and adds; muebur to his credit as SGD. CHEATHAM, an Artist, ober notable gentlemen of the Asst. Clerk of Court.
Race present were Dr. Sanal Surgeon Dentist, Dr. Williams Physeian said Surgeon of Edinburgh, and many other Massaging, inanicuring shampooing, bair straightening, FROGS prominent gentlemen of the race whose hairdressing, scalp treatment and lightening of the com names we did not get, the addreses of plexion. Wrinkles, tan, freckle. liver spots, blackheads. When You Leave From Panama some of the Gentlemen that spoke on the pimples, dark tarkt under the eye and all other facial ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON unique occasion win or along the Line and arrive in blemishes removed. Corns, bumons, callouses, perspiring This very enjoyable meeting came to Colon, fou will sure to be hungry, si President.
Vice President Treasurer feet cured a close at 30 in; wien the chairman Call at 144, St. at the announced that the sale of the artieles RED LION would be put up for sale on the Monday to be VO where you will be served with Preparations for grow. ug the bar and improving the present and to take part. Last but not quality of the skin. Hair grower and beautifier, whitener your Real Home Cooking.
least was the splendid decorations of the hall with its faneiful lights etc, every one and cleanser, vanising creame ganti ruff remedy, ceaiu o PRICES MODERATE.
who wishes the Negroes well an say that balm (excellent for men after shaving liquid ce powder, this reception stands brat in the History muge sharpoo, face powder (5 shades. Dr. Walter High which Dr. GONNELL.
JEWELRY STORE deildistaa yly of the Negro Ladies of Colon, tooth powier ip over forty members to join SURGEON DENTIST 234. te Stocked with everything In low the Association We stop hair from falling make it grow and improve TINOVO the quality Take a six weeks trentinent and be convinced.
WATCHES and be found at 175 Call at the parlor and consult th Beauty Culturist.
ofLadies Gents)
Largo and Small quand ended ors en JEWELRY srit yd how mode Local.
Agents wanted fo the NILE QUEEN preparations Central Avenue tremendous assortment Write for terms to Box 736, Cristobal C: or call at the PANAMA CITY Opposite R, Station Parlor.
We have also just received a beautiful variety fo English It do in The members of the above Local who have not yet paid MADAM ROBERTS, ONT LES NOTICE. ssd Sterling Silver Electroplated Goods their entrance fee of 50 Beauty Culturist 1990 spil VILCHOO only o 90 1290 U. Cy, in full are urgently vs Every article makes an ideal gift as a Want to know the present ad.
Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, Ill.
requested to have said amount dress or whereabouts of James WEDDING, CHRISTMAS OR BIRTHDAY PRESENT paid before January Ist 1920. as Spooner. a Barbadian, and BIs can early and select yours noi per concession) or they will be 19 ALTAVAA Grigory: Jamaies, both shoe is volt, agad OVER JOHN WILLIAMSON subject to admittances new meinbers with the regulation fee Advertise in thie makers by brade (1992 ewis robos e rend conta obril of 76 Cycle FISHER, ESSERE Watenmaker Jeweler!
JAMES CLARKE Prov. Chiriqui. David, 105 Bolivar Street, Colon Next Store from 7th Street, WORKMAN of JAMES GILL President.
Addr Lodge Central Drug Store Panama Banking Company that the shit SERURITY many Bibe much that Kashmir Beauty Parlor Is worth while Clean, Sanitary, Up To Date Equipment ATTENTION!
General Banking Business Transacted appear later.
Kashmir Marvelous Nile Queen Toilette Tortora bola THE JOHN WILLIAMSON Krade antiseptic too brought be CLOCKS. Notice to Masons ORE Secretary


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