
PAGE FORR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 1919 pysi Flower THE WORKMAN THE WEST INDIA TRADING Celebrates 12th Anniversary No. 22 Central Avenue. Panama City The celebration of the 12th Altro 31stic Ihrer due No. 11 UOM IS Su the Thermof the htful, PHONE 69 SITES IN Groceries.
tion She won and el bled and We Carry a full ling or feceries: Chocolates. TURDAY, IECEMBER 2, 1919 hed to The ti chaplain Household Hardware, Cigars, Sneria: line of Jamaica a Merry Christmas AN.
Sun Gia Cigarettes, Tolct Articles, Ete. Etc. Etc.
The world is still in a terrible state of disorder per Alth The Lillies hans more that it has cer experienced through all Milan P1: Wisthen thi forgotten Sort Laborrest, economie Drop in and inspeci oui Sive or phone your order, slarial sion, political treachers, social discriminations, int thational duplicity, commercial ja we make free deliveries.
and the choir agamo Jousind along catalogue of other inconsistencies are disrupt the tenor of all human relations and lucis the world to control almost as chaotias the Babel of ancient Hebrew history: Open Until p. on week days Could the sentiment of independence among nations a closely food and set risert mong individuals be subordinated to the Sundays until 12 Noon.
class who preach the doctrine of passive obedience the Battis leis impending rewolutis might be airtel, and a sick, but OOTINGGIS widgVhich was follow by quiet age in the line of man would be the denominating chi tofawentieth century And if the ruling classes were to determine to release equity from the Editorialettes namanian a feeling of sineri. LODGE ANNIVERSARY.
fetters of operasion which were forged on the anvil of tance which wars prejudice, and it justice and honesty pign, a more golden Our Duty to Panama.
of study into real chancer er than the present could never mark the line of man on And halsband estableidint Omer War here in this listed this planet in which we live, This country was developing list, on Sunday the 11th the audio But because the gods of gold and the kings of and most of us have made it litti Miss luxury are intent upon mercasing their stors of miserly pou land of adoption. Our ing and it is not only the duty of December in commn moration accumulativits through theit and the love system pral fons de las mudel of the natives to see to its to their inte Tilpon lloc unde doga of an innumerable proletariat fan nith the customs and advancement liat also rall. Th Hall was artistically show the Talon branches thought the world, and because the masses of the country who are enjoying the belts no prospect for consolidated energy use this channel protection of the ciemno bra panata and While the mess up gir plus th Mr there Guleroiding the industrial caticly which is did not understand now ment United States Events inter Violinist in thentiere. The destined tu convulse to or foundations of all humani appreciate and value The political, social and COURT PACIFIC No. 9751 Guld, who abis forormed th their jos tuleelings and win was up to Mr. bis Raresti the various Listen institutions Yet amidst all that appears gloomy and forbidding cconomic conditions as they takimi upon him by his the continued on and in the face of the disorders of the world THE exist here do, not only atlet thrilling remarks There wirea Reshent was served La Boca hat number of Sisters WORKMAN finds it practicable to wish the whole read the natives and citizens of brothers from various friendly function card to its chibi Singing of the Doxolo ing public HAPPY CHRISTMAS. The wish is not based this country, but all foreignAt a regular summoned meet societies in attendance as on the belief that the prevailing conditions among the ons are placed under the spell is their friends. There wer wer SUCCESSFUL people can contribute to the true happiness and spirit of and force of the circumstaning in at the above named as Count for the purus fiction also present it representativ ENTERTAINMENT Christmastide; but on the consolatory idea that the ces that environ us.
of Otties for the ensuing term from each of the sister Logs sentiment of optimism will, dominate the mind at The best feeling has of January to June 1920, the full of whom gave short addresses Hvis glorious season and infuse the heart of the worst late, been established between the rurius ottices.
lowing members were elected for the first speaker of the evening Hats off to the Women of the was Mr. Morris. Adjutant of the United Brotherhood. Their com Oppressed people with the bright hope for better things in West Indians and the natives. Pro Filmund Squires, Salvation Army, who delivered a curt of Saturday last batt the very hariuture around the corner.
Now, there are several insti receted mest on Bio. Edvards, Brotherly Love. The great previous records and show With the courage of sell possessed aspirations, after tutions in which the two peogreat what united effort, intring the just and equitable treatment which labor is demand. ple sit and work, side by side. Bros Reid Secretary who re. in no small measure to the beau piish. The program was handled White Treasurer and success of the program was due dur and indomitable will can accom.
ing for itsell the world over, we should go on undaunted with common interests and than in their respective offices titu! renderings of the choir Di Tha and undismaye Toeing confident that we must alsieve undivided determination. The the pleasure of the Court. Br which was conducted by Brother rel all popular Panamı Min guvai successes ai the end of the struggle. We shall not Panamanians have learnt that LWSW. Bro. Walking Sydney MeClean. Grand faster trel Company, who hit the he of livadley B. and of the Order insisted on of perfection with provecí on a blind faith expecting to burst suddenly upon the West Indians are among ME dore at at the Organ. ragtine songs, and long before bin their sags, funny stunts sume unior ester Cidige für the better, but rather oth their hand truest friends. Ratherin JB.
The installation will take phe special feature of evening the brot reasonable and visible forecast of an inevitable effect which and West Indians have begun on nury 1025 he was a quartet sung by the Merry standing room on commencement must follow a determined and cognate Cause.
esperience that there is in muby is the various Courts, pour, Messrs McClean, Bicock, si De and Trotman, signal hard to be The radical mind, in its haste to see the suppression of the breast of every truv stemnited The RM of Laurentitled Brother Carier. Ora the was chairman of the. the injustices which are now stalking lightly over the conclusion of the which headis or the working class, is sharpening swori mi tranship corporation, er ater still is the fact that the first was handied in a inostmasterly crowd the behavior waseem which to wipe off the face of the earth the cursed economic ship owned by the company is commanded and skipper manner, read to the and all went.
oppression, just as the German militarism was swished ed by a pure Negro who possesses the full qualifications quel ball to do justice the good with their evening amusement hings ch am credit in awaliwo years ago, but patient sussion is seeking to re. lol mastering a ship at sea; and when Captain Cockburnable evenin was spent by all given Secretary Treasurer Sister strain the appeal to violence and hoping for the advent of showed his face on the dick of the ship last Wednesday present, Miriam Lewis and Past President better understanding between capital and labor which the heart of every spectator pulsated with a sentiment of Sister Beatrice Francis whis would obviate all unpleasantness and social disturbances. racial pride never experienced before.
Christmas Tree formed the Committee on Art It is with the chic that sober reflection will transThat Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hand is no Don Christmas piuted the concern gements for the eminent man These that the wish for a happy festival goes out from this office and west and north and souti, challenging all other races the luxury of Panama tio Sisters worked like Trojan at the mattress Factory, Cali We wish to know that our patrons can find it possible, to a full recognition of her independence and integrity.
donia on Wednesday the 24h not sparing either time or energy amidst the noise and coufusion of economic unrest, to en Our race has always made history, but at the present inst The Ladies are leaving no in visiting the various Locals joy themselves in the true spirit of Christmas, contempla time it is recording events and compiling incidents at a stone unturned to make this making suul stirring wpeals for patronage, attending interviews ting the life of the greatest character that has ever appear faster rate than has ever been done in the past. From all and success, so get busy and pat over the world there come announcements of achievements be there.
ed on earth who himself.
etc. and, by their uniqne devotion to the cause, arousing the lo Came to break oppression of Negro men and women, and now here goes Marcus And rule in equity Garvey, the Booker Washington of the North and the Isthmian League of Mention is the other sisters be Overture of West Indian America, with his keen fore The general monthly meeting Secretary Brother Henlin, General sight, unlimited perspicuity and forensic lingo, promulgat, of the League will be convened inaterial. y assisted the committee Treasurer, ing a scheme that is already a promising enterprise and at the Werlesen Schoolroom to above Inentioned. It is expected The Arrival of The Black Star Liner. destined to be the most magnitudinous accomplishment of night beginning at pm. All that a tidy suin was realised. The the advancing Negro of this present century.
members are asked to be out and Oficers and Members of the Fionawas thrown into a state of the All bats must be doffed to Marcus Garvey and his in PERFECTION LODGE are to most unusual enthusiasm on Wednesday last when the ar dubitable band of collaboratorternt the samess which they West Indian Committee. Susaid serveras ras stimulus You ei the made, and the achieved rival of the Yarmouth (soon to be re christened the have achieved in the face of internal treachery and exter Federick Douglas. of the newly established Black Star el prejudice. All compliments to Captain Cockburn, the future efforts Lie Sie ansnip Company in New York reached the port doi of the hour and the future Commander in Chief of the Eine Hygiven that no.
of Cristobal and docked at pier No. 10 Jamidst the up Black Star Line. All glory the Negro race which has for the ensuap term will taie mination and Litur et incers Suksription rund or roarious shouts that went from the moutlis of thousands coine to stay among the races of the world as a free, inde place on the list meetingie Wm. Stoute.
of colored people who lined the pier to catch the first pendent and recognized people! We have stepped out and in January 1920 at 34) in glimpse of the first steamer owned by the great Negro our footprints are being indelibly marked on the sands che usual meeting place enterprise.
of time.
NAME AMOUNT The arrival of the ship is the indication of the fact With the coming of the Yarmouth to the Isthmus of New Code School Concert, Exploited Worker 00 that the Black Star Line is a real organization with vim Panama, and the sight of Captain Cockburn and his Ne The concert in connection with Workman Printery 00 and vigor behind the capital of thousands of dollars sub gro crew, the most sceptical has been converted and the the New Code School comes E. Campbell EHR.
50 scribed solely and entirely by Negroes in the United States, rapidity with which shares into the Company have been on the evening of the 21th inst Centrai America and the West Indies. Never before in the subscribed for the past few days tells its own story of con donia bridge us have at the Red Cross Hall at CaliFrijoles Ch. Brown history of the Negro has any proposition originating among fidence and faith in the verture. The people are not con been pusy practising, and are Cooke our race received such world wide recognition and discus cerned about the personal frills of Mr. Garvey or those of rounding into tip top shape. Corne Shields 03 sion as this new scheme proposed and executed by the New any of his compeers; they accept the scheme as a worthy and enjoy a few hours with the ADVERTISE IN Negro in this new age of gracial independence.
The programme is Negeo cusiness and, from what was seen in their enthu wee ones.
very interesting and iively. It will The Workman.
Great as is luc vucu is availing in Entiely Nystatais week, they mean to go lt.
amuse and satisfy you, bro ably the 19 thusiasm must Very on time JA Tort 13 00 00 01. 50

    ViolenceWorking Class

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