
SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMIER 20. 1919 Ir eresting News from the City Bible Agency.
She is coming Methklinin whip TOYS. TOYS. TOYS. An immense and Varied Shipment just received.
00 ery lip Four past was Britib tran brough that occania Sato for Hunnish Big Assortment now on Exhibition Vilainen bis reformed So for ship of Wo San antain We are hull her Si 118 LA MASCOTA HOWRFET Death of a Chauffeur.
The RNGUL and ROSTOVAN Shoes. Mrs Riedel on Mr Alan Hill let Pencuriga te bete more. Dr.
4110) Sunty wether Irens were their last resta pure tonelly quite large circle of his sorrowing incl wa The City Bible Agency begs to ut the call the attention of Christian place. Ashed on the sugai Worki and Biule Readers Sield of Louisiana, te stated that the fact that we can supply them this year yield Wits below ex with the former translations of pectations, de to the lead rains Bibles compared and revised He left this morning for Caraselt pronouncing editions and juehaima standard Concordance of Bible so Sunday School Tach ers Bible Love Purpit, att fa Local Synstone Fac mily isibles. He is arious societies, and the tory Oxford University Press. real morocco binding We also bandie all other kinds WORK BūU MING. of religious books in audition to bibles Several Orders Received. Sepris for prices and terms Street, Sold by Wolesale and Retail House No. upstairs)
Yesterday it representative of PO Box 107. Pana 11. wasabled tos at work the manner in Augustus Farrier, EDUARDO VALENCIA Agent ons in counect with the Sarita a Piazu.
11facture of synstone GLX violei Metropole Mara Packet con the leadino Whatevectors have gone T strike Wasp larri. bero libid The city on Ch.
Status when with the objecaking the learning of the Wiki Ti then la ed un Therentsofth RM. SI the thin prithi at the managed however that the este o cargo of the MS.
dry at withstand ti seest Workeci so as to encher to su!
attach 11th tone malu by this vening THE HOME OF Si The blocks are Work on the MAX then additir thuis urin poro. which arrivd yesterday, though CS for When somewhat delaved by the strike, Bisit the Midd fattory is progressing slowly fair wete to be number of men tving 11.
Leitud and cut to discharge cargo along be working with the chippers and the crew.
CV tu the Dutie or which High and Low Cut coming in almost any Men INTERNED GERMANS.
het lights were in Sia linki so its lu ennie in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet The intern Germis itt St.
the Xisto push ahvad. James, with the exception of a who were released, were this the Pocket of All Hospital Patient Decamps afternoon taken aboard the Royal During the Night Dutch Mail Swame!
Nassau; Echt of their number who are travelling its tirst class ITS (LOTHING SENT Pissingers were takes off from MULLER MORNING the Customs in the Harbor. on.
stabularys Launch. They were Tres some rxcitement in pill Sole Agent Detective In thphthisis Ward of the colonial sector Costello and Me Hospital on Tuesday night last, from St. Janes ir otram cars The others were taken we Nurse Murray discovered 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA that we of her patient to the jlis itt Cocorit. Where sing. diligent sach and they were taken on band by a CHUIS 10 discover the evening for Amsterdam.
and launch. The steam satuled in the whereabouts of the delinquent, api di soldier by the oi Fürde who bars is his war New Liqueur on the Market Lessons Given cars, frost bitten feet. Forde, until his admission to the insti.
luon about a month ago, was MACHINERY BEING ERECTED on the Clarinet, the leading WS oped as a messeng at the Band Instrument. Band or District Court. He The Rev. Father Ambrose has Orchestra furnished for all in No. Ward ur which kinds of engagements.
transferred the phthisis ward be manufactured locally for the divi vien ce he took Trench bunelit ut the community. Nr. NEILSON. He returned the Hospi Herrera, merchant, is at present Obarrio Building, No. 2, Calidonia Road tal clothes jestc:day morning erecting the pressary plant for Clarinetist Republican Band dva messenger and nothing for the maculucture of the commuAncon Phone 1053 ther tus been heard of him. His dis 17 St. West, House 37. Panana LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR muline for such it sudutundu WATCH REPAIRING el honious departure is shouc The Port of Sruin Gazette of ed in mystery NOTICE recent date. just to hand says: WE KNOW HOW.
School Teachers Now temporary that a telegrain was Union.
received on the 1211 instant by Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
Mr. Darnley. DaCosta from Mr. H Hann, at present in Members of the Colon Federal At a meeting of the represen New York, to the eifect that he Labor Uvion please be informed O, CAMPBELL tatives of the Government Teach was shipping by the Parima this the election of officers for WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER ers Union and the Assisted expected within a fortnight seren th 192) will take place Phone 1053.
Teachers Associativa held at the thoroughby racers, which are at the Union Hall, on Sunday Cars Stop at the Door.
Publie. Library on Saturday to be sold on arrival. mong iu consider the proposed cial members will be entitled to amalgamation of both bodies it yote, Meubers in arrears are was decided to dissolve both un We understand that the Gor: asked to pay up their dues in ions, and institute another to be ernment is considering the ad dim to qualify for this occasion.
cated tie Trindad and Tobago visability of enforcing compul JNO, ASH Elementary Teaclters Union. The sory education in Port of Spain Secretary urday 29th must at the above ing the system throughout the first meeting takes place on Sat as an experiment before apply.
122 Central Ave. Panama time and place, when colony. In consequence it is statolkvers and a committee of wan, ed, the Education Dep irtment is WM. LAWRENCE çagement will be elected. All obtaining particulars relative to The Homs of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment hond teachers are invited to at the working of compulsory edu.
Tailor and Outfitter tena.
cation in Jamaica, the Leeward and Prompt Attention.
Islands and elsewhere. This is Deaier in School Books, Mr. Telles Success.
the outcome of Councillor Pier.
re recent motion in the City and Stationary.
Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of Council PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDIHis many friends in Trinidad No. 11 Street, Panama will be gisti to hear of thesucsess chains from Central Ave.
in New York of Mr. George Grenada Arshur Telles, cidevant Chief ReP. Address: We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
porter on the litrary staff of The The Grenada West Indian Box 895, Ancon, Argos, From a letter recently received, it it was learnt that he of the 21st instant, says: Mr.
Phone 939 O, Box 829, Ancon.
had become a member of the H. Gordon Short has sold his National Amateur Wireless Asso estate, Mount Pleasant for the Take Notice BROWNE McALMON ciation, having passed the effi sum of 8, 000 Mr. Short who PROPRIETORS, ciency test and secured a Govern recently took up residence in ment license. He tiad obtained Trinidad, has decided to settle in the following persons are rea position on a big American that colony. It is said that the quested to call on Dr.
liner, and expected to sail for purchaser is Mr, Frank Hudson. Johnson Secretary of the West England to meet his brother, at ndian Committee, at 148 Centra, sny inomat Avenue, in connection with cer)
British Consulate Notice. tain inatters referred to the Com THE STRIKE.
mittee by the British Legation:Rosaline Skeete of Panama The British Consulate at Colon Ida Waher of Green Castle From Argos 17th ult. would be glad of information re. Estate, Antigua 은, Up to the Welting no te e Cy! Absalom, a naEla Noble of Jamaca, further negotiations had taken tiqe of Jamaica, who was for Joseph Osbourne of British place between the Royal Steam size time resident in Colon. Guiana.
DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS Returns To His Old Stan The General Public and friends of Dr Erwan Sito take notice that he has enord from No. 114 Bolivar Street to His Old Stand. Nr. 182. Bolivar Street. Opposite the Masonic Temple, and is prepared to treat all diseases, especially those.
women and children, as he has Specialized in these subjects during his recent stay in New York.
The Calidonia Jewelry Store was placed Wanted at Once Two Competent Trouser Workmen Apply to ALLMAN. 132 Bottle Alley COLON The chemical Hall NOTICE To whom it may c) ce in The Orffeers and membri of the Royal King George Lodge No.
17. begs to notify that Israel Cuffy is no longer a member of said Lodge and Order, having been expellent in consequence of acts deroga.
tory to the Lodge an Order HENRY SPENCER Secretary mentioned til FITZ BOWEN THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR 28 November Stree, San Miguel House 24 Waterproof Raincoats ADVERTISE Give me your order for us WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children.
Ancon Box 836, in the WORKMAN


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