
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1319 PAGE SEVEN 003450. 00sso S8:59SCX60X60X60 SE How To Reduce High Rents.
Another Move 90 Toisas Forward Writing Editorially under In Cleaner hands out: line of thought in connection with the pussibility of a cour end better undert Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes AND From the Messenger High rints is not only a local or tional problem, but it is a world wide problem. Wherever there are so people why the land and large groups of people st live upon the land, high rent wille This le tue to the fact that those who own the land desire Indian Colonies Ortop con deration the people not live without access to the land to the who must live upon the land limited by the balit of the tenant the willingne illingness for thought that minha 14 structive article coming from the entiration. cilet Indians the Litor.
is sincerely to bu hoquei tohit Just as Real Democracy linows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
gese this highly They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE Files for the code soos. 00:00:00 ద. 00:00: Begant by Lord Speak Again PHILIPS Tailoring Establishme Guarantees Satisfaction in the cutting and manipulation of VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUN.
Every man Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coat SPECIALTY LADIES SKIRTS COATS inter Lee Chong Co.
same known by the peo members lized grica it is house, De 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
selfast to stand alone Thee but two or is in SEX Stols, indeed, that the Astarces a don others might tontist have lealised given How then can saytlar One thing cle also It muse we are tot interested publie she is the sun that calls the seried to little have perceived that, oven if Judurs. The fact is that are she is the ordener, who knows its worth.
o the fact that Tanil want vorkers cicouidadord to stand alone interested and those who do not Trom me all seed, of any kind, must Od the tinents wint only to it was not morally or patriotical actively take what part they can 11 low rents. This in less true of the is right that should do so.
in public affairs are merely de hluk land rithan of the white ord Atter all, there is something in pending upon others or neglect. Divine the growth such seed and se il Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, ing what is clearly a moral duty To: black land ord and white landlords the term British West Indian: will bring Exporters and Commission Merchants.
interest are the same, and the black ten men from Canada, Austra. Hence We desire to see the yoon for all is me, and am everything, and ant and white tenants interests are the la and Jamaica can feel that ger men of our island communi Thus when this interest between there is a community of interest ty joining hands with the older Thus having spokea to hinself aloud, and sentiment between them. tnant and landlord men in a great and sustained his klorinis face upon this breast He as Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: howed 1: ple who pay rents, they will adopt mea.
of one Empire, the and united effort to bring about sures whiti are calculated to protect their British West Todian must also a new and better, and still a bet. And oughtropec behind a wall af cloud, ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
11 interests Tenants will refuse to support fel that there is a community ter and a better order of things Provisions and Canned Goods. political parties that protect the interest of sentiment and ef interest be in Jamaica. That is our desire Come forth. Gull through great Thy thought and good tween the Jamaican, the Barbil and we believe that it will be real of the landlords South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
In Shaping woman for true Motherho The cronomie value ofront strikes in dian, the Trinidadian.
Lord speak again! She has not underMr. Cork and Mr. Morrison, Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye. less pronounced, yet, they have served As a matter of fact, solid sell then will be the Association stood to offeet light reductions in high rents Colgate Co.
intrest show force the delegates to the West Indian Con Therenturies pass, the och sroll along Octagon soaps They also eise the handlords to incur a British st Indies to come ti ference in Barbados. The selec. The earth is peopled with a mixy Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc.
il loss by virtue of a few days of allowed gether. They are all becoming tion is admirable ble. Each manis tr4911ga tenant after he receives a disThe Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co.
sugar ininds once more. It is the complement of the other: Yn awn me lighting and the world ge3 Hair Pins ptice Besides, the rest of an not Tiilid alone that produces will work Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste But is lost time me during the time the apartment is not occupiel cocoa, it is Jamaica as well eye shall follows thell ideak gainere yol it be too late Hol Bat bados alune that has activities Ingersoll Watches etc.
That W! landlor! ficht rout strikes That is why they an interest in perial Prefer are satisfied that they will come Unloved. unwanted, souls come throup Opse tenants Images ence has it also, and to Brit Thu seondomedinte remedy is this ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc.
Antigon, and amaica. each and ish West Indies much valuable The unbora child is given dowry of Co operative ownership and leasing of every one of us. Our commercial service. There will be many hite houses. This may be done by the pool.
interests are more or less identi enti. Other West Indian Conferences The world pregresses in all ways but oneFor Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us.
cal. It Jamaica is keenly desirous in the future, for the British In dioterled ioe which it was likun ing of the monies of the maint: for purchasing or leasing a given appartment olining the Amhrican mar West Indies are drawing and Lord, Lord, behold low little has been The rental of this house will ket for the United States, so is done HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Trinidad desirous of retaining will continue to draw more close.
market rental, but the profits which are ly 134 140 Bolivar Street identitied 62 Central Ave.
that market for her cocus, Af hide togetherThey will become all com Children are spawn like fishes in the now appropriated by the landlords and these colonies, therefore, have de Colon, R, sand, Panama, R, the agents will be appropriated to those mon policy. And Jamaica will similar Outlook in matters now a Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, who own or lease the house. To illusof trade and commerce, and the play a leading part in the formu. With crime and ignorance they fill the of such land; Phone 895.
Hitrate: suppose the rental of a house is Jamaica Imperial Association, ca will be welcomed by the sister Lord speak again till mothers understand, twelve thousand dollars a year, and the has realised that colonies, who will now rejoice a lease price of that house is eight thousand, The Association, as we have that at last she recognises her It is not all of motherhood to know, the upkeep two thousand. The two been informed, has named two solidarity with them all.
Creation pleasure, and deliverance United Brotherhood Directory thousand dollars which is the amount which remains after the leare price and prominent Jamaicans to represent itself and this island at the Who plants the seed should help the shoot the cost of upkeep are deducted, will be Conference. Mr. Phi AFRICA Panama Canal Ldge No. 2149, Croves divided among those who own the house Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, od is not alone to breed Hall Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; Willip Cork is a native who has rise co operatively to eminence by the exercise te; it to know and leed Geo. Healin, Secretary Treasurer.
liams. Secretary Treasurer, sterling qualities of characte: inard them speak about Africa it land ulit purpose, and its highest end, and of intelligence which Garvey spokesma Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, Victory Lodge No. 2508 Paroiso. Dr. JOHNSON conservative, he nevertheless is a Lord speak again so woman shall be Panama City, Woodruff, Pręsitent; Wright. President; Frelds, Secretary: man receptive to new ideas, and Wise men from the East SURGEON DENTIST Were noh going at any feet Shield Secretary Treasurer.
he has a knowledge of Jamaica, But travelled and guided by the star, with that full meaning of that mighty 14 11:4 Phone 1003 Address and of the problems of local Gov Was it Mary word Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
Eureka Lodge No 2510, Gatun. and also a general But on on they go to discover, True MOTHERHOOD! She has not Secretary Treasurer.
DR Spruce, President; Jones, Cox, President; Callender, SecretaryAncon, Z, 852 knowledge la rightly beard.
conditions, unsurpassed by tho Until morn ELLIS Perseverance Lodge No: 2501, Gatun.
knowledge of any in this countryThe pop! Stor kuin Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gambon. Forsyth, President; Small, Secre Dunn, President; Killing CLEANED and BLOCKED Ruhny, CZ Panama Hats In Mr William Morrison we have Must be borne in mind tary Treasurer.
one of beck, Secretary Treasurer.
and with the others to Africa Success Lodge No. 2502, Gatun.
and TRIMMED to Order Important Notice a shrewd grasp of public affairs. In the matn tine Ruyside, President; Bracey, Secre Clarke, President; Taylor, Liberty Lodgo No. 2512, Red Tank.
Mr. Morrison has not made the Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hand. ALSO tary Treasurer.
Secretary Treasurer most of his gifts and qualifica. To receive Garvey united Band Into ROWLINS tions for public service. For that with a permintaan sitrons, Begs th notify his old custom made city centraline pureident; Henry pionie prostem de Gi Headles. HOUSE No. 965, La Bcao Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, Pana6.
MILLINERY DRESSMAKING Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Empire.
he way rightly be by his won be longs felhow. country men. On the other ers that he has returned from the Spencer Secretary Treasuter.
Secretary Treasure.
United States of America, and Hit may be replied that he is the walls of Jeriel o fell Without a singles Aurora Lodge, No. 2504, Panama now underteking a very impor. Windows or shell, has taken up his position again Panama City tant public service, and that, in Mareus Garvey is going to give them as Agent for the Day, Secretary Treasurer. GeoToppin, President; Jos. Skeete, Hell speaking of him, we should be Washington Talioring Co. Atlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pan Secretary1 more recupied with his future Gare the fan CONTRACTOR BUILDER than his not very energetic recent Going to upset thatr. plan, OF CHICAGO, ILL.
Cams Cits. Vamphrey, President Howard Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colob.
past from the public point of view. Aceording to divine plan Samples and styles on hand Manley, Secretary Treasurer. Jones, Secretaxy Treasurer.
We want to see him and the To explore our own land proper fit and workmanship Evergreen Lodge No, 2506, Papama RE First Class Workmagship Ango Lodge No. 2516, Panama, Alf. Plans and Specifications Free arg themselves more in the public le We are not mad, Price and Quality Can be Beaten Mitter, Secretary Treasurer.
tary Treasurer.
terest: we are impatient of those Garvering is 400, 000, 000 strong; Is it too long?
Progressive Lodge, No. 2507. Colon, 15th Street West House 90 who say, as though it were sumePostal address: Box 788.
DAN. REID Scott, President; Caterson, Suc Gunter, Secretary Treasurer.
Colon Advance (New Lodge) Colon thing to be proud of, that we Panama Ancon, P. Box 411, Panama, etary. Treasurer woe; Barbados con Somewhat stirred President 10 Treasurer adds quickness, or interna de. Buckley, President. Uniqua Laded Mo. 2314, Panama WILKINSON Secretary Treasurer


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