p. 8


Tim Preater Cricket.
Casco PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Vincentians Whip PickPANAMA COLON wicks TONIGHT Episodes and 10 of ELMO THE MIGHTY To Night TOMORROW SUNDAY and GALA NIGHT FOR HUSBANDS ONLY During the rest of the MONDAY Week Episodes 1! and 12 of ELMO THE MIGHTY TUESDAY SAMPSON DELILAH in sosios socco:53:se:s 23:59:00 08:38:38:30:S with 115 Brotherhood News possibility of this the lion?
ANCIENT ORDER OF In lian Rusi FORESTERS Coming Isthmian Black Star Liner Elocution Contest. Continued from agz 1)
had made for bad been It appears that the intlux of activities a unor for over 200 having for the past on and the advento?
around thie Nos festivities is responsible for the landing ships stated Contest in code that there of compene of which he tren deemed mang a dark the four silviable lig the Club. Aihletic Cl. Fars of the war outnore of his to pipone the date of this content until commands ale the son mines de las that the command of Frederics Douglas This will provide an use it is the maiden ship of file time for evento put prepare the Giant Be Fit to be then do in the part own the West Race. There wild what are they will reddet.
imhi Remember this contest will be open to wastheer en lected hereafter the tist Blowstonists on the che lath for sharing would go xclusively mes et anatis, for when four prizes towards the launching of the next Will the samled. First and second prizes batth m sitt which in Den and The Secrets of this to all the lur pure SIZ schol round Court Mizpah No. 9198 mint the new to the head launched out inth Unique Lodge No. 2514 Elecis Officers for Term January jw 1920 hotels Will you that the Star Li Hotl however انا per the 11 Pre on SO.
VS as roll call with massion, it Jamaica Defeats Pedro Miguel Heting ill comment Local 2151.
Dec 17 for tato technet of chaton terwil the committee sharp and all members itt til min to do 11 vreme in Bin the substante de lierely notition that the inside it Members of the level for the past die von der the statement that the time had when stunt in come when Viral Veter ular meetin ford PORDE. Monday, December 15th.
Ire decat in how support grosses cheine in tuning Tuhan Journalist been postponed for the Range The time for fear and the of the team was thought We have received T Willis their ringing before others UntNl would have a better Local 2515 Christmas Stockings which will Ranger archist ol ther onders is nothing but lurer lung passed. The Negro race was be distributed free of char Modeste Treasuren tout eiro Cherry trendo solo larger than any other rar and te that To all tinancial members of to all narcial members hex with two thitam Le No. 251. notice is hereby ing will be callod to order pre Algier. Sierary for their time since we have fought in the late various clubs dissociations war to save the white men we. ving in Wittrom kiven of the changes in our work cisely at 30 pm, so be on time Silver Senior Wom especially in abans requested to should certainly strumenti Instead of meeting to receive your package and do th it this Frias not forget that this is the last male Telwin fr. Vi ourselves in it bhupes untelushed to the ground on which would bring is to Friday month at the quarter Georg David Junior Wood Kuldrende hoe is talents in people. Captain Cockburn in indavlat orandud the rank to represent the actic side ished up by urging his heales herton Honda DJ AGIER with the final proved bell tanete the Thomisticat Beans to the host to buy shares in the Rark Star Batting tirst uding nights will be arrange It Journal Agent June Sumith, Jonior Beadie wil termostatssink to the audi Line and to support all Negro en Alius iud pravila in guns ont which will brito pour credit to attend Installation comes off on Dece, and place the judges in stakmard cember 7th Waltecoirer with a Reud on Monday the end, is there is DE LW. MI) was the Comenem next with an el achman 12 Cuin much correspondener of interest Local No. 2151 70 It has been donded to the Clotis xlso next speaker and congratulated wir runs and to be discussed. Please bring to climinate the charge for entrance from Capt. oekburn on binging the working card with you This will satisfactorily clear up a dispute first steam ship of the lark Star the pled with runs DEN Line to Colon. He then expressed Dramatic Concert.
meeting of the above Local 11. Stand Bamnet and shar will be convened on Monday. De The contest bang the 15th of January his gratulation att sering the Mr. Intoh Il each 11 CLEAN comber end commencing at nest, it is reputed that manding tablishment of the Black Star 30 precisely. We are grand Dramatic and Musical Picants give in the names by the It of Lineas he knew it would endi firm that that Dinsdale is one of President ureat aliketi pleased to inform the members concert will be given by the of January that the Management les cat is prevalent of the venture.
Tin lift the very best batin that we have received, which cutie 9751. the la cers and members of fourt Pa know in what position they are good field, fair Liberty Lodge No. 2512 at recent discussion it is series He concluded by uring his Stockings niin persistent scorer will be distributed s to purchase shares, as he of Boca Clubhouse on Juary 16, here is to the paying of entrane te he han for his win the fore charge. to all financiai member in which the great farcial ourens that the impor white stated that it was the day thombres, labituals and intended to do so. He further front of her on the Isthmus, and Withanadequately tilled house so be on time to reeive your sketch The District convention todos os a man that cannot be despised a never to be forgotten meeting parcelas distribution begins will be staged. After the con tin Club was defunct. For the grues to support Nyru indusuany el ven in which he tu he was called at pm. on Dec. 11. at 100 o cloen. As this is the cert the light fantastic toe will information of all the author of the montres Mr HN Wlrond of the Work.
selvek by President Clarke of the above last month of the quarter will do be tisped until 12 midnight Muuta is the most unuly perpetratorul Games tor To morrow named sie will be furnished by the rethe truth, since the dans of Anansman Printery ex welcomed La Bora vx. Red Tankat la Bw invoked by Chaplain Grey After the Lord blessing with DOLOR. AGIER nowned Silver City Band. All the Olympic Chul is still in print the pain and hailed the New temte groenterprise the Black Star Vincentian vs Yorkshire Bishop Journal Agent mission 25 cents. Buts ence, loving on its roll 40 cents Children the singing of the Opening shp53, all told, and is not seeking Line, He urged his heures Hollow Tinancial aid in any wav, as we have a stand together for it was only by Brittannic Jamnica Standard Oder six visiting brother from various lodges were introduced standing and untouched fund in the unity that Nigris Oral by Conductor Schrower. The our honourable treasurer, and could be stilisted and would The Standard C, To offers was made bi inas we are at prent out of succellett. President of Secretary Taylor, after which There will be a meeting in the Club th, JVest properly quarterurselves importance or Indian Red Cross, Mrs.
Room of the Sundance it is the principles of some men to go Alice Haller, Vice lisesident and Oval on Monday night. December 22 about with an exacting eye, discounter Mr. Jessamy, President of the Much boninens of importance is to be were delivered by the President ance the virtues of a cause, and fabri. Carpenters Local all made un considered therefore all members and others and attracted much cate de mers with no other view but teresting Speeches along the asked to be present. Meeting at 30 attention after which the mit to founder such causes ing was brought to a close by FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE On the invitation of Mr.
The Olympie Athletic Club has every Walrond, Captain Cockburn, and THOMAS Chaplain Greely who offered up Seey.
sane object in view and is working for party were motored around the thanks to Him who helped ils to ORTEGA the cause of our people. We want to the city when he visited the make it a success, and as the will leave CRISTOBAL at 6am and BALBOA at Noon, SATURDAY, promote a better social and moral under Workunan Printing Establishclosing ode was sung all depart20th DECEMBER, 1919 for Standing among our color and we feel ment, the store of the West Indian The Barbados Herald of November ed with satisfaction.
Callao. Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Coquimbo, and Valparaiso certain every honest minded man and Trading Co. and other places of th says that they had a flying visit on woman will be with us. GUATEMALA interest in the city, the ducks at Thursday, the 13th instant from Willie Success Lodge No. 2502 Balboa, the La Boca and other At this instance, tickets are in the balo Shepherd, the well known crieketer, who will leave CRISTOBAL at am and BALBOA at Noon, TUESDAY hands of the printers, and it is atti points of interest in the Canal is at present travelling between New This is to inform the various 23rd DECEMBER, 1919, for pated that there will be a most repre, into Panama where the Captain after which he returned York al South American ports on the locals that our next meeting will Guayaquil, Paita, Eten, Paonstnayo, Salaverry, Callao, Cerro Azul, Pisco, sentative audience. In fact, we must into Vestris He looks fit and hearty be on the 2nd Dec. Visiting Lomas, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique. Antofagasta, Chamaral, have the support of one and all, to make and Mr. Seymour boarded the and the Shepherd of intercolonial and brothers are welcome at any Coquitubo nnd VALPARAISO.
this affair the premier event of the The o clock train for Colon.
Please do not fail to at English cricket reputaion. On learning of time. VICTORIA season, as the funds will be utilized for the prospective visit ofa Trinidad eleven tend, as we are looking for your Crowds of people lined the ri! the prebiasing of medals, and defraying road station to catch the last in February, and also of horse race, the presence.
will leave CRISTOBAL, SATURDAY 2712 DECEMBER, 1919, for of all other expenses incidental to the glimpse enthusiastie Shepherd swore that he Cockburn be GEORGE UŠITED LODA Panan contest.
Whatever surplus there may be foue he left would be present at both, as long as be Journal Agent SALVADOR will be turned into the Club fund, Captain was breathing, if he had to obtain the Cockburn is a born gentleman, unassu ning jovial, but services of Aleock or Browne of Atlantic Will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon, MONDAY Intending applicants: Kindly bear in stern withal, and the Black Star aerial fame to pilot him thither. Aurora Dei Istmo Lcdge 22nd DECEMBER, 1919, for mind that it is an especial request that Line could not have secured a No. 2520.
Puntarenas, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, Acajutla, San Jose you give in your name on or before the better min for the position thrin de Guatemala and Champerico, 1st of January, to facilitate matters, It Cockburn PERSONAL The tirst closed meeting of this MANAVI is a so requested that the pieces to be rendered be in the hands of the Secretary Arrived on the Isthmus, on the Lodge was held on December 13th will leave CRISTOBAL, a. and BALBOA at Noon, FRIDAY, 26th on or belore the 10th January, so that a Frederick Douglas of the at Mr Grant School Hall. SevDECEMBER, 1919, for satisfactory programme can be arranged Siiver Employees Associi, Black Star Line Corporation eral matters of importance were Tutaca Esmeraldas. Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil.
for the evening entertainment.
Mrs. Rita Millington, wife Mr. transacted as the election of Bro.
tion Canal Zone.
Jack Millington of New York Modesto De Leon for the position. TRIDENT City, and brother to Mr. Thomas of Recording Secretary, the obli will leave CRISTOBAL, THURSDAY 15th JANUARY, 1920, for Millington, Clerk, in the Execu gation of a few new candidates HAVRE ROTTERDAM and LONDON TO ALL CONCERNED.
tive Office, Balboa Heights, who and the approval of a plan for a sofreceived a cable since Decem the formation of the sick and sis. JAMAICA meeting o we old Board of ber 1st. stating that Mrs. Milling burial funds, Will leave CRISTOBAL, a. and BALBOA at Noon, WEDNESDAY Directors of the Silver Emtgn was on board the Frederick Some letters were translated in ployees Association will be con318 DECEMBER, 1919, for Spanish, among which was the BUENAVENTURA. and TUMACO vened at La Boca on Saturday virs. Rita Millington is the successful interview with Secre. THE night, December 20th, for the holder of one of Madam Walker tary of War, Mr. Newton For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at purpose of making final settleDiplomas for hair straightening. Baker, one of the most upright CRISTOBAL ment of the attairs of said Assohair preserving, shampooing and men that the rich and powerful or to the Pacife Steam Navigation Company, ciation. All members are asked beauty culture.
North American nation has.
to be on time at the usnal bour.
PANAMA She is the guest of Mr. and Members of this Local must Mrs. Thonas Mington of La take notice through the columns or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROlet. Sub Agents: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET Co. Panama Respectfully.
Boca of this paper, that due to the inCHARLES STEVENSON Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
same line barp Zone, Advertise Souglss.
Workman ITPAYS (7. 30


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