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VOL. No. 21.
Wis Chur York rism before ta were 10 years.
to Certain Departments Now on Visit to the IsthAlready paid New Rates mus of Panama Britain has Government Respon On Saturday the inervases of lle had the pleasure of United Fruit Company takes first salaries which the Luislative meeting Miss Henrietta Vinsible to Popular Sentiment. Council have fanted to emploston Davis, International Orstep on its Estates.
crtain department and it is sanizer of of the Ladies Di.
The providing of decent dwell, and we are informed that this We tak trom an American pubotom of our States las his form expected that the whole went vision of the US who is lication the following string antas in will be med about on the Istimus in connection in workers on our estates work, once begun will be con vibute banerican Dreh Britun bogan regulating today on this in do it with the work of that Organit plantat has now passed tinued until there is a sufficiency SCISO End become of decent houses for themsey to Great Britain serv ce to the rinishich will mean that ther will be The nited Fruit Piso Messrs Lindo in Jamaica world lib Circulation on me It is from an might be more and today In the meantime the individual ddress livered by the Resurround the child at work with of the utes Miss Davis errom Tompany the exanthe sugar men have not been idle, the states by the Yar poliesit ha found necessary to Wood. Plymouth thus tollowing in Oui the most Share annunin westerday mouth of the lack star op: ubi and in Central vidime of good houses for the a great scheme for the pro Churches to mee nintly fit, less to do likewise. In Britain com llin Everton tho Line steamlip Corporation, Arica Colon Company workers on the sta is this war unds, for the vineri thrivare la presionin rinas. consider the purely a igre concerts, and plantations in Jamaica excellent The idea l ere is ta fuind these is an to express appreciation or when in Britain assore the major puttiin it by the thar national labar exchana wh casas no siti pels to remain here for a litomes for the workers have houses out of pise datorea Britiski, tor had not the British and insurance against um cient at tilm been built anu are still being material cheaper than brick quite held the seas the night of barba ploymitand thrin il minimum of the Select Committed urtea, compared with the usual as lasting, and which can bo She is a fuent sneaker. com! but in which so many of our lib. manufactured in would have Europe once more, and wept where in this country are the deal with the mots of manding large audiences with purers have been had, these where the houses are to be recto it is fruits of democracy to four Public Officers Thence into our own skies.
ring of cloquence not buildings are a luxury ed The Department of Public for this reason that have come Nevertheless we talk or de begrant to many of these, usually heard in speakers does not stand alone in this renounce on the suitability of pise But the United Fruit Company Works has been asked to proto this sitctuary of Anglo Saxon racy is it ourselves, we It is not only in the Gaver even above the ordinary The Lindo Brothers have de terre: in the meantime it is inAmericanisman Tican whose its foremost practitioners: asil. ment Service that Sir Leslie ancestors tough tin in our inery fat we were the keeper Probyn has been giving While in Colon she spoke but already they not been very long in the island, teresting to note that in England seal have done it this material is being strongly Kreat revolutionary war nk God Why for long Jonk sympathetic attention, but also in the Union Hall, it very nieat deal of work in industrial recommended for the building of for Britain the phrase in in the Municial Service It will large and spacious building developinent, and so far as Ja the workers houses that are now Making the world sat for demo Greece gave to the world phil Britain e intratto note that he has which it is said was packed maica is cones rned they are the so ur geutly needed.
osophy and art Rome, cover. just special Christ Thus we see that steps towards ment and law Britain, equality Invishly spilling her blood and certain other employees of the in that vast throng during housed labouring class is a bene condition are actually being taken hoy mother of it all, was mas bonus the boaters and to its greatest capacity and ponieer of sugar central factories They tou realise a well the improvement of the workers and freedom Nor did she stop reure over the lands and with these gifts for she has since 101 insured this preservation. She waters of the earth to make it. Mayor and Council. This request her address, there was not it all the employer Wits mad. to His Excellency by marmtur audible well as to in Jamaica at last. The value of so firmly the country. We are therefore the well housed, well fed labour.
bas sown her gifts with a prodie children, among safe place for her democratic His Worship the whom Mayor of did she rivet the attention not surprised to learn that last er is now recognised as infinitely al hand in every corner of the ei Kingston earth, herself surpassed all on this war of the forces of evil othwe: Wewho said ofticially of of her large audience to her week four hundred thousand feet greater than that of the man who of lumber was landed here for is left to shift for himself as best BUBONIC PLAGUE.
ors in their amplification and en eloquent address.
bling of labourers dwellings be can The former is the cheap.
joyment, even ourselves. Truly upon the forces of good that between the two we saw On Tuesday Miss Davis on the Lindo Brothers properties er worker in the end, dia Nicholas Murray Butler sils difference!
Oscount of tie reported Britain that she has stood ING over Panama, and bubonic plague xuardian at the gate of the Ten. So stand here to night an presence of Wus entertained at the reple of Liberty for thousand American to the core, and offer amongrats in Vw Orleans, il e sidence of Dr. and Mrs.
BROTHERHOOD NEWS my thanks for the blessing or Health Department is takin Who, therefore, are we that at of the liberties enjoy daray to the great parent Special care at Colon and Cristo Connell. After partaking of Andi bal to preveat the entrance of refreshments she was motorthe close of the struggle should thank her for the spread of that rats from ships to work down ed around Panama síght steHappenings of the Various Locals strut down from the mountains ave ing and visited the docks and bearing tablet of stone on which democracy the sane and stable pie rate population, and ware.
are gravem fourteen irrevocable which makes of Werty a sate uses, cleaned and arranged to other points of interest at The Top Of The Season. house, and also hope that this an Duuneement why catch the es coinmandments of our wide possession. Sufe for a man whether a tore the minimum of shelter Balboa, Canal Zone. She later vising of every brother, and he ney Our fourteen points: Are This addressed a large audience in Carter, wishes to extend through ing your, and try and attend Organizer Brother Nichojas turn over a new leaf for the couAre have ne shirt or throcker and subsistence to rats we as competeut to prescribe than her for having spread it sort of work goes on all the tim. the Baptist Church at Glithis medium the Top of the Sea meetings more regularly, remem Anglo Saxon democracy for for a to north of us, in Canada, and the Canal one, and last year in Colon and Panareas well as stricken world? Are we as com over the world continents.
son to all Ofticers and Members bering that only by concentrated petent to do so as the Mother of Along with Miss Davis is of the Panama Canal and Pana: etforts can we reach to success.
Upon its seas Britain was th over 34, 000 rats were destroyed.
Democracy, before whose eyes torch that suit ong the lights trance of plavue is The possibility of the en we have elevated our tablets or of freedom that welcome ed as the greatest health menace Ne ro Imgrovement AssociaMr. Cyril Henry also a rema Raiiroad System Division stone, as if they were sacred the milerim in all the ports of the to nade presentative of the Universal To All Locals and Lodges. Perfection Lodge No. 2522.
Writ! rll: and her the keep of the to which the Isthmus is now Please be reminded that the as the most tion and African CommuniThe regular meeting of this Britain has a Government res. world vast, tossing coinmon, sujet. and ponsible to popular sentiment, that once more may be traversed frequent carriers of the disease, ties League. Both Miss Davis new quarter commences Jan. 1st. local held December 15th, was 1920 people repudiate their Government by all whistoia de good to preventive measures. In the clean and Mr. Henry have come to sion dues will then be due. Don presence of our genial organizur not. When British in safety: iver sailor of maand open villages of the Canal the Isthmus in connection fail to keep yourselves financial in Several business matters ment, it resigns: when ours is their hearts. s. we have Zone thy have relatively small work of the order that you may have the de abis eued the meetiug consider vepudiated as it was recently it part: but it wils Britain that opportunities, but around ware and the Black Star Line sired representation from head. were discussed. among them continues to misrepresent public barred the gate and were the results of our last consentiment, and hold on to Britain that bringsly to the houses and stores, and in older Steamship Corporation. They NICHOLAS CARTER, and cert. The members are hereby pires by limitation Parliament hboratory on notified that the next meeting rules; Congress does not. The military aleh, und Colonths abound in nun expect to be here for some Organizer.
will be on January 6ih when it is bers. They are fecund, produe time and will leave no stone act of Perli went is fual that of blood and Drine.
Congress is provisional hoped th teer member will be wing froin 10 to 14 young in a litter unturned to push the interest There world lemoera Panama Canal Lodge.
COW in attendance.
there are two above Congitude to Oy Pande sind 11. ving two tree litters of both these Negro concerns.
is no master above Parliament; in it yea.
The members of the Panama It is therefore up to us as Canal Lodge, No. 2149 are espec. NEWTON, Lilled into that marvows exie Britain cities are well governed Victory, a great Jourual Ageat, drught of Pague is reported by British by directly democratic and incor which has so magically trans medical authorities to have been true and loyal new born Ne ially requested to come across ing no just, orderly, and fficient one that is wholly free.
rupt councils, which are proceed muud a world, part sert, into responsible for over een and a groes, to give these ventures with their dues for Sick and Buri: Aurora del Istmo Lodge balt million deaths in India since and al Fund its invasion of India in 196.
way towards municipal owner.
No. 2520 by them and see to it that be your guiding star. With ship of gas, electricity, street Members of this Lodge are railways, public markets, Washi they are kept up financially best wishes for a bright and p:0BIG MEMBERSHIP perous Year.
PERSONAL which alone can ensure suchouses etc. Our own minic! pal advised that the unveiling of our Yours sincerely, DRIVE.
Charter will not be in the West goverumens, because of its cor NICHOLAS CARTER, Indian Red Cross Hall, as was ruption, waste, inefficiency and Mrs. H, Stevenson, wife of President. said by our Jour nal Agent in callousness, gives us cause to Miss Henritta Vinton Davis, the Ex president of the Federa Saturday issue.
hang our heads.
World wide Blogutionist will Employees Union, No. of BalVictory Lodge No. 2509 It will take place at Mr. Grant We freed our slaves in 63; Bri speak at Big Mass tingof boa Heights: was a visitor to all Notice schoolroom, corner of Street tain bad freed hers in We the Universal Nego. aproved the colored sections, of Ancon Members of the above named night December the 27th.
and Ancon Avenue, on Saturday confiscated our slaves an ruin Association and Africa Com. Hospital on Christmas Day Lodge are hereby reminded that ed their owners, leaving tie lat munitie league, in the Vur. cheering the inmates with her the next regular meeting will be from now that on acconnt of the They also must bear in mind ter capital with which :o e oploy dades Theatre Panama City, at pleasant sıniles, hearty wishes Organizer Carter begs to state neld on Mo:day Jan. 5th at the second Siturday of next montla them. Hers, Britain red caned pm sharp. to norrow, Sunday and distribution of pine twigs, that the gold buttons of the usual place.
by purchase 777, 000 of th:m at December, 28th. 1919. thank her sincerely for her Brotherhood have arrived and They are also reminded that lay, our first meeting of that falling on the day before the pay the cost of 95 millions or collars, in erest in that direction and onn be had at his office in 20th dues for the next quarter must bloody war and ignt billions return her the compliments of Street Central Avenie. As be paid before Jan. Ist 1920 if uonth will be on Sunday, Janta y the 11th.
of money spent first and last the season. Thai right Mrs. there is only a limited supply at they des e to take advantage of ADVERTISE was the price we paid. MONTERO Stevenson, you will fiad the Co present, please secure yours at the Provident Fund, Brain proibited ght work!
lored folks a grateful and appre an early date at the regular We are hoping at our first Secretary.
for women 74 years ago; by only IN THE WORK MAN ciatie peopl.
price, meeting of the year to have a fail (Continued on pase 3)
regard and it W18 uarters cess.


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