
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 1919 Interesting News from the West Indian Islands INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION روس bas Sult.
question of Lal rort esant present ins awy part of the addition granto of London Demerara a. then their students abroad. The Gorg Pensar In the curve Vegetable Factory Opened Out re KOwned By Other Tell their efforts in this direction THEN TIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Struck For Higher hd Fire Insurance Company Head Office, 55, Wall Street, The engine the Fath the British GM Fire Barbados Foundstrick Motul Life Insurances desdy for their wiges their demands ther and the British Gurun Borld Scity in the ori Capital, ljurp us, Undivided. Profits Over 33, 000, 000. 00 learn bunga ind a nine hour day. The ap.
di cecasiones al funds for the work to be done cation was for a result 81510 vited a State Ersal of a com Senty through it here Official Depository of the Republic of Panama nie upon their inaugurated a serie which persons have taken the Spysentut frue Aftercareul consideration it is full advantages and up to the DEPOSITORY naction OF THE PANAMA CANAL the decided to enct and equip a fie senti scheme saking of one of them proved an Phoenily ritmned from the presarattar tire success as shown by the DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD IT Serviceab from local stuffs Anar large number of persons who sass Professor Hatlandiords and also by the number through it have becomtheir own in giving brief outline of the Ang passes history of the air, the Board of proprietors who have ben un Through its Agencies in the laterior and its Foreign Branches hrough here on Monday the ee started is quiries in the Uni able to effect improvements son this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Byron was 11. td Siatol America but few their properties. Every diy the sistant Manager at New York of resul: Daddocented from those city is being made more beautiful, he big shoutirn of Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
inquiries. The item 15. cco but nevertheless the a Holt Mr.
was revoted on the 1915 Esti housing still remains a problem vera! places of mitoring in the Lloymorto those who suffer INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Colony and also and the Enly ir 1918, the Buaid got in most are the persons of the midPony Rac menting at the Garri touch with the Kal in Engineer dle and poorer classes who find it son. He stated it was likely that ing Company of New York who not an easy task to rent suitable is Company would be mening quoted 200 as the price dwellings within their means their activities these parts several New York of machiners neces. By way of improvement avera!
shortly, as they had sing for crying, willing and bolt ranges about town have disap.
orders out for inelve new cargo ence and maize to flour. The pared and small cottages erect Judge be fixed at 05 and boats. It was not it all unlikely Board, aiter cueful considerad in their strad, the result be: 1, 500 repectively That the annual salaries of the Calidonia Show Rooms ne said, that thy would be mak 110. arrived at the conclusion ing that the rents of the cottnges a bid for patronike in the that the erection of the rice and are fixed at a high figure and the Colonial Secretary and the Atior.
waters and hope to be in apei maize flour factory was a matter poorer classes are left out in the new General be tixed in each case House No. 20, Calidonia Road tion to take 80ne of our oletten van aivisuel the cold. Simultaneous with the rise at 17, 000. Four Blocks from Corner on Right Hand)
Ilgarth H: Government that the tender in the cost of building materials, was much impressed with the should be at once accepted This there is an all round rise in rents Barbados beauties and hospitality of the was done by cable on the 12th which is felt very keenly by the MANUFACTURERS TAILORS AGENTS Colony and its mhabitants and March 1915, but nc uniddie and poorer classes.
looked forward to a more leisuremachinery reached Georgetown Orders Taken For ly visit in the near future.
until the 1st October 1918. The Demerara Civil Serviee High Cost of Living Combined Court on the 29th No MADE TO MEASURE SUITS Salaries.
191. decided that a sun Trinidad of we should be granted in It is not unlikely that before to the original long Barbabos scholars now resi. Also Raw Material per yard from 15, 000 30 that the factory should Resolutions recently passed by be applying this Government The following are among the dent in English Universities will 25 and upwards Returned Soldier be constructed and The cost of the erection of the the Civil Service Salaries com for an increased vote to meet the equipped.
Adresses School Ch ldren.
factory in round figures trd to mission abnormal cost of living in has been 2793 or say 700 This Excellency the Governor to The price of food and clothing SUITS Made to Order from 17. 25 and upwards be respectfuly invited to insert there is exceptionally high, as TELLS HOW HE WON MILI.
less than the original estimate ary 4, 000 included for the office even moneyed vitore the in the 1920 Estimates the fullsal. well as lodging Capacity at Factory One Third Deposit On All Orders TARY MEDAL.
frem The factory is designed to dry Guvernor in the schedule Wesi Indies to the Mother coun: An interesting address was de 100 bags of rough rice or corn to the Civil List Ordinance, No. 26 try have been complaining of the Orders Mailed to Customers Address Hyndman arer of the Military livered yesterday by Private and mill 60 bags of 180 lbs of rice of 1917 instead of the sum 1, 3, 500 hardships. The educational vote or worn tour per day of nine voted in the estimates of the has not been increased during EDWARDS, Tailor and Cutter Medal, to the pupils of the Piece current year.
the war, nor has any applications dilly Street School The present substantive salar bien made by Barbados scholars: Hyndman spoke ies of Civil Servants are paid from but we observed recently from ment in Trinidad and of his mili BeautifyingGeorge smp sum votes up to and melud or change that a fairly sub.
ing 50 a year be as stantial voted a tary training before his in England. se town.
from the ist. January 1920 by 30 lish Guiana scholar who was fore experiences in Egypt and Pals per cent and the present substan. ed by circumstances to Sve salaries of tiers abore 1, pallis Goerament. La it was not until he mud One to the living liches The Housing Problems ar noi ad fruthiret fri from tumo sum centi e of the West Indian after two years, that the ri 25 cent sted what the insurerie phdiso Cuoreves in San the Army At the piel Provided (1 Thaile minime Eneri 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA The The Spe caser related the sont time we cannot help obfervannuat salary of a oth chisschkana at pri Next Door to Cecilia Theatre try how he won the Vitry ing the vant improvements when shall be 75.
Mr. Copeland remarked.
Niedal, His Company hatin have taken nie and are still tak where un acual sale leaving another mpany ingine Wrespect to the build which now excies (50 will part. no pay Continued on puide ingo de banis of the city when increased by 25 per on pusses on ae sunt vithe abnor.
Headquarters for and ly these improvements tin quall. 70 shall be paid. mal cost of living in Lindor, and city is being made to look much The annual salaries of the Chif recommended that the Govern NEED High Class Furniture brighter than it did some years Jistice nad the senior Puisne ment should consider the ca e of All New Goods Sold at 3:30:25 SSE Reasonable Terms. We Always have in Hand a Complete line at Reliable Low Prices WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US Watches and jewelry when buying Furniture.
FOR PRINTING Give us a call Before Going Elsewhere. You are sure to be on Time Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock if Your WATCH was Repairad by us Xmas Remember We Make Wedding Rings and Other Jewelry to Dider large assortment just received at the rilin. Se 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Corner 22nd Street, Panama, 46 STREET, PANAMA Phone 939 Just received a full stock of ALLMAN fi Beautiful display that will Meet the taste of SILVER CHAIN GOODS LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR everyone.
Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Between 10th and 11th Sts.
Bottle Alley. Coion, For every form of disease MERS SUITS MADE TO ORDER Secretaries of Locals and Friendy Societies are TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Lic. LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY latest English and American Fashiors, specially invited to see our stock before Give us a call and inspect our New Stock Also Cleaning Pressing Satisfaction Guaranteed.
placing their orders.
Your Patronage Solicited FLOWERS, Proroitor.
Prices Moderate Box 36, Panama City Telephone su.
NY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY Private arrival to make Panama Furniture Company De for stu W. 20H ܝܝ CHRISTMAS CARDS 242651 Greeting Chorrillo Drug Store WORKMAN PRINTERY


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