
PAGE TOUR TOTAL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1919 THE WORKMAN THE WEST INDIAN TRADING 30 letier o Consolation and Admonition WI Duet PO Box 74. Panan RP RATES OF SUSCRIITION written and on and Month Thre Groceries!
100 op we will be able to BICYCLE above illy might ot 1) DARDORALES No. 22 Centra! Avenue. Panama City Dec. 27th 1919.
PELLOWMEN: you had Merry tion but are faith thisimas, and wish you Hy Nw Year. wish denet underta se torturn 19 will bring unlimited rejected correspondence Stress and Prosperity into our individual bom, The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIC vale all red realizd the urgent We Carry a full line of Groceries: Chocolates, necessity for more seriousuess SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1919 les frivolity. have all ralized the urgent ne Household Hardware, Cigars, Special line of Jamaica cessity to become more econo.
The Spirit of Nineteen Twenły. szemes mic and more industrious. garettes, Toile: Articles, Etc. Etc. Eic.
hope you have all seen the vital inportance of of Racial Consolidt.
tion The wonderful Here we are at the threshold of another year, the outprogress our race has inade during the look of which is as gloomy, if not more so, as the receding past eight months is a living one whose days were filled with unfortunate portent so far Drop in and inspect our Stock or phone your order, proof of what we as the colored residents of the Isthmus of Panama are accomplish in the near future il corcerned. We bid good bye to Nineteen nineteen with the to we make free deliveries.
we put together and sticke Kether It took the Honorable desire to bury in the Lethe of forgetfulness the ills that Marcus Garvey thirteen months evertook us and the mistakes we made; we repine the lost to launch the Fredrick Doug opportunities and the indolence of the last twelve months; las of The Black Star Lina we regret the sloth with which so many of our people took Open Until p. on week days Sv. Co. He intends to launch on to the new ventures and new enterprises among our one every two months, and. hope you will all join hands and own race; we stand at the grave of lost hope and seal Sundays until 12 Noon.
hearts together so as to make it its tomb with adamant and asbestos so that the ashes of its an absolute success. am frightful memories will never rise to terrify us.
proud to state, that both the captain and the Yet, while we ring the death peals of the past, it is representatives of the Company told us that the fitting for us to catch the new spirit which so daringly apHonor the Law.
Negroes of Panana ran second peared within the past year and which struggled to a vicon the list of the purchase of the torious finish despite the rank hostility and opposition arSome of those who are Frederick Douglas. NO ra, ed against it. From this spirit was generated the local usually appointed to inter better sacritice could anyonu branch of THE UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF MAINpret the laws of a country are critice, make. In making the we TENANCE OF WAY EMPLOYEES AND SHOP LAhave accomplished LAMPS, BELLS, not always sages and don one of the greatest BORERS and likewise the UNIVERSAL NEGRO IM TIRES, TUBES, of Chari deserve respect from a cat have broken the tirsylink in the ty to Ourselves; for so for so doing we PROVEMENT ASSOCIATION and THE BLACK STAR LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. These have all come at and Repair parts nevertheless, it is not the chain of Economic lavery in a great sacrifice to many of our best and ablest leaders.
personel but the law itself so doing, we have fultilted the The new year which is fast dawning upon us must find that must be respected. shall stretch forth her hands Prophecy that says. Ethiopia NOW IN STOCK us with a greater degree of this new spirit than we have magistrate might be a nin with Therefore, let us hitherto possessed. This is the spirit of INDEPENDENCE, Reasonable Prices.
compoop and the watchman ont continue to make such sacrifices and fight manfully for the con something like that of Colonial America in 1776. We have may be the biggest theif, solidation of our race.
all heard the clarion call to arouse ourselves and fight to the but that will not justify any Star Line is the Alpha The launching of The Blact: bitter end against racial oppression, and we must either WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. other man for breaking the Ethiopia Freedom. It is respond and make our progress successful, or skulk and constituted laws of the coun Beginning of the End of Econo invite deteat to our cause, menacing forever the future Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
of unborn generations. We must educate the ignorant and mic Slavery. We have all beer try. Law is majestic, and ce to see the ship, to illiterate among our number, and instill into their slavish PHONE BOX 16, ANCON, everybody should honor it, in it, and to scrutinize it breasts a pride and manliness that will release them from fact, it a man does like to been aboard it and have conthoroughly. The possimists have the baneful thraldom in which they are now being choked respect it he will be placed in fessed that she is a real ship to death Phantom. They countries in Panama have a position where he will have and not a Editorialettes As we enter upon the new year with its unforeseen consular and diplomatieres very little chance of opposing have also seen that the Captain experience, we should be reminded that it is our right to Black Negro, id not presentation. All Negroes are it. COLORED PEOPLE, Japonor a white man: expect the same justice, the same treatment and the same Is This Law!
not fools nor soft heads and don follow the lawless Our white cnemies who have e thing as we are expected to give to members of the white race, and nothing less than this must be tolerated If a colored man is quietly they know that what is not sticks. they know how to get been discouraging members of among us. Now, more than ever it must be a strong and standing at the side of a road sauce for the goose is not out whenever they get in, but our race from buying shares in with you it is not so.
the Company, are now shume for the Red Lies they told determined war against injustice and oppression. The new and, for any reason, a white sauce for the gunder.
Therefore gpirit is an inspiration born on a new age, and we must policeman should happen to again admonish you breathie it as freely as we take ithe atmosphere all around accost him, is it lawful for the Our Daily Bread GOODBYE put away all Pessimism. Ta maicanist, Barbadianisin Moral us. Weare not compelled to suck the salt and bitter sticks policeman, under any pretext, that are given to us; we have not to receive insults and in except self defence, to swing Cowardice, Jealousies and Fear We need it, imi Providence. Headley, once a resi Let us get down to business with juries mcomplainingly; we are not supposed to shut up bis club and drop it on the has prese ribed ic for us; but it dont of the city of La Buca, bugs one acord so that in the north when told not to talk; we are no longer to remain in coloreul anu head? suppose has been proscribed by the this meant to say gomi future we may be able to rubo slavery, the colored man is committing powers that be and 30 wentnees, is the date of her other races of the world on the to all her friends and ae shoulder to shoulder with the The of paid the. unknown plutorin or remaines sors. It was so with the Lgyptians who enslaved the Sevs, cop is making an arrest, tia is: Should misturve? She sailed on ths. Yarmouth. now strongly advise and and history has been repeating itself hundreds of times should the latter punch the Would we, not be comune per Binek Star Line forte courage you is taka shares in eine over from them until now. Every Negro on the Isthmus former in his ribs with the suicide if we sit sti. and sulle herself and four children West Indian Trading Co. of to join her husband in New York nama, a duly registered corpormust be prepared during the coming year to show a butt of his staff with a uct a fer the denial of our right to city ation that has at present extend.
brotherly interest in the all airs of others of the race. If a move on, you damn black so live? WE MUST LIVE: WEI ed its capital to 50, 000. 00 and Dance And Be Merry. help it to be an absolute memper vi the race is wronged it shall be the duty of one and so! This might be law SIIALL LIVE; WE MEAN success as you have done in the Black anal to come to his assistance with money for represen in other places, but it is not TO LIVE. What is ours we Star Line, tation, and moral courage for vindication. What outrages law here, neither written nor shall have, however liegerit, The imperial Dancing Club so that when our ship were stomached before must be regarded now as nau unwritten, and it ain Daily bread is dispensed to will stage their Snow Ball, the shall have arrived we can proudly the Negro ship has seous; what abuses were accepted in the past cannot now gwine to be. If a policeman all people and the man who great stes arveleven tref the sea; a large cargs of goods for alle. The be endured; the estimate of real integrity must be the basic should be fresh enough to sits still and permits others to to eclipse all past performances sro tirm. This Company intends principle of racial recognitior. we must quit groaning and gudge a Negro he ought to be rob him of his portion 150 ans de wine minute crumba to buy farms and develop Mothsighing. we must act.
made to hate to do it again; BIG FOOL whether he is on Invitees are herewith reminded er Earth where by making proviand if a judge should be so the Canal Zone, in the West that subscriptions must be in ad. Do not allow the enemies to sion for surplus There is an organized attitude of suppression which bloc mingly narrow minded Indies, or in Africa. The peo Dancing commencez at 30 pm. discourage you any dimes: and bear in threatens the very manhood of our people, but in our act and unfar as to convict a Ne ple who insist on robbing a with the latest Jazz Band in al economic, save your of resistance we do not stand alone. strong force of gro for defending himself ill treating the colored people tendance. So meet your Pall at when they shall have become sjlupathisers from the other race whispers courage in against an outrageous assault of the Canal Zone are not do the Rd Cross Elall.
dollars, buy shares in the Black cir ears, and the conscientiousness of the tone bids us do by a gaat head wearing ing themselves much good, Star Line and the West Indian for ourselves that in which others are willing to aid us. khaki and a stick, it were and are ratier sowiuscow Silver Emploveeg sontero improvement Associa: Trading Co. Do not fail to be come a The Ciwan Anerica huried a Lincolat CC of time that all the Negroes get that will not yieldin the Negro: an industrial war places his like on the side of six busy and seck justice by the able harvest. down troditen teen thousand Silver employees and other oppressed people inost effective means. The people will not always reAssociation.
chon and Airican Commnnities League sures on the Isthmus. The wrongs of the past shall not be suíUnited Siates is too great a main tha, and when they God Green Earth for the the createst movement fered will resistance; we shall take wa new ittication to oppress any one. turn it was to il cieubers who contribucon suiidation or the 400. 000. 000 FREE AGE, FREE COUNTRY, FREE PEOPLE. and dont forget, all the great meeting.
sons and daughters of Ethiopia Cu purpose of sent that are now scattered all over Southern crackerism must be nipped in the bud; Negroardelegate to Washington the face of the globe: so, that in phobia must be rooted out; economic slavery must be sent will be reimbursed as the very near future, to the wall, and if the hierarchy of injustice continues to The world owes us a good living and we shall get it even soon as possible after the keep us down, by God! we shall wrestle until finally we win. if it be at an enormous sacrifice.
auditors have submitted their Prepare for Challenge. PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR is wished for all, but word of advice must now be given to our people, report. Ali monjes remaining Ag Mr. Callendar of the with the wish goes the warning that it will not be pros. Don break the laws of the country; if you don know what siver disbursement has perous for us unless we make it so. Our wives, our chil they are, ask those who know. Don start trouble and try been made, will be turned Chorillo cc, did not sinta his dren, our aged mothers, the long list of fatherless and or to avoid it when you see it coming but for God sake, over to Santo Tomas Hospi nan of Saturday 5th iust. wa postal in Workphans are looking up into our faces and asking us whether don swallow dirt. Don be tools and dupes for other ta! Look out for the pay use this medium to inform him we are men or pigmies, and we must answer them. They people. Be wise as serpents and harmless as dovan edule; present your receipt that the Sporting of Red are shaming us for the moral werkross we showed in the keep always on the right side. If you suffer wrong cout to the authorized disburser, his broad and admirable chal quite prepared to past and goading us on to more rational living and actions fail to seek redress in a court of law, but when going and receive un peso oro.
in the future. It must mean that we are to arouse our please don go without counsel, and never throw away lenge, it the match can be WILLIAM STOUTE, ranged to come off on any hollo Carrionandi ferichia thanh the heavens your rights by spoiling a good case; and don forget, KEEP day. not on Sunday. CorresponDisbursing Officer.
fall. Only on such lines as these will tne new year bring YOUR BUSINESS TO YOURSELVES, and watch for dance with My Podu.
shung cu that will be beneficial and prosperous to us. spies and traitors. MARTIN, guel will be welcome, to take President arrangements.


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