
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1919 DISTINGUISHED SPORTSMAN TOYS. Visit Panama www. eks, Senor Jack Martinez a prominent Chilan kuntleman who has a.
nid on the Isthinus has won for himself a Turge number of inguisti frtands and the unit of the Panun nians ani foresidents. Mr. Ma.
Zpular sportman and he is well known and respecte in the South American publics Mr. Martin is the pioneer pro moter of boxing in Chili anlW13 the first man to introduee a for we eign pugilist into that and he has received the well country merited success he deserves man of intelligence and hon ourable reputation Mr. Mar tinez had demonstrated wherever has had the opportunity to promote pugilistic encounters, that the game is a gentleman science and can be played fair and with satisfaction to the pub.
are the patrons and sup ters Mr. Martinoz will be in Panain for a couple of nonths and will endeavour to promote one or two matches he basa who LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes The personnel of the British Vary will be treatly reduce when the oited States ratities the peace treaty, it is stated by the Evening News on what it de Clare to be Chris authoritative in formation. Thenim. ro marines it clares will but from 19:00 to 10. it is.
parte laid the ar that It is the intention of the Govern ment to close loverseas naval stations and bring home the shi abroad, showing the flag only by hans of flying squadrons WS wwwthe principal street DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS Returns To His Old Stand The General Public and friends of Dr Elwards are asked to take notice that he has renoved from So. 11 Bolivar Street, to His Old Stand. 182, Bolivar Suret. Opposite the Masone Temple and is all diseases, especially those of women and children, he has pcialized in these subjects during his recent stay in New York.
prepared to treat Interesting News From the Three Persons Killed Continued from page 2)
and Several Wounded TOYS. TOYS. and his commanding officer asked while solunteer to take a henge to the olticer command In Pitched Batlle lug the other company. Private An immense and Varied Shipment Hynduan volunteered and carrie Trix message safely. Being a scout Three persons were kilit and BOGALUSA, La SW he had to remain belind and so just received Serious was the bin bardment of several wounded, one fatalha he Turks that he remained in that pitched battle here today btwer members of the local Lyalty Rosition for eight hours He was League, and men sud to be in subscuently sent to reconnoitre labor agitators.
Big Assortment now on with Jamu seldier, and found that the Turks had evacu The celdar Williams. District Presi ated, leaving a few of their Exhibition mnen behind Private dentof the American Federation Hyndwan told the children that of Labor and editor of The Press, diseipline was necessary not only a union labor newspaper.
as a soldier but also as children Bouchillon. Thomas Gaines, Sold by Wolesale and Retail He compared the discipline 01 All three are union carpenters.
school life with that of a soldier, and tothom how they must Rourke, a leader in union labor The wounded include carry out their duty without fear EDUARDO VALENCIA and on the politeness and respect Jules Le Blanc, former army circles, who is fatally hurt, and wired of them Santa Ana Plaza next Hotel Metropole Captain and member of the Loy.
alty League, Traveller by the Railway com: Trouble between the Lova plain of the enforcing of a regu League, which includes ex ser lation preventing passengers vice men and representatives of from carrying with them and the Great Southern Lumbor in the case of perishable goods terests on the one hand, and union wymage exceeding to pounds Coinpany, and other business in Which passengers may desire to cake along with them, this regu the Great Southern locked out lation will be excedingly incon: about 2, 500) employees beranse venient. Although we admit there they would not tear up their inust be some limit and tilty union cards, on the other, began we think that for instance in members of th league held up a pounds, to us appear to be small list night after about 500 armed THE HOME OF the case of it passenger travelling train half a mile from the railroad from, say, Tabsquit to the city, station and searched it for unde with a bay of ground provisionis sirables. After the search had or such like articles to leave failed to reveal any one whose ame behind to be sent by goods presence train in spite of being prepared crowd started to find a negro unwelcome. the 10 excess luggage or way. who was said to have been active rates, is decididly hard.
an recently in trying to stir up bad High and Low Cut ferImg among his race against.
Jamaica the whites. The search which continued until a la tour was unsuccessful.
in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet Ti. Jamaica Gleaner of Octo This morning, to the surprise has good reason to be of the the Loyalty League men.
the Pocket of All fietlis Erele the Act the Hero thy sougini emerged rastin deal with protiter boldiy down the The Crnors tako prelim from bis hiding place and in the island, about which the of of the town. On either side of him public are complaining bitterly was an armed white man, one rach. a MULLER Excellency has been stuosing the union circles, and the other a whole conditions, and it can be sympathizer, whose identity has Sole Agent tate that stops have been taken not been ascertained. The siglt that may ultimately lead to the of the negro, protected by the putting down of profiteering white men incensed the Lavalty 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA Lagers. They said the black Loyal Star of Hope Elects man had been trying to cause Officers.
race rioting and that they did not intend to permit him to stay here, The letion of Onicers of the Rallying their forces quickly, Lal Star of Hope Lodge so the Loyalty Laguers forced the Lessons Given of the improved Inde; endent three to retreat bo an automobile Order Oddfellows London garage, When called upon to on the Clarinet, the leading Onits took per at their Lidze surrender the negro the men in Band Instrument. Band or Room on Monday Evening Der the garage refusel, and firing Orchestra furnished for all The following Oficers were first blood. Blane was shot The beseixed drew the wovted to take charge of the Ad through the arm. That only in.
kinds of engagements.
ministration for the ensuing NEILSON Brus. William Cadogan creased she al of the besesers Obarrio Building No. 2, Calidonia Road Novie Grand: Blackman, ice whose numbers constantis in Clarinetist Republican Band Giard: Sidney McClean, elected creased.
Ancon Phone 1053 Secretary Clarke, When the attackers finally si 17 St. West, House 37. Panama LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR sponding Secretary: Joson lenced the tire from the garage Gadsby, Treasurer: Jenkins thr e dead men and one fatally WATCH REPAIRING NOTICE Inner Guard: Melford, Outer injured were found within. The Guard: Burnett, Warden. The negro hd escaped.
Williams, WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE, installation will take place on Bouchillon, and Gaines sacriticed TO MEMBERR OF Saturday evening the 3rd of their lives in protecting the negro January 1920, all sister Lodges whose name was not learned, Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
are cordially invited.
and Rouke received Members of the Colon Federal wounds.
Labor Union please be informed CAMPBELL Edward Brien, a former tha the election of officers for WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER.
ern Lumber Company was fore at the Union Hall, on Sunday Phone 1053 Cars Stop at the Door.
Two Competent ed a few days ago to leave Boga. December 21st, 1920. Only finan lusa by a. cial Trouser Workmen of which Le Blanc was a member vote, Members in arrears are He was accused of sympathy asked to pay up their dues in Apply to with the who killed ex, tim to qualify for this occasion. ALLMAN Orleans on Fridas Brien and soldiers in Washington. In New JNO, ASH 132 Bottle Alley another union labor man tiled Secretary COLON charges before the United State Commission against members of 122 Central Ave. Panama LEGAL NOTICE wearing the unifoam of the arıny the committee, accusing them of LAWRC HOT contrary to the law.
Tailor and Outfitter Tae roma of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment In the District Court for and Prompt Attention.
the Canal Zone, Cristobal Deaier in School Books, Division City Bible Agency. and Stationary.
Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of Eugetta Prince PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MED! 13No. 11 Street, Panama The City Bible Agency begs to Wiliam Prince, call the attention of Christian chains from Central Ave.
Civil No. 307.
Workers and Bible Readers to To William Prince, the above the fact that we can supply them Address: We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
aamad defendant: with the former translations of Box 895, Ancon, Bibles compared and revised, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE.
self pronouncing editions and Phone 939 Os Box 829, Ancon.
That on date of November 17, standard Concordance of the 1919 the above named plaintiff Bible, also Sunday School Teach Take Notice BROWNE McALMON filed in this Court a suit against ers Bible. Lodge, Palpit, and fa PROPRIETORS.
you for the Annulment of Mar mily Bibles. We handle bibles of various societies, especially the The following persons are re.
Now, Therefore, unless you Oxford University Press. real quested to call on Dr.
appear at a Session of said Court morocco binding.
Johnson Secretary of the West to be held at Cristobal, at We also handle all other kinds ndian Committee, at 143 Centra. o clock, Thursday, Jan. of religious books in addition to Avenue, in connection with cerl uary 25, 1920, and answer the bibles.
tain watters referred to the Com complaint in said suit, judgment See us for prices and terms.
mittee by the British Legation: will be taken against you by Rosaline Skeete of Panama Street, detault, and the relief prayed for House No. 32 (upstairs)
Ida Walker of Green Castle in same will be grante. Box 1079, Panama.
Estate, Antigua Ella Noble of Jamaca, SGD. CHEATHAM, Augustus Farrier, Joseph Osbourne of British Asst. Clerk of Court.
The Calidonia Jewelry Store Notice to Masons Local.
PANAMA CITY The members of the above Lal who have note pt entre of 30 y in full are urgently requested to have said amount paid before January 1st 1:2 (18 per concession or they wil be subject is admittance meinbers with the regulation fee of 375 Cy.
torun new fatal Wanted at Once Want to know the present ad dress or whereabouts of James Spooner, a Barbadian, and Gregory, Jamaican, both shoemakers by trade FISHER Prov. Chiriqui. David, of The Chemical Hall NOTICE To whom it may c) con The Officers and members of the Royal King George Lodge No.
17. begs to notify that Israel Cuffy is no longer a inember of said Lodge and Order, having been expelled in consequence of acts deroga.
tory to the Lidge and Order.
HENRY SPENCER Secretary Waterproof Raincoats Give me your order for your WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children.
Ancon Box 836,


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