
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1919 PAGE SEYEN esse 38 as SS SS 30:30 Justice For The Ne.
Gigantic Lottery New French idea.
thCGARHIELD HILL Proposed To Raise a Loan Of 12, 500, 000, 000.
SS 00:50 Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes They pre co poprior with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE The inn Tailoring Establishment annis for their law Ciod and man Defend your wh other Chain against te Lee Clo11g Co.
whis PT stor blo There are many ways in which Dermal 23 AND the overnment can raise the honey with which to defray the Dof the war and the inCreased cost ef lawwar and qui ment, but it is aligether unlike that any is of taxation will pre quite in popular ir any sort of taxation can possibly Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE. populatas as that evolved by the French wovern. nent France is tot moy out of the Kets of her citizens with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
but goin, et it out in a in the cons of his serien this Giled lithi WAY HA inake every th. When the Pretch CNC. POSSly.
DESC Lai to dig deep down in his jeans and fork over It is Le sech for justice in and which no less a scheme than a viganti judgment and purveplay a land dottory, designed to rem temt very Montent in Frenchman who has suvel up 500 nomy default of the protection of the rmes (about 100 and is willing to take a chance with th: odds mo e or less in his favour.
inct to live at least to sell life dBoxsoc28:30:00 00:00 :50:00 SX S18000 dearly in this states than It is proposed to raise alan of in with the best 12. 50, 000, 00)
unreachablo sum is to be secured That si emingly Criminal in the go to the all means at he doll the by making ev is French man bet Christian The Dinopel charoli GREAT VALUE and the lives ci hun wild Kainst his fellow niti mittit The PHILIPS o incan membuat fo AT LITTLE COST cornm ntrigures that it will be et recitar unwilling of it able to the loan in twenty able to protect him in order indicated by a soull work on camion to deepen Yet the thits the results of the spirit of the members already lins weekly lottery In addition rare rating in Washilkton and Chic it should will the pple lire at home Is there anyone who would knowingly however, a number will be drawn refuse to receive the best value for his gol proper we will be more about Christ; it whileach apmowe spent?
Guarantees Satisfaction in the or two years on each day of inhud bense they were caught beating pind Christianity withing moral and Those who substitute cutting and manipulation of these two years, the possessor of e un procesom Compligious problems like the race issue DeWitt Pills with other remedies are which will win 230, 000. In this not only rejecting the best value for VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE way some lucky Frenchman will het toe in such a thi Chether money but are actually plotting Americans cannot earringe of justice? Cm be capaciteit Cristianity when themselves bra sind himself or herself, every day nainst their own health.
to le port cities and patriots for two for two Dwon ti worn out. Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats the noters suddenly amon The riche, a malefactor when attacked. The right or wrong De verfra nervous or nalefactress of great of great wealth of such action is not debutable, we pains, SPECIALTY dizziness, headache, it is self and cannot be solved with reference disorders, barva of finance, in fact a evident: But the rigedy of the situation LADIES SKIRTS COATS wealthy Frenchman. These daily this, that even the fighting is bound to can dom that all will be well with a su discomforts morts be un qual Ho essly outnumbered face that the sorrow leath which is the fortunes of 250. 000 will be dis tributed each day, Sundays in ki, Wadder 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE with provisions cut off and timent compass it alou. shiti in time cluded for two years, from the turned into joy, hi.
It will we fight a cate blot losita ing pass into the day of local sation, weak and lame baek, the bladder, burning senBox 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
date this huge lottery is officially made into law. Not only will Sght.
MY It is for this that weep. Nother ging. But what is irregularity of urine, with bad coior, sediments, etc. there be the larger fortunes of men of my rece bave been siin for this hope is event in Ti. 250. 000, but the originator of must le, where me show the qualities of lift up mine eyes unto the mountains, Any of these symptoms are generally the trail to kidney and Bladder troue DELICITEERI the idea proposes that in addition mathood. But rather because the odds from whence shall my hell come there shall be two lucky numbers help cometh from the Lord, which made blia tie against them have been so great sto of 100. 000 each Hvaret Earth DeWITT PILLS, the UNIVERweek for two make the result foregones elusion to pied from The Brooklyn Daily SAL PROOF CURE, will not fail make their fighting sem almost in vin 20. 000 each week during the two Start in today Jus: But shall the die in vain? Isith Eagle New York August 18, 1999 Thanking you in anticipation, re to cure you VO! Their death mar years. After two years there is think of the rewind Health, Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, to be a weekly distribution or Email Strength, Happiness and Long phase in the race question. It is it tua Yours truly prizes of various size, Exporters and Commission Merchants.
Life at such lad valise higher plote. It has served notice on the HOWELL wild that its theory of the Nigro Imagine the wealth of a Sold in two sizes at all first class drug Frenchman who calmly sits down Ruiless brute, is all atongFor if the Beware oftentations some to his cafe noir au cognac and Nuo consenso sa creat liters in die Conditiers confronting News ico. Lul, London, Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: dealers are handing out, DWUIT Bottle with gathers in the lucky capital price for it, he is not leth dispicabilerrature Blue seal. City army Mind on ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
for two years. It is contemplated the world hele mu to pity that to paper Publishers.
that there will be such a rush for wrapers.
Provisions and Canned Goods.
THE CITY PHARVIACY; 130 Cen tickets for this lottery, which will The spirit of the mob in Washington South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
be run under government supertrul Avenue, Puma and Change the prit of the nations Tre is no exaggeration in the be entirely open and Penso Antti Ropullie and Be the ending of the war, shows that is sertions made by manufactures Cuale Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye.
above board, that no advertising Wie war 1913 15 will be nn child play and by publishers in attendance Colgate Co.
will be necessary and that the wars of the future. The won the real esting Octagon soaps the expenses of conducting the si air is suchanel with the spirit American Newspaper Pabisang Sunda Benjamin Mig. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc. antic game of chance will be while or diplomats and statesmenariscattoli recently confined to a comparatively small The Pump Hair Pin Mfg. Co. of newsprint in Hair Pins clerical stail Gryin e There will be racin razminik together in the che la sort of the stai pelin Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste e blanks of course, to in seethet of fate the che sur the Government protits darbo di bu for the name of the warldomas is significant that Ingersoll Watches etc in the venture in te with such an irita real present it tives of the publishers, Meat of the both is ROXALINE OL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Lic.
proposed to make. xchange)
Darinetic wir allt sem rien eta base context all longib Telok ti investigation into to ir vidinis for sale, tree that the responsibi For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phono us.
For this shortas solo ADVERTISE IN Under Consument. called with the manufactures of war. The Workman thesis without principles of Justice and ile The manufactures HEAD OFFICE Righter was nie mure vital than ner that they are working their plants ing tatt inte BRANCH OFFICE considerntions of race. To this ve give capacity.
he What bis haien les 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
our trail asent. To this believe all is that an un truculented flw qoruri Colon. RP Important Notice Panama, RT of Americans entry at advertising has swampad the publishers limit POP. 162 Pune 99. BO 585, Ancon, CZ.
when. erti Gerere newspape large and small, issuesit in po was considered her stary and desirable while the publisiers have filed in a Phone 895, ROWLINS But when the same principles are applied to apply the checks necessary advertising ti be carrid and ui. Begs th notify his old custom.
the Afro American, in practice if not for their own protection is disas on the size of individual advertise. 3123010TIA10. 11211342mm merits ers that he has returned from the theory: the average American United States of America, and Thatce to Race than e does In their resolutions, unanimus. In his address to the Associa: United Broillerltood Directory has taken up his position again to Right. What does he care about ly adopted, the members of the twili.
as Agent for the Right il in question involving urge that publishers in newspaper advertisins rates coloured Americans His whole system all parts of the country the have ways been too low and Panama Canal Lodge No. 2149, Groves Lily of the Isthme Lodge No. 2508, Washington Tailoring Co.
of ethics, even his religious system breaks publishers of small city, town are still too low to clear that OF CHICAGO, ILL.
siu lles, low rates is due the vo Hail La BocsN. Carter, Prezident; Colon. Brivage, President; Wilwhen the Negro is the subject of country newspapers lisms. Secretary Treasurer.
Samples and styles on hand bis thinking, well as those of the large cities. lume of adverusing that has ne. Geo. Heulin, Secretary Treasurer.
proper tit and workmanship Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151. masterly increase advertising cessitated issues and his This is a condition over which we Victory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso. guaranteed, or money refunded.
should all werp. tot so much lesuse and subscription rate and at the bront about thinorum CirDS Wood ul, Prezident: Wright. President; Fields, Secretary we are the victims 18 beese it represame time limit the size of their dinge it it will be will Shielis Secretary Treasurer. President.
Price and Quality Can be Beaten donisi sents a issues. The limitation of the supply will the religion we believe, Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
Postal address: Box 789.
and they do is to arrept. It shows us size of the newspapers is the ly to publisher is was Eureka Lodge No. 2510, Galant. Joncs, Cox, President; Callender, SecretaryAncon, that the world aner twenty centuries of desideratum, since that alone will ble for leaning Christianity is not yet Christian, contribute to the reduction in shortage. in 70 is short Secretary Trensurer.
When we can 80 readily yield their paper consumption which must age it is of vital importance that Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
be brought it hundreds of the all publishers take to heart and Panama Hats religion of haired, their religion is smaller papers in this country are put the Forsyth, Presidont; Swall, Secre Dine, President. Killing. OLEANED und BLOCKED Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gerobos not with true to the The present reeial situation indicates not to find themselves unable to ONS beck, Secretary Tressurer.
publish because of and TRIMMED to Order lack of the raw of the Auerir Pa. lack of religion in the country, People material for their finished pro lishers Associates Success Lodge No. 2302, Gatun Liberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank have binmed the press of the county for Bayside, President; Bracey, Secre Clarke, President; Tayler, ALSOduc holling its peace in the face of an in tary Tremurer.
The daily newspaper at two tolerable condition, and that blame is BIRTH.
Secretary Treasurer.
Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, PansMILLINERY DRESSMAKING deserved.
But what shall we say of the cents and the Sunday newspaper ma City Collins, Presldent; Henry Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Eropire. HOUSE No. 965, La Bcao churches, North and South? Isn there at five cents are to day the cheapA baby gid weighing us was Spencer, Secretary Pressurer. Wra, Stoute, President; Headley, enough of Christ in the church to affeet est com anodities which the public Secretary Treasurer.
public sentiment? Apparently there can purchase. Taking into ac born unto McDond late of Aurora Lodge No. 250. Panama Isn enorgh to protest against con count not only the high cost of Pedro Miguel Commissary. Moth Panima City. Buelicy, President; ditions. Did the ministers of religion in newsprint but alse the very er and Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panana. WILKINSON Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skecte, our white churches throughout Bravo MeDonald see you are Day, Secretary Treasurer.
are Atlantis Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pan Secretary Tresurer.
CONTRACTOR BUILDER try belte believe in religion they proached, chanical tha ama City. Haraphrey, Presideat Iloward Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colon. Manley, Secretary Treasurer.
doctroy the or at low. Jones, Secretary Treasurer.
First Class Workmanship Sesat rack violence, even as they got rid Unless the radical reforins re: Dr. JOHNSON Evergreen Lodge. No, 2506, Pacama of the saloca. Bet we don bear a word commended by the are SURGEON DENTIST City. Henritey, President; Nelson, President; Wro. Irving, SecrsAncon Lodge No. 2516, Panazoa. All. Plans and Specifications Free of the ice from the pulpit in our Northe adopted by all newspaper pubMisr, Secretar Trener.
cinctus, nut is speak at hie south. The lakers it is only quastica of Phorse 2003 tary Treaw Progressive Lodge, No. 2507. Colon, 15ti Screet West House 90 trouble is that the church is not Chris time when the public will be com852 President: Chlercoa, SeeColon Advance (New Lodge. ColonP. Box 431, Panama, tian sed to the social order has not been pelled to pay ten cents for the tary Treasurer Gunter, Secretary Teasurer.
vision and be compared with ན ར ན to full stisch ter is to be averted.
more imitat. ce when it dows and أن the coun coun: heavy increases Obey could quicker than any other agency lishers have to meet which pub. Yet there, don en unes the mom in the cost of me price of


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