p. 8


66 Fighting Brothers Proxy Husbands.
front MIDNIGHT MAN Commencing to night and LADI hat Iller. Im the let nner. The ho promoted der which time will com Flow Nexro made Welthis and PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER, 27, 1919 Cricket.
Ssse e 63 20 33. 33 e se As a mark of respect the brott. Meeting of Literary eis conferred Bro. JSM PACIFIC THEATRE UNION BALL erred as a for Society.
Jemaica trims Britannic 1918 1919, the honorary Dusition PANAMA of Past Direct COLON It was a night weil sient. Tie Red Tank, Canal Zone.
TO NIGHT, SATURDAY DEC. 27 s Sun Pritanti and Jamai brother parted harmowusly to in their return arch on the e assemble Janary 13th 1920 Tn of Tuis Cal record The Exciting DALY Secretary to the AND again In their first engagement, after terseiting Ran, Jatentos Wondut Universal Serial APPRECIATION Desert 31 in what was claimed by the fans of the Char. Mr. Thomas Scre Britannia to least unsatisfactory finish but this time Jamais Reels of Excitement.
Elitor of the Workman. Sir. tar ORO It is with pleasure and gratitude Visits elassed them that the Raine lost all in Sunday December 28 terest, much to the dissapointment of have to express my sincere av In Dial feature the Britanie rooters They was an prreciation of the gigantic and seal one for riket, the wicket was one SAMPSON DELILAH philanthropic task, meritoriously verdi Blaestio Me led off forcible in the Onu: of the very first we have ever seen on any ground in the Isthma, and all General Superintendent of the the hones Poinud om looked forward to wery enjoyable Monday December 29 Panama Railroad, and the se res where is more continuing Each shownig ht Britannie won the toss and to fui toucational Indian Red Cross under the ef was abus support us dirs. The last two Episodes of ibe surprise of everyone sent Jamaica to ficient management of Mr. Carl Polimer vel This was their first and greatest ELMO THE MIGHTY the coming Week. Elliott Mrs.
Myers lod off the start am almost positive, subjected tu sapp rt of education: not onls it W810tied that Britannie was in need of a 00:00:00 So0: SS SS SS SC Seos to correction that this is the the point out many moles the arguments of his opponents, cond bowlers. The Jamaica tirst time in the history of this but he batsmen started to score freels from country, that any one has extend: but he cluchd his his own ed the very jump, and when at the fall of such humare consideration to fying all who listened that El had been cation was a superior factor in the runn up. Brotherhood News Nightengnle, Rector of hall. where 142 a molt enjoyable the West Indians who have been wellare o sitrennt, the shipper declared his innings cloved.
tidaris The Bride was at time was some otil the wee unable to make themselves happy welfare of mankind. This later By this time it tired in Silk Cree times with mr of orig it was nearly at the festive Saison by having a speaker also pointed out that Sil The tridesmaid Were education was not to be misun. pm! ninety percent of the fans good dinner. The commaviny commendable derswod as mere book knowledge Continued from the 11 Missed Luise Whitehall (Ch. The Brotherhood of st. coresight exsecind the come tend in an unsatis game factory draw; but to the surprise of all Id: Currie illores Parson Lesin Ami Birl cum LODGE NOTICE Andrew of Panant will recorded in and write. Elucation was the the improvement in the social life nor as merely being able to read Britannics went down like nine pirs Mr. John Grittit in development and training of all leote the bowling of Lime and in letters wer Vi The Officers and Members of Ben man for the Groom Sam Hom special ming of the Sterase ever the pwers and faculties of The standing features of the Heala.
som has soul and mind. When the speak me was the brilliant batting of Bar: the Gorgona Star Lige No mer the other runt Bars Chapecofth Brother shown that he is a representa and the Kensational bowlink or hereby notified that on Mon Mr ShortFond of St Indis held on tive Aneric of that spirit of er mule reference to the part Peters in of education Wits playing in the up Ltd day night December 29, at 30 In rvery point of the sme The object of this com democracy shown always by gen lift of the Sigro Rare The Back were outras batting win and fielding Britanie General meeting will be reglectus in Americans who tre losers Star Line, and drew reference to called for the purpose of the Master tion of officers for the ensuing Fred Omplaselect caters to for the of the constitution of their count the Orthcoming year 1920)
cu never forget that delegates who met For monin Borett mude Var term. Meinbers in stand After til romtheir Servtury Baker in so praise Theming wis clied to or. Mill in company with.
Mo. 27. Dewale 11 and Mornis 12 ing are requested to be on time, purneyed to the residener of lider at 73. pm sharp William Jenning Price forvetful worthy a manner, the audience The ont batsman on the Britannies Chas, Cummings of Paraiso, the pening iminapios Acero of their own happiness and en loadiv choredo de table wis Col.
GEO. TOPPIN where le cream and Cakeware concluded, ME Williams in select Sone fold when 10 The entire Britan PO Scribe served After an enable even address we calirel by thi th surrounding of the Snilang tye secunded Mr. Myers very towery meat: left on Thuray even ing was spent the Bride and trus Jonson Sans and find Set and visited Mone, in Sport of Elucation The rather listinting game. LILY OF THE ISTHMUS Groom motored Til and the Seretary of the Orthwh the irony of fateh Willus! their the Indian Red Cross Hall us where they will reside 12 ton has LOCAL NO. 2508. Jamaicit papers pse They all deals at length with the dependents on the comme decision, which was also the Ouvien. opinion su work of the Charter torlines and sentiments of the thleten Britannies Surprise Visit during the course of the year the this world.
and most successful porters of education hu won the Me debate. The speakers for and Yorkrhire Defeats Vincentians regular meeting of the above TO rapidly drawing to a chi discharge more gans were complimented by The Sorretary at this stanovation.
in Lodge was held on the 13th Judges and This which was played Among the many passengers the meeting called for the President.
Tanto fill sencing at 15 Brother here recently. Wis Mrs. Clois 1920. On quotatue SC ORtion, the doing alone The musical part of the program Kiwpowd also inpoint in the Fisherman Hall con by the Parismina riving for de conclusion or trust undoubtedly bring satisiae was given bs MS Williams sume, Bro. Savers Catechist on in lisinin ind how to get in tourist alates mori, Blonde Bris sectate President Purkuson, sister of Mr Casper took the chair for the purpose or other su selins in this cita Stevens, formerly Miss Eloise of the above mentioned Chich the work of the churches and Bourgeous. The latter gentleman, was highly compli The. long sided Associated with on Alogui then wompino and daughter to conducting a waston autres that an ordinary wente de bois un mit Picks Present of laxal No. 2300 and who partit surprist Visit the others Grut prise bre should have been the only Quarrel toket chaus Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ferguson Election of lay man of Mr. Carl Elliot call the recitation entities which were of Order The it was the that both hire. President and secretariatrem family and to spend the Xmas the ad intrably way he condu ted wan to deter the are piper On the su gestion of Mr. Parch Scott must be ho e given to the brother for not faltiling bertation would have twen an easy victim. thanks to the crer rspectively of Lical No. and New Year setson.
edings All Was Miss blink or hillips who make 10. 2307 he visiting Presidents give knowlerguson, better on strut parliamentare done and need West Indians in Pament, the Society decided to a Choral service in the Club xin Brathwaite, who made 16 hot, to her Isthmian friends. The seats Sot kalure come wit of the ordeal the addresses in which try encour and acquaintances, arrived on Director were because and stick to truth botes and often House at o clock on Carinimas aged all members to be alive to thisthinus of Panama from the which resulted in Bro John our giving expression to their delivered and lose friends from the when will be Virus yra their interest by way of impro beautiful Isle of Springs on the son being returned as Director ins of omission. Our minister anthems rendered.
some propriate Red Tank Wins from La Boca ing surrounding conditions 9th November 199, and spent and Bw. Sealy as Vice Di and their congregation the best of her adolescense here, must The Secretary of the Club rector le lines from Bowl Tank diureiud other matters were dealt with the aitor which she delle sub Treasurer ware both unanimous siblits and you must do that attempts to contabilidad The Secretary and wake up. You have som. roin House Manning proposed ar to Last Sunday and defeat the boursiers tos rue Batting tirei nitiation of candidates was taken on the 1st May, 1916, with Nr. and Mrs. immediately proceded in Stall furalarda ve has his shine Discussion on the subject was Siyer strate your mor to Rri lank minde Lil Born tiplied nitted into the mysteries of the Rx Beach. well known novelist the Officers and gave them each of advarse criticism, but to give postponed for next mening nr.
up 5! second inning was attempt Brotherhood and play. wright. After being in his fine compliments. Ther be ed, but us at all of time. La Boca vet hinjustic we have to admire his Williams official critic of the so: This being through the meeting the service of Mrs Beach as her ing no other business. the meet. pluck, intelligence and deter ciety gave his criticism winien wanted runs to satele Red Wek terminated privare aid for long period, ing was brougeswa elone in the mination deserves the le.
Miss Sallie Elsher, one of the usual way.
game id to be decide on was as usual very drastic. The GA. GIBSON respect and gratitude of other next regular ineeting of the so the first innings. It is true la Baca had We wichits to full, but time saved Red Journal Agent deling stage actress United States, took a particular ciety will be held on Tuesday night 30:h Dec. All within reach The boys of La Boca has made liking to her for her industry who wish to enjoy the Waning charge that the WEDDING BELLS OF that the boys from Red Tank 2x conseqence of year to the last should make it a hil their ball so as to delay the game in MODERN TOUCH woich Miss Fisher managed to order that time should come point of duty to attend and inore to their secure ber servies ad. Whether or no this is true we are During her stay so, they are all cordially invited Bridgemon Foster. The with Miss position to to zlate, but at any I, she has travelled every West Indians on the Isthmus, tate La Bora is sending a protest to the State of the Union and North because his service merits our League in order to have the game reThe aisle of St. Peter Episco. Ainerica, and has had a very sea consideration. This is no flattery plaved. We would be glad if the Com. pal Church, at La Boca was soned experience of stage life, of but the sincere conviction of oue mittee would put its font down on all of special and modern gayiy, on which she is a particular lover, who owes 10 obligation to any urusportsmanlike behaviour, so that all Saturday Dec. 20th when the and during which time. she has FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE One in expressing the truth who take part in the good old English lovely couple glided up the altar formed a very wide circle of Go to it Carl, yourself, Mrs.
game, might behave like gentlemen at in the presence of a great crowd, friends; and the ainability of Hillier and the members of the least on the field.
who assembled to witness the nature and general complacence ceremony which was performed of disposition has won for her a VICTORIA Red Cross have done well. hope Games for To morrow.
and anticipate Bright ind by the Rev. Mulcare, Vicar. most devoted husband, will leave CRISTOBAL, SATURDAY 27th DECEMBER, 1919, for Prosperous New Year for all Britannie vs. British Guiana at Bis. The bride a coin mercial merchant UNITED KINGDOM dressed in the latest modern of Chicaffo, Ill. am ete Jamaict vs. Red Taud at Isthmian style in a robe of Pussy sis. welcomed by her many friends, Miss Eloise Ferguson was very WYNTER.
Silk and Park Panama MANAVI by her sis.
accompanied bief, who especially by her darling mottier, th Dee. 26 1919 Picksich vs Standard at Standard tens tastily adorned in the latest who could not restrain greeting Miss will leave CRISTOBAL and BALBOA at Noon, FRIDAY 26th DECEMBER, 1919. for United Methodist Church.
Ou January 1st. 1920, the Standard touch of Gorgotte Crepe, their her with tears of joy.
boquets were of the most modern Tumaco Farneraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil to the Isth come will meet the formidable Sports style made of white and pink mus to spend the remainder The Rey M. Anderson will preach from at Standard Oval in a the watch night sermont Red Tark with patu TRIDENT Church and will also preach on Sunday first el. ss game ot cricket, and, weather Mr. Thorpe acted as Best iy, after which she will rejou the 3rd January permitting, all are expecting a real treat man, the guests were as follows: her husband in Chicago both morning and The Standard is at last playing up Misses Malcolm, Waithe, will leave CISTUBA. NURSDAY 15th JANUARY, 1920, for During her stay here, we wish HAVRE, ROTTERDAM and LONDON 10 forin and with such cracks as Thomas, Martin, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Elbise Stevens a pleasant Charles, Burton, Hector and others on Daniel, Messrs Ballentyne. Phil. and enjoyable time.
Dr. LOWE the line up, the game should prove to be JAMAICA very interesting. The game will start at maps. Cadett, Foster, and Layne.
at After the vermony, the guests L, RC. Edin.
12 noon, and, as the ground is in first INSTALLATION OF of Will leave CRISTOBAL, am and BALBOA at Noon, WEDNESDAY gathered at the home the class condition, big scoring may be ex31st DECEMBER, 1919, for OFFICERS 139 CENTRAL AVENUE couple at street San pected Miguel, Panama where the BUENAVENTURA. and TUMACO FANAMA CITY finest decorum prevailed and a The Installation of officers of enjoyable evening was spent long Office Hhurs: 30 a. Am PERU CHURCH SERVICES to he remembered by all those Court Minerva Lodge No. 9284, took place on Saturday p. p.
who were present.
night the 20th instant, when the will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon, TUESDAY following named officers were 30th DECEMBER, 1919, for WEDDING BELLS.
St. Peters Church La Boca Box 798 Guayaquil, Payta, Eten, Pacasosyo, Salaverry, Callao, Cerro Azul, Pisco, Office 44 installed to take charge of the Phones: Lomas, Mollendo, Arion, Iquique. Antofagusta, Chafaral, Ancon, administration of the Court for Residence 1002 Sunday, Dec. 28, 30 a. CelebraCoquimbo and VALPARAISO.
tion of Holy Communion.
St. Albans Church, Paraiso, the ensuing term. was the scene of a pretty little Bro. McClean, Chief Ranger 11 a. Mattins and Sermon.
wedding on Sunday Dec. 21st.
mes, sub Chief Ranger p. Holy Baptism.
For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at The contracting parties were p. Pleasant Sunday afternom nald, Treasurer.
Mr. Stanley Floyd and Miss CRISTOBAL 30 Choral Evensong and ser Maria James, of Manchester, Dassant, Snr. Woodward.
IN THE Jamaica McConney, Woodwara. or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Usual Watch night services Wec nes Precisely at o clock the bride Budd, Senior Beadle, day night, Dec. 31, commencing 10 entered the sacred editice leaning. George, Junior Beadle.
PANAMA o clock, at the close of which there will on the arm of Mr. John Griffith At the conclusion of the Instal: or Massrs. ISAAC BRANCON BROS. Inc. Sub Axents: THE ROYAL MAL STEAM PASKET GO. anama be a celebration of the Holy Comn un who acted as father giver. The iation Ceremony, all the brothers iv.
ceremony was performed by the present repaired to the banquet for Director. for the Senter United Sub ROTO, the pe and per.
Fish, Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
ther hap Hollow Willow Edna WAS WAS She has back ferns eve. ing Advertise.
mon Workman ITPAYS


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