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VOL. No. 22.
news Navs mediately the Ana Plaza thinks to Long be re to be to be supre short it is We can Africa in this respect.
appl: give the Natural New Great, and White. kled APPALLING BRITISH CONDUCT of City Youths Noticed by Refers to West Indians Mayor Boyd.
as Naval Men.
It is pleasing to note in the Spanish section of yesterday You can buy ships, you can Cheers and Encourage Members Sty Herala letter from build ships, but ships do not To All New Negroes the the Honorable the Mayor of a. all important of the Race nama, Mr. Arch Boyd, nidres. thing in Navy and indeed in the World Over sud to the Chief of tlie Notional Mercantile Marine is the person: During the present week there Wheatley was destined for the the many arocities, robberies, time and a great deal of the work, Police, calling his attention to nel. You cannot get a navy with!
out expenditure great deal of (By EDUARDO MORALES) which was witnessed the greatest guth African trade, but Captain Cock Rec.
being committed by the stands as a heart deep law of ering of West Indians that ever burn had decided to bring her to auemmchos vagabudis bo said Admiral Jellicoe at a bal. Negro Fellowmen: your own hopes in this world.
turned out on any single occa the Isthmus of Panan before vagrants, as he call the in this query The Naval Leigur. wish you all a Happy and Pros must disagree with you, or Lendered him on Sturday now take the opportunity to Hou say am too Radical: Hero sion to hear a public speaker. putting her on the African route, city. In that letter he urxes evening by The first of these occasions was She (the speaker) hoped to be that the Chief of Police give Continning he said. One of perous New Year, and hope one can never be to radical in on Sunday night last when the spared to travel to Africa on that stri strict orders to his subordinates strongest around the town bat, as it was Captain Cock to arrest all such bows who wili huius about the. Brt. you will study carefully and a just was its system or long seriously my message of advice What is Radicalism but a Demand and righteous Hem strictly as the rvice ti was that system of io and put some into practice im. For Justice And Equity Mins Henrietta Vinton buru desire that she should be dealt wita Davis, the greatest colored wo make the maiden trip with him. iaws perwit. Agroining die letter mining which enable the address this mess from the United Niss Davisthen paid a glowiny is a comment trøm till Editor of to expand as it did during the age to the hearts of men. call forth views that will appeal to It is not in intention to set man sould deliver an address tribute to the fon Morris Gar that journal, endorsing the sen States, war the much bir you fearlessly to look upon the him who reads and runs, but to Variedades Theatre on vey and the great work he had timents of the Mayor rand for trained nucles of inner shrine wherein you hold him who stops and Santa undertaken and states that ring to the mua show with the then werk isted at the chien deur your ambition of ambitions Therefore. have nw apologiya.
before the hour appoint was highest expirations that electric sigts, smashe ngunit of the war very first the guarded lite secret which make.
pople realized that probably ed, the theatre was packed to at a am roverflowing and whom Niss founded in Africa where the morning the teen fiet wisata poetica y hace is nothing less than your desire for my people. nuk binti hunties. until race could look me to majority of winter concerned out that there in your lite sphere to be firmly on the platform of Etuity see them standing Davis, escorted by Dr. Con Negeri nell, reached the theatre at 2:30 as their own home, your Africa by foreigners, and especially In We in the continuation he he said dor dominant and to succeed. In Ponder well the Indians Navy, think it was with some difficulty and my Africa, where under real thoughts that that they managed to force their own vine and fix er ember of the Diplomatic 120 what was coming. At any CONQUEST. am told, ammetrically opposed to your de it is your self calling for follow. Accept none that are dia way to the stage, so dense was brisk in the sunshine of Sunny Cartoon forms or the Wed few how hard are not diplomatic enough, heartily est beliets, nor reject any mere the crowd that blocked the way said that it was is the body will it. knew the so. and overflowed into Santa Ana Mr. Garvey intention during plaint to the Chief Executive of Germans were aning for eftir because know it concientiously; or unwarranted prejudice. Test Palik, each trying to catch na the month of August to establish the Republic in representation ciency and officers and men rose but, also know my own heart and weigh, observer and glimpse of, or to hear a whisper the headquarters of the Black of the business men who suffered to the occasion.
the know the it if He spoke of the nine years fundamental traits of the oppres can finally in from the lips of this cloqnent Star Line at Monrovia, Liberia, loss and who are in your best judgment you majority speaker We Africa it teartily concur the strangers neur training to turn oat it first class sor Quite a large number of mem Miss Duvis then carried the with our contemporary in this Naval Officer and went on, Now morseheart. Unafraid express your approval; and by approval, myself bers from the Universal Neyro minds of her audience away back matter and desire to emphasize want to get the people of West which we speak that which is mean the decision that is based me. talk of Africa where she printed in the feeling that offences of such Indies to realize that nothing but inexo upon the Law, lutprovement Association and to Reason inexorable laws. set forth my It is now fourteen months since African Communitles wanton nature should be chee the tirst class article is of any use own instinct. You will come to we have entered the arena as Laglie imaginary picture of what could were seated on the platform.
expected of the four hundred ked with the utmost severity. It is no use to have a second class agree with much that The proceedings were opened million Negroes if they all re. The destruction performed by Navy. am not speaking in re If advance then that say.
by are marching on the you. which determination, knowing no rethe road of Selfciation, Mr. Graham, who fathers and enjoy that freedom kind known in the history of to its efficiency. What the West you have never the President of this Assoturned to the land of their fore. these boys is the most awless gan to numbers, but in regard tenets which su opinions and larges. And now that we hought of before we shall shall plow our way through the hills and mountains.
Among those who spoke were: been deprived and seattered over, is so expensive one can leadily the future, only hope and pray ask you? Why should belshad ah of cost at when it be the ti by the cottony bands which dom, Economic and Intellectual Oppression and Serf Colon and who in his usual lands where they were bronzed, the demaged property must be most men allow to hold them in Slavery without forceful style commanded the at prejudiced and trampled upon replaced.
fention of his hearers for con. She concluded the contention the because he (the enemy) know he Death Of Mrs. Molly Urich, everlasting subjection? Why may pick Radicalism canines the not dispel theee gossamer shovel of Perseverance; smash siderable while; Mr.
threads of foolish tradition and ing and crushing the stones of who is accompanying Miss Davis trumpet would be sounded for had nothing to fear so long as the Negro stood apart. but he saw The Port of Spain Gazette in breath of interlectual effort will crowism, Fear, Superstition, Inmaudlin in her tour of the Isthmus, Bocus the redemption of the race from brave danger if the Negro got to responsible for the following: nent which a mere Autocracy, Segregation, Jim del Toro and Costa Rica industrial slavery interest of the Universal Negro which it has been sudjected setner.
Je connection with the sad ac, scatter to the skies?
To me, Diplomacy is nothing ness, Ignorance and reathery sularity. ovincialism, SelfishAt the conclusion of her ad cident ending in tne death of Improvement Association and the and is still being subjected.
Black Star Line Steamship Cor. At the chose of her taciares de Miss Davis was accorded Jers. Moily Urich at her res las pothanS INTERLECTUAL until the tunnel of Negro Demo dence, from an shock, HYPOCRISY Must we cont cracy and Safety that leads to poration. Before Miss Davis was which lasted for about 20 min another hearty ovation Falled upon to speak two benuti utes, the audience uppuudel for Messrs. Cyril Honry and Ed. We gather the following facts yes: tave to be Interlectual Hypocri. the cities of Justice, neque vardo Moraies also addressed terday. The cause of the accident tes! Oh no, we have played that Freedom be firmly built we ful solos were rendered by Mrs. over minutes.
Julien and Mrs. Williams, During the proceedings Prof. the meeting. Special reference said to be due to the coming in game long enough and have foiled areas ties, and freedom Jolly at the piano, and Prof must be marie of Mr. Morales contact On rising, Miss Davis received a high pressure wile to gain results. How can we be equal address forceful, of 2, 300 volts and a lower one of diplomatic in a place where there of speech wherever we dwell.
en ovation from the large audi. Pagganni on the violin. lenmatter of fact and to the hom: Shortly after the report of the TUAL SLAVERY FOR ANO. we have no country and we have 110 volts ence that actually shook the tions.
got into contact. is ECONOMIC and INTERLEC We are cognizant of the fact that a few appropriate selecHe also exhorted theatre. She began by stating den so einsunted scitishness and accident. Mr. Macla, lane and a TAER! Go with me with an no flag, but wer must have va the it among such a large gathering of persons who could not get into to bury all Jallinns were given me, and instruct investigation; frankly admit that flag.
gave her to be Owing to the large it get together. ile vised them couple wen en from the the company open mind, and the spirit of country, and we must have a were on the scene, her own people, the more so as the theatre to hear Miss Davis, badianisin, to cut off the cur, burled showed that nt at the pole. Yesterday morta from the United States of Am. she would give an address in the louch other were only.
BROTHERHOOD NEWS erica to bring them message of West Indian Red Cross wall good cheer and to bid them to chiefly for their benefit. ing the race apart and giving its the cause of such a high pressure opponents the opportunity two wires getting take courage and stand firm to This meeting was booked to further in entangled by a kite tail which Happenings of the Various Locals gether one race, the Negro start at 30 and long before that posing upon a people who had hung The wires disentangled and Race which was the largest race hour the Red Cross hall groaned never defiled the pages of its his day across them. Later in the them of the great struggle for never before witnessed in thui human beings and other acts too nounced safe.
being tested, were pro La Aurora del Istmo Lodge negro to be sacrificed in place of Receives Certificate.
a white man The post mortem examination had been undertaken by the Hon. that the the unionizing of the race that spacious heroine of the ever have been practiced upon the un. Was held at Colonial Hospital and hall, and by the time atrocious to mention, all of which If the guns with their death to give a square deal to every soldier Marcus Garvey who is willing to ning got on the piatforme vas fortunateund unprotected Negro. and the doctors in attendance lag down his life for the Negro confronted with as large and or Bat, said he, the day is dawning were: Doctors. Foide Verteuil, La Autoturday is imho Lodge No. nationality, why is it that in On night Dec 27th. Race. She assured them of the derly audience of One of the District, man, march on, and demand our Wuppertan, Masson, 2520 was brighter than never be millions of selfish beings that suecess the Black Star Line berty Hall, United States.
the sweetness of peace there are Steamship Corporation which Miss Davis address on this right, and woe be to him who at Sebeult, Lots, EL Polionais, fore, because the certificate of take by their task to fight and they should all support. She was occasion was with but slight dir tenpts to check our on wrad pro Trein behand of the company. We its members at the solemn sounds de hielther equality of the people Tsoi. indeed proud to travel from the ference, practia in the whicb is one of United States to the Isthmus on saime lines as As the one ore deler Atr. Morales was loudly ap have been informed that the of the Panamanian Anthem.
the first ship so tha se mention at the Warriedades entrenamente landed at the close of his ad ea se encore una te tina correas sent that night in tearing that is being this world a paradise for post mortem examitation revealWhich of those that were pre that Christ has prerched for Douglas, which hours before.
pie strongly was a real ship and no myth and urged upon her hearers biegieat the realty of which had, she was necessity for burying all inguardar ol on Monday night, the death was due to electric shock melody that cry on himself as have by duty to advice these chird meeting at the Stan. were in healthy state, and that sweet combination of words and its naturals?
fou word Men of right criterion, should a hero of our just cause irrational beings that they are great deal of eing the establishmasepticism against as one can to fight their battles ster crowd when Miss Davis of such a con for liberty and justice.
She again treated her hearers to to answer to the call or acting against the buwan prin.
Officers to be installed, God the first strongly emphasized the sacrifice for scial and labou ciples stablished by their Maker a larger and more up to date ves will ever be acc Snorrare to listen to in these parts. the Loyal Sojourners Lodge No. are striving is a ninimum recomas they wish it every minute the had been floated, and the second, econd, nothing had been long as At this ineeting there were be floated about February next caused by insular sal, the Phillis Wheatley, win the race is split up into factions, several other speakers who ad. 27 o. of S; will take pense that the black heroes of the Gates of Heil are opened waiting Penh nen dressed the huge crowd in sound Tera bers in financial standing blood as pure and red as their color divisions among the millions place to night. Ofácers and world exchanged for streams on them to come and stablish and it was anticipated that by petty differences, she reinsod sane and encouraging words in sister Lodges are cordially in white co fighters poured and of damned.
about the end of the year there out that it was ever the great which will go a long way in help vited to attend.
mixed up all together on the would be a fleet of 50 ships of the aim of the enemies of the Negrning the Race in its march fordreadfur battlefields of France. MONTERO.
Line (loud cheers. The Phyllis to see them split up into factions ward.
THE SECRETARY The sharpnels did not select (Continued on page 8)
when racial respect.
of a which was dered which learers to pleasure a of Was due to the oppressing and as.
Frederick ongleures.
and to an Echieved nor


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