
:The Open Forum :601 in and es each The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKERS To develop a personal Mode for cach High School Education Eclipse Feeding Bottle TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1920 PAGE THREE Book keeping of Systema from the information of ooft soap which is the right cours; to adopt inadd Big Canadian tic Vendors made the nature or.
effect that she had refused to sell be the being, black or white.
tickets, and bad utilized her influens in Deal in Cuba.
Colon, RP.
the direction of advising and hindi Thanking you, Mr. Editor for pe.
De embre 17. 1919.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinions expressed in this column minv from purchasing OBSERVER the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents Dear Mr Elitir. The world eeoneThis sumpou.
of deduction Montreal December 5th. Remie strength today is based upon the borne out by the fretthit rect instru ports carrent in the financial dis.
most stringent measures drwn up nations we given by that rov gentleman INCREASE IN GOLD trict recently to the effect that LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
each other, either personally publicly, that thie lwly shult be infrined that important local interests were litically nationally or otherwise Hr he did not require her services on the engaged in the financiox of a a kind of system known th: choir any longer, and which was given In the current Review of Reviews an large Canadian Cuban sugar en Reply to Leon Gilkes come within the sphere of my feeble ef stallment plua or a fort.
Rride of book her in person by one of the members of article dealing with the Belgian Congo terprise, were condirmed yester.
keeping. In its root strength, it in the Church Com nittee, who is also a mentions the production of diamoods in day when it was stated that the On receipt of the above letter, there either bo keeping or heeping down Dear Sir. ferring to a letter written member of the choir.
that territory and compares the year Royal Securities Corporation is by Leon Gilkes, which appears in your fore, immediately mw the good that people living in this age should keep rendey, it is my opinion that could be done by permitting the tro op to learn much things, paruicular the Nikely been given after some toort of resided crease in gold production two years ago the underwriting of the deal. The The foregoing instructions had evident 1917 with 1914, showing the big in at the present time completing We kept down to su have be more discret in assist in advertising the picture and Race over that of five ago.
transaction which concerns an The production of diamonds in 1917 extensive sugar state 10. In his supposed. caused the community to know of its kreit extint on the Isthmus, and this discussion betw. en the rulers of this quirers ler why certain trooppresence so that th y might bso bene. System of book keeping or the install. church, and without the presnee of the totaled 10. 000 carate, the price averagonba with an annual profacstle 10 ment plan is mainly great factor in tradise in boleh mend the ha dem inn nable ing 30 to 38 francs per carat. The pre ductive capacity of over 810, 000 of Bo Supor. ded the tets of Co Gited by the great morals therein.
to heard in premises.
lona IN Movie Show on. Now, know, as well as, am ure, preventing some of us from making an of the frane was. tons of raw sugar, Occurences of this nature, though thoy The first diamonds from Lao Pourminiete and 6, 000, 000 so that the financstood, involve between 5, 000, 000 Veniu lat week. 10 the population of the Isthmus does onwrd march. cannot directly blame the Indians seemn can safely be relegated to the serap e of this troop, 3rd Colon, that the Cinema Pan Americano, though (who monopolize half the country with heap need the attention of the inen of January, 1914, the highest bid being 30 ing will be one of the largest arIn der put market in Antwerp being Sonutmaster, submit for the read. commercial enterprise, has not been who ng or the enquiries no well as Mr. Leon wanting in its efforts in nosisting all those intere ord love one others who car: our face in honour of our women, and frades per catal, The gold production ranged for in Canada in a corpo ry on this work. but we blame our own not have them. Gilkes the following letter. in 1917 was 3, 573 kg. a compared with rate way for some time.
charitable and other well des rving alusThis was the Company that throw prople who take these coods without demned without equity and jubtice, 1, 721 kg, in 1914.
Colon Dee, 18, 191 She doors of the Broadway Theatre open of same or thinking how to pay for it.
mw even the lightest idea of the special we Clifford Bolt, Scoutmaster and permitted Benefit Concerts from Crd Colon Troop, Baden Powell Boy time to time in order to assist in raising But the vendor only says take this one Marriage Prayer Scouts fundime de todas lalink or that one pay as you like zive me funds for our West Indian Boys at the Colon RP. Front during the World War. This was two dollars first, sud advise when to call month Then here goes you are To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Syl.
tion of last week, we would appreciate very of the America Theatre on the return of for 2009 and Mr. Harry for 30 00, but Dear Sir: Pursuant to our conversa the Company that have the doors indebted to Mr. Tun for 10 00 Mr Disk vester Pluminer, who were joined in holy wedlock on December much it the Boy Scouts of yowel doen we could be able to welcome our gallant or the West Indian Soldiers in order that you dont have to pay more than 00 14th, 1919; at Farm Church, could join us in presenting the world re00 to then each month. What No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama Changuinola, East, Bocas del Tonowned Super special Moving Picture, boys in a manner befitting their gallantry or 100 to getting each month will only pay ro, Republic of Panama: This was the the Miracle Man In such case we This was Company that subscribed you off the will be very glad to invite them to a liberally to the Red Cross and other elf Cut a poor rite) and dole out the unscrupolous vendors, feed your The Shop of Personal Service Watch between them, our Father May their hearts united be, performance of the picture on Tuesday Charitable Organizations too numerous And the living tie that binds them evening at one of our theatres, and will to here mention so that they might be balance to your landlord.
the better able to mother the causes of Put your money into profitable investBe the thoughts that rise to thee.
reserve special seats for them.
ment and reap the sweets like these petty the needy.
This picture contains a very strong vendor herwise culled Systematic II.
lesson and as a picture which should be The writer relize that the time for Bok keeper.
Watch between them, Oh! our Father!
seen by everyone, and we believe that petty jealousies aquarels between Thanking you for space, each Patron is the special function of When the days are calm and bright, your organization will appreciate it and persons or organisation of Negio When the seniles of friends shines on her am enjoy it.
race has now pist, that we should shield our establishment.
And they walk within the light, Yours truly, rather than lay bite the faults of SILENT WATCH.
Lest the darkness come upon thera other, nd so shall not attempt to reply ANN THOMAS, Proprietress. Lest they miss Thy voice so clear, CINEMA PAN AMERICANO fully to the letter above referred to, but Boy Scouts and Miracle CORE THE BENESSE ESSERE Lest they turn their footsteps from theerather let it rest for what it is worth, and per. Signed 11. MORRIL Heavenly Father he Thou near.
ther Man. has only replied in order that friends and 111 Vice President. admirer of the Buy Scout movement, Watch hetween them, Oh! our Father!
Prior to the receipt of this letter, Mr. and particularly of this troop, may un Dear Sir: notice in your ise of Morrill, after seeing the picture, convers. derstand that the troopreceived com the 27th, under the caption of AlverIf Thy messenger should come ed with me on the good morals to be mercil benefit for the work.
And upon the wings of mere tising Movie Show letter signed by Bear their best. beloved home, cained by old and young alike from same Thanking you for space. beg to reClifford 11. McNeil, and, as Scoutmaster Lest in bitterness of sorrow The Miracle Man, and offered to re.
of the Troop of Boy Scouts criticised, will always prove valuable asset to its possessor, particularly to ambi.
srve special seats in one of his thentres main, They Thy meaning dimly see, beg of your space in your next issue to tious youths and young men who are desirous of entering professions in for the boys of the tromp, which neYours truly, take re ly.
which a knowledge of classics and matbematics is indispensable: Lest they miss the joy of living, Nursing selfish misery cepted, being a worker not for personal While feel that my reply to letter sprandisement, monetary or otherwise, CLIFFORD BOLT.
written by Leon Gilkes is said issue ROBERT LINDSAY, IV, but for the benefit of all who len to Colon, Dec. 27, 1919 of your journ covers also Mr. McNeil s, Residence No. Calle Domingo Diaz Watch Tetween them, Oh, our Father! must, however, make plain to him, as At the closing of the day Apartment Upstairs Box No. 1044, Ancon, When upon the long last journey presume that he labore under misrepre.
sentation, that the Boy Seouts Organi a holder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, is willing for One may go the other stay, zation does not teach color prejudice, moderate consideration to assist anyone who may be desirous of obtaining little longer, till the master being an organization for White and a higher education.
Shall have made all things complete for Infants Colored alike, teaching the youug men Subjects taught. Arithmetic, Algebrs, Practical and Theoretical In the house of many mansions, and boys who become members, to be Geometry, Elements of French and Latin, English including Grammar and Where again true friends shall meet.
The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, broadminded. straightforward and up Composition. Business forms, letters, etc; other subjects taught as demand collect ng, and permit of the bottle being thorougly Fight.
may arise. students prepared for Cambridge Local Examinations.
For the benefit of those who have, Watch between them, Oh! our Father!
cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
Hours: 00 to 10. 00 Call or write, May their hearts united be on realing Mr. McNeil letter, concludA Real Hygienic Feeder ed that the 3rd Colon Troop, Baden Till Thy heaven dawns upən them And Thy gracious face they see.
Powell Boy Scoute, erred, please note Complete 90c, silver wl at one of our Scout Laws statesBy EDWARD ALLEYNE. Scout duty is to be useful Bocas del Toro. December 21, 1919.
and to help others at all times. wish to point out that although both tro ps in Colon were invited to sesist at How long sbould man keep his FOUNDED IN 1881 the reception given in honor of the arm around a girl, do you think? asked The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One. Captain and Crew the Black Star the sweet young thing.
Liner Federick Douglas and the disMANUEL ESPINOSA tinguished representatives of the Univer(BRANDON BANK. Until he hears his wrist watch strike, do they?
Central Avenue, 33 sal Negro Improvement Association Of course not. Ontario Post.
Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama. little over a week ago, the 3rd Colon Troop was the only one to respond to the call. The 3rd Colon Troop has ERVICE never and shall never refuse to assist a ATTENTION!
worthy cause.
COLON do not wish to foster a newspaper controversy as know too well that no When You Leave From Panama El comes out of it, but appeal to the Our large Resources and well known many readers of this journal as to which or along the Line and arrive in (Under new management)
of us do the Negro Race more harm? conservative Management afford) un Colon, you will sure to be hungry.
Which of our actions make for harmony No. 128, BOLIVAR STREET, Call at 144, St. at the and progress? The sarcastic attack of questioned security for every dollar Mr. McNeil, the provocation of newBetween 8th Sth. Streets, Colon deposited with this bank.
RED LION RESTAURANT paper quarrel between members of the race, or assisting in advertising Movie where you will be served with Shows?
your Real Home Cooking.
Massaging, manicuring, shampooing, hair straightening, CLIFFORD BOLT, General hair dressing, scalp treatment and lightening of the complexion. Wrinkles, tan, freckles, liver spots, blackheads, Statement Corrected Dr. GONNELL pimples, dark mark under the eye and all other facial ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON blemishes removed. Corns, bunions, callouses, perspiring SURGEON DENTIST Mr. Editor. Perunit me space in your President.
Vice Presidente Treasur feet cured widely read paper, to correct a statement which appeared in your issue of the 1st and be found at 175 ult. headed Father Cooper last act of kindness.
Central Avenue Preparations for growing the balr and improving the The writer of the article stated that quality of the skin. Hair grower and tifier, whitener the party on whose behalf that act of Opposite Station and cleanser, vanisi ing cream, dard uff nudy, cream kindness was executed had refused to bulm (excellent for men after shaving) a face powder, sell the picnic tickets of that rev. gentle rouge, shampoo, face powder (5 shades. Dr. Walter bigh man and in consequence she was turned JEWELRY STORE grade antiseptic tooth powder away from the choir. This statement is not quite in harmony with the circum is Stocked with everything In Make the Best stances surrounding the matter and for We stop hair from falling make it grow and improve that purpose the following information WATCHES CLOCKS CHRISTMASGIFT the quality. Take a six weeks treatment and be convinced. Ladies Gents)
Large and Small Call at the parlor and consult the Beauty Culturist.
The party in question is a member of for those whose eyes are weak the Church of England, and such was JEWELRY and need help. Your vision is Agents pwanted for the NILE QUEEN Preparations, registered in the church over which the tremendous assortment the most important of all your Write for termstto Box 736, Cristobal, z. or call at the rev. gentleman exercises his pastoral faculties. SIGHT is 87 per cent We have also just received a beautiful variety fo English Parlor care and suthority. From time to time of your efficiency, so don neMADAM ROBERTS, glect it.
of this church Let the XMAS GIFT to your Beauty Culturist.
and among them the lady in question had Every article makes an ideal gift as a self, mother, wife or children be Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, Ill. always utilized a part of her time in this da a pair of properly fitted cause. She WEDDING, CHRISTMAS OR BIRTHDAY PRESENT was also a also a useful member in the choir.
SPECTACLES Call early and select yours On the occasion of the last picnie, Advertise in. the from her domestic and other duties which JOHN WILLIAMSON would hamper her usual energy in that Watchmaker Jeweler.
DR. BUCHANAN, direction she decided not to cast in her Office. 182 Bolivar Street, lot with the others.
105 Bolivar Street, Colon Next Store from 7th Street COLON, of In consequence of this, and evidently (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING)
Central Drug Store Panama Banking Company SEGURITY Kashmir Beauty Parlor Clean, Sanitary, Up To Date Equipment Banking Business Transacted Kashmir Marvellous Nile Queen Toilette THE JOHN WILLIAMSON SPECTACLES is given.
it has been customary for picnic tickets Sterling Silver Electroplated Goods WORKMAN

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