
Canal Zone Notes American Bazaar Wiek Ogeri)
Dhe Shoe for you Col.
Bood OR Price of Colon NO the Xwas Fifth of Holy Allen jects of His THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1929 PAGE FIVE so 20:00 o0Xeox 800x5cccx0 30 30 Watch Night Servic MONSTER MASS Continued from Page 4)
LA BOCA of Colon which is fust becoming the emporium of the world Of CHRISTMAS AND NEW trade will continue to grow in RELIABLE HABERDASHER at Colon.
prominence, so that in a few short YEAR AT LA BOCA.
years it will be second to no other city monster mass meeting of the Christmas and New Yeir seaWe therefore, as Loyal Shep Universal Negro Improvement Ons have been well spent at LA herds under the Colon District Association and African CommuBoca, both from a religious and No. 210 beg to tender you and billes League of the Ladies Divi social standpoint. The usual yours our sincerest wishes for a sion. Colon Branch was held to o clook services on Christmas Merry and Happy Christmas tide welcome the Delegates and Re.
morning were held at the Wes. and a bright and prosperous New presentatives of the above named ley an Episcopal Churches; Year, one which we hope will be Association and the Black Star hirte atiendances were present fraught with blessings for this Line Inc. of 55 West 185th Street.
at oth. At the latter the ser noble Republic of Panama.
New York City at their Hall 5th vice was followed by Holy Com The procession then passed the evening of c. 26th, 1919.
St. and Hudson Lane, Colon, on mun on in which nearly every one present took part.
on to the British Consul where the following address was de bute to Dr. Ridway and his The Delegates paid much triLater in the day was heard the beautiful band of music welcom livered:QUALITY, leagues who had worked so strening the grand picnic at the clubAddress To The British) ously to bring the tender sex to house.
Consul gether in Colon and that they shall give a APPEARANCE, report of the Owing to the various festivities efforts put forth.
of the season, the clubs and soColon The following programme was cieties have suspended meetings.
Dec. 25. 1919.
rendered, precisely at 15 Dr.
The Literary Society will meet To His Britanic Majesty Council Radway sounded the gavel and wrin the sth inst special шаin on DIVERSITY OF STYLES, called Colon the meeting to order, seatmusical and literary programme ed on the platform were, Miss is being prepared, also the sec Sir: We the Officers and mem. Vinton Davis, Mr. Cyril Henry, bers of the Colon District No. 210. Dr. Clarence Edwards ond portion of the lecture on AND DURABILITY ARE and of the following Lodges, El.
Klocution will be completed PROGRAMME that date. Taking into consid fort No. 2335. Pride No. 2804 eration the amount of interest Opening Anthem From GreenBEHIND THE WELL KNOWN Loyal Princess 2807 and Rose of the land Icy Mountains.
thats been aroused on the sub (Juvenile) of the Loyal Order of Prayer from the Constitution, ject of elocution on the Isthmus by Dr. Radway.
at present, Ancient Shepherds Ashton Unity very large attend MARK OF ance is anticipated Friendly Society in the city of An anthem by the Choir, How Colon hereby respectfully beg to excellent Watoknight services were as tender our most sincere greetings Open address and remarks by the Chairman and Director wwual well attended to you on this the Anniversary of at WALK OVER Churches. At St. Peter s, the the Nationality of our Chief Shep Reading of first letter sent.
herd of the Universe.
from Coloa by Dr. Radway huly Communion service was and 30 others also report bid at o clock on New Year We desire most auxiously and Let your next pair of Shoes be respectfully to send through you of the working of the Lemorning, the number of com to our Beloved and most Gracious dies Division by Mr. T.
wunicants was similar to that on Sovereign Lord, King George the Connor, the initiative morning Secretary of the Male Di WALK OVERS At o clock the same day the Band land Sunday School children met on and the Dominions address by Miss Vinton Davis vision Over the ves dad, Scotland. Ire the lawn at the rectory and to seas and of Jamaica, our sincere prayer of and Lord Supreme 7, Song of the Black Star Line.
Kether with the Superintendent.
thanksgivisg in that it hath pleas Composed by Mr. Davis teachers and parents, a very Ane ed Almighty God the Great and Address by Mr. Cyril Henry elay was spent.
King of Agricultural Specialist of Ruler of the Universe to bring Solo by Miss Fearon, Africa Kings and Eternal the Association.
The Silver City Band did their purt on New Year morning, victory to His Majesty Sword and that of His brave Allies in my home her own comwarching around playing sweet music, making it really a Bright conquering and crushing the au. 10. Address by Brother Allen, position.
and Happy New Year.
tocratic and devastating Huns and better known as Captain Panama and Colon.
GATUN to triumph or using Democracy grer. Autocracy, and Right over Might 11. Anthem by the Choir, how coxoc cose As Loyal Shepherds and sublovely is Africa delightful song service took place Majesty, we pledge 13. Address by Dr. Wilkins at the silver clubhouse on Sunday night, our unswerving allegiance to his 13, Solo by Old Timer Shine.
wide and glorious sovreignity, This pleasant evening came off 28th ulte. never before has there been Anita Patti Brown En wuch a large Attendance. Several im and further pray that His reign without a hitch much to the credit portant matters were delivered by our Route to Isthmus will continue to be a glorious one, of the race, and from the exhor.
werthy scretary which bas greatly, pleas and that inestimable blessings tations and other encouraging will accrue therefrom and incal remarks of Miss Vinton Davis ed the residents at this section.
The colored people on the Isth. culable prosperity will spread to and Mr. Cyril Henry tog mus will be pleased to learn tbatorer His wide domains through the report read for work achieved Born to Mr. and Mrs, Alexander, the other speakers and from buncing baby boy on Monday, 29th ulto. Mother and third son are doing Anita Patti Brown, the race In for two months in the Division well, while Theodore, our popular presgreatest International Coloratura will overlook our lack of experi and from the harmonious workident of the R. of this Considered the best blood and Soprano is en route to the Isth. ence for we feel our utter incoming of the ladies which we hope town, is receiving congratulations from mus of Panama and will give re petence to express our true and the men would follow us re the Brotherhood and his co workers of Nerve tonic in the World citals in classic and folk love heart felt sentiments; neverthe marked by Miss Davis, we hope the commissary department, where he is music. She will be assisted by lese, we rely upon the hope that that many members will be ada.
employed as clerk one of the best baritones Ainer our representations on this, as on ed to the link.
marked Is highly recommended by press and public for Much credit was given Dr.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan, star pianist. The trio is now in as the outcome of the deepest in Radway by the Representatives of this district, a twin on Monday, 291h Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and Jamaica, and expect to terest in the welfare of British for the many efforts put for who. Mother and babes are getting general depression of the whole system. be on the Isthmus about the Soy reignity and advancement ward to make the Ladies Divi.
along in the best of health, while Wil widdie of January. See window throughout the British Empire. sion such a success, time was liam, who is employed at the locks de.
For Both Men and Women.
lithos for date, prices, etc. We respectfully beg to remain, then waived for the election when partment, is receiving congratulations Sole distributors for Central and South America from his co workers and friends as Anita Patti Brown is no stran Sir the officers elected would serve their ger to West Indians, though it happy father of twin babes.
Your humble servants.
term. This meeting of the PANAMA DRUG STORE will be the first time she will bɔw Delegates by the Division will Great activity prevailed at the clubto an Isthunian audience. She Promotion of br. sent, and we hope that by the live long in the memory of all prehouse during the Christmas season, Muller Building has earned great fame Lawrence.
throughout South America and nearly all the residents of the section time they reach New York, hundreds more of the sex wili gathered there to celebrate the festival the West Indies, not to mention CALIDONIA, of the Nativity and there was the feeling the United States of America Spain Gazette, the announcement of this great cause. Thanking In a recent issue of the Port of have made themselves members of good cheer, which is a custom at where her name has become a Christmas, evidenced on all sides.
household word. Crities from State for the colonies had ap yours, was made that the Secretary of you Mr. Editor, believe me to be New to No pain were spared in making the California animous in their praises time an enjoyable one, and ihe capable oan trample the learned ones, we have Variety Entertainment. wonderful artiste. She has earn Health Officer. Now that the CONNOR, of this proved of the appointment of the Hon. Dr. Lawrence as Port Secretary and energetic secretary, Mr. Walter no names to call but we wish all repreLovers of music and the public in ed several sobriquets among scene of definiteness has been set Engleston, is to be hartily commended mentatives a happy New Year and their Initiative of the Male Division.
for his efforts in this direction; the de efforts of success will be everlasting general are hereby reminded of the them being variety Concert and Literary Entertain Empress of Melody. Artiste As a Government Offical, it will on the Hon. Gentleman status coration of the building reflcats great Election of Officers.
credit on the ideal gemoont. Op the Born to Mr.
be given at Christ Church Schoolroom, of Merit. She sings in Eng 00 Very interesting to learn Goddess of soul ex. 18 night of the 25thulo te is eriar al buby girl. 101 Clon, on Tuesday evening, the 13th of pression whether he will continue in the er January, 1920. On that occasion, and lish, Spanish and Italian.
Dr. Radway, Chairman and Dithe clubhouse reminded one of th: Pairy with happinesenie hybrid position as an unofficial rector of the Universal Neg. co land of childhood days and dreams ployed at the boat tarica lo meet the views of a pieces rendered at On Sept. 3rd, 1908, Anita Patti member of the Legislative Coun Improvment Association and AtBlue, reil, green, yellov, pink, white and broad smiles and receiving cougratula people, the gems of tberge number of rican Communities Lengue Colon eren black lights flashed from all sidestions from his friends and co workers the concert given by the Christ Church Brown won a scholarship in the cil.
and festoons, garlands and bunting were along with the lovely box of cigare which School on the 16th of December will be Chicago Masical College. Out of Branch repeated, Don miss a good thing.
Ladies Division begs to notify all hundred contestante la cabolar Silver Employees factions and parts of this Division in lavish profusion, which the he is handing around.
Come and see the Flower Drill. ships were awarded. Each memtender hands of our leading ladies along ber of the Board of Examiners that Otficers their little ones had touched made colon Federal Labor Union Association gave her a mark of 100. For this will soon come off on Rirthday Party.
the hall appear so tastily.
Elect Officers The children (Juniors) bad their proachievement, press, pulpit and Wednesday the 7th January 1920 very pleasant evening was public praise Anita Patti Brown.
rooms corner of 5th St.
gramme of recitations and songs in the All members who contribu and Hudson Lane at 30 spent at the heme of Miss Edna werclass prigote denne she is the ted for the purpose of send parties interested in the Division. It also AU afternoon, starting in at pm. while The usual annual Nomination and Foster on New Years Day. The telier liberale yo. Each child was Election of Oficers and Board of Direc: occasion was the celebration of first colored lady who has so dis. ing a delegate to Washington are asked to be present, as those Seniors gave ther entertainment absenting themselves without a of music.
presented at the close, with a bar con tors of The Colon Federal Labor Upionher birthday. Queen a number tinguished herself in the world will be reimbursed as reasonable excuse will abide the taining delicacies. Old Santa Claus was for the ensuing term of 1920, came off on of her friends were present and soon as possible after the also on hand as the presiding genus, at last Sunday, December 28th 1919 with the did justice to a select menu spec.
ially prepared for the occasion, auditors have submitted their supreme ruling of the Elected members.
this stage no untoward incident marked following results: George Kerr, President; MEETING POSTPONED report. All monjes remaining Signed: DR. RADWAY.
the whole day enjoyment, and we will Nixon, 1st Vice President after Announcement disbursement has Ladies Organizer etc. etc, remember last year Xmas as the very Allen, 2nd.
been made, will be turned bost ever spent at this district.
Dr. Willis, Treasurer; Owing to some misunderstand.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brooks DIED.
The residents and friends of this town Jno. Aeh, Secretary (re elected) of Paraiso; Canal Zone announce ing our regular general meeting over to Santo Tomas Hospifeel pleased to announce to the Colored Members of the Board of Directors are the marriage of their daughter that was to be held on Saturday tal. Look out for the paypopulation on the Isthmus of Panama as follows. Edith May to Mr. George January 3rd has been postponed schedule; present your receipt Julian St. Clair Bishop. on the Bryantą Gordon, Bullen at the Pedro Miguel Rountil the following Saurono piane to the authorized disburser, Funeral took place from. Anicom 21st. Dec. and around the world the year is upon us and with the brilliant Suo McDonald, Thon Sutherland. A, man Catholic Church this even wary 10th. When the following and receive un pesos oro. se Hospital to Herrera Ceinetery on cells which several of our leading repre Hamilton, Low, Jas. Reid. ing. THE business will be WILLIAM STOUTE, the 22nd leaving wife five chil.
The members all felt pleased with the to our old and esteemed friend viz; Installation of officers for pentatives of various Organizations pnt dren and Disbursing Officer.
a brother, who thank forward last year we pray same will be new election, and hope for future suc and his good wife hearty con the ensuing term.
gratulations and to the young All members of the order are the many friends for their sym leading star upon enca and every Ne com.
JNO. ASH. couple all happiness and pros. cordially invited to attend at MARTIN, pro who holds himself or herself indepenpathy during their sad bereaveSecretary perity. 30 deat of the higher class which think they ment President.
Rest in Peacej together New Discovery Dr. French Strengthening Compound with all future.
already York to be seen with Division wil their 11 Messrs.


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