
Bat Laid Low Trinidad LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes desperado is on Henrik.
stolen Havti. At as he who were The Chemical Hall evidence who with the West of Barbados every eand revised the timberlandna stole the before.
Interesting News from the preseated to him that, undor ex.
isting conditions, it would be ad. Continued from page visable if he were to appoint a Committee to enquire into the cates of wages being paid generilly throughout the colony.
By Disguised Amer can Of They represented that although the rates of wages have ficers who Obtained Inincreased considerably since the formation outbreak of war, they may not Enquiry by Admiralty in all cases have done so in pro THE HOME OF New York, Dee. Pasing portion to the increase in the deatb at the hands of the banprice of those comodities wh! ch Island Favou red as Tran the labouring classes buy, and it ditti led by Charlemangne, the who has terrorized shipment Port might be that hardship is being in some directions experienced Hayti for twenty years and in the swamps that surrounded the The West Indian Shipping Com and therefore it would be desira recess where Charlemangne had mittee appointed by the Secre ble that steps should be taken built his headquarters: two dar.
tary of State, in their report to examine into the economic of the working classes position of High and Low Cut ing which has recently been made on a scientific basis: that is to officers of the United States Marine Corps rivalled the cap public, mention the fact of their ture of Aguinaldo in the killing having asked the Royal Mail to day should be compared with Mail say, that their purchasing power in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet of the Haytian bandit and the Steam Packet Company tobstace their purchasing power prior arrest of his followers four of und Trinidad in their war, a view to the Pocket of All Who ako story of Charlemangne au re adjustment of their wages to the best centre for to opinion to the a level suited to the present con desth was brought to New York for the trans Atlantic service. ditions.
by Miss Marie Adele cesterday The company informed them that 1rom their point of view there. The Committee of the Chamber of Augusta, Me. formC. MULLER are advantages both at Barbados had discussed the question them Marine Corps, and engaged by and Trinidad, The Admiralty, selves and decided to approic Public Health however, strongly favour Trint the Governor with the reques in Port au Prince, who arrived dad and as Trinidad is so much committee to consist of repre Sole Agent that he board the Dutch steamship nearer to the mainland, and to Com Prince Frederick British Guiana in particular the sentatives of employers and la 37 CENTRAL AVENUE For two decades CharlemangCommittee are on the whole in buur, and the Government should PANAMA legal ne had raided an and killed and clined to lavour the selection of take the necessary steps to legalhe willed in Hayti.
this Colony as the centre. ize the recommendations of the ter the arrival of the marines Committee provided that these landed there lasi recommendations would be sub Labourers on Ships ject to revision from time to time spring to restore order, he beas and when conditions change. this island at the prico of 25 came particularly active. The marines organized a native cosSir Edward Davson Pleads The Governor replied that he per hundred, stahulary, officered by American For Better Conditions welcomed the suggestion of the Committee of the Chamber of Sanitary Heads in Triniendeavour to effect men, in an his capture, but Charlemangne, Commerce both as nce of In the course of his evidence the desire of employers to consi dad and Barbados who knew every foot of the isbefore the West Indian Shipping der sympathetically the position been made branch centres of the Barbados and Trinidad have 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA land, eluded them successfully.
Commune, Sir Edward Davison of their ven that each and enquiry Royal Sanitary Institute of Great Captain Hannagan and Lieuten.
who is well throughout because ant Button were two of these of believed the he West Indies The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment ficers.
would that improvements should be our doo much to put an end to Britain with British Guiana eat present He, there the head West and Prompt Attention.
male in the accommodation on thre, readily understook to comply Indies. certificate obtained in Stole Away From Headboard ship of the labourers the wishes of the Commit. either of the three countries will quarters Give us an early call and inspect our stock of travel locally between tee the Chamber of Commerce be available in the other two as Captain Hannagan and LieuIndian Islands. He stated that and would lose no time in appoint. well as the branch of origin.
tenant Button, Miss Lincoln Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medion some of the lines it was impos. ing a Committee to enquire into said, disappeared from their sible to avoid ferling for the lot the present rstes of wages of cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
of the lain urer, ani that the cou labour in the colony.
City Bible Agency.
headquarters without taking any.
one except their superiors into under their confidence. Natives and traye wright well be improved We The City Bible Agency begs to patronage and guarantee satisfaction Americans believed them dead, particularly as regards the accall the attention of Christian probably victims of Charlemang commodation for deck passen.
Workers and Bible Readers to Phone 939 ne torture.
gers, and he recommended that Charlemangne Box 829, Ancon the fact that we can supply them if subsidies were given such im had captured a marine sergeant with the former translations of provement should be insisted up. TROOPS FOR BARBADOS Bibles compared and BROWN MCALMON guarding an airplane while the on. The Committee have Aviator went for assistance in editions and Proprietors.
and tortured sympathy with this point of view, Says The Herald: The most Bible also Sunday School Teachstandard concordance of the and they recommend that the and killed him chine gun a short time matter should be borne in mind recent rumour of the sort has This created grave apprehension in connection with any subsidy pot originated locally. It was ers Bible, Lodge Pulpit, and fa.
and should also be brought to the hatched in another incubator. Lily Bibles. We haridle bibles of on the part of the Americans as to the fate of Hannagan and But.
attention of the Board of Trade It comes from Jamaica, the various societies, especially the and the various focal Govern Isle of Springs and owing to worocco binding the Oxford University Press, real ton.
ments concerned, wit with a But Hannagan and Button that Colony to that coutinously main ascertaining whether it would be tained prestige as a military de of religious books in addition to We also handle all other kinds.
had disguised themselves as na.
practicable to take any action in pot, one would be more or less bibles.
tives and joined one of the lesser band of bandits. Their daring the direction sugwested in con willing to treat it with a trifle See us for prices and terms.
nection with other than subsi more seriousness than would won the confidence of these rob Street.
bers and they sought acquaintdized service.
otherwise been the case.
The Gleaner of November 1st was House No. 32 (upstairs)
Obarrio Building.
No. Calidonia Road ance with Charlemangne but the Box 1079, Panama.
wary chieftain never permitted RIOT AT SIPARIA responsible for the quoted paragraphs. Our conD. Augustus Farrier, them near his quarters. HannaLET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR gan and Button learned that Labourers Demand In tranporary after stating that the which was bringing Agent.
Charlemangne was to hold an im.
to WATCH REPAIRING portant conference at Plaisance creased Pay. pected in the colony towards the Notice to Masons in the wilderness below Cape of November, continued Hay tian.
Shoot Bandit Leader Dead We learn, on reliable authority. It is understood that there Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty They stole out through the that a disturbance of a serious are about 400 of the rank and file of the 2nd Sussex Regiment on PANAMA CITY swamps, crossed two rivers, innature took place yesterday on the board, and that about half of cluded the six outposts Cnarle. Maridale Estate at Siparia, the this number will be stationed at Local who have not yet paid their The members of the above CAMPBALL mangue had established and tinalproperty of Mr. Joaquim Ribeiro Up Park and the remain entrance fee, of 2, 50 U: Cy.
con Watchmaker and Jeweller ly crept to a cabin before which a bonfire flamed brilliantly.
been able to ascertain it appears in full are urgently requested to hone 1053. It is rumored that the head. have said amount paid before Cars Stop at the Door had travelled 12 iniles through that the labourers, no doubt, quarters of the white troops will January 1st. 1920. as per conalmost impassable wilderness.
on by operes by the same moving be at Barbados. the Colonel of cession) or they will be subject They saw a figure emerge from the cabin, huge man, who tation which have been afloat there. It is further said that with the regulation fee of 75 stopped at the fire. Captain Han during the past fortnight or so, about 400 officers and men will Cy.
nagan levelled his automatic met and demanded from the also be stationed at Barbados.
and fired twice. Both bullets were manager a of After landing the white JAMES CLARKE effective and the captain and dollars a day. They gave him troops in Jamaica the transport Secretary lieutenant Hled through the ununtil eight o clock this morning will take the ffrst Battalion derbrush.
to consider his decision and to West Africa.
JAMES GILL Soon after Captain Hannagan meanwhile, threatened that it President TIRES, TUBES, LAMPS, BELLS, and Lieutenant Button led a their demands were not complied squad of the constabulary into with, they would burn the Estate New Telephone Lines. DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS the interior and in a quick attack Buildings. The manager, it is and Repairį parts captured many of the bandit saíd. repaired to San Fernando Owing to the unexpected and Returns To His Old Stand Charlemangne to report the matter to the firm rapid growth of business in the body to headquarters.
in Port of Spain, and to communi district from Hastings to St.
NOW IN STOCK cate with Major Wilson in com Lawrence, the main telephone of Dr. Edwards are asked to take The General Public and friends two men been recoin mended for the mand of the Police in San Fer cables feeding that district are notice that he has removed from Reasonable Prices.
Congressional Medal of Honour, nando. force of armed police now carrying their full load. To No. 114 Bolivar Street, to His Old the Haytial authorities joining informed, despatched to relieve this congestion, the Di.
with the Marine Corps commandrines were sent down by motor panch Edecided to open al of Stand: NO 182, Bolivar Street, Opposite the Masonic Temple, ers in the recommendations. Miss Lincoln came north to recars. portion of Major Bowen that Dis and is prepared to treat all diseascover from an attack of Malaria Special Constables are also said trict to handle the traffic in that es, especially those of women she contracted in Port au Prince.
to have left town, presumably for section. The Switchboard and and children, as he has spe.
Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
the same place, but up to the time other central office apparatus his recent stay in New York.
cialized in these subjects during of going to press we have been will be built in the Company PHONE 85 BOX 816, ANCON, NOTICE, unable to gather any further par shop, and it is estimated that the ticulars installation and maintenance of NOTICE the Branch Exchange will be conTO MEMBERS OF Enquiry Into Rates of siderably less than the cost and Wages in the Colony, upkeep of a new cable, which To whom It may concern would otherwise be required.
Lessons Given Members of the Colon Federal The Officers and members of NOTICE. Labor Union please be informed His Excellency the Governor Royal King George No.
that the election of officers for.
Band or directs the publication of the fol Imperial Government Take 17, begs to notify on the Clarinet, the leading tlie 1920 term wil take place Want to know the present ac. at the Union Hall, on Sunday that Israel Cuffy is no longer a Orchestra furnished for all dress or whereabouts of Ja nes December 21st, 1920 Only finan lowing statement.
Over 1920 Sugar Crop We have been informed that having been expelled in conse member of said Lodge and Order (Sgd. Best, kinds of engagements. Spooner a Barbadian, and cial members will be entitled to Colonial Secretary His Excellency the Governor has quence of acts derogatory to the NEILSON Gregory, Jamaican, both shoe vote. Members in arrears ara 9th December, 1919. received a telegram from Eng: Lodge and Order.
makers by trade.
asked to pay up their dues in Clarinetist Republican Band.
The Committee of the chamber land stating that the Imperial HJ. FISHER time to qualify for this occasion.
HENRY SRENCER. Ancon Phone 1053 of Commerce waited upon His Government has decided to com17 St. West, House 37, Panama Prov. Chirique, David, Secretary Ex cellency this morning and re mandeer the 1920 sugar corp of JNO. ASH of Secretary view The Calidonia Jewelry Store have following white troops close Ite They BICYCLE gang and have been was, we have WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co.

    SpainWorking Class

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