
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes AND Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
Ohairman From Greenland re blets Lee Chong Co.
front tition BOCAS NOTES.
Royal King Georg; Lodge o. of By our Correspondent. and of Dee. 21, 1919 On Friday night 19th, Decam.
Regular meetings of the Universal Neber 1919. The ceramany of dedigro Improvement Association and African cating and Installing officers Communities Lengue are held in the the ensuing term; was ably per.
for Bts of Rethlehem Lodge room, Guabitu formed, by Bro. Jonas Wilson, P: on Sundays. who was selected from the Pacific end to put through Special mention must be made of th this new lodge There was Represen.
one which took place on Sunday last 21, tatives from the sister Lodgos, inst, which will be long remembered. Mr.
the Light of Colon, No 1; Earl Willis presided as Chairman. After Robert Lodge No. 11, also many the opening ode and prayer many ad brothers and sisters from the dresses were delivered by fliers and Pacific side.
members towards uniting to make the Black Star Line a success. There was an The officers installed are a election of offirers all of whom has pro follows: mised to leave no stone unturned, and Bro. Martin, preparations are in hand for the grand. Campbell, reception of the great lady and delegate Ferguson. Socy.
Niss Henrietta Vinton Davis, They are. Harke, Secy.
anxiously awaiting her arrival to Smith, Treasurer.
her a warm welcome. Anderson, Prelate The Black Star Line flag was unfolded Barton, Conductor, by the chairman who had received it the. Pitt, Inner Sentinel.
day before and promised by permission Foulen, Outer Sentinel already granted that on her arrive in the James, pori of Bocas it will be hoisted, a banner Varnal, th the molto ad W. Smith, will be carried to meet the lady at AlSister, Payne, mirante Campbell, of Odber matter of importance were dealt Campbell, of with after which the singing of hyma Fires In Ships. GREAT VALUE Darkias, of brought the meeting to close. Mascack, ori.
The steamship Crown of Galicia arJ. PHILIPS AT LITTLE COST Gill, OLT New for Rocas rived Cristobal shortly after noon, Dickson, of December 20, with fire in the foreward Martin, of Keys Yesterday afternoon, all beads were hold. She was met by Canal firemen Is there anyone who would knowingly Allison, wending their way through different in the outer harbor and taken alongside refuse to receive the best value for his Pyine, streets to one destination which was the Pier whero, with the use of several money spent? Those who substitute Guarantos. Satisfaction in the Campbell, San Mignel Hall, for the purpose of at line of hose, the fire was extinguished De Witt Pille with other remedies are cutting and manipulation of Gooden, tending the entertainment gate up bu by o clock that evening The fire son not only rejeoting the best value for Barrows, the Universal Negro Improvement As curred among bales of rags, on which their money but are actually plotting VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE Atter the ceremony, many peiation and Afrion Communities intend oil had leaked. The extent of against their own health.
is to raise for the damage been speeches were given. Bro Do you feel aitablishing ola where out the representatives are the underwritera prendedt Do you buffer frontherodes Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats Smith and Sister young men can pam of the hours of the The chip was on the way from Glasgow disorders, dizziness, headache, Gooden in eloquence expening in. pleasant way by reading to San Francisco with general curso and discomforts in sideache, and all kinds of pains, SPECIALTY pressed, that they being found good literature, enjoying games, do, 10 er of the Lodge, were satisfied While the steamship Balboa wa ache a long folt need here.
Various LADIES SKIRTS COATS that it has successfully emerge.
other parts of the Punctually Bro. Jonas Wilson PC. gave. farge gathering in the ball and was great with general corso for Buenaventuration of the bladder, burning senat o clock there was alonpride the pier at Cristobal, loadias formas edder, ete? Have such as irrita34 YEARS EXPERIENCE lengthy lecture, and many good ly increased to nearly 300 persone. The fire broke out at about 11 o clock on the Sation, weak and came back.
advises to the members and er after announcing the opening night of December 21 and continued Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central. courage them to be true to their until approximately o ck the next Irregularity of urine, with bad Iey Mountains. le From as Good obligations, Samaritans und prayer by Mr. Rose Mitchell, Mis morning. It originated in a shipment color, sediments, etc. Many speeches were given by of phosphorus said to have been ignited Any of these symptoms are generally officers, members and represen Ruby Lynch was the first tot whowo through leakage of Cans. The damar the trail to Kidney and Bladder trou.
tatives of sister Lodges. The citation was highly rendered. The choir De WITT PILLS, the UNIVERwas one long to be. the platform consisted of Dearly was not extensive Camembered. The meeting thirty (30) mixed voices and they perSAL PROOF CURE, will not fail came to a formed their parts ably. The songo, duets Extensive Italian services to cure you start in today. Just ше present repaired to the Bas And recitations rendered, received on West Coast. think of the reward Health, Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, quet Hall, which was tastel, de amount of applause and eneores; which Strength, Happiness and Long show plainly that although hustily got corated, wbere justice Was dodo Exporters and Commission Merchants.
Life at such well cash value.
to the good things which was tp it was a success throughout. Special Two Italian steamship lines are now Sold in two sides at all frat clase drug must be made of the Bolo on operating between Italy and the West stores. Beware of immitations some provided for the occasion. Marcus Garvey by the Mines Camp Const of Soutb America as far south dealers are handing out. De WITT Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: bell and Knight. which was loudly en Valparaiso by way of the Canal with Co. Ltd. London, Bottle with ered and which they responded to.
calla at numerous wayvorte The 50 day Blue seal. City Pharmacy printed on ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
Among the speakers, whose addrensen silim va of La ALLMAN el La Veloco Line. by way of Wrappers.
Provisions and Canned Goode.
pore of high order refering to the Marseilles, Barceonn, Tenerife, and THE CITY PHARMACY; 130 CenLADIES AND GENTS TAILOR our Raoo were: Mensere Caribbean porta ports of Ecuador. tral Avenue, Panama.
South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
T, Ogilvie and Richard Foote. Peru, and Chile. with stope at the Canal, Exclusive Agents on the Republic and Between 10th and 11th Sto.
15. Samuda was olled upon for were noted in The Panama Canal Canal Zone. Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye.
Bottle Alley.
au address Colon, RP.
and apoke quite highly of our Record of November 28. Beginning in Colgate Co. Octagon. soaps advancement and of our future succes August was the joint Service of the by investing in the Black Star Live. Transatlantica Italiana, and Societa WHITE STAR LINE WILL RE Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc.
MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER Mr. Russell closing song Nasionale di Navigazione operating. SUME WINTER CRUISES The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co.
Marching was of a rich a vessels approximately. Hair Pins.
LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY ture. Mio. Irene Buchanan, Mr. Saul over this routely every 45 dayo Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste La est English and American Fashions.
Machore Jr. and Mister Bertie Buchanan The vessels of of the Transatlantica London Times of the 4th Novpresided at the organ.
Ingersoll Watches etc The Chairman thanked those present Italiana and Societa Nazionale di Na ember last states that The win: Also Cleaning Pressing for attending and appealed to thobee who vigasione, sail from Genos. calling atter Cruises from New York to Marseilles, Barcelona, and Cadia, thence the West Indies by vessels of the ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc. Your Patronage Solicited. White Star Line are to be Prices Moderate or shareholders in the Black Star Colombian ports, and to the Canal; led early in January, with the sail ne to do so as early as possible, Tbe and on the West Coast call at Colou ing of Megantic of nearly 15 For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us.
singing o te Doxology and the pro bian, Ecuadorian, Peruvian, and Chilenn 000 tons. Connexion from Europe MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY nouncement of the Benediction brought ports far. Valparaiso. On the for the cruise may be made by the entertainment to a close.
homeward voyage the course is approxisteamers of the White Star Line, HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE mately the same, euch culle being from Liverpool, Southampton or 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
made a conditions warrant. Vessels Cherbourg. During the West InA. Held Meeting Important Notice of this service which have passed through dies cruises, calls will be made at Colon, R, Panama, R, Box 152. Phone 90 On Saturday evening 27th inst. the the Canal are the Ansaldo San Gior all the principal ports. Box 585, Ancon, ROWLINS lodge room of No. 8886 held there gio 1, Ansaldo San Giorgio II, An Phone 895 annual Pa Chief Ranger Conclave saldo 1, and 1, Nicolaos, two Begs th notify his old customThere was a full house and over 30 visit are due within short time. For the Re Opening of Christ an mamnusma MOIS ers that he has returned from the ing members who had arrived the same present passengers are not carried but Church School.
United States of America, and evening by launch to take part in the it is expected to begin a passenger serUnited Brotherhood Directory has taken up his position again conclave. Its objects were for the convice about March 20, 1920, with new The Christ Church School, as Agent for the ferring of Degrees. Among those who steamers now under construction in the received bigheet Lecture were Messrs. shipping yards owned by the named Cornur of Third and Cash Streets, Washington Tailoring Co.
Abases James, and Glande, companice, which will be provided with Colon, of which Mr. Can Panama Canal Lodge No. 2149, Grove Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2608, OF CHICAGO, ILL.
the latest devices for the safety and ningham is Principal, wih re open: Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; WAL ed after the Geo. Heplin, Secretary Treasurer.
comfort of passengers.
Christmas Holidays Rev. Johnson III liams. Secretary Treasurer.
Samples and styles on hand on Monday the 5th of proper At and workmanship Isthmus of Papama Lodge No. 2151, Owing te verleg met die ersten Mal te DEATH OF FRANK LAVER Prompi and punctual attendance Edw. hiedie Bere Hodepoot rentident, wright. Premident; Fridla, BoeretaryJanuary, 1920, a Victory Lodge No. 2500, Paraino. Eguaranteed, or money refunded. Johnson, Rector of St Mary W. Secretary Treasurer.
Price and Quality Can be Beata of all pupils now belonging to the parieb was unable to conduct Evensong At Guabito on Sunday evening Inst when Ad exchange cable from Melbourne school is requested.
Postal address: Boxf788, Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
The Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. Ancon, Mr. Exlward Alleyne had to fill the reports the death of Frank Laver, the Vacancy. We hope ere this appear be ver, visited England as manager and Scho principal will be at the Spence, President; Jope Cox, President; Callender, Secretary well known Australian cricketer, La at o clock to welcome and Secretary Treasurer.
Scho con Trongirer.
will be well again.
reserve player of the 1905 Australian enroll new team. However, when he was called trons will plex. Intending panote this.
Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
Panama Hats upon early in the tour he showed such Organised on the lines of the Forsyth, President; Small, Secre Dunn, President; Killing: CLEANED and BLOCKED Chagree Lodge No. 2011, Gambon.
Enjoyable Outing Age form with the ball that he was sel ot the Jamaica Oude of Regula tary Treasurer.
dom left out of the team, and took 135 beck, Secretary Treasurer.
and TRIMMED to Order The Salvation Army had an outing wickets at an average of 18. 10. Early tions of the Education Depart Succese Lodge No. 2502, Gatun.
with the Juniors on Friday last with in the tour be took for 86 and for 47 ment, this school offers an exces Bayside, President; Bracey, Secre Clarke, President; Taylor, Liberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank. ALSOCapt. Perry and Houghton in their uni against Oxford University, for 13 lent opportunity to children of against the Gentlemen of England, Secretary Treasurer.
form and the rots waving flugs passed of and tor 16 and for so against ork: Jamaica parentage to keep in linetary Treasurer.
Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, Pann MILLINERY DRESSMAKING the day about 1 mile from the town. shire. On such form be could not be with the match in matters educaNoutingham he wok tor in Ed on the staff of a qualified woman Spencer, Secretary Treasurer.
Retir out of the Task, and in the arst motional at home; and the presence ma City. Collins, President; Henry Empire Star Lodge No. 2813, Empire. HOUSE No. 965, La Bca.
Wm, Stoute, President; Headloys Poor boy, you lost your arml gland first innings. It was his sec.
Secretary Treasurer.
well meaning old lady muid to one of our ond trip to Lnxland, as he was their teacher, who not only bas charge of the work of the in 1800, when he was more successful of Aurora Lodge No. 2504, Panama Divireturned heroes. Well, ma am, don lip balting than in bowling, for whilo gion but also teaches needlework Panama City. Buckley, President; Unique toduo No. 2014, Panama. WILKINSON mind that so much, replied the lad, ho took only 28 wickets, ho compiled to the girls throughout the Day, Secretary Treasurer. Gee. Toppin, President; Jou Bloete. but it had. 15 wrist watch on it! 869 runs, Average 30. In 1900 when school, is a guarantee that the Atlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2500, Pan Secretary Treasurer.
of CONTRACTOR BUILDER Ontario Post chos by two to one and had all the best school is out to meet the educa ama City. Hamphrey, Predident Howard Severs Lodge No. 2014, Olon.
of two drawn games, Laver headed tional needs of our people and is Manley, Secretary Treasurer.
the bowling averago with record of quite able to take care of the chil: Jones, Secretary Tremurer.
Fint Clas, Workmanship Dr. JOHNSON 10 wickets for just under 15 runs a piece dren of tender ages.
Evergreen Lodge No, 2506, Prema but be played in than hall the City. Hendley, President; Nelson, President; Mm. Irving Anoon Lodge No. 2510, Panam. AK Plans and Specifications Froo SURGEON DENTIST matches. He had a great day against England at Manchester. taking eight ADVERTISE IN Miller, Becretary Treasurer.
tary Tree Phone 1003 Address wiekets, and runs hit. 2007. 15th Street West Hong from him. He was born on Dec. Th: The Workman Scott, President; Cameron, Barnes Colon Advance avew Lodgo. BLOK Ancon, 352 Plary Tres Guntur, Beth Box 411, Panama, RP.
of uures of B Marchink.
resum非 Lower 1860


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