p. 8


The Midnight Man The Midnight Man Brfor mem.
anong Mac Nish Grocory. Dac clected cres, Asst Sec.
made a stand at the of Chorillo Lodge No. 635 of the wickets,. 11 Gasrd; tary here The report Win. Lawrence PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1920 Cricket.
en Installation and Brotherhood News PAC. FIC THEATRE. UNION HALL Anniversary (Curitiued fromx Page 1)
Jamaica Defeats Led PANAMA COLON Tank The Royal Victoria Lodge No. Mariners Lodge No. 2521.
2855 Order of Decids, held their That Red Tank mate was TO NIGHT, SATURDAY JAN. TO NIGHT, SATURDAY JAN. Installation of ofticers for the On the 27th, of December the the only played last Sunday in conne the website is trular meet tion with the Gitters Cup competition tion of their first Anniversary ing which was The Red Tank C, just the week be at the Rising Sun Lodge Hall, Everyone present never regret.
very sincer.
fore had succeeded in putting one over on Saturday evening December ed it. This meeting had every one on the La Boes and therefore 20, 1919.
much interest was centered in this game The Hall was tastefully deer going through the birst part of under deep consideration. Alter They won the toss and sent Jamaica in to bat, and so well did they open their Universal Serial Picture featuring Universal Serial Picture featuring rated with flowers and buntings. the meeting the electinn of Re.
while the flags of great Britain, corting Secretary and Finano al attack that at one stage it was thought the famous Pugilist the famous Pugilist the United States floated the ent. Secretary was then performed.
Jamaica could not make 60; but thanks gire Hall.
After the oticers elect were in to the brilliset betting of Drysdale and Cain, the team was eventually drawn Jim Corbett and Grace Cunard The installation of Officers stul. BroLowe then we a Jim Cerbett and Grace Cunard wa were as follows: brilliant address in which he is out of the apparent hole into which Bro. Thos. Headley, presse it had fallen, and then Walker and Ellis And continuing each show And continuing each show Installing master; Sealey, retsed on the minds of the brocame in and clinched the naile in Red and Asst. Installing gether. This was followed by an the object of sticking to Tank coffin.
Walker inning was Master; assisted by Bros. Chas. address from the President, arabout the best he has played for the night the coming Week.
son, the masterly way in which this batsnight the coming Week Cordin. McClean and Fred rang Carmichael, all assist the rankrehase of badges for were also made for man played around the wickets, shows tants of the Order.
soo that he is again coming back into bls bers and officers. There was The officers installed were: large attendance at this meeting own, Jumalan was all out for 106, Bro. Morris, the prioripal scorers being Walker 22 STAR OF CHORRILLO Brathwaite, visitors from other locals. The which were few Bro.
tot out, Ellis 17, Drysdale 16 and Cain 12 LODGE NO. 635 Clifford Lawrence, Secre. ineeting came to a close at 12 80 12, tary (re elected)
la. Do not forget the next weet After the usual recess, Red Tank took. ring on on January Bth, 1920.
their chance at the wickets, and again Tbe The election of officers of Star they lad a very brilliant sturt. Holder Ford, Conductor.
brothers who have not yet joined the brotherhood are asked to get and Weatherhead red 40 Improved Independent Order of and Springer, Preasurer.
We are now opening for New Year: soon the tins showed 40 busy and do so as there is a Collymore, P. future. Secretary of the various sa great Tuns for one wieket. Cain now took Odd Fellows, London Unity, tink Thos. Nigles, LB. locals having marine men in their the ball, and his medium pace deliveries place at their Lodge room 2nd Št. San Miguel, on Thursday Swifts Premiun Hams, proved too inuch for Red Tank, for evening Dec. 18th 1919, when the Arthurs: B. and lodge are asked to transfer them Armours Star Hams, Lavi Gittons. and to their local as soon as possible.
alter getting rid of Holder the entire following officers were elected to teatn fell for 59 Weatherhead made a Picnic Hams. Edmund Payne, Seeded Raisins, Hubert Meyers, THEOPHILUS BERNARD.
well played 26 and Holder 16; no other take charge of the AdministraCurrants, Citron Peel. Geo Lawrence, Jn.
Journal Agent.
mas on the team reached double figures. tion for the ensuing terin.
Bowling for Jamaica Cain took Bro. Norton Lowe, Noble Orange Peel, Asst.
Lemon Peel, The GA degree was conMinstrel Show Grand; wiekeis for 13 runs and Barnett for John Paul, Vice Grand; Icing Sugar, ferred on Bio Lawrence, There will be a big minsttel 21. For Red Tank Wiltshire took for Josiah Stewart Secretary Ground Mixed Spices, Secretary re elected for his good show at West Indian Red Cross 39. 2nd term)
work in office for his terun.
Mr. Thomas Team Defeats David Gittens CorrespondSugar Sand, Silver Leaf, Hall on the 12th inst. The priee The installation of officers be of Admission will be 25c.
Mr. Holder Rose Water, ing brought to a close, the proRobert McKenzie, Treas Flavoring Extracts, ceedings of the Standard slould have played PickAnniversary were put in vogue.
Dr. LOWE wicks la Sunday, but as Pickwicks did urer: Gold Medal Flour, Benjamin Hunte, Inner Bro Morris Chairman here L, Edin.
not turn up, Teacher Thomas led those of his team that would play against Guard; Fruit Cakes, called on the Secretary for his Fitz Sobers Outer Rich Christmas Pudding, report tean eaptained by Mr. Edmund Holder.
of progress for the term 139 CENTRAL AVENUE ending December 20; The Secre Mr. Barrett, the skipper of Standard PANAMA CITY mas. Holder Borton Forde, Warden; Plum Pudding, read his report which Niso pinyed under Thomas.
won the toss and elected to bat, and it The Installation will take place Huntley Palmers Biscuits, was very delightful and inspir.
really seemed that he would have to on Jan. 13th 1920. All sister lody ing for which he was highly Office Hhurs: 30 a. m, declared on ou Tench when with only es are cordially invited.
Walnuts, Almonds, complimented p. p.
three wickets down the tins registered is as follows: read with utter regret Mixed Nuts, American Cheese, Mr. Chairman District corres60. At this stage of the game Burton the remarks passed by the Mixed Pickles, Chow Chow, now put in his appearance, owing to the secretary of the Red Tank club ponding Secretary, Officers and Box 798 Office 844 Phones: fnet that he knew the game was called house to his his sisters and bro: Fine Gherkins, Members. It affords me great Ancon, Piccalilly, Residence 1002 off. Teach at once gave him the thers, in which he referred to pleasure this evening to portray Crearr. ery Butter, to you the progress of the Victo Tall from the southern end, and al them as swines. This brother, Nucoa Nut Butter, ria Lodge: No. 2946 which is the Though some of the best bats of the side like the majority of American Ne celebration of our tirst Anniver timers groes is blind to the signs of the were yet to come, these two Dromedary Dates, Burton and Thomas dismissed the entines and should be excused.
Figs in Botties, Queen Olives. We are proud to announce Tailor and Outfitter Hulder made 18, Rawlins and Now, here is another incident Stuffed Olives, that in the short space of Table Raisins, secretary Barrow 10. Many were the bets that with our colored Mixed Herbs, months working of a social, we Dealer in School Books, French Capers, were enabled to secure our dis.
were now made that Thomas team (American negro) of this section.
would le the losers, with sueh two in his official announcements a Salted Almonds, and Stationery.
pensation, and at arrival of same he said in part cracks as the Holder brothers leading leyev Kola Champagne, we launched our ship on the shore of safety on Deceinber 20 No. 11 Street, Panama the attack, but so well did the men play You Leople Cream Soda. that when the last man your muzzles with you when at Ginger Ale, 1918, with a membership of 29, chains from Central Ave.
to the wickets, Teacher side was Mr. Editor and others, what auwas tending moving pictures. Nuw Fresh Apples.
and from December 20 1918 to.
December 20 1919, we have on funs behind. Excitement now our roll 51 members. Address: was at its highest. as Barrett, the last dacity; fon the part of these Mac NISH 53 Central Ave.
man in, had to receive four balls from Lew American negroes who run Box 895, Ancon, C, va During the course of one year we have been able to per Holder to finish the over. He quiet these clubhouses at our expense!
form and unveiling ceremonies; ly played them all out, and assisted his men, whom we West In.
paid and sickl benefits, and to pattner Burton to carry the score are willing to accept as to Noticell those who were in distress, bave 93 when Burton got run out. Smith brothers seem to think that they made 19 and Burton 17 for their side.
are superior to West Indian our bye laws translated from but right here, must remind English to Spanish, and least but Games for To morrow. them to get that out of the not last a bank account and for Organizer Carter begs to state we to state that that the gold buttons of the Yorkshire vs. Piokwick at Isthmian minds and to replace nationality instead.
the Royal Victoria can take care Bro herhood have arrised and Park, British Guiana vs. Vicentinn at Now, they tell us that the clubof its dead, and yet there re. can be had at his office in 20th maias an account for immediate Street Central Aven e. As Guiana.
house is established for tho purBritannic vs. Surrey at Standard Oval. pose of social, intellectual, spirit.
necessity in our Treasurer there is only a limited supply at hand.
present, please secure yours at Standard Defeats Sports ual and physical upliftment of Thus far we are proud to say an early date at the regular of Colon the community and yet we tind that we are victorious which is rica that when we, the Negroes Want the derivation of Victoria The Sports journeyed over to Pa the clubhouse auditorium for our FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE We have achieved the goal amid Installation of Officers dire sarcastical assertions endat Court Paralse clusions with the Standard on the the United Brotherhood of Maining to impede and Standard Oval. Both teams were very tenance of Way Union the Secre with much descension 80W strongly represented; Standard played targ tells us that he is drunk S, TRIDENT aunongst us in the days of iufan No. 9292 nearly full strength, and Sports had some with bouze, and of course, we and although we canners will of the best boys from Colon, including have to apply to somewhere else.
beat the dark storm clouds of Soone; Then here comes the representaLynton. the demon of the Members of the above Court will leave CRISTOBAL, SATURDAY 3rd JANUARY, 1920, for Im opposition from those who enAtlantic end.
HAVRE, ROTTERDAM and LONDON Afrihereby of the themselves was and a bicia holy, and unholy, yet we will Special Meeting for the Instal.
in perfect condition, so there was no sur can Cum in unities Line abide the lation of Officers at prise when Standard elected to bat after Black Recollect who are the men Court Rooms, Court Land Hall us the that demand our cessation, men An having won the toss. The two veterans are willing to attendance is reques dire necessity of PERU of the Standard, Thomas and Burton, and to buy shares they also who unmindful of their relation ted, as there are some very imp.
came first to the wickets and made to us as brothers, who try to ortant transactions to be brought made a beautiful stand putting up 40 runs be are turned down. Then Brother will leave CRISTOBAL AL a. and BALBOA at Noon, TUESDAY, rest from us the small pittance before the meeting.
fore a wicket fell. Another good stand; Siler Employee, it the gods con JANUARY 13tb, 1920, for of prosperity and in pursuit of The Interest on the initiation and the best of the day, was made by tinue to take away the true action John Charles and McCarroll, adding 50 this plan of depotism annulled fee will be in evidence Abund50 of the existence of the Clubhouse Guayaquil, Payta, Eten, Pacasrayo, Salaverry, Callao, Tampo de Mora, the total. The Standard put up thegrered laws of our fore. antly.
department and the secretaries isco, Chata, Mollendo, Aries, Iquique. Antolagusta, Chafaral, fathers. shall cease to debate The Officers to be installed are total of 151 runs for all. With the keep calling you swine and dous Coquimbo and VALPARAISO.
the upon cereletion of facts as follows: strong bowling staff that Standard has, why not keep away from their while is strength, yoo Macaulay Bayne, Chief Ranit was thougat that Colon could not places and let them see that you surat aberts is aot only ger; Michael Ellis, Sut Chief make more than 60, but, thanks to the are satisfied to sacritice your expower and bad fielding of a couple of the men, the persive amusements until they rder bat is predomi. Ranger; Jas Innis. TreasAS. ORCOMA nant and inviacible, and shall the urer. Alfred Rouget, Secre reached a total of 80 runs. Special men learn their duty to their fellow preposterous imagination be fost tary at the pleasure of the Court; men tion should be made of Lynton play, men will leave CRISTOBAL, MONDAY, JANUARY 5th 19:9, for ered that men bred in liberty Geo. Richards, Senior Wood who although he gave chances, ueverthe in mind Brother Silver. Employees NEW YORK and LIVERPOOL way 06 condemued in silence Ward, Robert Quintyne, Junior upon goes ignorance.
Woodward; Edward Church, Rudder also played well. and deserves waste around the clubhouses can Credit should be given to the Senior Beadle: Henry Shepherd.
me of his team mates.
the praise of be devoted to your future proiaviacibie leaders who led Junior Beadle.
For Standard Burton made 37, John gress by studying in your homes For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at from the depths of obeisance to ALFRED ROUGET, Charles 20, MoCarroll 22, Thomas 12 and teaching your children the the glorious heights of victory, and Jeffries 11 not out. For Sports motto of the New Negro.
CRISTOBAL who is no less than Bros.
Lynton 25, Rudder 12 and Mr. Extras Now, as a matter of advice, Sealey A, Frank members of the Royal Victoria 17 were the double figure scores. John note how the clubhouse is attendor to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, MeClean Charles Charles captured wickets for runs ing to our upliftment, a loaf of Corbin, A, and others Lodge, as a man of appreciation and Lindsay for 10 for the Standard. bread cost eight cents in the com with timely and spirited assis. Con the good onergetic work ex.
missary and at the clubhouse 12 PANAMA tauce frem Bro. Thos. Headley bibited by him. The brother cents; pint of icecream (4)
may eloquently responded at the ADVERTISE scoops) at the commissary cost 16 Wassrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Sub Agents: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAN PACKET Co. PRI The next item on the program completion of the presentation was the presentation of a werit thanking the officers and mem.
IN THE WORKMAN. cents, and at the clubhouse (8)
scoops) 25 cen: certificate to Bro, Sealey bers for their well appreciated by the oficers and gift.
tire team for 84 runs, evenings as please bring went to only a which are proud to Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
Lives of the Universal tives rette Negro Star to lecture to us who their early Lucid liberty is us Di


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