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PRICE Cts. CY. big mass meeting by the United Brotherhoood will take place to night January 10th, 1920 at the Standard Oval for the purpose of giving the report of the Committee on the Wage Board similar meeting will be held on the old Baseball ground at Colon at a. to morrow.
third to The tion of Hall shipping agent Feed order by day issus per IN CARNIVAL.
Working Hard to Make Lineup of Some of the event Gala Feature. Horses Competing.
For a second time West Indians The races to be pulled off toSoldiers and Police Called Out on the Isthmus have been official. morrow at Juan Franco track is Allied Governments Informed of the Big causing a to keep Guard which commences the ites who claim that tuis ineeting 14th February 1920 will surpass all previous events.
Results of Meeting Mr Theodore McGuiniss the The horses are all trained to The latest reports received He attributed it to lack of leader. big President of the General Care the minute and are expected to At a solemn seasion of the of Foreign Affairs, said that re.
from Jamaica about the dock ship and sane advice: Beside a nival Comunittee has desired that make a great showing. Bush Honorable National Assembly on presenting the Government, ha Strike at that island state the lagood many of the men were not Antillanos should take part. And Buy owned by the Color Shodie Peace dreatly and League of Na Thursday last at 30 the was highly honored in being preborers are still holding out. worth the present pay they were despite their wishes to keep out cate is wagered to gallop at the most important act lurge number of laborers were setting. They had to be driven this year he appointed the told in front of Eclipse and. In Good tions made it once weathles Wanyames in the life of the Republic. This borouge the places of the strikers when they worked a couple of charge Dr. Si Cereringeton Presentenced hantil Patter the race.
to any. to teke Colon. ratified without. written uties to the Assembly but it was found difficult to put nights on a stretch there was sident, Dr. Fyfe Vios e gent says the winner will not be ervations by the Honorable dep new history for this conntry and whether the United States, and them to work and the soldiers very little work doing. This sident DE G. Connell Treasur The Ancon Ion Handicap be The Censular and Diplomatic pro and ratiffied the and policemen were called out treaty to tie up of ships here, he er, Mr. Gruca Secretary Dr. tween Act of Trumps, Ajax and gallery was packed with the no, it was the duty of Panama in protection This was alded, can only tend to hold of Lowe, and Means the Dealer is an open betting representatives of Great Britain, keeping with her ideals of do.
hela proposition and judging their Japan, Cuba, Nicaragua, Argen of Nations pact was one of the States, Italy. mcraey to do so. The League between His Excellency the Gowdevenise pingwinon the port, and Waldron and Boyke.
ernor, the Colonial Secretary certainly cannot have their inter during the week and meetings inerits, one horse is as good as tina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Belgium, most important results of the advising The Committ, held and the Shipping Agents on exts at heart ways and means for making this In the etc.
race Mercury is Hon. Williain Jenning Tais view was endorsed by year participation by Westli the favourite being sold win plomatie Corps, sat in centre of and the constitution of our na Price war war and it was the only thing Monday Us Minister, Dean of the Di within the limits of the assembly from a late issue of th» Gleaner: ed in shipping who thought the a couple of days unosincetonele In Good Tined are stickins. Bennett, Great Britan repres the world The following report is taken several other gentlemen interest dians a great success, and will in aer, but backers of Eclipse and the gallery with Honorable Perey tionalities to secure the peace of Yesterday morning every a mand somewhat of a joke, the public all particulars in connec their guns and thinking the whart was guarded by the miliomcome of an exuberance of holi tion therewith.
other way sentative sitting on his right. President of the Assembly, tary with fixed bayonets and day spirits, which would soon. Among the things discussed The fourth race will line up Monsieur Mauride is several rounds of ammunition sa vrand variety concert which wild Fire and New Negros and monin, French Charge Affaires, Aono but the following ques: tion to the it The President of the Federa will take place on Monday the fans will no doubt remember on his left.
ready to deal with any situation western was the pleasure of the Honor trots were kept active a pong Port sent a copy of the demands of the sound italt on Calidomi website de rels fent Neringat beradies and distinguished people proved and rucitiem ar ils lui rende that might arise while of Labour Mr. Bain Alves, 19th inst in the West Indian Red how Wild Fre grabbed the lau: wing of the gallery in the As able Deputies that the Peace a sembly Treaty with Germany be apRoyal street the whole day.
to as Some of the best In post last But Yesterday morning the Long result the following circular let. dian talent has been secured and sing against these the disposal of the public, which mously, all the members standis a new comer Firing who received a special permit. reading. shoremen Union sent in to the ter was sent to the Merchant every effort will he made to make who is expected to make the eastern wing was placed at The House voted Ayes unanithe demands Exebange and the Shippiug the concert a huge success.
upon at a Agents by the Colonial Secre.
was densely packed.
which they ing.
night, and taryto the West Indian Public for general appeal will be made erste Dickie, the favorite which was puhed The Assembly was called to Dec. 30, 1919. voluntary subscriptions to assist midget horse, is expected to yesterA thunder of applause which by Honorable Papi Aizpuru, issuenamely: Sir. am directed by the the causeas there will be no meet a strong contender in Buck, Speaker, and President of the wasted fully two minutes rang throughout the Assembly peken on the to long con remarks so webu wade the opening the fray was signed by Hon. double pay at dock inbourers have sent to the it is felt sure that when within a contingent to beat anything of as follows. Honorable Deputies of the Deputy Aizpuru and the Secre4d night; men on the ships 25. and Government, a copy of a docu. few days the plan of the Com his class on the Isthmus; while National Assembly, To day we tary.
hour, Kia de tot pay on Sundays and all president or the Jamaica Federa: weet the general approaking hour, may, spring a costly sur che National history of our coun was proposed by Hon. Depuis come important message holidays be, men on the tion and others, set West prise fans dock as, per hour; men on the sing forth the clains of the lathe Carnival of 1920 une loug to Tae feature of the meeting try. have the honor to recom. Julio Arjonal, and seconded by ship work on a shipon fire, landper day bourers to increased be remembered for its pleasant will be the Visitors Purse tes mend the third reading and rati. Arias to France.
Belgium Wages taring such horses as Ace of fication of the treaty made with italy, England, Japan, United am to say that unless the reminisceues.
ing or loading explosives or saShipping Ageuts are prepared to Trumps, Bush Boy, Mountain Germany, after the dessere engiged in the late war: States and all all the countries who. this of Janurry Boy these War, at which hour and double pay at nights, lency is of opinion that there will Glenmen reduared no work yes. horses have their backers. Thace of people met in the greatest The National Assembly of Pan: men con the pasbind nich per hour be a dispute of the kind con terday forencon pending on the title of Trumps has won consecutive combat krown in the world ams authorizes the Secretary of double at nights Wharf bines to receive the was the true demo o emblente Panatha de tipo de templated by the Conciliation ment of the dispute between ly in his last starts and Moun history, The Allies, triumpled, Foreign Affairs to inform the tain Boy is considered by best thereby demonstrating that Jus Heads of the above mentioned as much the dock Ste Agents should follow that proces liation Board to be painted by other hand, has never been seen complied with her duty in the Treaty with Germany and street Count considers that the Shipping with regard to pay by the Concl. the Isthmus. Bush Boy, on the cratic ideal.
Assembly of by vote vedores when employed at a dure at once.
Panama as a small nation had unanimously ratified the Peace weekly wage shall receive six are more His Governor.
It is most desirable that tempo per week, and when rary conditions should be settled The men have returned to work in tbiderpartie de Her bortbare for family of Nations, and now have then ations they represent as olding by the hour, must re. between the Agents and the dock on a minimum of 6d, and a maxi considered the dark horse in race. Hum Drum needs watch the honor to request that you to final triumph of Right and the Honorable Deputies will Justice.
ceive ss, per hour per day and labourers that work may be begun mum of 8td. per hour judging from his late The 68. per hour by night. The rates at once in loading and unloading Says the Gleaner of the Sth formance when he was ridden accept and ratify the treaty shall rise by the same scale for the vessels now in the Harbour. inst. With only a fewcigarubale home a winner.
Hon. E, Lefevre, Secretary close session was brought to a holidays, a a time and a half.
work at Jamoxica No work shall be done on conditions hast in ne way in co Co. and a few at Messrs In the Police Race, the horses out and the Lassies, and Beaux people, the gems of the pieces all known. are planning down Unloading a shing Fridays.
soever prejudice vither the ship and Dr Ber Machando cefactors School the 16th Dec, will be on saying up. While the. Clerks swearing to have the time of we are pleased to be on fire or sal ping Agents case, or the dock in the other cigarinakers are vage and for handling explosives, bourers case, when these are in.
Purse will again bring together their lives in the windy City; only stevedores shall receive 8s. per vestigated by the Board.
hour and 12s. per hour for night! lain to say that the dock labour the Cigarmakers Union told a Line, horses already passed theid ones will be left in Panama, lable to state that the coming conBain Alves President of New Negro, Wild Fire and Firing dead work. Theseghe day. Price Cy. cart is being given under the dis These rates shall apply ers are being communicated with. Gleaner reporter that they had upon. 00, Cy?
to unions throughout the island, in like terins Tickets are on sale tinguished patronuge of Miss addressed a letter to the manOn a whole this meeting pro by Mr. and Mrs. Mingo, Mr. and Henrietta Vinton Davis, who has round trip: Stevedores and wharf bosses at Sanete, agement of the Jamaica Tobacco mises to be a very exciting one Mrs. Hunte also Mrs. Wilson. and ver kindly consented to grace present employed companies shall not be dismiss(Sgd. BRYAN Company on Wednesday lest and turfites can journey out to others. The West Indian Red the function with ber presence, of Juan and will an ed in consequence of the strike.
Colonial Secretary. per cent on all departments, assurance of getting a good run Hillier of the above named on the occasion, The above demand was con.
They received a communication for their money.
sidered preposterous and be Thus the matter will now Lodge, has from the management later in also a full supply of. Concallition Board, and today the day stating that the cigar: an elocutionist of unrivalled yond all sense of Tickets for sale.
Speaking to a shipping agent of its entirected the pimeve in this makers would get 25 per cent over The Top Zoo Speed. Doganandoad the same simte help bribute an item to the literary Come have good time. Miss Davis will will take place.
some knowledge of the shipping part of the programme.
business, a representative of the Yesterday afternoon all was and about 10 per cent to the seMr. Lawrence will preCleaner was informed that aver quiet at the wharves which were lectors, but the other departWhit, have you not heard? Why!
side and several leading artistea age dock labourers under the still ander military and policements were not mentioned.
The same rates were asked The Excelsior Lodge No 2519 of concert at Christ Church will take part. We bespeaks present scale of ba and 7d per guards Goods were received for hour in the and double over shipment and such as could be for by the cigarmakers and the thers of Messrs Macha Employes and Railway Schoolroom.
time, were drawing between Ships waiting to land cargo were letter to the management but cursion train from Panamnday delivered were delivered, but the do factory. The men sent a Shop Laborers, will run an ex with plenty Last week The Workman anNOTICE of shipping they had nothing to still lying quiet at the piers.
up The strike of conductors and no riday afternoon received Colon and return. on Monday nounced the variety Concert and complain of. The jump of fully reply, and all the workers February 23rd, Washington Literary Entertainment to be The offices of the United Bro150 per cent asked to sito wed motormen of the West India struck, Birthday. Picnic at Skating given at Christ Church School therhood formerly located at such an unreasonable spirit Chat Electric Company Ltd, which Late dispatches also announce Rink Colon. The best Jazz Band room; Colon, next Tuesday even 20h Street has been removed to it spoilt any chance of being con started last Wednesday morning that the waiters of the Myrtle in town with the latest hits willing, the 18th inst, when, at the Central Avenue and corner 19th dered, added. the gentleman. has been called off says the Bank Hotel have gone an strike be in attendance. Tickets are request of a large number of Street.
shall be, Labour.
European Weer in and as in working.
Good. Mr.
that does.
the cause. day 14 to


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