
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Trinidad INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Owned By THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
the Supreme Court, whose deati boped that note would be taken pany in Londor.
Grenada Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Official Depository of the Republic of Panama DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD had in in of which pointment Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
Panama Furniture Company to offered to the control of our sugar industry, which promises to see something of the prosperity of its palmy days? There is no fun about the matter. The Americans have come in. Grenadians Think! Decide. This is not a question of politics. It is not a question of a change of Government. It is not a question of a change of flag. It is hard busiWithout a sufficient experienced one who knows 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door to Cecilia Theatre 300 rising to to the ness.
the made Headquarters for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
have on November 2012 year William Phillipora Street, Saint Late Mr.
tained by our box set Ligoure. No doubt, it would be It is reportel on wat we bea source of much satisfaction to lieve to be very good authority, bis bereaved family and friends that His Honour Justice Black to know that notice of his death wood Wright LLD, Second was taken by Mr. Maingot, on Paisne Judge of Trinidad, will Funeral of Mr. Li behalf of the practitioners of this not be returning to the colony, Court; and be could also bear haying decided to retire on pen goure.
willing testimony to the remarks sion. It is stated further. that nade it Mr.
The Port of Spain Gazette o the efficient manner in which Mr Office, he will accept the office December 5th, says. The funere Ligoure perforined his duties in of Chairman of a big Oil ComLigoure, De with the puty Marshal and Accountant of what by those who has been already announced, tool place yesterday afternoon frou were in the better position to give effect to it; and when that bis late residence in Abercromb: was done. he trused that the St. to the Sacred Heart Church same satisfaction which that en and once to Lavesrouse Ceme: ergetic officer had givene would be English Science Master for ery where remains shared equally by other practi lerred. Mr.
came almost Skoure deata tioners and persons who bad been out to duties up to an ne Supreme Court of which be be!
business in the Court, as also in Gronada Boys School.
From a recent issue of the Greafter 10 pm Mr. Ligoure had is also an officer. They were attained his 67th year, over twen Ligoure death and he was very following exceedingly sorry to bear of Mr. nada West Indian we clip the Local Civil Service, his first ar sing brought it to the notice of the are being made for obtaining the the grateful for It is said that arrangements Supreme Court It may be men relatives and friends would be from England for the Grenada being Librarian of the Court; and he trusted that his services of Science Master tioned that Mr. Ligoure had only informed of the notice which the Boys School. This gentleman recently recovered from severu Court had taken of Mr. Ligoure will be recognized as the Third illness, and it was a pleasure to lamented death.
his many friends that he Master of the school and will reThe business of the Court was ceive a salary deep cherhe preceded written about 250. We do be hope that, while a place is beest sympathy is extended the reaved family and especially to ing made for a Englishman at at our Mr.
his son Clarence New Assistant Master for Ligoure, principal high school at a Rolicitor, who is away in Tobago Queen Royal College that will enable him to live de where profession cently, the Government will not de practices his another son, for We clip the following from have been rendered by the preforget the valuable services that whom preparations were being the Port of Spain Gazette of sent masters. We made by the family for his home recent date: We refer particocoming by the next steamer now Mr. Grant Pilgrim, A, tiste who have done all in their larly to Messrs Hughes and Bapon voyage from up North (Oxon) an Assistant Master Tribute by Chief Justice of Harrison me sch the late Rev. Pilgrim of Tabor, St. John, has been dubbard even when it was Upon taking his seat yesterday, ly strong teaching staff. These addressing the Solicitor General, at Queen Royal College. Trio many changes dur who was the only practitioner idad, at a salary during the life of of school, and no one who he present, said that before 450.
about the ding with the business of the same with a Peleceptionallyoune anything an bril which have confronted Grenada Court, he would like to say a few liant career. Though he is not secondary school within the re Words. He had just heard of counted amongst the winner cent years wil deny that a large Ligoure was a splendid officer ationists know that owing to an has been due. Mr. Barbados. the Registrar Office and hi their consistent death came to the speaker as to his eys during the work. It is by the number of great shock. He observed hin cricket he was a brilliant wicker that we are to estimate the value preparation period while playing suco that been gained in Court but the day before keeper then he was procluded of the teaching given to the boys Registrar and Marshall Office. from study for several weeks and from the lowest to the highest His death was a great loss to the ice; on siting still unrecovered, ho form. We are proud of the result he was an upright man who was proxime ascessit. could be trusted right through later, scholarship de tube Gambridge, certi boys, Coil his hand to the community. Person illness whilo are rewarde some of those forfeited the ernment have. that hisseltonioderate bedenked in England, and Mt. Piigrim was fra vest trained some boy shose that the relatives of the deceased.
allowed to complete it. This he they do well. The did that.
ritioners the Solicitor General came out Double First. Since work in the early days of the On behalf of his brother prac the three years letter to him be master upon whom the duty de be volves of the foundation associated himself with the re chen he has been engaged in child en marks of His Honour. teaching in England, at the Lodgo been fairly treated. He has been entry into school in the District Court School here, and at Harrison Col been lege. He is good in both Classics the At the resumption of the sit and Mathematics, and is a favour Dotir well and whatever be has been onth. He is no ting of the District Court yesite with the boys.
terday after the luncheon recess, juvenile in particular line Mr. Maingot rose and with Museum Seeks to Learn through the school for the past Every boy who has passed him all present in Court, and addressing His Honour Mr. Origin of West Indies eight years speaks of his work David, Commissioner, said He has done enough to claim the that he had been asked by his colony gratitude and in any ar.
In its issue of Dec. 5th.
His Honour notice, the lament the following: brother practitioners to bring to Port of Spaine Gazellec: published rangement made for improving the status of od death of Mr. Clement Franshould be considered. The cois Ligoure late Deputy MarCaptain Anthony, asso for increasing the pay of Govern shal, both of the Supreme Court ciate curator of the American ment Officers is now before the and the District Court In doing Museum of Natural History, has Government and it is expected 90, he made mention of the faith completed preparations for that the Executive Council fal and efficient service rendered land for the West Indies early to be manly in behalf of those of Jamaica. He left New liar with life to Grenada ought expedition to the Is. which is composed of mec fami: by the deceased gentleman to York the District Court, and the satisfactory manner in which he car four or five months.
in November and will be absent with whose work they are familiar and will give all the masters (the speaker) was certain high he: the His primary object in visiting of the Grenada Boys School the West Indies is to try to de means of living up to their posinour was aware. When there was a shortage in the staff of the once a part of the mainland.
termine if those islands were thon.
Marshal. Onice, owing to a few This is a question that has en. of the clerks needed for another department, our gaged the attention of many Good Mowes Planters.
Mr. Ligoure olare distinguished naturalist.
managed his department expediThe Grenade tiously with a mere handful of u selfishness clerks. The difficulty which Mt. Mr. James Miller Gen still, ani ue to wake up to Ligoure had to cope with erosity.
when the sun monses which were be too late. An to be issued, had to be served American Company, we are in from that Court to Blanchis Mhe. Sames Miller. managing sidences are prepared to acquire says to seuse, Mayaro, Cedros, then to director of Miller Stores, Ltd. all the sugar estates and sugar Chacachacare to North Post. His bas again shown bis sympathy prydacing lands they can get in Honour would remember that at to his employees by increasing the West Indies. They are pre manned and luckily for the prac the salaries of almost his whole pared to pay fabulous prices titioners representations were saft us from 1st October last. sain their desire, and when increases nade to His Honour, who took Substantial gained the necessary steps to see that given from the porters right up, tories of the most modern type.
the suggestions made by many got handsome. An American capitalist has asked and the mounts. Mr. Miller who practitioners were carried out to day the oldest merebant ready to hand for sugar on a large is and thus the business of the Frederick Street is to be us to say that American capital is Court was not handicapped. Io tulated on his generosity. He ligence already received his com.
congry scale in Grenada, and intel view of these circumstances, he is a septuagenarian, and his stall pany is anxious to pay double thought it was his duty to bring wish him continued success in fair price to acquire Point Salines a to the notice of the Court, the his business and many more Grand Acce, True Blue, Woodirreparable loss of such an able and zealous officer.
years of uaefulness. This lands and Caliviny and other es should be an incentive to others tates in out parishes which will His Honour Reply. to do likewise.
His Honour said that he very give opportunity for the erection of Central Factories. We much regretted the loss which Dr. Blackwood Wright called upon to weigh and choose The Court had sustained in the Retirement, death of one of its able officers well at this juncture of our history. Will it be for the best to the person of Mr. Clement The Port of Spain Gazelle Says: encourage American capital for WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock From SO could in they ponging has not Chorrillo Drug Store is kept on a pit tance of per in his 46 STREET, PANAMA.
Me tuition Nurse, Just received a full stock of SILVER CHAIN GOODS Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES For overy form of disoaso scheme The Grenada 1919 Scholar Of a poor, respected family of artisans who baye for quite a few generations been known as efticjent and persevering workmen in this island, Master Alfred Redvets Lionel Phillip was born 26th, 1901, the youngest child of the and Mrs. Olivia of Jor Re earliest days showed the boy usual family precocity for learning, and, as soon as he was able to speak, it was with difficulty that he could be restrained from following his brothers and sister to school He entered the Saint George ferred him to the Saint and, 1910, his parents transWesleyan School. There, George the of Mr.
Sales by home scholarship. Fred penning many prizes for general made great progress, proficiency: Representing the St. George Wesleyan School in 1915, at the age of 14, he wes first of about thirty candidates for Goverament Exhibitions to the Grenada Boys School, and there bis career has as splendid as that of any of the have written their names higie very many other Phillips who Grenada Grammar Scho on the scholarship roll of the School. 1916. Fred Cambridge Prati Etamin ation, with distinctions, but did not get honours on of his age. In 1917 be passe the Cambridge obtaining 3rd class honours sad few distinctions. As a of this, he was result 1918. awarded by the Headmaster, Mr. Mc.
Cowan, the coveted and highly honoured Major Slinger Scho.
larship. In Midsummer 1918, ho passed the Cambridge hond Local Examination with 3rd 210r honours, securing exemption from a part of the Cambridge Littlego; and in November of the same year he was the Haddon Smith History Prizeman.
Continued on page 61 TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
thas been equally Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. FLOWERS, Proreltor. Box 36P, nama City.
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