
Bring your labels to the King Bee factory opposite freight station and for each ten labels you will be given 16 votes. No less than ten exchanged. The Open Forum :this a klee.
questo tivities Unionist, An.
of op that of that they are satisfied with things in bis Lodge to effect the removal Secretary of Rod Tank spirit, when they were beaten.
as they exist. and in the fourth from office of those responsible Explains Red Tank means to play cricket paragraph he afdrms that the for the lethargic state of the as sportsmen; and to this other clube Hocal leaders are unduly silent. System Division; and to inform him that no amount of knockSir. In the issue of the Workmann testify, We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinions expressed in this column Thanking you for space, Mr. Editor, The horns of the apparent di ing will swerve the leaders from dated Dec. 27th, there appeared. the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents am, yours for clean sport, lemma will disappear like dew carrying out the policy outlined port of the match between La Boca CO.
before the powerful rays of the by the System Division.
and Red Tank MYERS, sun, when we remember that.
Secretary Red Tank Certain statements in that report tend LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
In Unionist we see a wolf knockers, conscientiously rared sheep clothing who cynical of the Red Tank The Red Tankto throw a dark shade upon the position Pedro Miguel, Dec. 29, 1919.
otherwise, brought charges and with sinister purpose, adul the Allied Governments agaios Stoute Replies to his subtle propaganda for the the truth YOU ARE RIGHT.
their armies were inactive, terates purpose of disrupting the ranks similar to those laid at the doors to be a silver. Since be claimsers won the first inning by runs after determined and worshy effort to the Unionist.
of the Brotherhood and from of the local leaders of the Bro that it may be a familiar bub Boon Camered bich Le Bond Drug Store in Calidonia. favor of the Union and who fears utter surprise and unensines of the La (Conversation held in one of the main his Sir. Under the heading Un altrowe felle thick and fast, but netih od teliest sen, ning in ble; and because he wants ac. igning the played in which La Boca Customer Please well me a bottle of. with the disastrous activity. The wonand we their faith.
he will win.
opportunity to well in poedinke out Red Took work and Dr. French Strengthening Compound.
tion we take there appeared in yesterdays anticipated with malevolent With regard the request that he advise us through runs in their second attempt; and then Druggist. sold the last bottle a few issue of the Star Herald minutes ago, but can recommend to Jetter written by some one calling himself Unionist. As this soi isfactory auswers the many we beg to remind Silent, cal terms, what course we Under pretense of seeking sat that the leaders are unduly you this other preparation that is just to pursue in order to most speedi During the La Boca second inningood.
di sant unionist ostensibly reinformation concernine perplexins accompany any great mug; and to inform him that not that he disclose his very high grass nearby, a good deal of Doctor. You understand about medicines question which must that There a time for every. ly effect the desideratum. We do Trotman hit the ball for into some Customer Don tell me that old trick, of the System Di unde undertaking, the leaders are doing things now identity.
time was spent, in vain, to find it.
Pin and you must know that there is no subvision, we beg that you allow us devilish ingenuity, suggests ad days, cot talking; and that our through the medium of your through his numerous innuen guns are as still powerful as when onista.
Let hear from you soon, Uni ious to win the game, the home captainstitute for Dr. French Strengthening offered the visiting skipper his ball to widely circulated paper to grant does that the Brotherhood is a we battered down the wall.
play out the match. After a little dis Compound. have tried all kinds of the the request, and to divest the failure: He truthfully states position intended to keep us Yours respectfully, cussin the visiting team went cheerfully divines for debility of the blood and wolf of the sheep clothing. the greater portion of the monies apart like so many fingers and to the field with La Boo ball and the perves and can say there is none that suh STOUTE In the first paragraph, Union mitted has been faithfully hinder our coming together as a game was resumed with the usual ansan be compareil with Dr. Frenob to the Grand Lodge mighty fist. If Unionist is a Colon xiety and interest The League ruler Strengthening Compound. It beate them Bax 209 limit play to 30 m; the skippera reason for the rapid growth and our cause before the Govern advise him to Use bis inflgence Jan. 1920 the Druggist You are right, my dear arranged R. on the to play to 45 At 48 friend, can see that you are not easy Isthmus of Panama, he is ment for which we have worked the visiting Captain (T.
decided to stop, according fool. That medicine is a real good one to to his opinion: but he should and are working faithfully and time an remember that the factors of that so far, this representation ranged so that 18 minutes after the real and for that reason it is selling so quick.
League time limit La Boca had failed to and will let you know when it arrives, to am expecting a new shipment very soon success are so many that it is has been nil: but whether designwin.
not wise to band all of the laurels edly or otherwise, he has failed Disappointed with defeat, certain hot pie.
but then hurry up, because it sells like paragraph he reiterates what he was just instituted a Provident to any one factor. In the second to state that the Grand Lodge members anl well wishers of the home we are team began to accuse Red Tanker (BRANDON BANK)
spirit of loyal support given to beneficiaries: that Local Lodges (who did not play in the game) for hav City Bible Agency ing concealed the ball, simply because the movement; speaks as though sive relief to the sick, and bury.
he is a silver employee and urges the dead; that Messrs Severs and LODA he happened to find it during the latter disthe The City Bible Agency begs to ERVICE to take an inventory of them. embark at Cristobal has only If the ball had been concealed by the Workers and Bible Readers to call the attention of Christian selves and see how much pro temporarily suspended some of players, would they have accepted and the fact that we can supply then press they have made. This ad our operations; and that the Am(POUNDED 1868)
COLON resumed play with La Boca bull, leay with the former translations of reminds us of the motive erican Federation of Labor is ing theirs in the busb?
handling the which rompted Satan to say.
Bibles compared and revised, matter for the Our large Resources and well known It thou be the son og God, cast Brotherhood. What can be bis Why was not word said until after selfeditions and self pronouncing the visitors applied the closure, leaving standard concordance of the thyself down for it is written, reason for holding back this part conservative Management afford unLa Boca tho lovers, at the call of time? Bible also Sunday School TeachHe shall give his angels charge portant reaches and those many con Why, the very individuw who started ers Bible, Lodge Pulpit.
known by all and fa questioned security for every dollar the hiding scandal was rebuked by the mily Bibles. We handle bibles of bers who attend meetings re.
third In the paragraph, Un La Boca men many times during the various societies, especially the ionist reminds us that the rapid gularly?
deposited with this bank.
game for trying to pick contention Oxford University Press, real xrowth of Unionism under the With great subtlety, and under wich the visitors!
morocco binding, auspices of the United Brother the guise of seeking information, The Red Tankers have been accepting We also handle all other kinds hood was is due to economic oppres. Unionist suggests that the their several defeats in the past, in real of religious books in addition to sion: speaks of thuse who were members of the Brotherhood sportenanlike spirit, and now that they bibles.
engaged as have pulled themselvas together, they take bits See us for prices and terms.
be benefactores dos hering would have been too patient and to ad their expect that the several clubs they are Street.
who rewarded the peuple witira niouths and run away. He also in now determine to defeat (even La Boplurality of utopian assurances as apparently places the leaders ISAAC BRANDON House No. 32 (upstairs)
NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON ca) will take their liking as true Box 1079, Panama.
to the rich melon cutting in the a dilemma by suggesting that President.
Vice President.
Treasurer sporlamen. It is only fair to add that not distant future. This is their inactivity is due either to a many members of the home team did Augustus Fartier, where Unionist openly begins state of helpless stagnation, or (not join in showing the unsportsmanlike Agent.
tled to Panama Banking Company part of game.
ANAMA vice General Banking Business Transacted


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