
Remember, Three WA Groceries!
be. be.
Ngn Follow men: Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaI am writing this as a reinindir WALROND, at the office Central av tion. Correspondence on all matters Nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
No. 22 Central Avenue. Panama City to iny pistai viss de that the time has cun All copy for publication must be Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and PHONE Ethiopia is stretching forther 692.
hands, and she ex eis every RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Negro to do his or her best One Year 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publicakeep her hands ont tretched Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith, ine nber oor dive obj ct is 500 do not undertake to return Ricial Saccess; physicals, morale One 25e. rejected correspondence.
Hy, intellectually and financially.
In order to achieve Rein Suc The Liberty of the Press is the pa adium of our rights JUNIUS cess, we must first realize that We Carry a full line of Groceries: Chocolates, however fair our complexion way SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1920 however straight our as long as we posess the Household Hardware, Cigars, Special line of Jamaica minimum amount of Negro blood in our veins, we are considered What Others Think of the Negro Cigarettes, Toilet Articles, Etc. Etc. Etc.
Negroes. As Negroes, we must next arm with the Weaof Determination and Perse.
verance to attack our most desFor the most part, the colored people on the Isthmus tructive enemies cialism, EconoSelfishness, of Panama have not been considering the race problem from Drop in and inspect our Stock or phone your order, Insularity, the view point of what others think of the Negro. It has too mic Slavery and Fear.
frequently been what they are doing, or not doing, for the While we are thus engaged, we race and in this light the problem has worn a most distorted we make free deliveries.
must build the Fortress of Selfaspect, partly because we accept considerations without confidence protected by the guns of Self reliance. We must equip calculating the manliness often sacrificed, and partly beour armies with the armour of cause the great display of surface work obscures the real Open Until p. on week days Commerce, and our Navy with a motives of apparent benevolence.
fleet of merchant ships.
The time has come, however, when the problem must Sundays until 12 Noon.
be viewed from the only angle that will make a correct soLose all confidence in the white man and put more of it in our lution possible; it is no longer question of how much, or selves; we must not forsake our how little, might be done for the colored people by ancoloured preachers, professionals and business men in order to patother race among whom they live, but rather a question ronize those of other races. Our of the real relation between the two races, as well as the the sharpest blows from with Duque Building in Lower Negro last, Negro forevermore motto extent to which we are regarded human by the members Editorialettes must be, Negro first, of that other race.
in or the deadliest thrusts Central Avenue for the pur. We must put away all Petty The inceptive steps in the investigation of the problem from without will not affect! pose of opening a branch store jealousies and pessimisin from the grand and powerful for the convenience of patrons among us and join the grert will disclose the fact that the opinion among the white Unionist, Nothing!
people concerning the claims of racial equality is one of in The man who will rush in R. Enemies residing in the lower part of army of the Universal Negro Lin provement Afri.
Association and tense variation. There are those of the white race who es to and foes may just as well shut the city who find the present an Communities Langue, newspaper controversy store somewhat too far for We must be more teem all people of the colored race as being essentially and over the doings of the United up shop as to worry.
more economic them.
We must swp from coing to the naturally human, like themselves; and there are others who Brotherhood and subscribe find it impossible to concede the fact that the members of himself Unionist is either Trading Co. Ltd.
The present business is en Religious wiggle waggle picnic the Negro race are entitled to the same claims of humanity a quitter, a traitor or an im That the newly formed should feel satisfied that their couraging and share holders dances. We must stop ging around with tobacco tins and en as they are.
poster. For practical reasons, money to give the white Speaking fearlessly, it can be asserted that most of it makes no difference wheth West Indian Trading Com investments have been made rolopes begging members of our the antagonistic and anti racial feelings that exist in the er he be one or all three the pany of Panams is the most in a safe enterprise. It will parasites.
breasts of certain white people against colored people are The United Brotherhood has expressive idea of co opera not be long before all West must learn to be more courteous to our girls due to the work of imbibition and transmission, through no place in its ranks for such coloran decorporation among Indians will realize the neces Westhouse the great idle rendemen force of environment or as a feature of heredity, through a character. The loyal mem colored people as demonstra: sity of investing in business protect theneven as the other races respect and protect their generations. This is true, at least in the Southern States bers of this great institution ed on the Isthmus is a mild of commerce.
We hope that Panama and girls and women.
of the North American Union, where it is almost criminal may all feel well assured that statement. Other ideas perIt coloured girl disgraces for a Negro or a mule to step on the side walk or enter a they suffer no violence from haps more stupendous and ex Colon will very soon see the public store or any other business place, the difference in the attacks of the would be pansive are en embryo. but establishment of numerous horself with a white man, let her treatment being that the mule would be driven of the revolutionist who seeks to dis the Co. Ltd. is now stores and other business own be ostracized; and it coloured man disgraces himself with mighty slim a breathing after effusions which fair to an overwhelm. Already, are cized.
West Indians in both of these If a white man intruder on the Such atrocities as lynchings, massacres, and manifest he describes as queries into ing success.
The store situated in Cen cities who own large places dignity of a coloured girl or wa seggregation are traceable to a spirit of natural and well the doings of the Brotherhood.
cultivated hatred born in the heart of Southerners for color. If he is really a member he tral Avenue is already enjoy of business such as Pharma man, do unto him as he would unto you. An eye for an eye, that the Negro is NOT a HÚMAN creature, and therefore is utterly ignorant as to the management and operation of offices, Mechanical Work When you want to get married is unfit for companionship as a playmate. schoolmate or any movements and operations of the business is all that may shops, Contracting Firms and or to christen your child let the other kind of mate. The question arises then, in the mind, the organization if he is a be desired. West Indians other lines of independent coloured proacher do the jet de the wbite preacher; he of the little children: What then is the Negro! And at once traitor he should get tired should feel proud at this evi business, and we hope that all not go to the whi comes the reply that the Negro child is a monkey with an in and stop his fruitless propa dence of raciai progressive other operations looking for is only after your money.
visible tail; and the impresion of the damuable lie is stamp. ganda; if he is an impostor he ness and advancement. It is ward to doing business will Black Star Line andere ed indellibly upon the plastic mind of the innocent child, ought to take off his mask a case in which the people are benefit by the push and pluck dian Trading Co. of Panama calidad who in time, becomes a guilty, blood thirsty Negro hater. and fight in the open like a learning to help themselves of those already in the field help to mako a success.
your indifferences among The thoroughly educated and more refined white peo in a matter of this kind. The dependent, and they will suc into the business arena o man, and not play the coward to become industrious and in and make a speedy entrance ele: and stop being a ple residing in this country are not stinting in their cor Unionists don care what he ceed.
this progressive country.
nuisance to the Courts.
Consider your race the best diality and humane treatment towards the colored folk with is, and they are not keen to This new company in addi Mission at St. Joseph keep believing it is the hest.
race on God green carth and whom they have to deal almost every moment of their know. It is felt by every mem tion to the store now in oplives. No blame for the cruelties and rowdyisms practised ber of the Brotherhood that eration has leased the spacious Church, Cristobal Love those that love you by some of their own race can be laid to the more cultured Hate those that hate you.
classes of Americams here; they denounce the discriminaAmong the passengers who Curse those that ourse you sad arrived on Monday on the Strike those that strike you.
tions and outrages that we are made to suffer; they shudder rizes them with coarsest of the brute element. Heredia from New York were at the indecencies and vagobandry of the rough element This presentation brings the question back to the old Fathers Edward Walsh and the above advices; they are not Do not be afraid to carry out who disgrace, by their uncouth and uncivilized behaviour, argument that the colored people, in many ways, do not Thomas Madden of Springfield, uhensive, but defensives the good name of the greatest Republic on earth. properly estimate their own importance or worth. The lack Mass. they are here to give Men and women born under the most elevating condi of healthful ambition and aspirations too often strips the hoston she oathe Catholic Chur Miss Vịnton Davls Speaks of Canal Zone.
tions, and transplanted among such rabid haters of our home of its sanctity; too frequently do our young men and Begicing at St. Joseph Af La Boca.
race do not take long to breathe in, and become contamina women barter their labor for a trifle; too many are the in Church, Tomorrow the 11th, led with the poisonous atmosphere with which they are stances in which personal cheapness reduces indivuals to Mission will be held for Women the evening of the 6th Miss gewly a roned. This fact makes the situation more hope economic serfdom; and while self honoring folk deprecate only, every night during the aretta Vinton Davis and Mr.
ditions they find, they are themselves influenced and general status until the passive masses bestir themselves there will be a mission for anon other gentlemen from the city of lis, a instead of the imported moralists changing the con such ridiculous conditions, there will be no change in the week at 70 clock. The follow anry, Dr. Connell and his. is wifoa assimilate those habits and practices which are as far and work in the right direction.
from ethical as the behaviour of a jungle squatter at an Panama were the guests of Rer.
In order to bave the proper appreciation placed upon both celebrated preachers from a few church workers they had Fathers Madden and Walsh are Mulcare of La Boca and with Imperial reception.
our labor, our honor, our manhood and womanhood, and the States, they have had many very pleasant evening, la On the whole, this anti racial sentiment is responsible our worth we must co operate for the education of the less years experience in giving mis. At 30 Mr. Henry and supersession of the human slavery that died at the mouth example, as well as by chat, that every human soul, wheth of the mission, it being an oppor. Chaich. Never before was the for the economic slavery which has been introduced as a fortunate of our people. At least, we must teach them by sions, it is expected that all will Miss Davis addressed an immense avail themselves of the benefits gathering of people in St. Peter of the gun and the thrust of the sword. Whenever the Ne er incased in black or white, is worth more than the stingy tunity seldom offered in these building so crowded nor was ever gro receives anything from these people it does not come remuneration doled out to the colored people for their work, parts. Non. Catholics are spe such a reception given to any to him as his desert, but as a condescension on the part of and that no circumstance nor accident of color or nationalito attend, the benefactor. and the true claims are denied because ty should be allowed to operate as a barrier to personal Church, and at Gatun, the Mise manner by the Rev.
After preaching at St. Joseph ers were introduced in a very able speaker in this town. The those whose duty it is to answer them are naturally scep comfort and progress.
tical about doling out equal treatment to a race of people sionaries will hold missions at very beautiful solo entitled The Mulcare. The greatest weapon for the destruction of racial op the Pacific end.
whom they regard as physical and mental inferiors.
Star of Bethelem was rendered pression is self respect, and when our women learn to resist in a most laudable manner by This is, too, a condition of depreciation, of local ori the denominating vices of unscrupulous libertines, and our NOTICE.
gination, created mainly by that class of Negro wherein men denounce the practice of racial treachery, there will Mrs. Barnes, Organist of that churdh. Mrs. Barnes was there is an unconquerable servility and subserviency to be accomplished among us a transformation that will evenheartily cheered, after which Mr.
Wanted to know the pre his address he was greatly a. sent address of Charles De Plaudere Henry spoke. At the close of selves. In this case, the personal estimate put upon them harangues, and other vociferations will fall like sweetselves by those Negroes is so insignificant that the people ness on the desert air unless the fire of the new spirit Carter (more popularly known Miss Davis next rose from her of the other race find it impossible to think very much of catch the mind of every Negro and set aflame that sense of as Evan Carter) a Barbadian, seat amidst unceasing cheers and them. They are thought of by others just as they think of personal pride that will make it impossible for indecency and age 29 years. Very important when she had completed her souland value themselves. They believe that they are not en immorality to insult and defile the womanhood, or cracker.
Edward Moore) Alleyne, stirring address, great and lasting were the impression made, titled to much in the way of salary, respect or esteem and ism and spite outrage the principles of manhood in the Bocas del Toro She was again applauded. The thus they are treated with an indifference and that catego members of our race.
Rep of Panama meeting was closed with the Doxology, sidewalk or out of the shop whereas the Negro would have rupt the organization by hom bids feliebtis bed a business and people opered by hedone what it means that thical bo oestra buy shares and ches of invited The speak


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