
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 1920 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes Pes Sección Castellana Walk Over Shoe Sale!
Broken Sizes With shoe prices advancing daily we are able to offer our customers Exceptional Bargains Men Shoes at Less otra, y parts ción!
blica de lo bueno que que año pasado sus defectos The assortment is large so there will be no difficulty in finding the size and last to suit your taste con clase política, MONDAY, JANUARY 12 un eso de Colón.
a Even by the que de estas American Bazaar teres proce Jos.
LA BOCA ¿Negros. se va en busca de la Libertad Condens at La Boca integra y totalmente, Clubhouse.
La libertad es en boca de los Don forget the Concert at La Boca Tenemos ccucebido el propósito políticos, las más de las veces, Clubhouse, on Friday Janunty 16th.
de demostrar, hasta donde nos una metáfora escurridiza que 1920 st pm, Dudley, Muntre, the sea posible, la injusticia estable aprovechan tanto como exclama Silver City Band, and the great Farcial cida que divide a la sociedad en ción de Justicia, que como grito Sketch, The District Convention.
dos razas que viven en constante PCION antagonismo; porque la una pien.
An uproarious pulitical nominating NOSOMI creemos de manera coavention, in which Officer Dooley, ss, erradamente, que es superior su propio esfuerzo, trabajar a sincera que el pueblo debe, por on Irish Police Officer; Jim Punch the ala de allí que gran parte Locul Prize Fighter; Jacob Stransmuller de la humanidad no cumpla el tualmente con supremno empeno, the German Butcher, Bay Run Johnson precepto de Cristo: amaos los por emanciparse del tutelaje po lítico e ir tras la meta de su unos a los otros, a colored Barber, play very impurtant La titolada raza blanca, le verdadera y absoluta emancipe The climax comes wbrn woman na siempre de prejuicios en con tra de la titulada raza mentem desligars, tal nudo gordiano que El pueblo debe de todos modos, rights champion, captures the conventiou. Immediately after the Concert, trata de vencerla, de homillarla y dancing will le indulged in, until 12 de esclavizarla, aun en los paises le ata sin provecho a la política midnight Tickets on sale at La Boca eregidos en República, aun en tortuosa de la cual solo sacan Clubhouse.
los paises de instituciones demo provecho unos cuantos privile in cráticas Los Slege of Souls anglo normandos, los anglo sajones y aun hispanoSince January 1st, the Salvation Army americanos que se dicen descen El Obrero of La Boca are having special meeting der de nobles y llevar en sus ve.
than Cost Price at the Hall cailed Siege of Souls.
nas SANGRE AZUL, son los empenados en tener establecida esta De conformidad con nuestros PARAISO división, que se está haciendo propósitos manifestados en el Repú periódico The Workman corres The town is looking quite smart and DOO e copia al pir pondiente al 20 de Diciembre det clean. The grass cutters are busy cleanque delantado avisamos al públice ing around the quarters. The only nos es Unidos de Norte America, sino importado de los Estados que estamos en een condiciones bad feature is the curing of the cuttings dar desde el between the houses, the quantity of y las rancias sino nuevo impulso a este semanario, Bu ke moking it very disagreeable. But cupaciones de razas, repugnantes cuya sección en el idioma caste there is nothing good that is not mixed la razón y y al buen sentido, co llano era una necesidad sentida, with a little a bad.
mo trataremos de demostrar y será satisfecha en el terreno On Wednesday night, Jan 7th at 45 solo tener en reiculo. sino en otros de la pro propaganda en pro de las The Isthmian League of had que seguiremos escribiendo proletaria, la que debe con its installation of officers for the 1920 el propósito de hacer luz, plena prescindencia de la tern.
luz, al pueblo, y principalmente a nodriza sin amor y sin concies Bro T, Fuller was appointed SALE BEGINS nuestra clase obrera, a quienes cia, entrar en una senda nueva y Installing Master, and Wright CORvan dirigidos estos nuestros con firmes propósitos de acerca duated by the retiring Chairman, Bro.
miento, trabajar por sus verda8. Bostic. The following Bros. were in En los Estados Unidos de Norderos y eficaces intereses.
El señor Eduardo Morales te America, es bueno que se se alled: Stephen Streadwick, Chairman: James Foster, Vice Chairman: Chao pa, en muchas regiones de Eu está autorizado para recibir toda Ruden, Seety; and Morrison ropa, es muy difícil distinguir si correspondencia y para la dor Trom Great tribute was paid by male individuo determinado es le tratación de avisos en la ciudad In Colon and Panama Stores.
ad female members to the officers for gitimamente blanco o si es o si es negro tue management of the of the different aide de pura cepa; pues en muchas Weren ocasiones the League, especially vemos que un ejemplar Eterna Ignorancia families of deceased members; and help ing West Indians back to their homes, no podemos, con certeza, definir The Old British formed Organization la y caem os frecuentemente y de Escruta el sabio contenas paciencia has weathered the storms of years, modo irremisible en el error al La caum y el por qué de ousato existe, and although bandicapped numerically apreciarla, pues cuantas veces es obsesión en su ánima persiste by the use of rival organizations, it has ua sujeto que vemos con todo y y dura lo que dura su existencia.
also liyed to see many fall. Long live que nos presenta todos los carac. Si un problema resuelve su conciencis; the 1, BW. The chairman wished de la la raza caucásica, the members a prosperous 1920 and de de Negros, porque su abuelo Siempre hay otro problema que subaisie, Más, no por eso su razón desiste hoped the members would Co operate she had left them unnoticed; after a new members. ce little search and a little shedding of tean mimary is A. Noble, Telephone Orderere elected by ballot. Several ta de descendiente en línea rec De poner la verdad en evidencia.
The happiest young man in the Com. will be inaugurated and its offic. era un in bringing in cream and er ko was served after which Agnes was found spending time with one clerk, he having received the latest news will be discussed and a largosos que las apariencias de la De lo ingnoto; y al fin de la jornada, projects of a beneticent nature También sucede en muchos ca Trabaja con esfuerzo sobrehumano the meeting dj urned.
al contemplar un sujeto Por descifrar el misterioso arcano of the neighbors not knowing the anxie from his home, St. Jago LA Vago, Jamal turn out of the gentle sex is reaza Negra, caemos en un error Fxhausto el cuerpo y el cerebro exbausto, Following is a prayer which is being ty her absence had caused cn, that a buncing baby girl was born to con todas ered up for Judge Hanan. In these days when it takes dayo his wife on Dec, 20th ulto. Mother and quested Oh Lord our Heavenly Father, look labour without allowance for meale, eto, babe are doing nicely, while Lucia Every member of the race is a al conceptuarlo miembro genuino Exclama el sabio parodiando a Paulo: down in pity, upon our Judicial Friend to buy one pair of 1913 3, 00 bos wearing broad omilos and handing around member of this grand organisa de la mencionada raza, porque si solo pudo aprender que no se handler lies sick in Hospital. cannot the Div. help us to avoigars to his co workers and friends.
bien estes sujeto Thou who art the great Physician them, by giving us some kind of.
equal with our population is de se presenta a nuestras observaSpare him for our sake we pray, rend?
Operator journoyed over to served. An organisation, numeri. ciones procede de blancos, por Gremio Aurora del Let thy way be made known upon Colon on New Year Day and Why there are no colored fire fighters cromed bats with a picked team of the tocsin for 1920. Rally around the un español, 100 per cent strong is the que existe entre sus antepasades un inglés o un Istmo Thy saving healtha unto all nations in our section? Do the birger folks Baptist Church on the Camp Baird oral; Black, the Green and the Red mán de pura cepa. Estas consi know that the white section is over batting first the Operatore put up the The tricolor represents 100. deraciones nos han llevado a la de El sábado, 27 de Diciembre, tuBeenuse we ask all in Jesus Name.
start this s! de the chances are, every Lawrence and Johnson, was respontan new era, going to work rica principalmente. ne haridade: del Gremio Aurora del Istmo Blancos la thing would be down before they would sible for HR active 20 and 18 each out the destinies along the lines, gros ni The Baptista boys could only raise Join the opward estinder Giovani de la mano de oro coperto de carton vocabo. EMPIRE Declarada abierta la sesión por they would have hard time finding too much for them.
be able to put in their appearances ass as the bowling of Lynton, was march from darkness into that, mescolauza de las razas Caucási rop oir las alegres notas del HimTodo entre nosotros es una el hermano Presidente, se deja On Sunday Jan. 1st the Cricket which of the trails lead to the Quarters.
Club Journeyed over to Empire and Then the cost is only one Railrond pass marvellous light which is beam ca, Mongólica, Etiópica la Mai no Nacional, las que fueron escuIt is with profound regret that we ing before us and work for the Jaya o aceitunada, que son los inchadas con la debida circunspecmet the Kensington in game per month.
chroniete the death of James Rowe, cause that lacks assistance and digenas.
of Cricket, Skipper Cummings won the toss and selected two bats to face road, a medico, commissary, Ener which sad event took place at Ancen the wrong that needs resistance. Después de lo anterior, faerza Terminado el Himno, el SecreSuch is Messrs Gallimore and coney water tank, and a quarterly visit Hospital on Friday 2nd inst. He hailed the trundling is the call that comes to es convenir en la verdad que entario dió lectara al acta, la que from the Island of Jamaica.
Bath, all Kensington went out for 102, from the bushgang are some of our rethe Negro in the year 1920, a year trafia aquella tan conocida y sim fué aprobada.
Cummings, Paynes and Ranstin, reached quirements for 1920. large number of Advance guides that holds within its days and pátioa estrofa cubana: Los discursos pronunciad38 reached our Post office Department on such as was dreamed of by the double figures 22, 23, and 13 respectivepossibilities of an uplift Muchos blancos hay aquí, fueron varios y sumamente entaly. The Chorrillo went in to GATUN Thursday 8th inst, all members are reYo lo digo y no me escondo. siastas.
wipe off the score but only could muster quested to come and call for same so bards of all ages, when in the Que el que no tiene de conge. Varios de los oradores manifesup 36 of which Gallimore contributed On Sunday next will be staged in the to prevent any delay of the interest good time coining.
Tiene de caraball.
taron su pena por lo ocurrido al 10 being the only one to reach double Lodge hall of this town a rally for the therein these guides gives all news Right, not might, shall be the Lord.
uplifting of the Negro Improvement As concerning the uplifting of the Union Sr. Severs y al hermano Eduar figures.
do Morales, al primero por no sociation and African Committens LeaLike Israel marching out of On Saturday Jan. 17th, there will be Miss Henrietta Dayis will be Dos Palabras Egypt (and the analogy is fitting)
habérsele dejado desembarcar en gue.
held at the Union Hall Variety Con present, with Memors. Henry, Gatun Branch of let us gird oar loins and turn our territorio de la Zona del Casal vert by Meears Ifill and Chas. Mapp. rales and several others from all parts precisamente cuando su presen Plan Big faces to the Promised Land.
RA All friends are invited; Tickets are now of the Isthmut la cia más necesaria y al segon on sale, admission, adults 25 cts Children Concert.
dad algo asi como un islote quedo por lo injustificado del 10 cts. Doors open at 7:30 There will be a general meeting of the Vol Associatio. to wawerow (Sunday) at the Passing Away of Mrs. Au parece huir del horizonte, a me tiene siempre a la vista y que titución wonder what bas become of the practice Ledge Hall. All who are interested in Antes The Gatun Branch of de darse por terminado dance? Wake up, young mer men, if you this movement are invited Meeting versal Negro mortement 1330 gusta Russel. dida qae el viajero avanza.
el acto se les hizo saber a los so to be in the swing commences at 80 sharp.
ciation and African Conciles Las generaciones sedientas de cios y demás personas preseute The officers and and fmembers of the St.
Mrs. Augusta Russell of New redención se han estrellado en que por correspondencia recibida The unveiling of our Charter took League is arranging a bis con Gatun passed away from time in de tan difícil y peligroso Blarlo todo en tiempo no lejano y Barnabas Sunday School entertained muchas ocasiones en la cert on Sunday, Jan. 18th at persecude Severs, éste ha prometido artethe children with Concert on Thurs place on the 31st of December last at se to eternity ción de Sunday, January day night at the Union Hall, Mr. the Lodge Hall. when Mis Davis, que espera el que nos Henry, Morales and several for increased membership This concert will be a big drive 4th. This unassuming patient, concepto metafísico.
mantenga woman of the race Stoute was Chairman La ignorancia ha Ros siempre unidos, pues la perothers from the Windy City were in atdied in the representative array of ta e it will service of her race.
chas veces que el hombre la vie severancia nos dará como fruto agement of envoy Simmons, bad an will be remembered long in Gatun.
The Salvation Army, under the man tondance. Their interesting address be requisitioned for the occasion. Consequent on childbirth she hadra a su alcance y alargara la ma. Jel triunfo de nuestros ideales.
También se les aconsejó a todos attacks of a serious outing on the Bam Ball Grounds for the nature no para agarrarla, corno con an. members of the Sunday School. The Last unday night our Silver Club de biselbranch received its char black younger set surely enjoyed themselves. house was packed to overflowing with second local to be afiliated with about last on Sunday at sias de muerte; pero la libertad, los hermans oir con indiferencia Doe being the breathe o clock. The tar res baladiza y siempre fugaz, ha la propaganda anti unionista de ciertos disociadores de oficio, sin The Rev. Mulcare was a visitor nouncement that our District Utility will be held in the Gatun Lodere departed sister difensore din vene Historia, a los descamisados del faltos de ideales.
Lovera of Song Services through the an the parent body. The concert wishes to bear testimony to the escapado al menor movimiento.
recordamos, leyendo la aspiraciones y por consiguiente hare carly on Sunday morning, also foreman, Mr. Headley, was the speak. Hall and several vocalists and humbler walks of life, yet she 89 cuando derribaron los cimien.
Mr. Sayers.
er, everyone tried to get there in due instrumentalists from Colon will time. His text was quite touching and contribute to the program. It has left us an example that we tos de una Monarquía absoluta e Se participa a todos los miemhicieron subir a la guillotina abros de esta institución, que la GAMBOA the way be conducted the service places expected that from a musica should follow in her steps.
bim in high estimation of his bearers.
The Workman tenders ita condol los consejeros de los mismos por primera reunión del presente año Wish this concert will elence to the bereaved family, and la obtención de the high water mark for la Libertad.
Mis Nors Oates, of Pannama, is the se verificará a las 30 de la noche a Watch night at this district will house guest of Mr. abd Mrs. down in history as one of the very beweetforts of this kind in the Lock comiends them to the injunction Hoy vemos que algunos hom del día 11 del preeente.
bres más avanzados en ideas y Killingbeck.
hechy. There is much to be done contained in Constellows lines. por La evolución del tiempo han nueva coute e policies delberi ever enjoyed for many years, También deben recordar que la Mis Davis will lecture here Sacred edifice at High Street, where our and under the leadership of the duty, that is Leave unto the Lord the rest.
ya de Toda nueva petición ir Sunday evening (to morrow) in the catechist, Mr. Laurie conduels, Officers and the Executive Comtnlitee bertad, porque la han conside acompañada de la suma de seig was packed to overflowingr e it is prophesied that excel.
Clubroom; doors open at 30 lent results along constructive rado confusa y la substitui dollars, valor de la nueva cuota de Last Saturday some of the residents of The speaker for to morrow night Song lines for this branch will be obSilver Employees Assodo por otra más concreta: Eman admisión.
Gamboa were thrown in a nest of er Service will be Morgan, employee of tained. It is asked through this cipación, pues toda ella comprende Los peticionarios que no hayan sitefaent when it was learnt that little the Commissary Dept. this young man, medium that the ladies of the clation el libre desenvolvimiento del in completado el pago de su cuota Agnes, the baby daugbter of our popu wbo was an old school teacher hailing community turn out in large dividuo en la sociedad; producto teadrán que abonar el resto haslar Commissary Clerk was missing from the Isle of Springs and just returned numbers to the meeting that will de la emancipación moral y eco ta completar el valor de la nueva the front, will tell Agnes was out playing along with her from all be held on Sunday the 11th inst.
nómica de los hombres y cuando cuota de entrada.
The Disbursing Officer will se aspira a esta concepción es brochers, when they returned mying he know about the firing lines. at pm. The Ladies Division pay at La Boca to day, MONTERO, entonces que puede decirse que Secretario.
who now earth.
en no to Amen.
months aes su want womanly hecho muand a and

    El ObreroWorking Class

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