
PAGE SIX THE WOPVMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 10, 920. LA MASCOTA ing to his of Juls, The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes Demerara The Chemical Hall be bados page 1472 believe.
meet the penditure Interesting News from the THE COLONY IMPOT competition which had obtained TRADE (Continued from pige for so miny years betwen Bri.
The clo y import trace is sieh Guiana, Tehdidud, and Bar bados. is soon to be raised at This year he has passed the principaliy with the United King Trinidd where there is at pre Cambridge Senior Local Exami don and the United States and sent murh activity in preparing nation with First Class Honours: according to the Comptroller of an amateur teeth to meet Burb obtaining exemption from the United States supplied 44. 52 per Customs report for 1918 the Matriculation of the University cent and the United Kingdom that notwithstanding of.
The youngster record during We alber from the Economist ceat of the imports.
THE HOME OF he comparativaly large number of the bust in these parts that went, so few of them will be och. has been very good, and Index Number at the end of stay of four years at the of Sune 7, 1919 that whereas the missing when the fall is soundthat he should win the Grenada 1914 was 2565 (with a basis of ed at either of these centres.
Scholarship within four years of entering the School speaks very the end of December, 1918. So 2200) it had been risen to 1094 at Professor Taylor, well for those who laid the foun dation of his early education, far as the United States is con cerned the index number of We take our hits off to Mr.
As franads Scholar he has wholesale pricas rose from 100 in TO High and Low Cut s01 vf Me.
shewn superior scholarship to 1913 to 245 in 1918. Taking food J, Taylor, acdountant to any of the other scholarship win: alone we sea in the American the firm of Messrs. Cottle, Catmers, and was but 17 years old Exporter for September, 1919, ben be sat the examination.
in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet Co. has just been Page 147 that in the United States elected one of the Professurs of the Pocket of AU Pianoforte playing at the Lin the Number few up during the don Royal Academy of Music.
six years from the 100 base line Protessor Taylor is a Barbadian to 230 the corresponding top of whom we all should feel instpoint in regard to the United 1y proud. He has been success CIVIL SERVANTS SALA Kingdom being 208. In regard to MULLER the clothing the United Kingdom tul in reaching to thu heights of the profession of his choice, RIES figure reached 184 and the United and we extend to his parents States 204. Complimentary eviSole Agent and relations bere our sincerest The Argosy of a recent date dence in this connection is given congratulations. In the war for in Tab Table III. of the report of the 37 CENTRAL AVENUE two years he did his bit anong PANAMA the Artist Rides.
La his speech at the Combined Comptroller of Customs, while in marked shrinkage Court Georgetown, Demerara, in the consumption of flour, beef New Bills Before House of Ason the 5th Dec, His Excellenand pork leaps to the eyes. Rice, cy in referring to the Civil Ser. which enters the dietary of all sombly.
vants Salaries said:classes, sold at a shilling before From the Barbados Weekiy During my absence from the the war. To day thelowest price abroad at a loss to this Govern colony the acting Governor ap is forty cents.
Herald of c. 13, the foll wing inent case of reaping the is taken. Among the measures pointed a Committee to report Turning now to articles of local worst for best intentions.
to be dealt with at next Tues On the increases of salary to be produce, we get helpful informasitting of the House of As.
made to otticers of the Govern. tion by comparing retail prices Going Out of Business.
Sembly ene West Indian Court will a Bill to regulate ment in view of the increased obtaining in Stocroek Market, From a recent issue of the Bar 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA appeals to cost of necessaries. You are Georgetown, as published in the away that of Appeal, and a Bill to constitute have not been able Official Gazette onthly. See Globe we quo e the a Special Commision to inquire The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment to accept some of the recom this publication of dates June following The announcement and Prompt Attention.
mendations of this committee. 14, 1913, page 1654 and June 7th, is made of the withdrawal of and report upon profiteering in the island. The usefulness of the The proposed increases in the 1919, Messrs Cave, Shepherd Co. higher ranks are, one and the uselessness of the In view of the foregoing figures from the business of Provision Give us an early call and inspect our stock of other are both clear and pertiShigher than anything given else in Palmetto a modest computation would fix dealer carried on nent There will also be a where, but whether this is so the increased cost of living dur street as from December 31. They Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi Resolution for a sum of 30 to or wote the increases suggested ing the past five years at 100 are selling the stock in trade to Mr, Martin Doorley, the firm cost of travelling allow for the lower ranks are insuffi per cent.
cient. am, therefore, submitManager of the past several cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
ances to to Captain L. Hancock during the period he is studying ting other proposals which The Demerara Colonial Secre years, and they ask for a conthe English Prison system at tinuation to him of the patronage have drawn up in consultation tariat.
with the selected me extended to them.
We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction Brixton Before taking up his this Cart. The increased dess stated are being made in the members of Several important changes it is duties as Governor of Glendairy ex in Death of a Solicitor Prison Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon these proposals will. believe, Colonial Secretary Office in From the Barbados Globe of be practically the same as that Demeraca, as a resultando as Dec. The death occurred last BROWN McALMON Death of Supt. Sergt. Dash.
proposed by the committee. ganisation. of Proprietors.
The Barbados Weekly Herald most warn civil servants servants that sistant Colonial Secretary there Friday night of Mr Benn of Dec. 13 says: The death oc the Government in no way prono way pro will now be two Assistant Colo Beckles. Solicitor, at the early curred last week at Trinidad of mises to maintain these 10: nial Secretaries, Mr. Ban age of 42 years. Deceased was Supt. Sergt. Dash, a Burdacreases which must be regarded Greene, who now occupies the in all his dealings with clients.
a sound lawyer and conscientious dian, who has been connected as temporary. The circum post, being designated First As. He was his own enemy which with the metropolitan Police stances of the colony might a ran believed that Mr. Webuer, have been his by merit. His sistant Colonial Secretary, It is deprived him of much that should Force of that Colony for 22 years.
der it necessary to withdraw Dash was, before going to Trinithem. Probably this would Principal Clerk, will be made dad, for years a member of the decur if there were such a de Second Assistant Colonial Secre remains were interred on Sunday Barbados Police Force.
grease in the prices of comodi: tary, and that promotions in the morning at the Westbury Ceme relieve office will follow in the usual tery whither they were followed by a fair gather ing, inclading a Government Officers. dislike course.
couple of the older members of Competition for Best Garthe emolu den.
the idea of reduciniept officer the profession.
ments of any Obarrio Building. No. Calidonia Road and therefore, hope though The Barbados Weekly Herald Inter Colonial Cricket.
of Dec. 13 says:2 cannot guarantee that it may be unnecessary at any time to The question of re establishLET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR The members of the Civic Cirreduce the amount actually ing the inter colonial cricket cle of the Ladies Lyceum Club, wany officer, but as things be SHORTAGE OF SUGAR IN WATCH REPAIRING have again this year organizel a come more normal, an ofticer competition for the bust kardens BARBADOS.
who is promoted to a higher Notice to Masons WE KNOW HOW among the Schools and Railway TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. grade need not expect to receive the emoluments that were re. His Excellency the Governor in The Barbados Globe says:Local.
Both the Elucition and Railkeived by his predecessor.
Executive Committee has been at Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
way Board kindly granted each for this purpose, and the bapains, through the medium of PANAMA CITY lance was generally subscribed The Town Clerk and the correspondence laid on the table CAMPBELL by certain ladies and gentlemea of Cost of Living The members of the above House at a the recent meeting to interested in the wirk lay before the general Local who have not yet paid their public Watchmaker and Jeweller The prizes were a varded as the circumstances which led up entrance fee, of 2, 50 U: Cy.
ар Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door follows. Schools: MINUTE TO THE SALARIES Ss. Philip (Girls) 1st prize of COMMISSION enced in this island during the have said anount paid before 10 for the children and 10s. for the teacher.
Included in the evidence given pondence suggests that official cession) or they will be subject past few months. That corres January 1st. 1920. as per con beforethe Civil Servants Salaries confidence had been in particu with the regulation fee of 75 cial to admittance as new members Bay Street (Boys. 2nd prize of for the children and 5s. for Commission is the following win Jar instances, very much mis. Cy.
the teacher. Railway Station: ate by the Town Clerk of New placed, and that the Government 1st Psize 203 Bulkeley JAMES CLARKE Amsterdam, Mr. Van Sertima: is not free from censure for tak 2nd. 12s. Carringtoa ing men at their word when the Secretary.
3rd, 8s. Sunburg During the war and until now consequences of a deception JAMES GILL the cost of living has very sen meant so much to the general 5s. Bathsheba sibly increased in relation to all people as it eventually proved. It President TIRES, TUBES, LAMPS, BELLS, classes of the inhabitants of the also furnishes proof that ATTENTION!
calouy. This is not a subjective thing was done by the erring DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS impression, but a hard material. Government to minimize a and Repair parts istio fact, the evidence of which as possible the difficulties caus. Returns To His Old Stand When You Leave From Panama obtrudes on the occasion of every ed by its blundering; and, in this or along the Line and arrive in purchase, whether it be of NOW IN STOCK particular now generally recog arThe General Public and friends Colon, you will sure to be hungry.
uicles of comfort or of luxury. nized, much of the wrath of both of Dr. Edwards are asked to take Daring a war and until such time Government and people has been notice that he has removed from Reasonable Prices.
Call at 144, St. at the as industry pointed task and settles down to Demerara stuft supplied by Stand. No. 182, Bolivar Street, returns to her ap assuaged. The quality of the No. 114 Bolivar Street, to His Old RED LION RESTAURANT normal conditions, and the in: Hampton Court plantation, un: Onposite the Masonic Temple where you will be served with ternational exchanges enjoys der joys der contract as sugar for human and is prepared to treat all diseasyour Real Home Cooking.
Freedom from unnatural disturb consumption, has been also de es, especially those of women ancesthe cried PRICES MODERATS.
commodity prices is quite a na people. Messrs.
DaCosta Co. cialized in these subjects during Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
mural one. As a general rule it is who financed the deal and under bis recent stay in New York.
accompanied by bigh wages or took to distribute the sugar free PNE 85 BOX 816, ANCON, NOTICES reward for services, and it may of all charges, complained to the be that on balance, there is equa Government and asked that if NOTICE TO ME MBERS OF tion in the aggregate. But it is there could be no improvement obvious that the man with a fix, in the quality, that the contract To whom It may concern ed salary or income suffers, if for supplies in December and Meinbers of the Colo u Federal Lessons Given the only because he NOTICE.
The Oficers and members of par January be cancelled. The Labor Union please bo informed chasing power of his money de was duly made by the the Royal King George Lodge No on the Clarinet, the leading that the election of o licers for the 17, begs to notify Band Instrument. Band or want to know the present ad 1920 term will take place dity prices rise. In this con it the Uaton Hall, on Sunday tion it must not be forgotten Trumpton Court contractors.
is doubt that the coun member of said Lodge and Order that abstention connotes a dimitry has been caught napping and having been expelled in conse.
kinds of engagements. Spooner a Barbadian, and cial members will entitled to Gregory, Jamaican, both shoe vote. Members iti arrears ara aution of the income of comfort is being made to pay for it; it is quence of acts derogatory to the NEILSON makers by trade.
In this colony no index number anderstood that a large portion Lodge and Orde.
isked to pay up their dues in is kept but these are data suffi: of this sugar which the communiClarinetist Republican Band. PISHER, time to qualify for this occasiou.
cient to show to what extent ty refuses to use, will have to be Ancon Phone 1058 Prov. Chirique, David, prices have leaped forward.
Secretary re shipped and sold to refineries JNO, ASH 17 St. West, House 37, Panama, of Secretary.
The Calidonia Jewelry Store des as substantially to Barbados paid a Stations.
in the conneo


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