
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1920 PAGE SEVEN Press Comments on World Greatest Colored Singer.
JUST RECEIVED BOOTS ana SHOES PHILIPS Tailoring Establishment Lee Chong Co. PLEASANT EVENING GREAT VALUE TO Those Who Fell in The AT LITTLE COST winter and vobing address, Eclipse Feeding Bottle say In view of the expected visit to the Isthmus of Panama of Mme Anita Guarantees Satisfaction in the Brown, the following press clippings cutting and manipulation of to her rank among the world greates singers we are certain, will be read with VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE interest, by our numerous readers: for Her performance that of a skilled artist.
Young Men, Boys and Girls Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats. Bulletin, San Francisca SPECIALTY Nov. 18, 1911 MODERATE PRICES LADIES SKIRTS COATS The like has never beca board in Jamaica. Telegraph and Guardian, Come and have a look at the assortment.
34 YEARS EXPERIENCE Jamaica, Dec. 20 1911 Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
Nature Goddess of Soul Expression. The Citizen, Spokane, Wash. 1911.
EDUARDO VALENCIA Sings with wonderful depth of feeling and great brillianey.
Santa Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole. The Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 11, 1912, Her technique and style are faultless Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, and denotes the highest training and study Exporters and Commission Merchants. Royal Gazette, Hamilton, Bermuda, March 27, 1913.
Great War.
Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: Mme. Brown encores were frequent, By New Providence Branch the audience evincing their approval Your destinies none could control ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
by thunderous applause.
Of Is there anyone who would knowingly Your lives and liberties you offered gladly refuse to receive the best value for his Provisions and Canned Goods. The Argosy, Demerara.
So. America, Feb. 2, 1913.
OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED money spent? Those who substitute You went and faced the white man foes And left your dear ones weeping sadly South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
DeWitt Pills with other remedies are Among all the plethora of events in not only rejecting the best value for You bled and died in a strange land Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye.
IMMORTAL FRIEN the history of the Association their money but are actually plotting Far from all you held most dear and on the Isthmns of Panama, against their own health. By Koo mark less Colgate Co.
grave on a foreign strand Octagon. soaps New Year Day will be a never to beDo you feel tired, worn out and de The path to victory lies there Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc. The scorching wind forgotten day never knew suffer fron nervous You men Across the desert the Providence. when the National Bap disorders, dizziness, headaches Or the meaning of snow or frost The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co. Hair Pins. Earth life ws New tist Church packed to brimful with sideache, and all kinds of pains, was Within its pr With laughing hearts went thither And never more shall count the cost almost as many people standing outside aches and discomforts in various Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste But friends ed as were inside waiting to see the performs other parts of the body, such as God Rest the Noble dead Ingersoll Watches, etc. Its bea formance The meeting commenced at groins, bladder, etc. Have you irritaAnd may their sins be forgiven Its 8 sharp with Mr. MeTarvish tion of the bladder, burning sen And receive the glorious dindem ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc. Sp From Christ who reign in Heaven.
Ode of the Association was sung From Irregularity of urine, with bad ex president in the chair. The opening sation, weak and lame back.
Greenland ley Mountain, followed by color, sediments, etc. For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us. AL the reading of the 133rd Palm, Any of these symptoms are generally Blau prayer by Mr. Thomas Spence, Chaplain, the trail to Kidney and Bladder trou. Hurrah. Hurrah. Hurrah!
True But fri The Chairman, in his usual graceful bles.
HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Mid Heave manner delivered DeWITT PILLS, the UNIVERvery touching It light There is no doubt about the coming the showed to who to the audience the SAL PROOF CURE, will fail Jazzers from Colon to Panama, who will 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave. It stars sha purpose of the meeting. At the close of to cure you start in today. Just Colon, R, Panama, R, The sun may co his remarks he introduce Mr. Thos. Ivy, think of the reward Health, we a fuo trent as was runured around Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, as master of Ceremony for the decasion. Strength, Happiness and Long the neighbourhood of Panama Jassers.
Let worlds die at It was brought out that they will meet Phone 895 All life may writhe.
In accepting the office Mr. Ivy gave an Life at such small cash value.
When cold displaces inspiring address, which shall indelibly al Sold in two sizes at all first clase drug on January 24th at the West Indian Red jascribe itself upon the hearts of stores. Beware of immitations some for the content. This competition will be Bul friendsbip soul.
Cross Hall, Calidonia Bridge, Panama, vive.
Amid the wrecks of time, those present. list of the names of the dealers are handing out. WITT the greatest ever staged, Colon, the From Suns of worlds unknown to new officers for installation was called. Co. Ltd. London, Bottle with present Champion, with Spooner Picket Jo sheds its rays divino.
Vir: Mesero Woodham President, Blue seal. City Pharmacy printed on Champion waltuere) and with little to Burnett, 1st Vice President, Wrappers.
of From Arctic North the ice any flow, Llewellyn, Worrell and his suite of THE CITY PHARMACY; 130 Cen. Jangers, when the Pacific Orchestra beCourty, 2nd Vice President; Jas McTo orush a sleeping world, Beneath its fteroo Titanic blow, Donald, Secretary, Thos. Spenee Chaptral Avenue, Paname.
for Infants gins to perform ita musical talent with The world to death be hurled Idin, Jas. Cuke, Goldson Jer. Exclusive Agents on the Republic and renditions suitable for the prise wingers, But friendship stands among the Campbell, Trustees, John Rose Sergeant Canal Zone, Colon hopes to carry back the pendant.
ruins, The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, at arms. Lad! es Division) Mro.
It soul shining gold, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly Will help create some other worlds Gaynor, Lady President; Miss Essie Hylton lrt Vice President Mra. Ella Williams BOCAS NOTES. LETTER ON AMERICA cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
Free from the touch of cold.
Treasurer, Mrs. Rebecca Sewell Assistant AND THE WEST INDIES Real Hygienic Feeder Old ocean tide may fall and rises Miss Winifred Small Asociate And drown the humau race.
Secretary (From our correspondent)
Comploto 90o, llvor Beneath its weight all lite may sease.
The 2nd Chapter of Philipians was Alleged to have been written by Exist but time and space read by the Chaplain after which the Napoleon 50 years ago.
But friendship ark upon its ereat, Bocas del Toro, Jan. The annual With Olive Branch and dove, Master of Ceremonies proceeded with the Xmas Concert in connection with the Shall live again in human bearta, ceremony of installation.
Bocne Wesleyan Church came. off on The following letter, alleged to have Around the shrines of love. rally was given at the end of the Monday evening, 29th ulto There was a been written by Napoleon fifty years ago, FOUNDED IN 1881 wremony with the singing of Osward large attendance, Rev. Surgeon of the recently appeared in the Daily Chronicle Christian Soldier. The Chair was then Circuit presided, and among the speakers and shows something of the value of the The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One. Dr. JOHNSON taken by the newly installed President, were Messrs George Knight, Rose West Indian islands not only to Great MANUEL ESPINOSA SURGEON DENTIST Mr. Woodham who was given much Mitchell and Rev. James. The pro Britain, but likewise to Europe :Central Avenue, 33 applause as he rose to speak. In his ad. gramme which consisted of songs, solns, Phone 1003 Fontainbleu, Opposite La Mercedes Church Address dress he spoke in very glowing terms, ex duets, recitations etc. was a lengthy one Panama.
July 5th, 1862 prensing his warmest thanks for the exalt but equally interesting throughout, Prizes Ancon, 852 My dear General, ad honour conferred upon him as being were distributed to members of the Sun elected president of the New Providence day School who deserved same.
In the present state of the civilised Important Notice Branch, promising, to strive to perform world the prosperity of America is not the duties imposed upon him as president indifferent to Europe, for America supThe Anglican community is indeed to its entirety, ROWLINS At the close of his address refresb satisfied with the presence in their midst ports our manufactures and keeps alive our commerce. We are interested in keepments were served, after which addresses of His Lordship the Right Rev. Edward ing the the a will always prove a valuable asset to its possessor, particularly to ambiBegs th notify his old oustonobe tious youths and youngmen who are desirous of entering professions in ers that he has returned from the Messrs. D. Burnet, McCourty of British Honduras and Central America to our interests if it takes possession of which knowledge of classics and mathematics is indispensable: United States of America, and whole of the Gulf of Mexico, and govern has taken up his position again Jas. McDonald and Johnson, who is on a pastoral visit.
who in their addresses kept the audience Confirmation service were held at the West Indies and South America, thus ROBERT LINDSAY, as Agent for the buy giving continuous applaune. Sibubi, morning, and night Residence No. Calle Domingo Diaz Washington Tailoring Co!
when the Doxology was sung, with the large gathering. His Lordship performed how precarious an industry is that which The meeting came to a close at 12. 15 at St. Mary (Booney in the prestane bit controlling the entire produce ol the New Apartment Upstairs. Box No. 1044, Ancon, OF CHICAGO, ILL.
greatest complacency among all who the sacred rites of laying on of hands on compelled to seek the raw material in Hii a holder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, is willing for Samples and styles on handle wure prescolo be delightful hours ten candidates. Taking his text from single market, the changes of whish 30 Acts he outlined the duties and re seriously alleet firm moderate consideratiou to assist anyone who may be desirous of obtaining If Government proper fit and workmanship spent.
a higher education.
sponsibilities they are to perform through is established we shall have extended our guaranteed, or money refunded.
out their lives.
benevolent influence to the centre of AmSubjects taught. Arithmetie, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical Price and Quality Can be Beaton ADVERTISE IN Geometry, Elements of French and Latin, English including Grammar and erica, and that influence while it makes Composition, Business forms, letters, etc. other subjects taught as demand Postal address: Box 788.
Rev. Thos. Johnson Rector of market for fabrics, secures us the matermay arise students prepared for Cambridge Local Examinations.
Ancon, The Workman this parish who had to be taken to the inls indispensable to our manufacturers.
Nancy Cay Hospital on the 25th ulto. is NAPOLEON.
Hours: 00 to 10. 00 Call or write.
improving and it is hoped ere this is pubNEED lished he will be restored to health.
SPECTACLES Dr. GONNELL WATCH Make the Best On Sunday Dec. 14, at Farm 2, F, Co. Depomination Church, Changuinola SURGEON DENTIST CHRISTMASGIFT Baat, by Rev. Thos. Johnson, Rector of St. Mary Parish, Miss Gertrude and be found at 175 We Always have in Hand a Comfor those whose eyes are weak Robertson youngest daughter of Mr. and plete line at Reliable Low Prices and need help. Your vision is Mrs. Robertson was united in Central Avenue the most important of all your holy wedlock to Mr. Gerald Plummer.
No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama Watches and Jewelry faculties. SIGHT is 87 per cent The bride was given away by her Opposite Station of your efficiency, so don ne father, and many friends were in atten The Shop of Personal Service Give us a call Before Going Else glect it.
where. You are sure to be on Time Let the XMAS GIFT to your WILKINSON If Your WATCH was Repairad by US self, mother, wife or children be Panama Hats a pair of properly fitted CONTRACTOR BUILDER Remember We Make WedSPECTACLES CLEANED and BLOCKED ding Rings and Other and TRIMMED to Order First Class Workmanship each Patron is the special function of Jewelry to Order ALSO DR. BUCHANAN, Plans our establishment.
FULLER Is the MAN You Want to See Office. 182 Bolivar Street, MILLINERY DRESSMAKING 15th Street West House 90 ANN THOMAS, Proprietress, 122 CENTRAL AVENUE COLON, of Corner 22nd Street, Panama, RP (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE OVILDING. HOUSE No. 965, La BcaoP. Box 411, Panama, Phone 939 Treasurer Central Drug Store High School Education of 80 The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKERS To develop a personal Mode for


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