p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1920 The City The Heart of Humanity at St. Anthony victory HORSE RACING en waite 17.
a. ride of. Colon and wide we are Tinker, lawyer Al be untouche that the and did not not satisfy the gloom.
may fall from Heaven veil ish mid the dust; ned dou das ip sou soul All domains se to whicli Cricket.
oo! BROTHERHOOD NEWS PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Currey Defents Britannic PANAMA COLON Happenings of the Various Locals Last Sunday, on the Standard Oval the Britanie suffered another des TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, JAN. 10 feat at the hands of the Surrey CC TO NIGHT AND TO MORROW Invincible Lodge No. 2518 neeting of the year, the PresiThe wicket was in splendid condition of Tears With a rapidity unprecedented dressing the breth prese. Jest to the opportunity of ad.
and it was rather surprising when the in u diswycis eximirting thein to hold together strong Surrey XI. fell for only rune Lodge, the business of its first as they have done in the past as Featuring Carmel Myers Goddard bowied exceedingly well!
regular session for the New it is only by standing wgether aus Britannic, capturing reven wickets for 25 Year held on Wednesday night run. He tried his level best for his SUNDAY, JAN. 12th one mo that they can attain the 7, last, January club, and throughout the inning he prov.
Hall, was got through in the Communications were then read ry which they are after.
ed that he is worthy of the nickname Professor Carlos The pictnre that will live record time of 93 minutes. and discussed, as also various Speed king. For Surrey, Harding Unavoidable circumstances pre other muters after which the made 22; Holder, 18 and Holder forever Magic escapes from chains and ropes vented our worthy President in tiny was adjourned. The next 16. Britannics were all out for 44. The from calling the house to order regular in ting will be on Monteam collapsing badly before the trund STARTING MONDAY, JAN. 13th ling of E, Holder, who captured wick.
until 15 but after the y. Jwarry 19th at 30 pin.
TUESDAY, JAN. 14th opening ceremonies had been sharp.
ets for 11 runs. The only man to reach The Great Serial Starting the great seriai double figures was Smith, who made 11, and other items on the agenda The Great Gamble The Great Gamble swiftnes Postche chief reason for disposed of with Lodge Foch.
Vincentian Whips British Guiana this, being the absence of discusMembers of the above local, are sions and lengthy debates. For notified that the regular meeting At Bishop Hollow the Vincentinos some unexplainable cause, the will be held at St. Anthony put the on British Guiana, disbrethren kept a mysterious si: Hall on Thursday 15th inst. at missing them on a perfect wicket for 58, lence when various topics and 30 although they did not play full strength, Dr. LOWE questions were brought up for The only batsman who showed any class discussion. Even those animated to attend the weeting, which will All French citizens are invited on the side of British Guiana was Edin. and loquacious members who Pollard. Vincentians made 91. Lemon JUAN FRANCO PARK 139 CENTRAL AVENUE at every meeting night enliven be of great importance.
25, Edward 17 not out, Joshua 15 and Please don talk your line, and elo the proceedings with their PANAMA CITY bear in mind that the time has Davis 19.
quence, maintained a lugubrious come for us to obtain our satisealm.
Yorkshire Defeats Pickwick Sunday, January 11, 1920 Office Hhurs: 30 a. p. m, In vain did our President and faction; it is only a question of a Secretary try to rouse the little patience. p. p.
At the Isthmian Park, the Yorkshire thusiasm of the brethren, and tighting for a loyal and moral Remember, brothers, we are defeated the Pickwick by 59 OFFICIAL PROGRAM runs. Pickwick won the toss and had Box 798. Paplain was called upon to pro bring to us the benefits of our Office 844 first knock, but were all out for 53.
Phones: Lena (A. Morais)
First Race. Naiden Race Yorkshire replied with a score of 112.
Ancon, Residence 1002 nounce the Benediction, and the living conditions.
furlongs Dickie (C. Muller)
President declared the Lodge Barrow was in fine form and made 36 in Please be a true and loyal Ne1. Bush Boy (late crack Mola)
closed at 48 good style Ashby gathered 20 and BratbBenckie Thounas dumatingne) FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER All members of the Invincible men that we have self respecta gro. Let us prove Arthur Williams)
the white (Colon Syndicate. Eclipse (E, Suritz) In Good Time (L, Welcb. Sixty Race The to forget understand Visitors their donations to Bro. Ford as well as any one else. We are Games for To morrow Purse Handicap furlongs Before Judge Ladislao Sosa, wife. Please hand in your mite representing a factor which is Second Race. Ancon Inn Han Ace of Trumps (J. Wil at the Superior Court of the Re not later than p. on Monday, the labour, as they represents Jamaica vs. Yorkshire, at Isthmian dicap furlongs.
liams Park. Ace of. Trumps (J. Wil.
public, Naomi Mitchell was found January 12. Bush Boy (Colon Syndicate) guilty of the murder of Clement the factor called Capital and Britannic vs. Pedro Miguel, at StanC. MORRIS, liams) Mountain Boy (Colon Syn Pounder, in the these two factors are equal to Journal Agent. Steam and Motor.
dard Oval. Ajax (E. Suritz)
dicate. La Boca vs. Vincentian, at La Boca.
last August. The mur. Eclipse (J. Lopez) Hum Drum (E. Suritz. Let us tell our employers by derer was ably defended by Surrey vs. Red Tank, at Bishop Senor Juan our action and unity, Unique Lodge No 2514 Third Race Juan Franco HanHollow dicap furlongs Seventh Race Polica Race 4, of the city, whoseved by will meet at St. Anthony Hall Furlongs defence was On Jan. 14 the above Lodge ready to give satisfaction. In Good Time (L Welch)
Grenada Sky. BEARN, Mercury Suritz) Rocket cir. at p. sharp, the government was Journal Agent.
bloom, duo Members are hereby notified that the Eclipse (J. Lopez) Ajax first monthly meeting of the Club to be FORDE, cumst nuirements of either the Feurth, Race. Scurry Handi: the Journal Agent.
held on the 12th inst, will take place at cap for horses 13, and Match Box Judicial or Criminal Code of the Howard Severs Lodge No.
the residence of Mr. Ivan Grace, No. 60, under furlougs Hit or Miss Republic It was not Suh North Avenue. Subscriptinos are due New Negro (J. Williams)
that the woman charged was Lily of The Isthmus Local 2515 for collection Eight Race The Clerk Purse found with any weapon Wild Fre (Miss Alen)
for horses 13. and under soor Herrera, Pro or that No. 2508, che Firingi Line (E. Navarro)
inflicted the wound which meeting of the above men. Furlongs ifth Raco the Midget Race in the death of the man 1, New Negre (J. Williams)
kness rule the GT tioned Lodge was held on Monday of Seorillo Sends Out for horses 11 hands and Wild Fire (Miss Alen)
night, Jan. 5th, commencing at o Weron.
under furlongs. Firing Line (E. Navarro)
secuting Attorney, held that the circumstances was sufficiently was held on the 3rd Jan, in the dance. meeting of the above Local o clock with all officers in atten strong for the jurors to convict Fishermen Hall commencing at formed for the ensuing term and The various committees were Long ago, in past years, the the accused. She was found 50 in. with Bro. Bridge other matters of importance sat.
fans of the Cricket world were Journeymen Tailors Union Meeting of Allen Star guilty.
carried to and fro to see wonder of America No. 307.
President. presiding: ful games played all around PaAfter the roll call of Officers isfactorily haodled nama with good energy, but since All members of the Allen Star Coming Football Match and the reading of the minutes, Brother Morales paid a visit on communications were called for and lectured some very interthe development of graft every Members of the above named Lodge No. 2500 are requested to thing has been hampered. organization are hereby sum attend a special meeting to be read. They took up much esting subjects, at the same time by Now gentlemen, we are desi: moned toattend a special meeting, held at the usual meeting hall on Good Sport, commenting on the time as most of them were of imaniam each and heveryone to rous of meeting any one level at which will be beld on Tuesday Sunday Jan. 11th. 1920 at football match to take next portince.
any time. Has Teach and Eddie, 13th, instant at pm. for the Please bring your working week between the Ssandard Foot tion of Bro. Kitchen, our He Organization Cain and Doc. left the Isthmus, purpose of transacting important card along.
ball team and the Peruvian spoke freely and with much gun.
and old reliable Tom, what about business. SPENCE, President. boat boud sailors, suggest the follow Sam? Those old veterans line up for the former team: Cary elected Recording Secre. enthusiasm to those present, and ing who, for reasons over which it is hoped that he will always pay had no control, had to resign. us one of these highly appreciated Drayton and Wells, full back: of the visits, whenever he office being declared The office is able to do Britton Barker and Captain combination. We can turn up with young demons, we will Forde, hallback; Forde and cant Bros. Oldfield, so, as in our midst he stands a therman Sealy and Ford were nomin: true and noble Negro. Clark, left wing: Forde and ated and balloted for. This re the goods an one or the other, Harrison, right wing: Wiles, suited in Bro. Sealy being elect. bighis are the tirst and third prepared the sadness. Now Mr.
Members are requested to bear in mind that center forward: and Agard, goal ed to fill the office.
ready for you.
The Sround is prepared. and It is the opinion of Good The election being over the Mondays of each month. TOMLINSON, Mr. Gatun. too, we intend to show our color which is Green. Our properly handed, and with a litSport, that the above line up, meeting terminated.
GERALD GIBSON Actg. Journal Agent.
skipper Mr. Tudor is blaming te practice, will meet with sucJournal Agent.
me, the Secretary, but don know cess.
its the men that praying for Ancon Lodge 2516 Held rain every day. Wake up boys Perfection Lodge.
Triumphant Star Lodge Dedicatory Service.
and shut your mouths quick before you bellow more. Mr. Cain, FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE No. 28, Install Officers Local No. 2522. beld its regular On the 2nd of Jan. 1920 the we can meet you on the Standard Oval on the 18th, with the goods.
monthly meeting on Tuesday, Ancon Lodge 2516 held a dedicaThe installation of Officers for the January 6th, the members turn. tory service at the San Miguel Nothing for nothing.
ensuing terra o the above named lodge ed out in good numbers. At Lodge Hall. The meeting was New Year prosperity to all cook place on the 3rd of January 1920. o clock sharp the meeting was opened in the usual manner with the clubs on the Isthmus is the The officers installed are as follows: called to order by Sister Brother Richards as chair.
wish of the Chorillo Cricket Clud.
Bros. Phillip, G; Blenman, Moses, President. All business man for the night. It was rather will leave Cristobal at a. and Mitchell. See LeCeri. was dealt with and disposed of regrettable that only a a few mem. St. Nusre, Fos. in perfect order.
bers turn Quite an interesting game of cricket out Then arose the question of the few that attended nevertheless the ter, Treas. Branch, Tyler. Bunyon, unveiling of the Charter, after a avening. Members are Balboa at noon Tuesday, January 1, Gd; was played at the Old Base Ball Park, a fine spent. Colon, on New Year Day between the Westmoreland and the United lukewarm but strive 13th, 1919, for a bearty welcome from all present. They inst, at p. was the day fixed. hard and be After the ceremony the Officers received short discussion, Sunday 11th, to grow determine to do bet (formerly Bakers which resulted in a win for the United by 51 runs and somthing special was prepared for the en are respectfully invited, and it is yourself like men and make ready all the wickets to spare.
Guayaquil, Paita, Eten, Pacasmayo, tire body.
hoped that they will attend in for the benefits the Brotherhood Batting first the Bakers compiled the The Teinmphant Star Lodge bag to good numbers so as to zake the have in store for you for the new fine score of 113 runs for wickets and Salaverry, Callao, Tambo de Mora, thank those who attended from sister function a pleasurable one. sil. year. The next regular meeting deelared and sent in their opponents on Luigen, for the kind assistant they re ver collection will be taken. will be on the 12th inst at the San perfeet wicket to knock off their tall dered in making the installation a sueress, Pisco, Chala, Mollendo, Arica, C. NEWTON Miguel Lodge Hall. It is urged Westmoreland tried hard but als for the kini lesson imparted by Journal Agent shat at others and members failed to negotiate the strong trundling them to the officers for this term.
turn out in large numbers and of the United combination and could only que, Antofagasta, Chañaral, Coavail themselves of working ames the meagre score of 69. Much Victory Lodge No. 2509, cards as it is a matter of vital eredit is due to Messre Williams, quimbo and Valparaiso.
NOTICE ico portance: Bennett and little John for the masterly On Monday night January 5th, IRVING manner in which thev exhibit themFinancial Sectg.
selvesia Bowling. The United is willa meeting of the above named an extraordinary meeting of Lodge was held.
ing to meet any of the amateur teams over the Atlantic side in a friendly game at (For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at the West Indian Committee will President Grant called the be held at Dr. Connell office on meeting to order at about o clock LODGE NOTICE.
any time. Address all communications to CRISTOBAL ters of vital and immediate im ode, and the invoking of Cod The officers and members of the Graham, Bakery Cristobal, or portance will be discussed in the blessing the meeting was declar, Royal King Edward Lodge No. 13 Wright, Box 803 Cristobal Canal Zone. or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, interest of the unemployed West ed open for the transaction of are hereby reIndians on tbe Isthmus, Bocas general business.
quested to be on time at the meetPANAMA del Tore; and Colon. Members The first item handled was the ing which will be held on SaturADVERTISE of the committee are requested installing of Bro. McGrath as day night Jan. 10 at 30 as busi.
Mossrs. 184AC BRANDON BROS. Inc. ub Agents: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAN PAKET Co. Pamesa to be in attendance in full num corresponding Secretary: The Dess of vital impòrtance will be bers.
IN THE WORKMAN JOHNSON, ceremony was performed by Bro. transacted, Fuller, Past President.
IT PAYS Secretary, This being the first general GEO. TOPPIN.
und place Among them was the resigna to their organanother, and stick V8 as though they are afraid scem will acceptany old time.
We are Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co. PERU eux, urged not sore:


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