
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Grenada Trinidad INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Assistant better.
taking light Panama Furniture Company be sea level Sanitary (tive near the fault he to system and that no su: had a has His na in his five full years of ser.
cu Grenada, but it is not expected that he will relinquish the reins of administration until June next, Mr. Pilgrim at Queen on leave preparatory to retire Trinidad Boys in Royal College ment on pension. All the same, any day we may hear that a tele the Far East.
Mr. Pilgrim, who it will gram has come announcing the Owned By be remembered was recently pu appointment of a new Governor pointed an Assistant Master at for the Windward Islands. Au News Received from Lieut. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, All. or Holly Laughlin.
an appointment in Trinidad as a West Indies which might have Head Office, 55, Wall Street, Master at Queen been offered to the Governor have Royal College at a salary of 200 Word was reeived by the been filled. The to 450 by iner ments. Mr; Fil of His Excellency for an Atrican 2:34 Sabs, from Lt. George er mages Oxfora. chola graduated appointment cannot be met, and his parents hah not hear hoor is of from whom Capital, Surplus, Un divided Profits. Over 9, 000, 000. 00 his Straits ale with double first in Mathi Settlement ematics. His position in Trinidad will, we think, be that of Third that the pose we head, for we read wat lie was, at the time of write knocked on vacant. ing perfectly fit, although he re Master and his service there is no longer vacant.
is Official Depository of the Republic of Panama There is a. sure to be appreciated as beate the ordinary run of Colonial beven officers went down with heat endured bears an excellent record as a Governors for the appointment on the road Than DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL in Mathemical and French Master of military Governors, and we Khybar Pass, Afghanistan, can Dakka Campaign along the He is brother to Mr. Pil: are almost sure that our next ap not be adequately described.
DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD of Schools of this island. We are pointment will be a military man, in fact, it had bronzed him to al grim Assistant Inspecto: a West Indian with the vice. casual necessary qualification is car carving Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches of these military appointments thought impossible, although the way in the teaching fraterni may be that Great Britain is alive Speaking of Dakka, in life felt ity in these parts. These acts en to the need for military prepare of which it was his greatest de in the this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
other than the learned profes on the spot who can help the man young subaltern says that the courage sons to study in lines edness and desires to have men ik to take the gallant Drafts on Jamaic and the other West Indian Islands.
sions, because when they qualify hood of the overseas dominions they feel that the door of oppor possessions in a condition of sele natives declare that it was the INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM tunity will be opened to them.
defence and security against at troops for entirst time they had seen white tack, or it may mean to us, in What made the campaign so ter.
some fifty years, Telephone System Should the West Indies and other places tible was not only the heat but.
be Improved troduction of a a retined authority the want of water. These two What efforts are we making for of lood and iron, under which dreds of casualties, especially in causes was the oce occasion for hun. LED wo morning the body of a man, in an improving our telephone system? we are to be terrorised and kept some marches 24 hours was the extreme state of decomposition We are advertissing for a man to in don in domination without the least was discovered in the Tacarigua continue to operate the defective chance for us, apart from suicidal limit. All the hills had these River, at a spot called Dunder system, but we have taken to wartrydom, is organise and de picketed. and some of Hole greatly frequented bathing practical steps to make our tele velou into. people with a peosanged up to 1, 800 feet above Speaking of Pasha 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA phone service less disagreeable ple divine power.
place. which proved to be there inains of the unfor tunale to the increasing number of sub Grenadians are a grateful people. War, he said it was a great treat Next Door to Cecilia Theatre Inspector. He had all his clothes seribers. It would give some en When the time comes to bia His to mort Lieut. Claude Vincent at on and his papers were in tact in the Pashawar Club shortly after to the public if an ef. Excelleney goodbye there will be the Digiment this pocket, and the cause of his fort were made to ascertain the deal to thank him for. Fall the writer) had returned demnise is wrapt in mystery. The cost of installing a new sten great jon will be paid to the there. He has sent out some Headquarters for interment took place yesterday Every intelligent user of tine photographs des riptive of had afternoon at Tanapuna phone is convinced that the the difficult days of war.
ncounter the territory wnich he has gone High Class Furniture is in the veten of the drawbacks of his ad. Pue Herbert Dash, of the Dev war through effectually change it.
ange it. ministration Merchant Concession be viewed De we cannot now afford to have a correlatively, and when so viewed returned from active service on viewed ons, as we stated in our last issue.
All New Goods Sold at to Employees.
new system, then we must go on we should feel sympathy in a case Monday, looking as fit as a fiddle.
The Port of Spain Gazette says until are able to do better. where a Why do we want a new supervisor out of stone. But if we are to be C, the young soldier has ood son of Supt. Seryt. Dash, Reasonable Terms. In these times of abnormal stress, the slightest considera to draw our 250 for nothing? fair at all, we should feel at the or We may be over generous and same time that no Governor bas mia and in India, but also had a experience not only in in Mesopota Lion by employers for their em very British in some ways, but ever squandered public money in taka WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US ployees, in the matter of an inwe cannot afford to throw away such reckless fashton as in taste of the Alghanistan cam crease of salary, is gladly weland on things which ribbon of the medal to be awarded our money to provide work for Excellency, when buying Furniture.
paign. in fact, he is wearing the when in persons who cannot give us a su can sanction. Sur for this campaign. Of all the experior knowledge and supply the robave no puonanlar chosen periences he his undergone heEUTELE ELEMEDDELEEUSES Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock holiday to his staff, relief we require in telephony in lends and advisers who are su thinks foremost of the one when he is not unmindful of the it is certainly evident Grenada or, and through him, govern an Afghans came up to them. Susgeneral interests of his hardworking employees.
Officers to Receive 10 Per intelligent people, His Excellency pecting them to to himself the case with the to be spies, they Cent increase animate stepping stone on which being unsatisfactory they were were challenged and the the Klondyke establishment proprietor of and the Trinidad We are prepared to challenge third rate men have risen from hela who already on successive occaEmporium the phrase duly allowance and their dead selves to higher things, held near Roberts Bower and ons has increased the salary of the explanation offered by the of which they are not worthy word was sent to Colonel Yeates, Governor in announcing an in le good and the bad are inex: who sent for the suspects. The 46 STREET, PANAMA.
his clerks; and has now decided crease of 10 per cent on their tricable intertwined.
but when men, owing to an attempt to esby closing his places of business an maximum salary to Heads of De: the time comes in or before June, cape, were shot by two English to be fair in a review of soldiers, Dash has seen some sers Just received a full stock ofon the afternoon of partments. His Excellency should we the Turks and Arabs. It iell us whether vice stant, and not re opening until if, his despatches to the Secretary But what about the After?
Will Tommies who sent the two spies might be mentioned that the two SILVER CHAIN GOODS the December This of State on the subject of increas Wagende Geserne, toong to repeat to meet their houris, woce, respecta give employees full opIncluding. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES under this head, Downing portunity of enjoying the two Street has directed what shows and give way when wrong, a conduce and do thai laisting medias awarded Distinguished For overy form of disease days of the Races; and it is be done. Is there any likelihood when a mistake has been made; Dash also wears the ribbons of hoped that merchants generally of the increases becoming perma as well as strong in unyielding the British War General Service and other employers will make a similar concession to their nent, and, it so, will they be pen firmness when right, or when and Victory medals. Port of Spain TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
sionable. If the increases in the good is at the back of his posi Gazette, higher departments are to be 10 tion? Will we get a strong man, Give us a call and inspect our New Stock. Sale of The Bonanza, commensurate increase shoula Empire, and anxious to build im Suicide or Accident?
be followed as a matter of equity perishable foundations for that Satisfaction Guaranteed.
to all junior officers.
be The Port of Spain Gazette of a when broad based upon the Says the Port of Spain Gazette of FLOWERS, Proreitor. recent date says: ple Will we peo O, Box 36Pa, nama City.
Telephone 519.
We understand that the Bor Price of Printing Gone Up nor with First thinget a Gover. Dec. 17th :Mr. Coward, Sanitary Inanza stores will change hands We are glad to find that many get an administrator with robust Friday morning on two days motto and watchword? Will we bector at Tunapun, lett last from Messrs Smith Bros. Co.
to The West Indian Dry Goods persons have taken kindly to our self confidence, governed by a leave of absence. He was ap Magnate, Mr Hope Ross. for new rule of cash in advance for willingness to learn of the truth parently in the best colleaitu and job work, and of 875, 000, and that Mr.
anywhere, or will we get another no one suspected the sad end Vivian Galt at a salary, it is stated, seem to understand the on our part for increased rates good man in the main, but who which, in a few hours was to of 400 monthly will be managing for advertisement and printing in will be found surrendering him verlake him. Early yesterday the concern. The transaction was order to help us meet the ever in seeking individuals, the false to the dictates of a few selfeffected, it is said, through Mr.
creasing high prices of printing Howard Rapsey having purchased of whose advertisement the shares of the other partners paper and materials.
may hypnotise weak finds buu (wir. Murray for something like Shorter Hours of Labour on strong ones. And, last of all, TAKE NOTICE.
cannot least 270, 000 and Mr. Albert Vincent for a sum in the vicenity of 180, for Dry Goods Employees vice in Africa to come here with will we get a man not from ser Considered the best blood and 000) and selling outright of course not including the porperty With reference to the sabject an open mind, such as would It is required that all per Nerve tonic in the World or buildings for the sum stated.
of o clock opening by the Dry cause him to realise that we are sons leaving the Isthmus Goods Stores; we are pleased to a civilised people, far more civi should have their eyes in say that one of the leading firus lised than the English in most good condition, and free from Is highly recommended by press and public for Dr. JOHNSON is quite willing to fall in line it cases, and quite worthy of bis Tracoma and all other objecthe others will do likewise. We profoundest respect? The Five Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debllity and SURGEON DENTIST recall with pleasure that this firm Full years form one thing, the tionable anomalies.
general depression of the whole system.
Phone 1003 Address was the first to agree to the 30 After is another.
To avoid all troubles, woropening which was initiated some For Both Men and Women.
Ancon, 852 years back. Fall in line gentleries, and being turned down, men. Managers there is nothing Panama Hats call and have your eyes Sole distributors for Central and South America Dr. GONNELL to lose and your men will serve CLEANED and BLOCKED office of thoroughly examined at the PANAMA DRUG STORE and TRIMMED to Order SURGEON DENTIST DR. BUCHANAN, Five Full Years and After ALSO Eyesight Specialist, Muller Building and be found at 175 CALIDONIA, Late next month, His Excellen. MILLINERY DRESSMAKING Office. 182 Bolivar Stroot, COLON, of Central Avenue ey the Governor will have com HOUSE No. 965, La Bcao (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING Opposite Station comed: and employer adopts means for affording an extra an addition that Such bas allowed be an in reply Chorrillo Drug Store 24th in as a result of full years.
against Turks Mondayi 29th the New Discovery Dr. French Strengthening Compound you better.


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