
THE WEST INDIAN TRADING CA. Ltd average Publid on Saturdays by WALBOND the ofice Central De and corner of Street, Pana de Box 74, Panama RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION.
One Year 40 Bix Months.
Three 80 Ona He.
aby Groceries. to give power Withir.
be results, re PAGE FOUR TIIE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 192 LEADERSHIP THE WORKMAN BY EDUARDO MORALES Nexco Fellowmen: for Advertisement on applicaTo be a leader this wider Prespondence on all matters fol race, this oppressed and downnale interest invited.
No. 22 Central Avenue, Panama City trodden rare, you must rise above All copy for publication must be the But you must not written on one side of paper only, and PHONE 69 be separated from the crowd by must be accompanied by the game of a ya wning You must be the writer, not necessarily for publica thoroughly unselfish. You caust tion but as a mark of yood faith.
have more of the race at heart and less of self. You We do not undertake to return Groceries!
bold fearless, and be prepared rejected correspondence.
to take sacritices ev.
nto death if needs be be for the uplift The Liberty of the Press is the peadium of our rights JUNIUS uient of the people you lead. ReWe Carry a full line of (roceries: Chocolates, member, to falter, hesitate, and back down on your plans. to SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920 Weaken and up to and lazily quit, is Household Hardware, Cigars, Special line of Jamaica to rend as under the conquest Understand: The Government True Friends Cigarettes, Toilet Articles, Etc. Etc. Etc.
Great men balance Great Deeds; Great men are not as a race apart Gr at Deeds ensure Great Men. an The present situation of colored labor is one that reof exceptional drop from the sea loose once in an era.
quires more than momentary notice and diseussion. It calls for a resumé of the operations of the United Brother Drop in and inspect our Stock or phone your order, Great men are little men intensitied expand.
hood in its relation to the Panama Canal Government.
This is one of the most vital questions in colored circles at we make free deliveries.
Knowing th scientific method of thinking, and using natural the present time and cannot lightly be dismissed or shelvlaw, are the first essentials, then, ed for future argument. It must be faced fearlessly and of the man of superior qualities.
without partiality or selfishness.
But balancing these, must the When the United Brotherhood commenced to work Open Until p. on week days ability to apply this method, or as we teru it you must have among the Silver employees of the Panama Canal and the Power. The Panama Railroad Company it was faced by a tremendous Sundays nutil 12 Noon.
onls close at hand imme.
The petty, narrow mind antagonism which sought its destruction. An unfavorable diate cind sees in broad propaganda asserted itself on all sides, and the young institution found that it had to fight its way along a rough the far expanse and remote sults, relations, as well as close road to success.
at hand. Demand for yourself For the most part, jealousy and personal feelings com nothing more than what the Gold employees in their Feder Editorialettes the broad gauge viewpoint which considers all buman relations and bined to cast impediments in the path the organization; al Labor Union and the Metal Tradeš Union are doing.
achievement and eras in the Light colored men whose sense of personal or racial pride was They have been making legitimate demands of the most unof world processes.
as high as that of busted tramps lined up with members questionable nature exactly the kind of demands that Five Piece Families: Emerson, in his clear precise of another race and tried to do all that duplicity and treach would stir sympathy and consideration in the inind and conIt has been learnt that the Life is a search for power; and way, tells us: ere could do to assist open hostility and opposition to science of every honest minded gentleman with a character Commission or Wage Board this is an element with which one evithstand the progress and subvert the usefulness of the and manliness similar to that possessed by the Hon. Newton which sat last week on the earth is so saturated, there is no institution. Baker, Secretary of War of the United States Govern Silver Employees Wage Ques chink or crevice in which it is not Still fresh in the memories of the Unionists are the in ment, who in his recent visit to this country complimented tion rose without definitely lodged that no honest seeking trigues and perfidious actions of unscrupulous cut throats Prof. Inniss for his pathetic and forceful presentation of the arriving at any conclusion on goes unrewarded. You will get who invented all manner of misrepresentations against the economic condition existing among colored people in this the matter, but suggested that ispiration from this gem by William Eliery Channing.
Brotherhood, and who planned the decay of the organiza country, the delegates from the United tion by plotting conditions among the members which might POWER.
havekilled the Union, but which failed to injure the cause be ed agitators nor mal contents, and yet their representations them should compute an esti of the most universal. Wale China The representatives of the white Unions are neither call. Brotherhood who met with is one cause the members of the Brotherhood are shrewder than to the Government are far less urgent and appealing than mate as to the necessities of never exults and rejoice enor the traitors who planned their destruction and down fall. those made by the representatives of the United Brother families consisting of a hus than when it becomes conscious Among the statements against the Brotherhood made hood. When Secretary Baker asked for an increased appro band wife and three children. of power by these unprincipled schemers is that which depicts the priation of six million dollars can it be imagined that he did While, at first sight it would culties, or comparselingen he was en die members, and especially the leaders, as being inimicah to so without considering the needs tof the Silver employees as appear that this is an average all the commanding qualities of Power is the chief new ends.
the Panama Canal Government. Rumors of strikes whis. he saw them on the Isthmus a little more than a month ago? basis for arriving at a reason our nature. It enters into all the pered into the airs of the officials disturbed the Govern. And can any rational man think that the Washington Gov able guess it must be remem higher virtues; it euters into in ment more than once; the cry of Wolf! was heard over ernment would approve any such increase in consideration bered that the numerous fami telectual eminence. It is power and over again, and preparations were made against a of only one section of the labor force of the Panama Canal? lies of Silver Employees con of thonght and utterance which situation which proved to be merely a night mare.
The question now is: who are the true friends of the sist of seven and even nine immortalizas the products of Letting the past bury its own dead, a magnanimous Government? Are they those who have been crying children, while there are prea further reference to the unpleasant instances recorded out of an uneasy body politic? Are they those who have of less than three. The proli vet, accumulate and cold the of spirit among the leaders of the Brotherhood now precludes Wolf! for the last twelve, months and scaring the life cious few which consist of power which it is our adulkinds com against those of the race who have chosen to pass down taken misrepresentations in the guise of information ficity of the colored people is First, there is an in ward power in history as its basest traitors. The Government (if rumor against the leaders of the Brotherhood? Are they those something scandalous, yet it the most precious of all posees.
is true) ought to be tired of listening to the false reports wno have communicated falsehoods and propagated lies is a fact that must not be ig sions; of power over ourselves, and its opinion of the spies who furnished the information those who as voluntary gum shoes and honorary spies have a close investigation will show po stand trial, to bear which, from time to time, have been sounded in its ears, in their efforts to oppose the Silver employees? Are they nored. From Panama to Colon power to confront danger; to follow our convictions, must, by this time, be far from pleasant if it were known. tried to report untruths against a body of law abiding that the average family would however resisted by menace or Instead of being enemies and opponents of the Gov. and self respecting men?
consist of much more than scorn power of calm reliance in ernment, the members and leaders of the United Brother dignified and reputable Government could never ac three children and to attempt Again there is a power over outspells of darkness and storm.
hood are, indeed, its chief and most sincere friends. In cept, in any degree of sincerity, such unreliable informants to estimate so general a thing (Canlinued on Page 5)
these days when open covenants openly arrived at are as its true friends, but, when it comes to learn the truth, as an increase in the wages of the only agreements respected by the leading politicians must rather frown upon them as a band of self seeking employees on a five piece of the world, and when all people, except assassins, prefer pretenders who don give a hickory for neither people nor family basis is altogether out the personnel of leadership replain speech and appreciate acts, such an exaited body Government, but are only really concerned in their own of proportion. Would it not mains as it is at present, and of officials as the constituents of the Panama Canal Gov personal and selfish axe grinding be better to work out a syste as long as their influence conernment must sooner or later come to regard the leaders The position taken by the leaders of the United Bro matic wage scale for the Silv tinues in force there will be a of the Brotherhood as being the true friends of the Gov therhood is not only well meant, but it is the cnly correct ver men which would furnish rather lean opportunity for ernment, as it is through them the real living conditions position that could be taken by men who are really and so much per hour to the hour. the members of the Brotherof the colored people are made known.
earnestly interested in the Government under, which they ly men, and so much per hood to strike. The Bohio The personal knowledge of the circumstances environ are living and in their fellow men whose duty, as they con month to those whose salaries Strike which occured yestercalculated on a day among the gangs of the ing the colored population on the Isthmus of Panama, ceive it, it is to help and encourage. The time of sifting is are Cattle Industry, and which as possessed by men like Professors Innis and Stoute, near, and it will not be long before the leaders of the Uni monthly basis?
threatens to spread to the places them with others of their associates, in a position ted Brotherhood demonstrate to the Panama Canal GovMandingo gangs of the same to present true and impartial statements as to the misery ernn ent that they are better able to bol Cuvernment Shot!
and squalor in which thousands of their people are forced and people than the gang of times In who practice department, might serve as an to live at the present time. In their effort to convince trickery and sharp dodges to get oh no intention of The representatives of the instance of what the BrotherUnited Brotherhood who hood men might have done the Government that their statements are true, these men being sincere or honorable.
met the men at the Standard without the strong hand of have been untiring and persistent.
There should not be the least suspicion as to the mo Oval last Saturday night and their leaders under the stress These leaders have been viewed with suspicion where tives of Mr. Inniss or Mr. Stoute. They have spoken too delivered their report on the of this crucial moment. The Cat candor should have placed confidence, and manliness, re openly to give anybody an opportunity to suspect or doubt wage question, made a bull tle Industry Strikers are not spect. They see, in the near future, a rotten condition in them. When writing, they have done so as gentlemen over eye when they told the men members of the Brotherhood and, which vice, crime and disease will vie with one another to re their known signature and not under a nom de plume; they to remain patient and refrain therefore, are not bound by any duce this country to the status of the most undesirable cor have been presenting substantial facts, not harangues from airing their grievances restraint of the United Brotherner of the globe; they have discovered that the present condi of nonsensical gibberish; they have conducted themselves on the streets. So many were bood; but what they have done or tion will lead the Government and the great mass of labor admirably under pressure and provocation; they have kept the erroneous ideas of the ly goes to show the true attitude of ing people into a protracted scandal which might end disas the whole Silver force in leash when influential enemies meeting expressed that, an labor to a Government whose trously to the one or the other and reflect, discreditably, sowed the seeds of discontent and tried to incite the peo army of gum shoes and other policy of procrastination is not on the former, and they have conceived the idea that it is ple to strike; they have told the Government the needs of curious persons stood around only provoking but burdensome.
a higher sense of duty to obviate a disturbed condition their people and they have told the people the attitude of waiting to hear the people de and the fact that there has, as than to rectify the after effects of an economic cyclone. the Government; they have spoken and acted in the open, clare a stike. What a disap yet. been no strike among the With a vision as broad as this these men have decided and for this, even their worst foes must respect them; and pointment met them when Brotherhood members is sufii to show true loyalty and service to the Panama Canal and now their sober council to an anxious crowd is: Be patient! they heard, to the contrary, cient proof that the leaders are Samuel Inniss or William Stoute, they are intent to serve and these are the men whom conscience and honor must day to work with more eager interests of both Government and their own people. It is not, with them, a matter serving These are the men whom the Government should listen to, the advice to return on Mon using their best judgment in the over ten thousand employed Negroes on the one hand, endorse and admire.
ness and less impatience and people. The Panama Canal and and be honorable to the Governments of the Republic of swait the good pleasure of the the Panama Railroad Company Panama and the United States on the other; and the dust NOTICE.
raised by the narrow minded and selfish intriguers to obsas Evan Carter) a Barbadian, Wage Board! The Silver em should lose no time in coming oo age 29 years. Very important. ployees are not yet as radical decision to increase, satisfaccure the correct position of these industrial zealot must, as to precipitate a strike or torily, the salaries of their emeventually, subside and leave the true condition in its Wanted to know the preEdward Moore) Alleyne, any other position which ployees, as there is no knowing proper light, before the eyes of public opinion, sent address of Charles Bocas del Foro would cause the Government how long the appeal to their paThe Brotherhood leaders have been and are doing Carter (more popularly known Rep of Panama.
any inconvenience. As long as tience and self restraint may laala genius.


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