
the British Barbados LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes ubat chased kui lor. Vucle fan Holt, of faith in selt.
The Chemical Hall C0. in propelling a a negotiate the passage OB The trench Interes ng News From the West Ladies are concerned the So How the Tanks Came Continued from page are short peninde in most of the colonies for the developInto Being ment of their resources, but capital is needed for such devel. opinent. The various schemes Secretary for War, Winston Churchill above alluded to merely scratch testifying before the Royal Commission the surface. The colonies then on awards to Investors, declared that it VESTRY ELECTIONS. selves must awane up, as British was impossible to say that this or this Guiana has done, and anafraid THE HOME OF man invented the tank. the caterpillar of financial burdens obtain, with Toe Barbados Globe sayz:monster that broke through the eartty Monday next has been fixed for Government, those considerable wire entanglements and its progray, the assistance of the Imperial the nomination and election of soins of money necessary whippee (British) and the baby (French. for a retreating some qualified ratepayer to fill boom in agriculture and mining Germsas poured machine gun fire into them. Bit the seat at the St. Michael Ves. In Jamaica State aid is bring try Board rendered vacant by the given to Central Factory schemes when Mr. Oburchill spoke of the 19 types death of Mr. Clairmonte. and we think that in every BriB as a rule, when the nominatione pent of the resources of land ships from which models were We bear of several aspirants but, tish West Indian colony the Gov.
High and Low Cut construeted by the Government he dit ma he not mean that all of these things deilt should copy that excel son with the tank ides. The cartell de earterpillar and cooperate in more numerous than should be the in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet farm implement invented by To us the call seems to have come of the place. In our new era the California, was fia.
rather soun, and hardly affords ally adopted as the motive power an!
Government maet adapt itself to the Pocket of All interested electors sufficient time the new conditions and realise basis of the war tank. Colonel look around them for a tit suc that its chief fanction is to assist Welborn, Director of the Tank Carps of the United States Army made the fol cessor to the deceased. Seeing by all the means at its disposal lowing statement in December, 1918, saya that a period of six weeks now in promoting prosperity. It is remain before the present session the New York Times, about the evobecause we e of th MULLER lution of the machine which the British vomes to an end we hope that the mendicant ushike the role and have. xpenses of a contested election virtues first used as Delville Wood on Sep embar of help that we have will be spared the taxpayers of 15, 1916, in the Battle of the Soran.
strongly supported in the past Sole Agent TIIE CATERPILLAR TRACTOR this pariderstand that Mr. Lunion of these islands which, the idea. in For several years prior to the world Maughn. Master shipwright, has our opinion, would posses consid.
37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA war, the authorities of the British Army en approached and has consent able weight in financial circles had been endeavouring to create som ud to allow himselt ted for the seat on St. Michael ers. vast amount of money is be nomina and considerable borrowing pow.
machine highly destructive in its fighting capacity, and at the same time affording Vesiry Board rendered vacant by needed to develop these islands.
maximum proteetion to human life. The the death of Mr. Clair and we consider that it would be Large Diamond Find Proseco Holt Manufacturing Company, makmonte. The selection is a good obtained by a West Indian Federaers of the Holt farm tractor, were giving one. Mr. Vaughn is a highly retion more easily than by the sepa: in South Africa.
tractor demonstration is one of the spected citizen who is fully quali rate colonies, which, indeed, coula large German cities about 1913. retied to represent the interests of by no means be certain of im large flawless blue white diapresentative of the British Government his people and is very popular, pressing the financial world fav wond weighing about 1, 500 carats who bappened to see the exhibit, co He is bound to prove himself a ourably. While, therefore, we and just found at the Premier 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA ceived the idea that the caterpillar tracuseful member.
warmly welo nly welcome all the schemes now on foot for our be experts to be the broken part of tor might be employed in all the small mine South Africa, is believed by The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment huge stoel ligting machine which would HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. is needed. It has now become a biggest stone of its kind in the nefit, we believe something more the huge Cullinan. diamond, enable Com and Prompt Attention.
moving fort steepest bills and to move over difficult question of Wake up West ground impossible of world. The Editor of the African by any There was a meeting of the dies! Let us hope that the slum. World, the first publication to Give us an early call and inspect our stock of other vehicle. This officer immediately brought the tractor to the attention of after the six weeks adjournment. delight in the idea of personal the find says so far as can be word from Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent MediGeneral (then Colonel) D. Swinton, Mr. Baeza, who returned recently exertion for his own advantage. gathered the stone is part of the of the British Army, who also realized froin cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc. the effective use to which the caterpillar there were several members ab. subject for Barnum show, it has been valued at 1, 250, 000.
tracior could be put.
sent and away from the colony. Otherwise he is a pitiable object African World editor message from His Excellency evoking anything but enthusijust got word of the discovery had only BORN OF NECESSITY.
We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction the Governor re Steamship com, asm.
Jihtold It is a fair conclusion that the tank when he told a few Fleet St.
un um cation with Canada was laid newspaper men the news. He was born for the tactical problems of the.
Phone 939 and several notices esinemiamong Baby Welfare League. expecting further details regardP. Box 829, Ancon Great War, perhaps after the first battle which for.
of the Marne, when The Barbados Globe. writing fortunately the stone was crush 100 to be placed at the disposal BROWN McALMON fighting began and open warfare was brought to of the Returned Soldiers Com editorially states that a meeting ed in the mine crusher but that Proprietors.
sudden stop. Never before had demue for providing for the re. was held at Goverment House to its value cannot be less than fences bristled so densely with wire eamaining 357 men not yet placed, consider the possibility of start 1, 000, 000.
tanglements. Open Warfare according and another providing a pension ing a branch of the Baby Welfare to Field Marsh Hair, was resumed ia of 40 per month to ex. Sergeant League in Barbados Weather some degree in the battle of the son no Wickham of the Barbados conditions proved favourable, and but it was nit watil Sir Julien Bv Volunteer Force, who had been a hearty response to the invita Loyal Sojourners Lodge made his surprise on ti Gema permanently disabled during the tion issued by His Excellency and Install Officers line before Cambrai in the Autum of tiring of a Royal on June Mrs.
1917 that lauks were employed in for a 30. The former resolution with meeting, and so it proved. It beAn installation of officers of the and without artillery preparation. The others were subsequently passed, cu ne the task of His Excellency Loyal Sojourner Lodge No. 27, plain the objacts of the the trench system was broken up for a Bills the Supplemen to explain time, and there wae open warfare on a tary Appropriation Bill, and the ing, and this he did in a manner term beginning Jan. Ist to June of several miles. Open warfare had mensely Obarrio Building.
been planned by both the French and certain annulties voted in the to all. The idea is to savtisfactory 30th, took place at the Druids o save the lives Hall, 20th St. Central Ave. on No. Calidonia Road British General Staffs long before the Session 1915 16. The considera of the babies bora pareuts who, the 3rd Januars. The Offic r; Americans entered the war, but there was Diens of the Income Tax bill was either through ignorance or pov. installed were Bros. White, LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR no practical test until the British were postponed to the next meeting erty, fail to bring thein to matu: 36. Cundy. ready to assemble a large number of and the House adjoarned for a rity. His Excellency was pleased Smail Russell, Sec. WATCH REPAIRING tanks to lead the infantry into action.
fortnight. The Globe.
to furnish his with yearly average of age of infant mortality the Hector, Treas. Skeete, SPEEDIER VICTORY, ACADEMICAL.
for the five years from 1912. Tyler; Davis, WE KNOW HOW TRIAL WILL CONVINCE General Swinton may not have blaxed 1916 both inclusive, and this Following were the installing the way for the adoption of the tank but showed that while in Barbados it officers: until now his claip bus not been publiely Returns of the recent examina. stood at 293 in the thousand, it Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. disputed. Anyone who has read his book tions at Codrington College have was very inuch lower in other coJ. Lindsay, Grand Tyler; of the war stories, The Green Curve.
been made public. Rev. lonies, Jamaica, with an everage Bucknor, Grand E in which bis in vrative mind played lam Pemberton of Trinidad has ob of 248, being second worst and Barnes, Grand Sec. Hudson, CAMPBELL bently about scientific tacties, Watchmaker and Jeweller that battles might be won by tained his Final bon. England and Wales best with 102 E; McKay, Boyce, new and ours in Classics. 2nd class, were to the thousand.
Treas: Toppin, Inner Gd. Hen.
curious divices, cannot fail to be imricks, Chaplain.
Phone 1053.
obtained by Messrs Holder Cars Stop at the Door pressed by General Swinton account of and Roachford. The Pass OUR CAPTAIN After the installation the offihow the tank was projected into the Finals Part tell to Messrs cers and visiting brothers (num Great War. Ele has been quoted as sayC. Crawford and BanThere lives a man of forty two ing that if the idea of the tanks had been hering 24) were entertained at nister, and Messrs L. Alacerpted earlier in the struggh, and they Whom but few of us knew, Beckles and the banqueting table where they had been manufactured by thousands, Yet be roamed the rest OCEAR were served with superfluous de Farrell got the Intermediate victory would not have been long deferred.
Our good and noble Captain Cockburn. Vicacies. The function was Pass in Theology. Tbe Globe, But could the secret have been kept durFor fully quarter of a century brought to a close in the usual ing the period of construction, transportaHe served upon the deep sea, manner when all had spent a most tion; and assembling?
West Indian Development But resigned to take a rest enjoyable evening. PRECIOUS SECRET Twas God plan for the best.
Writing. editerially, under the For when our Moses, Hon. Marcus Back to Africa MoveTIRES, TUBES, LAMPS, BELLS, It was only by representing the machines as motor tanks to be used for above caption the Barbados Needed a captain for the Douglas, ment Standard offa late date reports the Did he stand aside and aneer?
supplying water to the troops in Egypt, and Repair parts following: No, he the Race cause volunteered.
and by guarding the faetory field with The Colonial Office is giving its cordons of of suntries, that the true wir Oh Cockburn, thou art the man Conference is to be held in sion of the support and benediction to a the monsters was hidden. It was was screme for a West Indian Agri. As you at the helm stand, the San Miguel Baptist Church NOW IN STOCK evin necessary to fool the mechanies who wo cultural College, and a Com uitGuided nightly by moon and siars on Monday Jan. 26th, at o clock.
were building the superstructures. The we is going into the details of Out on the deep ocean far.
Invitations are being sent to all Reasonable Prices.
time came wbea holes had to be panched this excellent proposal. These in the tank for guns to look through, May God protect you ever tnore Ministers on the Isthmus to meet islands will also absorb a por Steering our ship to Afris shores, at this Conference. In case any and it was then explained that snowplowa tion of the grant of the Impe Taking the good message over there of the Ministere receiro no letter were to be fitted into apertures and that rial Government for the develop the completed motors were going to of invitation, please accept this oti Liberty we need, and must share.
ment of the tropical possessions Russian front. Acoordingly a Petrogard EDWARD REED.
through the press.
of the Crown. In addition to all Youre, address was stencilled on the side of each this a cablegram tells us that German Goods Arrive in Cor. Street and Ancon Ave. tank. In the end the giant cre pers the West India Committee has PINNOCK England.
ready for their gues. were spirited on issued an appeal for contribu.
PONE 85 BOX 816, ANCON, board ships for France to make their de tions towards an endowment fund but at Delville Wood, of atleast twenty thousand pounds West Indian exchange states provide development work for that German goods are arriving in DR. CLARENGE EDWARDS the West Indies in many direc. England. Within the last few Returns To His Old Stand from the Continent Lions. It is also added that a weeks, ships from Lessons Given NOTICE.
sum of over seven thousand bave unloaded at East Coast ports, The General Public and friends PS pounds has already been sub the first German pianos seen in Information of this England since the war. One ob of Dr. Edwards are asked to take on the Clarinet, the leading Band or Want to know the present ad Must be sold at once one makes one feel good to find that uses of unusical instruments dis No. 114 Bolivar Street, to His Old Orchestra furnished for all dress or whereabouts of James Cornish Organ in very good kind ise masti encouraging. It server reports seeing seventoea notice that he has removed from Band Instrument.
he has friends who think of ein barked and filty three cases stand. No. 182, Bolivar Street, kinds of engagements. Spooner a Barbadian, and him and who are working to of alarm clocks. Other consign Opposite the Masonic Temple, Gregors, Jamaicm. both shoe condition. Call at House 18, NEILSON makers by trade.
23th November Street Sanassist him in the battle of life. inemus laciduin Ligat cases and is prepared to treat all diseas Yet one always feels that he cutlery, two of China toys, eight es, especially those of women Clarinetist Republican Band. Wu FISHER, Miguel. upstairs) or write must really depend on himself, of electric bells, 252 of glassware, and children, as he has spe Phone 1053 Prov. Chirique, Eavid, 10. R. Box 1032, Anand that it is by his own exer sixteen of earthenware and 100 cialized in these subjects during Ancoh 17 St. West, House 37, Panama Roe.
con, This recent stay in New York.
tions that he will reach the lof enamel ware.
attack on Salate on successlui The Calidonia Jewelry Store Then argued front listeners showing legne, BICYCLE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO.


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