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VOL. No. 25.
Wage Committee Asked to Furnish Data THE AFTERMATH OF COMMITTEES REPORT DOINGS OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES OF THE PANAMA CANAL any net ceived Was on and grave Comunitto exact to will There many CABLEGRAM CAUSES STIR Among Supporters and Committee Devising Ways Well wishers of the Black and Means to Raise Funds.
Star Line.
United Brotherhood of MaintenIt is pleasing to note that in. Will Ask Secretary of War to Direct Great uneasiness was mani terest in the West Indian Carniance of Way Employees and fested over a cablegram pub valis rapidly increasing among Increase of Salaries to lished in a local paper the early West Indians and the Commit Railway Shop Laborers. part of this week which stated tee is working earnestly and All Employees that the steamer Yarmouth. energetically to make this second It has been brought to our no asked to furnish the Board with bound from New York to Havana Carnival amongin West Indicand with a success. It paper ciency appropriation sufficient to tice that certain statements in such data it to Cuba the report or Jan. Sahay we con speaking on the demand of the makes the interessier Gold employees of the Panama mean will wage shonld be. After careful sent out a call for help, report there will be no queen this year. Canal animadverts thus:Government employes in the be given. As it was, and still is, Canal Zone, it was shown, reof little girls from 12 faber to give our purpose nothing but decided that the Government was at a point of Cape May Representatives of government ceive 25 per cent more than the was at once generally be years and under representing enployes in the Canal Zone are to government pay for the same the truth, we basten to state that in possession of all the data ne.
we intended our statement to be cessary to determine what in: lieved it was the Yarmouth the various island interpreted to mean no increase crease in wages should be given was due to live New York the lur course has necessitated the to all employes entitled to them fective, however, it was stated, of the Black Star Line which This departure from the regu. that increases in salaries be made 240 per year bonus became efask the Secretary of War to direct services in the sites. Since the has been given, The following us.
middle of this month bound for Thus we were, and still are ex Cuba, Jamaica, and Colon. It is subscription, and an earnest ap provision of the Panama canal act. not all received the 26 per cent sulicitation quotation from our report will of funds by general under the 25 por cent differential employes in the Canal Zone have make clear the intended meaning pectant.
needless to say that this office peal is therefore made to the West Decision to make this request was differential, about 300 employes of our statement: The Committee: was flooded with enquires us to India public for its hearty sup reached at a conference of repre. who are entitled to it having fail The Board, however, decided NICHOLAS CARTER whether news had been report in this connection. The sentatives of labor organization of ed to receive it. STOUTE that in determining wages an at this office in connection Comunitiee is leaving no stone which Canal Zoue employes are COLLINS einployee would be considered as with same; our only answer Now, if this is the condition to devise ways and members. GEO. HENLIN having a wife and three children; was that we did not believe the means for raising funds.
among the white servants of the INNISS and your Committee was then In case sufficient funds are not big ditch, what can be said about dised steamer the concert bela Wednesday. but some night last at the West Indian available to permit increases to all the demands of the hungry thousOlle sur vessel bearing the same Red Cross Hall started the ball employes entitled to them, the ands who are being opposed Why leave out Carter. Convertion of Liberty name. This had but partial rolling, and wus undoubtedly Seeretary of War is to be re and hurt by a bunch of idiots at Bonds of First and effect a huge advertisement of this quested to ask Congress for a defi Balboa Heights?
possessed the people. And if year West Indian Carnival!
Gatun, Canal Zone, Second Series was not until the publication of The will Jan. 23. 1920.
the notice signed by the Agent be a high class dance at Carnival Carnival Benefit Cricket Star of Chorrillo Installs Match To Morrow.
Sir: In your last editorial Panama Canal Record contains at Oolon Mr. Lawrence, an seadquarters, corner Street Officers rote that you made mention of the following information which pouncing that the Black Star and Ancon Avenue, ou Saturday, Mr. Stoute and Teacher Innies should be of interest to holders Line steamer the Frederick the Sist inst. The subscription The biggest thing among West Star of Chorillo No. 636 of the the hard workers of the Bro of Liberty Bonds:Douglas is due to arrive at Oris to this therhood. Why did you leave out The Liberty Loan Comoittee Neal on February the 1st from has a high Curuival function Indians for the new year will be Independent Order of OddfelYork, that the unrest was figure of 00 Cbecause it match which takes place to mor. Society met been placed at the nomina!
the Carnival benefit Cricket lows, London Unity Friendly, been to Gatun and other places exchange or conversion of Liberabated.
is not the desire of the on Tuesday, the on the Zone from time to time ty Bonds of the first and second and told us of his fight with the issues are ready for distribution.
interest taken by our people in at any one from arxe an amount row at the Isthmian Park, Cali 13th Inst, at the Lodge Hall at 18t. San Miguel, for the purGovernment on our behalt? Is he supply has been sent to all de this new venture.
there are others to foll рове of installing officers for the at which not fearless and bold as they, partments and divisions. Addiwere and does he not deliver warmtional copies can be obtained from Dr. Barnas ill at Jamaica. Surely the Carnival folk in will be captained by the two like to be present.
most experienced captains on esistening term.
and brothers present speeches which pat us on fire and the office of the Collector at Bal.
Silver City orches the, Isthmus Skippers Cain and from the various The popaiscourse the music at Holder. The teains are well se among those that were present sisters ta will lodges; boa Heights or from the Deputy inake us realize our position. You ought to have given hin a Collector at Cristobal.
The Gleaner of the 16th inst. the dance on the 31st, and as lected and distributed. The per. are as follows: from the Star of place among the names of the The cost of or con states that Dr. Barnes of the every tripper of the light fantas. sonel of both teams is as follows: fict, and Sisters. Metoe likes to trip to the Holder eleven Holder (cap Erean, G, from Lodge: Sister. Parmen whom you pick out as the verting is 50 cents for each s100: Public Hospital is seriously ill tic the Brotherhood, Star ing that you will given honor to this charge to cover all incidental Storhist. residence in Upper West Eight time, it is felt sure that the tuin) De Souza, Hardinec expenses including insurance at :ney, whom honer is due, remain, Dr. Barnes is well known on this second entertainment will be par value to and from Washing the isthmus of Panama where patronized, Sargeant, Waik and Barrow, Allen and er; Your etc, the Dorother her Bella Cadogan, a. From Grand Ledge, BroTickets are now on sale and Crichlow.
he resided for many years, dur.
Austin, Brother Bond owners who are using the ing which time he made many can be hud from any member of Cain eleven: Cain (captain) Sidney McLean, District Grand It was not the intention of this the Liberty Loan Committee to to hear of his illness and wish for privilege afforded them through friends who will no doubt regret the Committee. Clarke, Drysdale, n, Bar Master, Brother Husband. De paper to minimize the energy have their bonds exchanged or his speedy recovery. ED.
nett, John, Hector, Mc puty Brother Hurley, and prowess of Mr. Carter in converted should carefully read Carrol. Pitterson, Williams. District Cor.
Sec. Brother Gasconnection with the United Bro and comply with instructions West Indian Carnival at Garvey. Edghill and bee, District Great Treasurer; Henkson, therhood. ED. printed on the form, otherwise Isthmian League of Colon.
the bonds will be returned.
The amusing feature of this Guardian, and Brother knuse, The Indians backing The the privilege of exchange or ceUnveil of Charter of the conversion of honds by the Liber News from Colon state that favorites of the match by their remony was impressively formed by Brother Austin, ty Loan Committee is provided The semiannual meeting of the Lng. during the week West Indian admirers. Teach and old scboo Past Grand Master and Brother are looked to for a exclusively for employes of the gue will be convened at the Wesleyu, Committee has been selected by display with the leather Bar The oficers that were installed as Grand Marshal, Panaina Canal or Panama Rail schoolroom tonight, commencins at the committee olon Cake a Drysdale, Edghill, Inniss, road Company The Panama branch of the are required to be at this meeting, it be rangeuents for the sélection of pile up with the willow. The Lowe, Paul.
they The the Alien expected are: Bros.
Indian. build Chart on Sanday, at p. in will unveil its Revival Services at the ing an important one. The several Dis. and assist in doing all the game will commence at 12 noon.
Staart, Per. Sec, the West Indian Labour Union Colon Baptist Church.
tricts of the League Panama, Paraiso float and shortly after dinner and every Be on is necessary to ereate fun and body will be in good trim for baie. ceasuren Secretary, Mechorale, Red Tank. will be represented.
Hall, 23rd Street, Guachapali.
Hunt, and frolic for the large West Indian time.
The general public is invited Revival Services will be held at colony in the Windy City.
fine time.
Allourdor, Warden. After the installation the Grand Master the Baptist Church on 14th, The following well known Costreet froid Jan. 25th. to 30th. suing term at the Exorts Lodge lon kentlemen comprise the come gave a short and instructive lecTHE NEGRO RACE ture to the officers and members, Dr. Hamilton will conduct the Hall, 4th Street and Hudson mittee:Baptismal Function in general, emphasizing to then meetings or three nights only Lane, on Wednesday evening Jambridge, Law.
We are a bappy band, the manner in which 30 Sunday Monday and Tuesday January 14th 1920. The Hall rence, Reid, vernou Crosby The Negro race. Richards, Bolt, Simion, lows should try to uphold the and Chaplin Robinson enjoyed on Sunday last at thn Wednesday Thursday and Food Secretary: Lynch, Dr. Lowe Returns From Our biada are pure and free, very pleasant evening was Pastor willcontinue the the Was tastefully decorated.
The officers Scott, Sinclair, Our home is in Afric golden land, dignity of such a venerable instiWhere we shall soune day trace, tution as oddfellowship after Mistress; Lindo, and Bynoe.
Oorths Mistress; which the brothers and sisters on 14th Street West. It being meeting will be held at 8:30. The Though black as you see; retired to the bangeet room where a very pleasant line was Byron Haig: Quite a number warch round Colon carrying Treasurer; Gordon and Black.
the baptism of his infantson Sunday School Scholars wit Assistant Secretary, Murry, Short Vacation.
of their friends were present We shall gain our felicity.
and congratulated Mr. and Mrs. banners announcing the meet wod. Chart Guarda; Hall ad Gittens, Minstrels; Wilson and We are going to do all we can, The San Miguel Baptist Black on the occasion and bode Dr. Lowe Physician and To reach our happy land; The Pastor will conduct the Rica, Sick Stewards; Mura, Church.
them God speed on the training 11 a. sexvice and Dr. Itamilton Chaplain; Thompson, Inside Surgeon returned to Panama For we no longer in darkness shall room, up of young Byron. will speak to ty the touree night Guard; Boech, Outside Guare City on Monday label colteers. But go to the land where we abalt live The Rev. Dr. Hamilton, EvanJ Walker, Host; Serton. Wo. short vacation in the country. gelist, will conduct special ser: BIRTH thy Snri; Spurgen, Wor where he has been for the past nonchon thy Jnr.
health trip.
The Oh what a happy, happy day, vice in the San Miguel Baptist The installatioa of officers be genial Doc. looks fit and he says when, in the land of bright rray, Church on Saturday, January Born to Mr and Mrs. Clifford ing closed the Installing Master, that he has benedited greatly Our foot shall rest on that golden shore, 24th, at 30 All are invited Installation of Officers of to attend.
A:len on the morning of the 2014 Loyal Princess Licen. Asche Wynter. rave his addres from his trip, which although where we share it for at ledere SeatouA. Nicholas, rough less enMAUD REDDIE, Church anniversary services inst. at the Santo Tonias Hospital Female Lodge, under the juris. Pessoa, P. Harvey also ad. joyable. We wish the Doctor will be held at Pueblo Nuevo a baby boy weighing lbs. Both diction of this colou District, has dressed the officers and mum continued heatch to carry on his PazamrCi xi mother and baby are doing well. linstalled their officers for the en bers.
Baptist Church Sunday the 25th practice among his clients. Negro World please copy. iast, 11 a. and 30 Rebecca of Hope Burton, Lindo game perfor a good McLean a to same.
Ouutela meetings were meeting


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