
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 19 interesting News from the West Ir dian Islands Barbados Demerara INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION fov ned By THE NATIONAL CITYPANK OF NEW YORK, Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
Capita. Surplus, Undi, ded Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 any now is.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD sy Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Drafts on Jamaic and the other West Indian Islands.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACOGUNT AT PER CENT, PER ANNUM The Court it should gested Panama Furniture Company pumps to ser but he was a a hard work other public to do High Class Furniture be adopted cost.
parish, bo and in overconn: the difficultis that fased him. Daily Argisy leapt u. under his rol and is today thading jur in the West Indies. Cunni.
86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PARAMA ham was not only odore Wiki Next Door to Cecilia Theatre man. On many occasions his staff was har pressed he known to relieve them at Com bined Court Headquarters for meetings and Althon Strict Nr. Cu was gifted measure of sympathy that him a very deep place in the hearts of those who worked All New Goods Sold at der him. Throughout the time that Mr. Cunningham was in Reasonable Terms.
charged there was not a matter of public importance calling for some fearless pronouncement WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US that he shrinked from. What when buying Furniture.
little political liberty is enjoyed in this colony Mr. Cunningham Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock helped to fight for. He was a strong defender of the rights of mer citizens and did everything in his power to create a public opinion in the colony.
it in oath or affirmatiot. he compelling the produc documents. 2) The provisions of sections ten, eleven, twelve, fourteen, and Meeting of the Com seventeen of the Commissioners Proposal to Purof Inquiry 1908, missioners of porated with this Act. chase Demerara Health.
returning to the States Railway.
At a meeting of the Commis Mr. Anderson, who came AN OFFICIAL CONFERENCE sioners of Health for St. Michael out as Ring Manager with the 0:0 held on Monday last, the flyrui Kawainurn Cireus. oy, is te At the Demerara Publ, Taila.
sance in Fontabelle was discussed turning to New York by the next ings on Monday the 29th u.
al Om opportunity, having left the Com there was a conference between cers of the parish (Drs. Denne pary Bromley band of eight Hi Excelleney the Governor and John Hut musicians has Health a Connitte Lisiecior. In giving monsisting of the their views on the best means go with the Company to Martin Hans Hampien actin eradicating the peril, which had ique where a portion of the Com. Colonial Secretary, Brown caused illness and death in KC, McArthur. Dinzani the district. Dr. Deane expressed the Messrs Nascimento, ER; opinion that the parish some modern realls, Assembly Appoints Com Davis, acting Auditing neided mittee eral and Bail, Commis.
sanitation. In regard to night sioner of Lands and Mines, to con sider the report as to the advisascil disposal, he thought the At Tuesday meeting of the tem of having sewage dumps in House, a Committee consisting of ing the Demerara Railway Oombility y of the Government acquir.
different areas, which should be Messrs Robinson, to centre is This conference was held as out to sea by hydraulic pressure, Pilgrim and Gooding, was ap the result of the statement made would be very effective if the pointed to inake such recommen by His Excellency the Governor Dr. Hutson suggested that the sary on the report of the Coin opening of the annual session, expense could be undertaken.
dations as are considered neces in the course of his speech at the necessary precaution, such as mission appointed by Sir Leslie that he hoped to be able to subthe use of petroleum emulsion of Probyn on the highways of the mit the proposed agreement to keeping down flies, which was island.
acquire the Railway Company Teing taken, was a most eftiClent method of dealing with the during the session for the appro New Jetty for Union puisance. This had been going val of on during and since the past Oil Company.
Alter several important matters were discussed, the meeting week and he recommended that continue. With regard We learn that the British Un. Was adjourned for a week.
to the disposal of excreta he sugion Oil Company has decided to (1)
the system of sewage change, tea barato point to niente Death of a Noted dumps, in different districts from from Needham Point to along which the sewage would be side the Engineer Pier, the site urained by Journalist.
com first selected having been proone mon centre near the seashore. nounced unfavourable and dan.
and then forced by hydraulie gerous on expert engineering Recording the death of Mr.
pressure into the sea; 21 the use opinion they have prendre spent of septic tanks.
first big sum on previous pre John Cunningham, a noted Jourmethod was very expensive. he parations in this recommended that the use of evidently they are pretion, but nalist of that Colony, the De.
merara Argosy of the 30th oito.
septie tanks things thoroughly and We a hang the says. among other things are wondering if this Dr. Williams thought that ow The colony is the poorer tc day ing to overcrowding in the be correct what will be the effect by the loss of Mr. John Cunningthe people living in various dis of the jetty proximity to the ham, editor and inanager of The tricts in the parish had no proper Bathing Pavilion. Will it be a Daily Argosy whose death took residence means oasisposing del pishe. case of oil on the waters. lou Street at 45 o clock yester.
deposited on the surface without cover. Until Coal and Wood Shortage. with almost startling suddenes day morning. His demise came this condition of affairs was reme.
died he did not think septic tanks There is a charcoal shortage in upon a community whose respect and esteem be or any other system would be of Trinidad, and a coal and wood and est enjoyed in full shortage here. The price of measure. Mr. Cunningham reThe bard endorsed the sug. these kitehen necessaries is ex turned to the York where gestion of Dr. Hutson re the use ceedingly high at the present with here of septic tanks, and it was decid time and is likely to go higher with his wife and daughter he el that this should engage their perhaps, highest. are had been on a three months ho He appeared to be out attention at their next estimates. if we would only view there is in the best of spirits and resumed splendidly just now day: the om meantine a deputation if we Bryan and Pitcher, with Mr. nothing to cook and soon percomprising the Chairman, Messrs timistically.
characteristic Peach, Dr. Hutson, and the two fection will be realised by bere devotion and energy. week lat, Parochial Medical Officers, was being nothing to cook it with however, he complained appointed to wait on the Governor We are fast approaching a ut feeling ill but still carried on with with a copy of the report of the pian state, when everything will his duties. Me duties. Medical aid had Committee of the General be equal. It is pleasant to live ever to be suin moned on Tuesday Board of Health and the Sanitary just now. Let us carol in unison, afternoon last when his con condition Commissioners, in. if permission be granted was found to give cause for tions of sanitation were dealt happy day!
alarm. Drs. de Freitas, Rowland, with sometime ago, in order to Craier, Wisbart and later Dr.
discuss the same with him and Annual Report of Ladles ance and strove with all their Massiah were in constant attend.
see if the suggestions mentioned therein could be carried out.
skill to avert the evil which Mr. Peach informed the Board that the cost of a septic tank with The annual report of the Civic unsuccessful. From the outset bath attached was estimated at Circle of the Ladies Lyceum of their ministrations the pa 350.
Club has been issued and makes Lent condition was serious.
interesting reading. The activi. and Father Killion was imine Bill to Restrict Profiteering being directed towards beautify the last rites of the church. His ties of the Circle are at present diately summoned to perform ing the grounds of the Carnegie condition was generally one of At Tuesday meeting of the Hall. the General Hospital, the coma, consciousness being pre.
Masonic House of Assembly a Bill to con and a piece of land in Cumber: far between. The end caure yes: Lods e, Culloden Road, sent only at intervals, few and stitute a special commission to land Street. The keeping of terday morning.
inquire and report upon the school gardens has been encour.
profiteering in this is USEFUL CAREER.
land was passed through aged by money prizes and a simi all its lar stimulas has been offered the Newry, Ireland, 45 years ago, Mr. Cunningham, was born in stages. The which is as follor lows, was passed the same day Renters in charge of the various take up an appointment on the out amendment: activities were, however, editorial staff of the Daily extended beyond the scope of Chronicle under the late Be it enacted by the Governor aesthetic, as it was as a result Council, and Assembly of this is an effort on their part, that a Mr. Jardine. In 1901 he was ap: land, and by the authority of the Committee for Film Censorship poin ed editor of the same, as follows:the paper: and This Act may becited as the ing for technical schools for the position he bad been called to fill.
was appointed. petition pray that he proved bis ability for the it was not very long afterwards Profiteering Commission Act, education of the Island has also Not only did he maintain the tra 1919. 1) The Governor shall apbeen forwarded the Government. ditions for which the paper stood pointtive persons Commissioners, but he put a life into its columns for the purposes of this Act, and Dr. JOHNSON of the public to the paper, but the that not only drew the attention The Commissioners shall in SURGEON DENTIST quire into and report upon pro: Phone 1003 cured for it the first place among the newspapers in the West In fiteering in this island and the Address dies. So highly did Mr. Jardine measures to be adopted to deal Ancon, 852 value Mr. Cunningham services with the same that be was appointed one of his 1) The Comissioners shall.
attorneys in the colony. In July purpose of the inquiry an Panama Hats 1910 he relinquished his position der this Act, Lave all such powat the Chronicle and took up ers, rights and privileges as are CLEANED and BLOCKED the duties of the editor of The pointed under the Commissioners invested in Commissioners ap and TRIMMED to Order Daily Argosy and manager of The of Inquiry Act 1908, including all Argosy Co. Ltd. Here was ALSO powers, rights and privileges in opportunity for the exercise of Mr. of respect of the following matters. MILLINERY DRESSMAKING reserve energy. In this case also (1) The enforcing the attendbe was not long in grappling the ance of witnesses and examining HOUSE No. 965, La Bcao situation as it presented inolt!
a any valle.
instant from emony on the 15th working them op best of health. he wto be in the At present Chorrillo Drug Store The Jate Mr. Carl Witing of Demerara, left property of the value of 322 350, 62, on which 92, 564. 50 has been paid on es tate duty.
Joint which ques.
Just received a full stock of SILVER CHAIN GOODS Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES For every form of disease Captain Reid (Comptroler of Customs) and Messrs. Cressell and Sherlock have been selected to represent the Demerara Cham ber at the Conference of the As.
sociated Chamber of Commerce to be held in Barbados next month.
Trinidad Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. FLOWERS, Proreitor. O, Box 36Pa, nama City.
Telephone 519.
Sudden Death.
into question of Bill, this town where to John Mike, a familiar figure in this citydied suddenly at his place at Oxford Street on Sunday night last. Elderly, and a nat native la resident of the deceased was an he once kent a private school. He occupied his place alone, and was found dead sitting at his desk, by neighbou is. The Beluront p?
lice took charge of the body until the arrival of Dr. de Verteuil who ordered its removal to th Public Mortuary where a post mortem examination was perforin ed. The cause of death was chro nic asthma. New Discovery Dr. French Strengthening Compound Sir Knaggs, Considered the best blood and Nerve tonic in the World is highly recommended by press and public for Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and general depression of the whole system.
For Both Men and Women.
Sole distributors for Central and South America PANAMA DRUG STORE Muller Building CALIDONIA.
for the It is with the greatest pleasure (and we are sure that the pleasure will be shared by his countless friends in Trinidad and Barbados)
that we announce the elevation to the Knighthood of the Most Dis.
tinguished Order of St. Michael St. George of our friend and countryman Mr. for many years Colonial Knaggs Secretary and Deputy Governor of Trinidad and Tobago.
In congratulating Sir Samuel we also voice the feeling of the entire community in offering our heart(Continued on page 61


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