
Bring your labels to the King Bee factory, opposite freight station and for each ten labels you will be given 10 votes. No less than ten exchanged. The Open Forum :Panama Banking Company The a (FOUNDED 1000. General Banking Business Transacted that our old friends, the Barbadians, will Variety Concert a Success!
aceede to the request, THE SELECTION COMMITTEE, The variety concert given by The Cricket Committee have appointed the Teachers and pupils of the We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinions expressed in this column. Major Harragin o. Andre St. Anthony Day School on the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents Cipriani and Wiles, with Mr.
Saturday night the 17th inst. Attale, as secretary, as the selection con(BRANDON BANK)
was what can really be termed an mittee to choose the team for Barbados unqualities success.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. better committee can hardly be found, SECURITY remarkable high quality of and we feel safo in saying that in tbeir the acting, singing and reciting SERVICE Mr. Manning Defended, and put on the new man of cordiality hands, the best available side will be of the children was undoubtedly and unity, and thus establish peace on got together.
Fibate to the indelatigable et. earth goodwill to all men. Then and DEPARTURE OF THE TEAN.
ANAMA COLON the teachers, and too Corte Red Tank, Canal Zone. only then, will succes crown our remuch praise in this connection We have been officially foformed that cannot be given to Mr. Chas. Lan.
Sir. Kindly allow me space in your newed efforts for the advancement of the the cricket team for Barbadon, will Our large Resources and well known siquot, the headmaster of the valuable columns to syfew words bildreu of Ethiopia.
relative to two items which appeared in let u rernember; a fellow feeling leave the shore on the lat February school, for his capable arrangeconservative Management afford unRext, and return by steamer which is makes us wondrous kind.
ment of the programme and mas.
recent issues of the Wrok man.
sebeduled to leave Barbados on the It is regrettable to rend the insinuaThanking you for space Mr Editor.
terly handling of the juvenile ac18th Fueruary.
questioned security for every dollar tors and actresses. am, tions est at Mr. Manning, Sneredeposited with this bank.
It is understood that the con.
tary of the local Club House hold no CORRESPONDENT, Branch of Jamaica League cert will be repeated, as per briel for Mr. Manning, but believe in special request, on Saturday justice and a square deal.
in Boston, The Trinidad Barnight the 14th Febuary next, and Both writers who attacked Mr. Manall those desirous of spending a ning were probably misled by hear any. bados Match. Boston, Mass. Dec. 11. Jamaipleasant evening and seeing the Very dangerous foundation on which cans in particular, and Yesto budding talent of our West Into Iny down opinion of any individual.
dimos and Americans generally, in dian youth should make it a point was present when Mr. Maoning used SELECTION COMMITTEE large numbers. attended a social ISAAC BRANDON the word swine in his address, nad of duty to attend.
make bold to say, without fear of honest Bendio Manat evening, under the given at Henderson President.
Vice President.
Treasurer Com contradiction, he never called the people swine. His relerence should not lesd At meeting held last week, the auspices of the Boston Branch of ADVERTISE IN eva vente or misinterpret them to menn fram to play Barbados next month will function, and music, whist and Boston Branch of the Jamaicawaters England, France, America and any unbiased menber of the audience to Cricket Committee decided to circularize the Samaica League. The Socia Committee was in charge of the fifteen players, out of which possible The Workman rudeness or insult, on part of the be relected, says a recent Trinidad ex dancing was enjoyed by the very League. Several new members Japan. Germany once had great interests seeretary, to the fellowmen of change. The following are the men: representative gathering.
are expected to be admitted at and may have again; Pussis hnd tremendI om no personal friend of Mr. Mon Mujer Harrario, Andre Cipriani, never gives me lle unen led for impres Kelshall, Maingot, Lieut. the Misses Marion and Carolyn the parent society in Jamaica is the tirst annual contribution to to Bolshevism.
The naval forces of the Empire are aion that he depwecintes the West Indian Maingot, Ges. John, Rogers, Small, Fontaine, Narses Bell and ne expected to be made.
Nierced Thaye just the opposite opin. Telemaque, Maingot, Guillien, laney, Miss Frieda Deccord, being increased in the Pacific and potenThe City Bible Agency bogs to ion of tially they are being further increased by Mabel Mnees Dr. and MA the redistribution of the overses squadIl the attention of Obristian side orkers and Bible Readers to self reipéet, dise bell confidence and made an lo erot together from the above.
All that is needed at Curtis, Mrs. Lilian Barkley, my West Indies Squadron is now available for With the former translations of the fact that we can supply them prestige prevente me thinking that am Barbados worthy of the reputation of and the Misses Cooper, Dr.
no ensile lor ked down upon and will both colonies is, for our n to do their Nairn, Dr. John Pinero, Dr. Eva Squadron service on either the Atlantic or the Pe Bibles compared and revised, thought of Let us avoid unnecessary duty to themselves, the colony, and last, Robinson, Mr. Chas. Brown, an eific coast line, via the Panama Canal. euroline. bit kiletate isolated and personal but by no means teast, to Barbadoa, by Mr. Hendler Mohandel Carme: New Commander Appointed. slo available for duty on either aboro, Bibleteo sandard School Teache and the new South America Squadron self pronouncing editions and standard concordance of feelings agninot, and suspicion of the practising seriously.
Hybert Miss fellow members of our race, no matter of FIXTURES AT BARBADOS.
The London correspondent of the not to mention detached shipe on dutyers Bible, Lodge Palpit, and faJones, Miss Miss II Simpson, mr. G. Murray, Mr. David Williams, Jamnica Gleaner reports that Vice Adin the islanda.
nationality, mily Bibles. We handje bibles of One thing more Mr. Editor, these at Arrangements have bean made for the Mr. Thompson, Mr. Taryn miral Prevolyan Napier NOTICE.
various societies, especially the tacks in public will serve no useful pur playing of three matches at Barbados. Mis: Cameron, Miss Una Sull been formully appointed Commander in Oxford University Press, real rowe, and when we do make personal One against Pickwick another ver. yan, Miss Patrick, Mr. Kennedlv. Chief of the North America and, West morocco binding: attacks, let un dispel awardice and nom sus Wanderers C, and the last against Miss Magurite Toy, Mrs. Valstindies station, with effect from the 121 Wanted to know the pre of religious books in addition to We also handle all other kinds de plumes. Let us be bold, be tunnly. All Barbadca. The last game is put lace, Mr. Ernest Miler, Mr. December. in succession to Vice Admiral be feațless; it we are New Negroes. down as a three day match, but it has not Alfred Darby, Mi. Reggie Craw. Sit diorgan Singer, who flies his Alng sent address of Charles bibles.
Article published Mrs. James Rattrey, Mrs. ashore at Bermuda Carter (more popularly known are direct personal attacks, if they are will cover two or three days.
in newspapers that guite been settled whether the other two forneon, Mr. Blackburn, The battleship Temeraire, eadet train as Evan Carter a Barbadian See us for prices and terms.
at all honest shoirid carry the writer As the team is likely to be in Barba Mr. Egbert Morris Gonio Lusi, Captain Donaldsoo.
name, and not leave the attacked sus dos for a lortnight, Mr. Attale has writ Miss Almaranga, Mr. Preto le duo at Jamaion on the 9th age 29 years. Very important.
House No. 32 (upstairs)
peeting innocent folks, of more likely ten to the Secretary of the Barbados Henderson, Mr. Hubert au nary and will remaning till the 20th. Edward Moore) Alleyne, Box 1079, Panama, scorning the writer cowardice. Cricket Committee, requesting the Pick many others.
vuce more the struggle for naval supreNearly all the parishes of Ja macy in the Pacific has begun amongst Bocas del Toro Let us strive during 1920, one and all, wiek, and Wanderere mateben to be a Au ustus Farrier, to dtop oli malice; jealousy and it will, three day affair. We have no doubt maica are now represented in the the nations which have interests in thotel Rep of Panama.
on the part his taice.
albo bat nowo now, thanks City Bible Agency Miss West Indies Naval van grond Norto mieste tot what, Street


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