
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1920 arama EDUCATION THE WEST INDIAN TRADING Co. Ltd WALAUND, at the ottie Central av tinn pun and enroer ol Street, Panama. de Box 74, Pandina for publication must be won one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be aceompanied by the name of One Year Six Months 20 Three 80e we do not undertake to return. Phe rejected correspondence.
thoroughly Groceries!
of our foro to wedwell.
We ako. Sarvard ere Seltishness THE WORKMAN BY EDUARDO MORALES Negro Fellowmen: What we need more in these Published on Saturdays by Rates for ivertisement on applicaespondence on all matters days of Negro Se dewerint ituerest invited No. 22 Central Avenue, Panama City for Ricial Advancement is de cation. Theoretical ani Pratie PHONE 69 Eduention. If we are to succed, if we are to stand on te pa of Rici plucated in all the Wm 82. 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a mark of good faith.
Arts and Sciences of the world Groceries!
It must be remo bered, that a little learning is a dangerous thing. Che time has come, when The Liberty of the Press is the pe adium of our rights JUNIUS we as a race must depend on We Carry a full line of (roceries: Chocolates, ourselves if we must ophold our SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1920 integrity. We must solve our own problems and overenme our difHousehold Hardware, Cigars, Special line of Jamaica ficulties ourselves.
We must exploit and develop our Low Wages In Canal Zone Mean Misery Cigarettes, Toilet Articles, Etc. Etc. Etc.
It we are to regain Aruna (vour inheritance, the land On Republic of Panama.
fathers) we must prepare toba our own cities. our own route our own bridges. work our own feature of the problem of the high cost of living Drop in and inspect our Stock or phone your order, mines. We must study scientific agriculture in order demand which has not yet been discussed in its real light is the fact that in Panama there is much more suffering and misery we make free deliveries.
from mother Earth the ressurces of her wealth, than might be at first imagined. The President of the tuust learn to mar. ufacture West Indira Red Cross, the Ministers of the several churchour own kouds. We must learn es, and som: of the officials of the American Red Cross at tan our own leather. We trust be Balboa Heights are more familiar with this fact than per Open Until p. on week days thoroughly educated in the businesses of the commercial world, kaps, any one Ise, except the Police and Sanitary authorfor we must have Co operative ities of this country.
Sundays nutil 12 Noon.
stores wherever we It has always been a distressing fact that the depopubadly in need of Mineral Engin.
lation of the Canal Zone which commenced in the year 1913 eers, Civil Engineers and which took in its train the destruction of hundreds of ors, Steam gineers homeless families, both native and foreign, was the very Engineers, Electrical commencement of the economic slavery which has been enthroned with so much ostentation and autocracy in re Editorialettes automatie enclosures, would will call forth the warmest Midraulical Engineers, be the very best thing for the protest from even the most Masons, House cirpenters and tive Engineers cent years. Wherever a helpless proletariat exists, slavery part of the city where the silent of those interested. Re Ship carpenters, Cabinet makers in some form, and misery in all shapes must appear, and Remove the Bridge!
that Panama is no exception to this rule is a fact too glar The sentiment of Wood. now stands. While the traffic been served, let it now give females, Dentists, Ministers, and time worn Calidonia bridge move the bridge. It time has and wheel wrights. We need more Doctors (male and ing for contradiction.
man spare that tree is not at this point is considerable way to something more utili more trained Nurses. We need The efforts on the part of the colerad men and women generally expressed in Pana it must be borne in mind that tarian.
first class Cooks.
Working for the Canal Government to obtain inereased sa ma in connection with the nowhere in Panama could the We must learn to build our own laries is nothing more than a desire to throw off the yoke Calidonia bridge which has traffic be as great as in the This Year Carnival. ships. for we must have stron of industrial bondage and create a condition of living that been an eye sore for all these large cities of the United and powerful feet of merchant will make it possible for the inhabitants of this part of the years, even if it has been of States where dangerous railIf this year carnival does ships etc. We need these things globe to lay claims to civilization. At the present time, public service, meanwhile. In road crossing through the not exceed anything in its badly. urgently Weinust have them immediately it we must there is much here that savers more of domestic pri the days when better could streets protected by form of preceding years it enter the arena of Racial Pro mitiveness than of twentieth century progress. People who not be done pedestrians, eques these automatic contrivances, will not be the fault of the gress for Racial Equality.
have to pinch one meal a day from swank and crackers trians and vehicles were satis, and where accidents are al Juntas in Panama and Colon. But, in order to achieve this are not much better off than those who dine on bananas tied to use the antiquated most unknown. The Paname Both the residents of the ter first erase completely from oue most coveted success, we caut and river water in the jungles.
which carries mo publicthe But the most serious point in the question is that when dero sobriquet of a bridge merchants and other people minal cities and those of the mind and breast, low wages continue to obtain in the Canal Zone, it is not but possesses an ancient spec. Whose annual and monthly Canal Zone are asked to pare must consolidate ourselves commodity in the Zone Commissaries must be paid before est dissatisfaction is felt by the general revenue should allegorical floats and signifi tarmination, having our mind the Canal Zone which suffers. Every cent charged for atacular. At present, the great taxes are the chief source of ticipate in the big event when into one solid body with one de the article can be delivered, and as there are no other busi the commercial and industrial have what they want irf the cant masquerades will mark eye fixed steadfastly on the Rye of success: Thirdness houses operating on the Zone than the Commissary magnates of the country, not form of public utility, and it the occasion. From the amount (Bu chain, stores the people are forced to trade witht hem and without the sympathy of the is the general idea that the of enthusiasm already exhib we must remember that it is the the dimes.
pay all prices exacted from them. This means that all of most prominent officials; andfaoing away with the bridge ited the affair will be a and the dimes, the dollars. There: the low wages received by the poor colored laborers and it appears as though the pro and the construction of the crowning success. Even con fore, our firat Object Lesson other workers are exhausted before the pay day comes pheoy of our powerful contem: more modern contrivances is servative religionists who pre should be Economy We must around, thus making pay day a Day of Wrath and Woe, porary the Star and Herald the desideratum of everybody viously frowned disdainfully also eradicate completely from instead of a Day of Joy and Gladness.
will soon come into fulfil in Panama. The feeling upon the jocundity of the wal uses of nauseous stimulating among us the unnecessary habilThe Republic of Panama became the dumping ground opinion that the removal of is so strong that any attempt time getting busy and sharp all sorts of frivolous pleasures.
ment. It is the concensus of against retention of the bridge whole population are this beverages dances. picnics and for the depopulated Zone districts seven years ago, and the bridge and the erecting of to widen instead of remove it ening their appetites for the We must realize we are too to day it is the asylum of the half starved families of full enjoyment of mirth and poor to be throwing away our thousands of hard working men and women who find it as impossible to make two ends meet as it is for tears to flow to forecast. It is rather a matter for the officials of the always good for the body them to educate ourselves and frivolity, a little of which is hard earned dimes as we have been doing before. We need from the eyes of the statue of Christopher Columbus on Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad to decide. They sake. Mr. McGinnis is as much our children. Remember the Roosevelt Avenue in Cristobal. The results of the 1913 blund should see that the determination to improve their condi an organizer of the Carnival other races have been usi er are now being aggravated by the continued starvation tions is general among West Indians at home and abroad. business as he is an or as a convenience. We have been wages paid out to the silver employees of the Canal Zone, The recent and present strikes in Barbados, Trinidad and ganizer and director of a pooling all our earnings in and the poverty and squalor in which many fanuilies live Jamaica are unmistakable indications that the people are beer factory. Dr. Carington, many of them rich. But the time.
are due directly to the sloth and reluctance of the authori dissatisfied with present economic conditions, and those the Chairman of the West In has come, when we must no ties, who have it in their power, if no where else, to relieve from the islands living in this country have not yet lost dian Carnival Committee and longer be conveniences. We so distressing and inhuman a situation.
their spirit of independence and manhood.
his co workers in the epicu must stop pooling our earnings When it is known that most, if not all, of the officials When the investigating committee appointed by the rean sin tin are turning over making them rich, uod make our their We must stop of the Panama Canal are members of the American Red Wage Board went around dipping their noses into the pots every block and tackle to seives rich.
Cross whose apology for existence is the alleviation of suf of the poor housekeepers of the Silver employers in Pana make the 1920 joke one long Ethiopia is stretching forth her fering and distress among the nations, it is a magnitudi ma and Colon a few weeks ago, it was felt that the indig to be remembered. Dr. Fyfe hands, and is calling upon her nous problem to solve how such manifest indifference and nity would be rewarded with a proper increase in wages; is hustling like blazes to get four hundred million children apathy can be exhibited towards a situation existing right and whether the Wage Board intends to grant the increase the dough and it is coming, that are scattered all over the in their eyes. Is it not a case of near the Church, but far or no is something that the people should know. If the too. The interest of all West to out stretch her hand beheer to enable from Faith? Is it not true that the highest philantrophy Chairman of the Brotherhood cannot give the information, Indians is invited in the na with Might and Power.
was manifested a few years ago when the Guatemala through the reticence of the Board of which he is a mombor, tional fiesta. The stress of earthquake stimulated their sympathies and liberalities, the people ought to have some other means of knowing the the irksome times can be re and join the Great Army of die Will you not answer the call, and did not some of then go off as messengers of comfori facis of a question which so vitally concerns their interests. lieved by a little jocundity, Universal Negro Improvement to the homeless and destitute in that country?
At the same timo it is hoped that, with his associates, therefore, pitch in and get Association and African Cou: jails, hospitals, orphanages, and asilas of Panama are over position to go before the organization with a more definite body else. The cricket match It seems as though somebody intends to wait till the the Chairman of the United Brotherhood will soon be in a your share of fun, like every munities Leag uu?
crowded before they hand down their decision to come to statement of improved conditions than the one they deliv which will be played to mor Missionary Meeting the aid of the suffering colored workers of the Canal, or ered a fow weeks ago when they invited the patience and row on tho Isthmian Park that a crisis is being invited which it will be difficult to good feeling of the members. The people have been told will be a hummer from start The monthly Miasi onary Mehandle even if the hottest methods of intimidation and the inat further data on which an increase is to be based was backing one or other of the sting of the Gaachapali Christ. men loudest terrorism be employed against the great organiza needed, and if this statement was true, the people have a tion of which Nicholas Carter is the Chairman and whose right to know what progress has been made in this direc teams and, so far, honors are ian Endeavour Seciety will be held responsibility for the actions and interests of the members tion.
easy. Most persons are wager on Wednesday ovoning January is so tremendously imperilled by the unnecessary temporizing of a body among whom poverty and hunger are unknown. thrown upon the Government of Panama whose institutions other say that Holder will On the whole, the stress of the economio stagnation is the top score for the day in mind that they are expected to ing that Drysdale will make 28th. at 80 (D. Members this organization will please bear Perhaps the chairman patience is getting dangerous are forced to give refuge and assistance to the hundreds of capture the most wickets, show their interest in same by ly near to dissipation, and if it does reach that state it impoverished and destitate people in this country. If the while Cain supporters are contributing to ile success, would be hard for him, or any of the people, to reinstate colored employees of the Zone were to receive the increase confident that he will get any kind of confidence in a condition that keeps the starv in wages they are asking for, they would be placed in a the honors of the leather. sionary Meeting there will be the As it will be the ing horse away from the growing grass. While Mr. Carter position to support their tam lies and dependents in a way Pick your favorite and back usual tour sponkers, and brother has not written in our columns, he has not been negligent that would reduce the sufferings and privations that obtain him to the last, and throw an with date and violin to reuder Brown and Williams will be there in delivering fiery addresses, nearly every night, from one in this country to a minimum. change in the atmosphere interest in the game that it some very lively selectlons end of the Isthmus to the other, in the meetings of the va is needed, or else there will be a congestion of interests never had before. There will brighten and Hous locals, and the inexplicable procrastination in the and ciroumstances that will equal, if not surpass, the chaos be a monster crowd to witness that this is the opporténity for cheer. Remember matter of increase in wages places him in a most embar which now exists in other civilized countries of the world. the game from all along the our young folk to tmprove them rassing position.
Nothing but a good and reasonable increase in wages will line and the boys have prom tually, and witors destrous of selves both socially and Intellec Just how the clouds will break is a problem of too satisty the people, therefore, the Wage Board should act ised to show the fans an ex spending a prolitable evening will great magnitude for the brainiest men of the Brotherhood wisely and quickly.
hibition of fine oricket. be cordially entertained.
using us their Mis

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