
Ky stated May. Lula We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assort.
land IR obtainable.
be who American Bazaar it thorough For Order: rett, Canal Zone Notes JELLICOE BRIEF Water Shortag.
VISIT TO JAMAICA Montego Bay, Nach attention is to the LA BOCA shortage of the water supply Admiral went to Parish From what can be gathered weting of the Silver City band Church to Look for the recent rainfall had no: was held at the band room, La BCR, on improved the catchment and Tablet to Brother the evening of the 20th This freeting the quantity of in the was for the purpose of electing new offi reservoirs has been lower than cers for the ensuing term which resulted Such a condition of things as follows: Mr. Squires, band GAVE DINNER ON BOARD tends to show. not only the leader and president; Eastmond, seriousness of the the situation, but vier presid at: Wright, secretary, also the necessity for prompt ac From the Gleaner of a recent tion. The correspondent and Millington, Treasurer.
further date we clip the following. learns that decisive The visit of Viscount Jellicoe, now being taken to cope with ecisive steps are GAMBOA the hero of the great Jutland tight what may be considered a tearful and Sir Rebert Borden, Prime state of stairs, and so the scheme Minister of Canada, came to to augment the supply of water Last Sunday evening relatives and end yesterday morning when the to the Brandon Hill reservoir from frju ode of Mr. and Mrs, G, Williams, battle cruiser New Zealand the Creek. ie ting carried Ketlered at their home to celebrate the weighed anchor at 45 and do with duehus. As was previous out christening of their baby daughter, Lula parted for Trinidad.
was christened in the mornDisappoietthont was expressed the stres could be atilised, car we Gleader, before, ing and returned to Gamboa by the train, arriving at 11. 45 The home on all sides that the visit of the taia preliminarice would have Admiral was so short, thus pre to be wat fittingly decorated and well stocked not the gone through venting us trom having the pri least an analysis of water. With table, adorned the center. Sacrell rango were sung, and may toasted Lula land long over, the Admiral vus pleased at will give his pronouncement wilogo of entertainlng him. How in few days Island Chemist life, bealth, ete. loe cream, cakes and the manner he was received by the matter. It favourable. the othes refreshments were served.
the citizens of Kingston, and work of connecting with the tova The members of the Veiversal Negre regretted himself that his stay reservoir will be taken in could not have been a little long immediately. It can be further Isuprovement Association and African Communities Lengue, meet last Suatay After Lord Jellicoe had called by the Water Supply Committee stated that the offort being made at the social club room and discussed on the Governor at King House of obtaining suitable appliances means and ways of getting charter ment is fresh and all sizes are along with Sir Robert Borden, he broad for offecting the oud is from the parent body, motored down to the Kingston view, may give way to the sugges Tho Municipal Engineering Division parish Church where he stopped tion of obtaining certain fixtures sbould connect the Panama Gambon to see a memorial tablet that was from local source. It is conAuto Road to the Chagres bridge at erected in memory ory of his brother dently believed that the situation least, it not for our convenience, for the died out here.
will improve gradually, but at benefit of the touri, ho by the scores Lord Jellicoe was anxious to present a determined efort is beare using it now. It is slap me to see see the tablet, but from what can ing made to meet any eventuality.
how these strangers hire to like it over be gathered he was informed that Tilroad tracks and traits to have a view there was no such tablet there as of the Chere from the bridge. It just far was known. Probably it is Ancient Accepted Scottish neede little operacirler of a mile of erected somewhere else, or was Rite Free Mason had. What way you Don Dan E: destroyed in the great earthquake Wright?
At any rate, any intormation con There is a cop here who can neither be welcome, regular communication was COLON PANAMA would, thor the proper per chan held at Tuscan Ladge No. 138.
read or write any known language and be carries folks quite often before the nel, be convoyed to the Admiral Free Mason, on Satur who, from his father association day, January 17th, 1920. u No.
Judge for breakink his laws.
sure, he does not even know the word Law with Jamaica, comes not as astrar. 99 Broadway. Colon. Rep. de Par if it was written over the lengthdbreadth por to us, but as one identified nama. After the regular businele of the Zone. He claim to have a pult From the Parish Church the initiated into the mysteries of with the Jues, but we mean to see the party motored back to the market the Ancient Ceroner or the head of the legal profesBio, aabe.
pier, where they boarded the at the close of this most solemn launch and returned to the New ceremony, the shower of congr The Cattle Industry pasture clearing Zealand at Port Royal.
tulations that were given to BroSENSE men are staying here now, some 100 dinner was given on board thers. William Preston Stoute: strong by Admiral Jelicoe, which, be and Geo. Leon Sidonne were re ceived, and the response made GATUN Here we so again with a birth night Paraiso Branch of Panama District Order present: Sir Robert Borden. Suitable, and well appreciated party this time, the residense of Mr.
of Drulds Commodore Dreyer, reply.
and Mrs. Richards. ww beatifully Hold The labours being ended, all Capt. CE Leg wages paid, the brethren repairC. E, ON: Flag Lieut.
Meeting of Gatun branch of decorated with various planta flowers the and palm bows on Monday night Meeting 10th inst. when they celebrated the the Panama Order The installation of otticers of love, DS. BN Lieut. Ja sampton banguet Hall, where Owen, N. Naval sumptuous repast awaited of the more overmont Ausociation Juhu ona Utring band readered appre Miss Vinton Davis Speaks Por lo ensuring terence to the per te Cooper, A: and the regular meeting of of old.
Friendly Society, to serve Agent; Capt. Warner, and African Commiunities Longues wah priotes mit for the tension, The 1080w, took place at the Druids Private Secretarz of Sir Robert Robot Chicken, Sandwiches Boiled Han held on Sunday, Jan. 18th. Commene little one received hearty congratula Never before in the history of Lodge Hall, 20th Street, Central, Borden.
Salmon Pritter ing at p. This meeting was primar tions from everyone prevent wishing him the little section of Paraiso was on Saturday, the 17th January Admiral Jelicoe expressed Fried Potatoes, meeting there was a large long life and obedience to his parents. there such a large gathering as himself as being very pleased Vegstablos Salades loe Cream.
the gentler sex and the The ceremony was performed with the reception he had been Plum and Pudding Cake quiet little wedding took place on that assembled on Friday night, Aerated Drinks Auditorium was packed. Many matters of interest teading towards ways and Wednesday evening, Jun, 21st, at Colon, the 16th inst, through the io by Brother Julius Harding. giveo, and at the smart turnout honour form the Champagne, Whiskey, and Beer.
West India Regiment Cigars, for the of are the at the economic conditions of the commu together, in the presence of a fair gather. Nexto Improvement Association officers installed.
African Communities Bro. William Hall, District Grand On Tuesday night The toast of the Order by Bre nity in particular, and the race in gen ing, are Mr Josiah Heath, operator of Master; the District Quarternaster jitney at given at South Camp Road Hotel Shepherd eral, were dealt with Church Lawrence Ramsay, De in honour of Viscount Jellicoe The toast of Tuscan Lodge No.
The Ladies Division was formed, its town, and Miss Ida Powell, both parties Oficers being Mrs. Mat Piddet tmiling from the Isla of Springs. Nu crowded to its utmost features puty District Grand Master; and the officers of New 128. by Bro. Anu richarda The toast of newly initiated by Archibald Headleyas isu Zealand. The Admiral expressed meruus wishes for long life and happiness capacity, and all ayailable standMrs. Henry Maycock, viceM. Millard Hier Past District Grand regret at not being able to attend, Dr.
At 30 people started to file president, and Mrs. Grant, Seere were tondered the happy couple by their ing room occupied.
Master; The but. toast of Grand Master by tary. Several addresses were delivered many friends around this vicinity.
into the church, and at 40 Mr. Jaines Roberts, with Lieut, Owen, came up after Walcott.
or tho Back to Africa Movement and To morrow (Sunday) Operators Wright called the meeting to Dist. Treas.
dinner on board and attended Were all well received, fully on race conciousness Mention must be will journey over to Colon where they order by singing From Green. Thomas Headley, the function. There was a very appreciated, and drank in Chan made of patriotic recitations from Mas will be crossing bata with the strong land Icy Mountains which was re elected; large turnout of millitary officers pagne.
ter Edmund Rayside and Miss Daisy Paintets Although the concert followed by prayer. He then in attending The toastmaster Bro. Wesley. The meeting was interesting will be still in their hends they are yot troduced Bro. Crooks as After the cereinony, the breth The band of the 1st West In Martin made suitable replies.
throughout, and the Gatun branch is holding they will defeat the Painters to Chairinan.
ren retired to the banquet ball dia Regiment was in attendance The singing of We all are jolly still trying to let an example that all show them what they received from At 42 came Miss Davis, Mr. and did justice to the good things and a most delightful evening good fellows brought a very should follow in its steps.
them some time ago will have to be Henry, and Mr. Morales, accom provided; during which many lo was spent. Indeed it was voted happy evening to a close, which All Roads will lead to the Loxlgo Hall placed on the black board for Operatora panica by Mr. and Mrs. Egal and patriotic toasts were a brilliant success by one and will be long remembered.
toʻmorrow Sunday, when the Negro Im this time; skipper Best along with the Waller, of the Paraiso Y, år. and submitted. The meeting came to aall, and reflects the highest brilliant bats and nonplayable bowling Mrs. C. Manning, of the Red close with the singing of the Na credit on the managing Director provement Association will stage conof the South Camp Road Hotel, Dr. OGILVIE cert which it is anticipated will be the streuth of Linton, Griffith, Lawrence and Tank clubhouse, and Mr. tional Anthem.
Mr. Henry Evelyn, who at such beet over pulled off at this district. It soveral others, ste sure of bringing the Knight, representative of Red Tank and Paraiso branch.
a short notice got up a function IS NOW LOCATED AT roer without saying that those whotu bacon home at 30 m.
that proved such a notable suc 157 Central Avenue, corner The chairman then introduced have us Chir Mosters and leaders of Remember to call for yone Advance Musical talent are spating no time to get Guides at the Post Office, and when oth Mr. Morales, who was the first clock said.
Next was the introduction of Streot.
the sweet voices of our Association; Ad: ure of the opportunity to be pre in her usual eloquent maaner dies and Gentlemen together, so dos lng for other mail say there is sa Ad speaker. He expressed his plea Miss Davis to the audience, who THE MUTUAL LIFE AND sent, and urged the race to join stirred the lieart of everyone. She HOURS: to 11. 30 a.
the Association BENEFIT SOCIETY.
and invest Carow, while on bis way home on the 10 30 large attendance: remember eloquent 30 to 30 pm.
the north eaches and everyone el be suited by a police ofioer in undrom said he only through co opera analise Cape Cock mone hereby reminded of the releases. com. entre el benedin hace de entrent andere a minha para os efeito Barcelones cortines corporation, for some high on reseader tal Sundays: to 11 an. the Marcus Garvey Members of this society the death of Appointments can be arranged Children 15ets. band music on Monday wbere he had to pay the there be any progress in the race. ceived wireleng announcing the Charles Morrisou, the timo Telephone 875.
will be coming over from the windy 85 dollars after gettieg ill treated from He said the time has come when alling of the Frederick Douglas for which payment termiasted dity, while Mr. and Mro. Marole tho hands of mid officer. Some stop God has raised a Moses, such as well as (Continued on Page 57 Baxophone will bring happiness and joy should be made to provent undrea Narous Garvey. He expressed his with a complete cargo and pas on 10th January. inst. All assessments are payable to. and urgedoneand all to Do the members and friende both from officer insulting anyone who is docently dotermination to organiza every help doat the Phylla Whortlov by De Sousa, Secretary Treader far and near Convert commence soon alad and returnig from benidow of Panamanian. He concluded his adFebruary, er, at the Ideal Pharmacy, Iron Dr. GONNELL after the 80 to reacbee this dress by speaking in Spanish.
importance Gate, Calidonia Cuatro, where which is in closing. Come one come all.
We are loming our bon me ne by one The next speaker was Dr. At the close of the addresses the office is now located.
SURGEON DENTIST Delightful Baptiom celebration took from the Commary: come and fired, Williams. Ho sạid it was not his Mrs. Waller presented to place at the residence of Mr. and Mro. some are blamed wrongfully for evealine intention to deliver an address, Miss Davis a lovely bouquet un WANTED and he found at 175 Crowther on Sunday evening last, and others are asking for tornofee to but when he thought of the move token of gratitude for ber ser uben Mt. Stanley Semantlebury, and other jobe; why is all this taking placement the good it is intended for vices to the race. Mr. Myera, working The public to know that Central Avenuo Mjer Roslin, Nisbet, celebrated the other books and shoulders for this and is doing it is more than and Nor Wright also moved first class pleasure of Miss. infant baby to to Opposite Station Veronn; Mr. Scantlebury who is woln Christiana and New Year to that what and speak without fear or doubt; which she responded to with DYEING, CLEANING AND they are receiving a happy New Year and urged tbat every mas and bow Henry gave Newsro around this vicinity, and known around PRESSING NOTICE the moving women should inrest in this new Knight and Crooks the picture films at the from their bone.
Colored Oubhouse sont out invitations Venture authority to collect fees for men is carefully and expeditiously bership at the to his co workers and friends of how British Consulate Notice The Chairman introduced Mr.
The Office of the Brotherhood and 57 where he reaides and it goce Henry to the audience, and At present there are over two is now situated on the second without ry as that a grand time whe among other things, he said that bundred members between Red floor of Building located at the enjoyed by every Anita Robinson, nister of Robert the meeting reminded him of Li Tank and Paraiso.
107 A, CENTRAL AVENUE, corner of 19 street and Central Cor. 16 Bt. Went, Panama Avenue. Holder oh for the evening Clarke, and Eustace Hall, both berty Hall, for the same spirit Great praise must be given to Call phone 218 Hours: p. to p.
must be congratulated for the excellent natives of Jamaica, are reques existed there is just what he met, way be performed bie tank, and the ted to call at the British Lege and he urged every one to get those two brothers for their ener GREEN and WILSON, HENLIN together, and do us what the new getlo move.
many friende for their kind attention tion at Panamk.
Goneral Becretary Green Peas ily ladies turn out of Ruard of and a dance was of League this The Executive president; of the Cust.
La fail, rain or no rain we are looking forest vante Guide there for monito.
of towa manfuly vote tor of Anglo American Tailoring


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