
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY, 24, 1920 Interesting News from the (Continued from page Martinique DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS Returns To His Old Stand LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN? Shoes rum, Grenada The Chemical Hall to POL colony to the Secondary year Pupil Teachers for first Now come Jamaica Vent course, was iest congratulations to Lady RUM INDUSTRY BRINGS The General Public and friends Knaggs with the sincerest wishes of Dr. Edwarls are asked to take MARTINIQUE PRĐ5of the season.
notice that he has removed from PERITY.
No. 114 Bolivar Street, to His Old THE HOME OF Stand. No. 182, Bolivar Street, National City Bank, St. Pierre, Martinique. Nov. 25 Opposite the Masonic Temple, Says an exchange. The manufac and is prepared to treat alldiseas: es, escially those of women ture and sale of rum brought un and chiliren, as he has spe The National City Bink of New usual prosperity to the little York is at present conducted by island of Martinique during the cialized in these subjects during Mr. Losby. with McMinn as war. Hidden away among the bis recent stay in New York.
assistant quantity of office West Indies this little French fittihrill) has been land. so small ed from New York, but will not that it is found with difficults on High and Low Cut FOR SALE.
be removed from the wharf, or most maps of the world, sent its opened up, until it has been de sons overseas to fight for the finitely decided whether the Bank motherhood while the folks at in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet can operate on egnal terms with home prospered bs raising sugar, Must be sold at once onė others now at work bere. coffee, cocoa and manufacturing the Pocket of All Cornish Organ in very good condition. Call at House 18, Strike of Cocoa Porters This took place, during a 28th November Street Sanperiod when prohibition was Miguel. upstairs) or weite sweeping over America.
Not only did the exports of the MULLER to. R, Box 1032. AnCONSTABULARY SQUAD PROMPTbeverage increase from approxi con, LY ON THE SCENE mately 4, 090, 900 gallons in 1913 to 5, 862, 500 gallons in 1917, a gain Sole Agent of more than 40 per cent, but the The Port of Spain Gazelle of Jan value of the exports increased 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 4th says: from approximately 385, 000 in PANAMA Yesterday morning when the 1913 to 59, 932, 000 in 1917, a guin cocoa store of Messrs. of about 315 per ceąt.
News and Topics.
Alston Co. was opened by Mr. Alexis, about 15 o clock, and Exports of sugar, however, the porters, as customary, were decreased from 39, 099 tons in Under the above caption the asked to come on and tackle 1918 to 20, 478 tons in 1917. The Stop Emigration following appears in the West Indian of late date: do so before o clock, as they creased during the same period to, they positively declined to production of sugar cane was in to Cuba The recent success of the Gren or some of them stated the stores but the islanders found it more ada Scholar adds another chapter are now only from a profitable to use the product in to the good work being done at 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA the St. George Wesleyan to p. Parlaying was seem the manufacture of rum than tu By Making Partners of the useless they were out for export it. From 1914 to 1917 im. Children School. The following for 1919 a strike and wanted it, it, that all. ports of molasses used in the The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment prove that, although Later they condescended to make manufacture of rum, increased, this school can handica higher record than any from 1, 837 to 8, 475 tons.
and Prompt Attention. late issue of the Jamaica boast a a proposal to Mr.
they were against the the Timer contain the following arother primary school in the from 30 a. in.
ticle, from the pen of Mr.
Give us an early call and inspect our stock of that save for over time, there was am to 4pin besos Schleifer, Agricultural Instruct It was first in the Island for nothing doing. As they appear At the last Municipal elections for :Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent MediExhibition Scholarship for boys ed to be getting somewhat excit in Martinique. among others All over the Island the comSchool; tirst in ed. Constabulury Headquarters Victor Severe was again re elect plaint is, all the strong young cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
the island for Exhibition Scholar ship for was informed of the matter and, ed Mayor of Fort de France, and men are going off to Cuba and girls to the Secondary at once, tet mer under Sergeant Mr Lagrossilliere Mayor of St. the parents are being left alone School; tirst in the island for Williams was despatched to the Marie.
with none to help in cultivating, We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction exarinascene.
but Lappily, there was Recently a father went the length.
tion. comes the successes hof of suggesting that the Governnothing to do, and a couple of who has won the Island Phone 939 ment should take steps to pramost of the men were Box 829, Ancon Sabip to an English Uni.
withdrawn. From what we have this emigration of versity and Cromwell who has in have been informed, the position is, as BROWN MCALMON the Government is made respon. come third in order of inerit. Be.
to the epidemic to sible for all the evils that befall Proprietors.
tween 180 and 1919 this school of Strikitis, the porters received us, Not many days ago argued has secured 29 exhibition scholar 00 per day for hours workat length with a father trying to ships, Jumor, and Preliminary a. to pm. one hour for persuade him to make a Cambridge Certiticates.
breakfast. As the result of the Labour Shortage in of his only child so as to prevent recent disturbances the pay.
It is rumoured that in order increased by 25 per cent, for St. Thomas.
more land than he can till him.
to meet the deficit in revenue from a. m, to sell, and sgggested he should p. as which will be so much greater give the lad at once a few acres hitherto. Since the than was anticipated at first, an or even one acre on which be the Dry Goods Clerks to have additional Export Duty will be it was decided Writing from Cuba, Mr. could plant permanent crops. in spite of the many inconve. Dalton refers to a paragraph levied by the Government.
He obstinately refused. His niences so far as a cocoa store is which appears in the Jairaica father had given him none and. November 22nd, the boy must buy his own; bow.
The Obarrio Building Shipping and pm. with one where a complaint is given by ever, after he died the boy could No. Calidonia Road Trading Company seen to be in hour for the resident St Thomas of la have all.
This young man was creasing their mercantile fleet. In Trinidad news has been received bee, therefore, nday meal. The now receive LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR bour shortage there, Mr. Dal to remain at home as a slave, for decljre to do is to Work afteyton says. Any thinking person for his father without any pay, that the Arkala of the Trifort bours work, but what that he was practically, working WATCH REPAIRING nidad Line of steamers sailed from Glasgow for that port on whether her the store opens at dreds leaving Jamaica weekly for Is it any wonderfthat many such the 30th October. In that case o clock or after. Surely, there Cuba, and other Republics. It is fall into temptation and become WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE she ought to be in West Indian must be some intelligent men not for the beauty of Cuba, and thieves. Is it any the their glo waters by this date.
prevent the odious opinion from rious entertainments, that 95 now going to ne man is leaving Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
going abroad that they really do of the people leave Jamaica. At covetous father behind, who, The Germans who were internnot know what they want and for getting in Cuolies, if that is like the dog inthe manger, has ed in Trinidad during the war, that their only desire is to be on done, shortly the majority of the what he cannot use up but reS. CAMPBELL 61 strong, left on Sunday the 16th people in this Island will be East fuses his son a portion?
last. lo order to avoid a demonIndians, as they will be coming The The days of slavery are Watchmaker and Jewoller stration by the people, they were in, and natives going out. Why gone and this is an age of enlight Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door conveyed secretly from St. James Because the coolie is satisfied enment and progress. The father to Cocorite jetty from where they fccbarked.
the civilized Jamaican, who has ing his son better man than THE Dry Goods Stores of TriNew Building for Sailors dren, for a suitable bome, church father. The father who does his to think of schooling for his chil. bimselt should never have been nidud, in Frederick Street and Home.
fees, and putting by a little for duty by his son and helps him in Marine Square; have decided that the doctor and old age. Would bis day of need will be the lather from January 1320, they will open not rather work at home, having of a son who will stand by him at a instead of a. and It is gratifying to be able to re my family by me, than be here, in old and in his possible close as usual at need.
home days of 11 this can be done in big Trinip.
that is being made with respect I, and 90 of Jamaicans in Cub. the cultivator the inducewhat Grenada: The to the Salvation Army Scheme would prefer to work in Jamaica ments are greater to day then TIRES, TUBES, LAMPS, BELLS, managers of erick ne prominent Predfor their new Sailor Home to be could we obtain 50 of the waye ever. Prices are good, and there conducted at the recently acquir. paid to us here. In The Jamaica is much money in the soil it only very little business is done bes ed premises at the corner of Ea. Times noticed a writer who re we dig cerefully for it.
and Repair parts ore l eloon. 16 a. o. will not ward and Sackville. Streets, marked that Cuba must huve got Helpers are wanted. Labourers put out Tricidad. 30 cannot put Through the generosity of the a magnet for men. Cannot that from outside are few. Then keup ont Grenado. Clerks and clerksses puble town as worthy cane, wagnet exist in Jamaica. Does the children on on the farm.
NOW IN STOCK the 2, was voeg suo anyone need an addition to tell Wood would never have. un oti the mornings. As one of them scribed, leaving a balance of 550 what it is. But for the Me Jamaicans ses he had Reasonable Prices.
it You wake, you bath which is now needed. His Excel the sugar manufacturers and home as leveu the Governor has expressed planters would not bave been able and before your cup of cocon is is given fair is play on to Major Bennett, on behalf of to enlarge and build new factories will remain on the iarn. What is Meeste Madley Lade tha Lady Unstacelor aund himself, and plantations. Jamaicans are this fair play? Agenuine partner WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO.
Co. move and all the others agreed, their pleasure to formerly open known to be atuong the best ship. Not a one sided affair. Not The will make the move in Grethe new institution. His Excel. workers. Why should they not a big share in the labour and little bada? Even owners of rom. hong lency is keenly interested in the be paid at home for their labour. or no share in the fruits. Your Cor. Streetland Ancon Ave.
in Trinidad are considering opeu.
Army good work, and desires The gentleman in St. Thomas neighbour son is being helped by ing at a.
to give it all possible encourage stated that some of the labourers his father to get a footing in the PONE 85 BOX 1915. ANOON, ment and support. Major Ben demanded 6s, per day, but unless world. Your son must not be left of nett neknowledges the following some similar wage is paid, the Ja. behind. And what the THE EX KAISER TO BE girls; further subscriptions received maican will not be able to live shall they be forced out to seek a TRIED IN LONDON.
His Escellency the Governor better than the Coolie, who takes living away from home Most of the Hon. Bushe his wite and children into the them can likewise be in 2017 taken into Lessons Given direet West India cable from the Hon. field to work all day, and at night partnership.
Let the girl feel NOTICE. Tandon states that the Gorern.
View Streery 03. sleep on the property shanty. To there is a place in the nome wh meut expects the trial of ex Em100; Esq. 8x4d; das the cost of living is not less she earn peroe William of Germany, to Il Potter Esq. 10. bu: than 1800 more nman whale sau in care trebher living and few on the Clarinet, the leading and Band Instrument. Band or Want to know the present ad begin in London, early in the Os. 10d; Sir Lace Sinith, was a few years ago IC a suitable Os. 10d; Major Rust and waste were paid all through the curely when the sensible bard Orchestra furnished for all dress or whereabouts of James New Year, and is completing kinds of engagements. Spooner a Barbadian, and meecesary arrangements, says by and by, will Colburrowes a 631, 2017 in Island, more than two thirds toe will be used to the emer wants at. which spector One Sllo 13.
2d; the floo. people will bear would 106 and dau der alting we NEILSON makers by trade.
Soon at the Allies have ratified LI Mos A, 10s. steal. Is it because the products girls in sympathy with his works. FISHER ACE Treit, unit. res Clarinetist Republican Band.
Stem the side of emigration to. 23, Scoalaioa are less valued in!
Yuca cor the surrender of the Phone 1058 Salvation Army Headquarters foreign markets that the wage Cuba by taking your children lc Ancon Prov. Chirique, David, erstwhile Emperor will be pres 500.
there must be smalle to partnership 17 St. West, House 37, Panama of lented to Holland.
The Calidonia Jewelry Store hours day, it was rinidad and close at 4:30pen mat 7:30 a. Times 51. 25 bours dark days makThe Salvation Army BICYCLE sharp: 41 Tom only as as happy a Searne as the other on the farm puts it The lad 10. bs.
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