
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1920 PAGE SEVEN Men and Boys Wanted Crew of Three Blown to Sea JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and SHOES for to prepare themselvas to fill important positions in the BLACK STAR LINE, Ine, and other Neary enterprises in which education and ability are essential ROBERT LINDSAY, Residence No. Calle Domingo Diaz Apartment Upstairs Box No. 1044, Ancon, holder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, is willing for moder, teensideration to assist anyone who may be desirous of taking an Elvments or High School Course.
Sujets taught. Arithmetie, Algebra. Practical and Theoretical Grotetty, Elements of French and Latin, English including Grammar and Composite Business forms, letters, ele. other subjects taught as demand about to sink Young Men, Boys anci Girls MODERATE PRICES Come and have a look at the assortinent.
my Keurs. 00 to 10. 00 Call or write.
stalo EDUARDO VALENCIA Santa Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole PHILIPS Tailoring Establishment The steamship Lake Lesa arrived at the Canal on January 9, on her way from Philadelphia to Iquique and discharged Balboa the master and crew of two of the auxilary yacht Rosina, whom she had picked up at sen in lati tude 33 50 North, and longitude 75º 18 West, about 200 miles off Cape Fear alter the Rosina had been drifting nearly four days without a rudder and was sink.
The Rosina is an auxilary schooner yacht, 29 gross tons, 51 feet in length by 17. feet beam and feet depth. She was filing rapidly at the time the crew was rescued by the Lake Lesa ands she was darrers to navigate, was de serted. The ware being returned to the Unite ty the Shipping Commissioner as the Chaal.
Capt. John Crapo, the master, som marized their experiences concisely. We were on our way, he said. from New York to Miami, Florida, with the Rasina under charter, We were going to hire her out to the rich people, who go to Florida, for the winur as a pleasure yacht When we were about 24 hours out of Buford, North Carolina, a stiff breeze springs up and way goes the rudder. We began to bounce around with no way to steer.
She loosened up and began to leak and we had to pump her all the time to keep ver afloat. There were just three of us us a one legged man and we hnd our hands full trying to keep her WP d take a shift pumping an hone ad lay off two hours the other men he same wap. We had plenty of water and food, but very poor facilities for cooking. The roof of the gallery baked and water kept slopping down the stoveThe only way we could cook anyhing was with a gasoline torch like the a pot or frying.
Piin one one hand and turning the torch on it with the other The rea was prelty rough breaking over the Rosina all the time On December 31, New Year Eve, wesighted a steamer of the hprison. She saw our distress sign als we had the flag upside down and looked like she was about to go down came over and got us. The Rosina. aby minute and they didn try to low her because it would have meant keeps her beci ing man aboard her all the time.
We were mighty glad to see that steam er beenuse the way we were drifting, if we had gone over another night we would have been elear out of the late and God knows when we would have seen another boat. Canal Record Tecender. The Battleshin Mon, and so well did they handle the refuse to receive the best value for his one of battleship son out to hit vigorously and ceeded in put. Do you feel tired, worn out and devarious Numbers uso use, holding tooth kept about dark, we Notice Aril.
Organizer Carter begs to stite that the gold buttons of the Brotherhood have arrived and can be had at his office in 20th Street Central Avenue. As there is only a limited supply at present, please secure yours at an early date at the regular price.
Guarantees Satisfaction in the cutting and manipulation of British Battleship viously given to Gaming CO II. Kil. GREAT VALUE VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE lingleck, the visiting skipper, called the Temerarire. Cointreelly and sent in bi opponents AT LITTLE COST bat Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats The bowling of the visitors was en On Cruise to West Indies trusted to skipper Killinghack and Is there anyone who would knowingly ASPECIALTY Te, Captid Don Fell for 32 runs. At this stage Myers DeWitt Pills with other remedies are ut all, that wickets of the home team LADIES SKIRTS COATS cam money spent? Those who substitute CMCls. com the home skipper, and G. Brait not only rejecting the best value for Gibraltar to Tr nuriwhich will 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE e first put durius cruise in the waite got together and began to treat their money but are actually ting de bowling as they liked. Myers begon against their own health. Indies, extending to March next.
Box 963, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
1101 rets of time Royal Naval Cilek. Dart time Killingbeck, twice in succession to pressed? Do you suffer fron nervous at the boundary for Braithwaite was quite disorders, dizziness, headache. who sre undergoing training for the up to form treating the bowling with sideache, and all kinds of pains, ir profession punty, tvigation, NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET aches and discomforts in s, evdation, Iwating the hun wont courtesy and succeeded in putting Burritt also kept forms other parts of the body, such and one things which go to form up 27 ruus not out, Have you irritactive list of life of the officers of our the tail end wagging splendidly intermedier, el le of defener the sure bield of the fact that he has been so long vui the bladder, burning senof practice.
that turded us in the late war saiion, weals and lame baek.
The Temerarre will remain at Trinidad ч The one team werell ott for 85 irregularity of urine, with bad The vi itors the went to bar but color, sediments, etc. the 5th January text, when she will runs.
Itefir Grenada, where she will remain only to keep up a la proveo and from the pavilion Any of these imponiste generally Cornier days, leaving on the 12h for hire and Weither bead prowed to much Nuts Will the ti to Runs Bladder trou Vincent, where she is due on the same with the ball; by putting out the Gate แม. is and will remain for three daye Leav Noah eleven for a paltry 19 runs.
DEWITT PILLS, the UNIVERPS Vincent on the 15th she is time SAL PROOF CURE, will it fail to strive at Barbadoes on the same dute but he could not get support from even of the Health, Killinglueck tried his best to stick it Start in today Jus: and will remain there till the 29th when but Ale will break au chor for Doininica. Due one other member of his team, the Strength, Happiness and Long all the latter island the same day, the run getting effort. The visitors went Life at such small cash value Twieratire will leave there on the 2nd and this time the home We back to to the bat in their second effort, Sold in two sizes at all first class drug Tehrusty for St. Kitts, where she will skipper entrust in from the 2nd 10 the 6th, leaving ed the bowling to Wiltshire and stores. Beware of immitations some on the last named date for Jamaica, Archer.
Again there was a collapse de dors are handing out. WITT Co. Bottle with where her stay will be from the oth to under the trundling of the Red Tank Blue seal. City Pharmacy printed on the 21st. Leaving Jamaica on the 21st, bowlers, they secured wickets fr 15 wrappers she will arrive at Bermuda on the 26th runs, when the visiting cap nin decided THE CITY PHARMACY; 130 Ceuand remain thire tif the 11th March, that he would abandon the game, there tral Avenue, Panama where she will take her departure for being no hope of anything save an inExclusive Agents on the Republic and ping her hozne port on the 12th a happy luncheon interval and speech Portsmouth via Arosa Bay and Gibraltar lorious defent for Gambwa alter ca la zive making the visiting team left by the The Corset of the Century. 20 train.
workings, lectures, etc.
Quite a large crowd witnessed the Not to be outdone, the social advanSOLD AT PANAMA BY La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, Breeding of Yellow Fever nateh, which was played in the inosttage was brought up and the meincordial and sportsmanlike spirit. It is bers retired from the Court room to lingCentral Avenue.
Mosquitoes in Canal understood that Red Tank sportsmen er around the banquet board to take adSOLD AT COLON BY Zone Quarters. will be meeting the Chorrillo champions vantage of it. It was not until the wee in the near future; when it is hoped that hours of the morning that the brethren Lam Hing Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long departed to their respective homes, after Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
The Chief Health Officer autho a true sporting game will be played.
satisfying themselves that a good time LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents rizes the following: had been spent.
Yellow fover was stamped out of Old Veteran in the Forestic HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE nama olely by efforts directed against 134 140 Bolivar Street the one mosquito that conveys that World Leaves the Isthmus ADVERTISE 62 Central Ave.
Colon, R, disease, Aedes calopus also called ste Panama, R, gomyia or Aedes argenteus, which al IN THE WORKMAN Box 152. Pazne 90 Box 585, Ancon, most invariably breeds in or very near On Tuesday nfternoon, January 13th, Phone 895, human habitations, in artificial contain the members of Court Paradise were ap IT PAYS ers provided by man. While the of ALLMAN o chances praised of the fact that their founder and the Zone are few, and daily become Cotina, who had cancelled his sailings so mure remote, there is still a posibility many different times, had at least suc LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR of the introduction of the disease from ceeded in purchasing a ticket for his infected ports of neighboring countries, Island home (Jamaica. where he in Between 10th and 11th Sts. the fight upon the disease carrying tends to spend the remainder of his life Bottle Alley. Colon, for Infants squito is still prosecuted with unremit. At the opening of the Court that even The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, ting are.
ing for its regular by monthly meeting des colopus have recently been the fact was brought more vividly to MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly found breeding in a flower vase on the the members winds, and the regular cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY parlor table of a girls bachelor quarters business was suspended and the meeting from which complaints of mosquitoes took the form of a farewell reception in Latest English and American Fashions Real Hygienic Feeder re received. They were also found in honor of the brother.
Complete 90c, silver a flower vase on a restaurant table. There were a goodly number of the Also Cleaning Pressing complaint of mosquitoes in quarters Past Chief Rangers of the Court in atusuwly means one of two thing. defeeta tendance, including Bro. Michnel Alex. Your Patronage Solicited ive screening or breeding within the ander, Pat Chief Ranger of Court Land Prices Moderate house in Aswer pots or other neglected To 8148, who had upon short notice FOUNDED IN 1881 availed himself of the opportunity of The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
From the time the egg is laid until an saying a farewell word to his good MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY adult mosquito emerges over a week friend and brother.
MANUEL ESPINOSA must flapse, and if a housekeeper will Brother Robert Stewart, Past SubCentral Avenue, 33 see that every water container is emp Chief Ranger of Court Star No. 7878 of NEED Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
tied and rinsed at least once a week she Grenada, and Bro. Simons of Court with certainty prevent mosquito Mizpah No. 9198, were also in attend SA WATCH breeding in them. Even though there ance. Various speeches were delivered, be no yellow fever to carry, the Aedes and nearly every member occupied the calopus is a persistent, annoying bitter flooc in paying respects to one of the after nightfall and its presence in the best workers of the Court houre means disturbed slumber and lack An addrees and purse, during the We Always have in Hand a Comof rest, especially for children course of the meeting, was delivered the plete line at Reliable Low Prices brother in which summary of career No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama.
Red Tank vs. Gamboa ing his work is that connection from the Give Us a Call Before Going Elseinception of the Court until that night. where. You are sure to be on Time The Shop of Personal Service The long looked for return cricket match that ponse thereto, the brother stated if Your WATCH was Repairad by US that he felt entirely moved at the feelbetween Red Tank and Gambos camo ings expressed by the brethren Rathered Remember We Make Wedoff on New Year day, on the grounds and save each member an outline of of the Red Tank The day was the manner he desires them to carry on ding Rings and Other To develop a personal Mode for eleur and bright and thus made it ideal their particular duties of the Court; ko for cricket. The Gambon had to showed aneh one their failings, ote, and Jewelry to Order play with one substitute, yet they felt instructed them in the way they should FULLE Is the MANC. You Want to 3800 that they were going to infint conduct their business, and conduet our establishment.
defent on the Red Tankers. The home themselves in the Court. He also pivo 122 CENTRAL AVENUE ANN THOMAS, Proprietress, team, however, were determined to re some good inetructions to the Past Chiet Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 930 pout the whipping which they had pro Ranger, John Bonu, to the secret Wm. Lawrence Tailor and Outfitter Dealer in School Books, and Stationery.
Eclipse Feeding Bottle No. 11 Street, Panama chains from Central Ave. Address: Box 895, Ancon, C, WILKINSON CONTRACTOR BUILDER Central Drug Store First Class Workmanship Plans and Specifications Free water containers, 15th Street West House 90 Box 411, Panama, enn The Woman Exchange his Return Cricket Match. Marion Court Paradiso una given, ovalios Watches and Jewelry In 10 DRESSMAKERS TAKE NOTICE.
It is required that all persons leaving the Isthmus should have their eyes in good condition, and free from Traeoma and all other objectionable anomalies.
To avoid all troubles, worries, and being turned down, call and have your eyes thoroughly examined at the office of DR. BUCHANAN, Eyesight Specialist, offico: 182 Bollvar Street, COLON, of INBONT OP MARONIE TEMPLE JUILLA)
each Patron is the special function of confident


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