p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1920 The Purple Mask The great Universal serial The Purple Mask Nobody Wife batting The Purple Mask sisted Therece operation of the members.
mem were poltry asked to be etince more so also together fielding of 2304 on the wbole was house.
matters of Cricket.
BROTHERHOOD NEWS PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Jamaica Defsatz Gatun PANAMA COLON Happenings of the Various Locals SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 The Gatun journeyed all thr STARTING MONDAY Panama Canal Lodge No.(Hall, commencing at pm. with way over the lines last Sunday to be 4th, 5th and 6th Episodes Brother Cox President, pre2507 ignominiously defeated by the Jamaie siding. Most of the officers were on the Isthmian Park by 72 runs at their stations, and a gond and three wickets. Cain, the skipper regular meeting of Progres, many of the members turned of the Janaies won the toss and sive Lodge No. 2507 was called out. Business was discussed in decided to bat on a wieket that was SUNDAY, JAN, 25th to order on Saturday night Jan. the usual way and a nice and perfeet, but well did Gatun open 17, large gathering of the pleasant meeting was held, and their attack that the first seven wickets members were present, and lots we are asking our brothers not MI for the small total of 30 runs. FEATURING. of business was transacted gov. disheartened and to stiek Everybody thought at this that Jamaica erning the welfare of the Lodge by their Lodge. in for another flagging, but at this FEATURING Grace Cunard and Francis Ford and four Links were added to stage Walker joined Drysdale whº was the in exhaustible chain of the KING very cautiously, and so well did Louise Lovely 15. Episodes. 15 Brotherhood. The Initiation Journal Agent the two of them play, that when Cain ceremony was ably conducted declared his innings closed, Jamaick Continuing next week Episodes a Night by Joshua Scott President as: Mariners Local No. 252.
had scored 116 for the same seyen by the officers and hear wicket Drysdale and Walker bringing and continuing Two Episodes Each ty There was a very interesting shoir bats out for a well played 46 and 43 night until finished present meeting held on January 22nd.
not out respectively. Lindo was other bers of the various Locals; all The meeting came to order at deuble figure score with 11 to bis credit. DELSOKOSO corec sks esixsske sisse the boys were in good spirits, 35 lot of new business Gatun replied with a Bourne and had a very pleasant meeting came to hand which was dealt being the only double figure scorer with the boys are also requested to with in a correct form, at this 10 to his credit. Bowling for Jamaica WEDDING BELLS. Death of Frank Enniss. Meeting To night put their shoulders to the wheel Hungue interest was Csin got wickets for 12 runs, Lindo and keep up the good work they shown by the officers of this for 17 and Van Horn for 17. pretty little wedding was Recent news to hand from the have started.
local although the attendance of celebrated on Sunday, January United States to friends here on The National Progress Lodge WALTER RYCE.
the members was very poor 18th, at p. at the St. s the lath was announce the death No. 10, of and of Journal Agent.
are Pedro Miguel Wins From Church, La Boca, on the sea. The of Frank Enniss in Michigan, on will meet on Tuesday night, the to the meetings as ou Standard. Rev. Mulcare, pastor off. January 1, 1920. Presumably of 27th inst, for the purpose of learn a great. nomination Last Sunday the Pedro Miguel were Mr.
Clarence Adolphus ciating. The contracting parties Pnuemonia.
or Frank as he was elections of officers for the end Lily of the Isthmus Local deal more. Payink your devenit not all, your attendance is defeated the Standard nerendam car renewas them was suing term af groves Hati No. 2508 Butcher, son of the late Thomas more needed, we are yet small, but discouraging came leci kete botigues Reid Butcher of Hastings, Bar of us, was one of the regular old Babelio and glad to say we are getting strong wicket that was exceedingly apod. bados, and Miss Zaida Eugenia, timers. He served as tiine keeper sharp, members and visitors are the toss and decided to on a Meeting begins at o clock Let us as brothers kеер Ow second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. at at Bas Obi Obispo and Gambon for ne as we all know that we are log to the poor put up a total of 124 runs, seldor Robert Gittens of Britisb quite a number of years. He asked to be on time.
of Standard, Thoy regular meeting of the above travelling on a very rough pathhas Guiana later attached to the tiine office was Lodge under the presidency of way, but hope some day to be club been seen toffeld worse than ELLEN FINN, Standard did Inst Sunday. Their only attired in a dress of white char last place of employment here on The bride who was handsomely at Balboa Heights as clerk. His Bro. A. Bridge was held on the gliding on a smooth one which it Daughter of Record. 16th inst. at the usual place com is hoped is near at hand destre seemed to give Miguel the inatch mencing at BARNARD It is true they played without the ser meusese trimmed with silver lace the Isthmus. was in the office of fecand pearls, came up the aisle the manager of the Cristobal Bro Spence President of No.
2500 Bro. Buckley Journal Avent National Progress Lodge President of No. veeted him from bowling, but the while the organ and choir pealed for Cuba, froin Cuba he went were on the team work on dis forth the hymn. The Voice that across to Florida, and from there to Meet platform as visitors to their numerous fans appointing to their Howard Severs Lodge No.
Sid as was opened with the singing of 2515.
Areber was dropped font times, and be bandes per Eden. She was to Michigan where he cashed in four little flower his last check. He was a genial eventually brought out his bot for 56. 58. girls who carried in their hands fellow, and one of the most popu: 2789, LO. will meet the Chaplain, and the house setHaynes got 14, Bonus 12 and Morgan while lar young men who ever set foot to night, the 24th inst. at Court tled down to business.
The Star in the East Lodge No the opening ode and prayer by 11. For Standard Crichlow made 26, three others held her train.
on the Isthmian soil. His mother, Land, San Miguel, for the pur. meeting of the above named McCarroll 16, Forude 14 not out and Burton 12. All Standard was out for the ceremony in his usual im in Costa Rica and to these we Pose of confering degrees, and portions of the agenda being gone 19th inst. There was a large The Rev. Mulcare conducted sister and other relatives reside The roll call of officers and other Lodge was held in the Eureka Lodge Hall on Monday nigh: the 96, thus losing the game by 28.
pressive manner.
The Bride beg, to tender our sincerest coninitiation, maids were the Misses Glurice dolence.
Meeting begins at 30 sharp.
through the formation of a comattendance of members to drafting of our Sampson, Games for To morrow Jatnes. members and visitors are asked mittee for the Mowatt to be on time.
and Parks. The bride sister, Byelaws was taken up and tive clock sharp the President the Pedr, Miguel vs. Red Tank at Pa Miss Clarice Gittens, acted as Court Land Instals Officers 5) members were appointed for to order in his that important work.
usual manner the routine of GRAHAM Chief, while Mr. Fiiz Piggott of The good and welfare of the business was then taken up and Britannic vs. La Boon at Standard, La Boca acted as Best man.
Corresponding Sec y. Lodge was then taken up dorintes factorily settled, two candidates importance satisfacOval, The me Ruests were The installation of officers of 13. Headley, mest. Box Court Land 8148 came od which many important points were argued on. The meeting ter were obligated. Brother Spence of the Allen Star Match in Aid of West Indian Mr. Woodroffe Mr. Ramsey end Saturday, 10th inst, at their were invited to the banquet room minated at 12 midnight.
Carnival. Gittens (mother of Lodge room, San.
The meeting was ia every sense Lodge paid a long visit and gave bride) Mrs. Cain. Mrs. Hus ceremony was ably performed by awaiting them.
of the word an enthusiastic one is views on different subjects Bio. Simpson, as.
Mr. Holder XI will play against bands, M18. Brooms, Mr. and sisted by Bro. Lewis, Pc provided, addresses were made ties of propagandists each memitzation was also present Cain XI, and an excellent game Mrs. Cox and Mr. Nigh. in the presence of the other and toasts given After doing justice to the things and despite the renewed activi: Bro. Moralis the live wire of the lespected as the very best cricket ungue.
ber present left the meeting with and was called upon by the Presi in Panama is enlisted. All West After the ceremony, the party bors.
Indians should see this game which will returned to the Druids Grove, This pleasant function was a set determination to stick to dent for an address which was The installewing officers were brought to a close with the sing the Brotherhood throughout the delivered in an eloquent manner, be played at the Isthmian Park; Mr. 20th Street and Central Avenue, installed to serve the Janing of the Doxology in the wee storm and as one brother said to President then thanked the visi:and by y hours of the morning.
hold on even with his teeth. Alleyne, Harding, Phillips, Jer of the evening was spent. Jarvis, Hinds, R; Stick to it, brothers, and with ing brothers for their addresses Thomas, Burton, Ionise, Sar. The presents were costly and Mead, Treas. Alleyne, might and main, work whole after which the meeting was jeant, Walker and Barrow. Mr. numerous.
Sacty. Alleyne, ADVERTISE IN heartedly for its progress and be brought to a close at Cain XI: Charles, Drysdale, Barbados, Trinidad and Demerara Holmes, At the conclusion The Workman ains.
fore long we shall achieve our on the first Monday in next Barnett, John, McCarrol, Papers please copy Our next ineeting night will he month all members are requestHector, Pitterson, Williams, of the ceremony the brethren! GIBSON Edgebill, Garvey and Lindo.
ed to be present please bear in Journal Agent.
Lily of the Isthmus Lodge mind, those who have not yet paid their quarterly dues must No. 471 Cocktail Route to remember that they are untinanPerfection Lodge No. 2522cial until their quarterly dues The installation of officers for are paid.
the ensuing term of the above Quite a pleasant afternoon was WILSON named Lodge took place on Janspent at the Red Cross Hall on Journal Agent.
uary 21 1920. The officers in Sunday 11th, inst. The occasion The London Times of Dec. stalled are as follows Bros. being that of unveiling the Chart ember 15th publishes the follow. Cadogan Moore Red Brebner, er and installation of ofticers of Liberty Lodge No. 2512 ing from its New York corres. Dams. Cozier, above named Local. The Chart pondent, er was unveiled by Sis.
RED TANK CANAL ZONE. very interesting proNew York, Dec. 18 The Cock Paris. 6S. Comitetas Ford, tail Route to Cuba is in effect Trea. Graliam, Sec.
gramme was got up for the oc big meeting will be held it casion.
our New Lodge Hall at Paraiso the description which is coming The installation ceremony was FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Delegates to be applied to the journey to from the various on Monday January 26th, at 30masterly that island from the United Maynard, Installing Mas.
by Bros.
perforine cals graced the occasion with all members are asked to ale their presence, thus making the tend, and bring their quarterly States by thristy business men ter; Assistant Instalevening one of enjoy ment. Mr. dues. Now is the time we need and others with a few days to Master; Barrow, Pilling MEXICO Harris in his usual lucid you to keep the ball a robing, common task. Cuba, of course, Buyce, Eyan, Johnson.
spare Prescot, Beckles, manner defined the meaning of Dont get cold fcoted. but stand will leave CRISTOBAL A. and BALBOA at Noon, MONDAY, the word Perfection and at the by your posts. Don get discour is wet.
After the ceremony the of 28th JANUARY, 1930, for conclusion of his address was aged but persevere to the end, as The State Department is the cers received a hearty welcome very much applauded. patience wins. We are right authority for the announcement from all present. They then Peru and Chile. NEWTON now in the middle of the tight and if we falter by the way. We will that 86, 000 Americans have ap retired to the banquet ruolo Jonrnal Agent, surely be on the failing end.
plied for passports to enable where they were heartily accom We them to spend the whole or mudated. ORTEGA have at present a fairly large part of the winter season in Eureka Lodge 2510 Gatun number of members, and with Coba. For their diverson the will leave CRISTOBAL A. WEDNESDAY, 29th each doing his share, we expect Canal Zone.
islanders, who are aware of the NOTICE.
JANUARY, 1920, for to make Liberty Lodge second to none.
fact that the holiday makers willingness to spend is in exact New York and United Kingdom.
Our regular monthly meeting MOSS proportion to the facilities avail The Election of officers of the was held on January 7th at our Journal Agent able for the e consumption of stim Vniversal Negro Improvinent CHILE ulating portious, are devising all Association at Colon comes off kinds of attractions for the 86. to morrow morning at 10 o clock will leave CRISTOBAL A. ;and BALBOA at Noon, SATURDAY, 000 and the many thousands at the Union Hall commonly 7th FEBRUARY, 1920, for more whom they hope the known as the Skating Rink dampness of the climate wil Colon. Anyone holding a certiGuayaquil, Paita, Eceri, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Mollendo, attract. Horse racing will be ficate or a slip from the Delegates Arisa, Iquique, Antofagasta Chafarsi, Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
one of the features of this will be permitted to vote winser attraction, and efforts are being made to legalise roulette Dr. LOWE and other games of chance, so For further particulars apply to tha Office of the Companies at that it may be possible to estab. L, Edin.
list a full blown casino.
CRISTOBAL of course, the drys will at139 CENTRAL AVENUE tempt to block the Southern way PANAMA CITY out for the unhappy wets, and or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, already appeals are being made Office Hhurs: 30 a. p. m, to the inter Church world move. p. p.
PANAMA ment and other bodies to take action. But Cuba is only three days from New York City, and Box 798. Wassrs. 446 OYANDON taas. Inc. ub Agoals: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAY PASKET Co. Panama Office 844 Phones: its lure will be irresistible. IT PAYS Residence 1002 Ancon, mem 12 Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.


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