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PRICE Cts. Cy.
The Hon. Ernesto Lefevre, Minister of Foreign Relations, was sworn in as President of the Republic of Panama in place of Dr. Belisario Porras who has resigned. The swearing in ceremony took place yesterday and was a very elaborate one, attended with all the usual formalities customary at such high functions.
Capital Not Labor is the Menace of STEEL CORPORATION AT BOTTOM OF ALL TROUBLES finds a new itero tackled lies which grawing tendency to deprive London, that Pharoah and has ment had two 3rd Colon Troop. during Russel etc. the little about what service he gets Georges T, BuGadsby others Health UNVEILING WARRANT CHARTER ARRIVES ANCON HOSPITAL MAIDS of Universal Negro Im For 8rd Colon Troops Bad MAKE SAD COMPLAINTS provement Association en Powell Boy Scouts The West Indian Labour Union Muicts the Public in order to Pay at the eyes on her in the Hall tish in your widury Foas journa Dear Mr. Editor: Kindly pus: Long and Tiresome Hours Without in 23rd Street Guachapali, taken for the benefit of those interested Big Dividends to Shareholders long before the time set for the in the Boy Scouts movement on Sundays or Holidays opening of the meeting for the the 1sththus of Panama and par.
Comphints have been persist by a roling of the Panama Canal inst. publishes the following dat and seven days a week should Pinama Branch of the Universal ers of the 3rd Coloa Troop of ently reaching this office concern Government, every monthly sil.
The Jamaica Gleaner of the 23rd en working twelve hours a day unveiling of the Charter of the ticularly the friends and admir: strike for a greater part of the Negro improvement Association Bradering water Basichs core te ing the daily increased oppression ver employee performing Sanand African following letter received per les cartoon from. is while boy the Boy Scouts Association, which the colored maids of ancon day work is entitled to a halfgain krenter menace to this country were fighting the Huns and we away without than is organized labor. be were practising hard economy in adinittaut being afternoon accompanying Warrants for the section of that institution, are whenever convenient. This halfOrticers of said 3rd Colon Troop, called upon to suffer at the hands day the waids have been accus.
last, January 25th.
lieve that the United States Steel order to Liberty Bonds and TE of their taskmistresses, the Corporation is the father of all war It koes without saying that Baden Powell Boy Scouts white stamps?
our economic problems. consi.
nurses. It is alleged that each day tomed to get from the inception since the formation of the Branch control seored of the Association here in this The Boy Scouts Association.
on to the of the rule but there is such a der John Lewis and William great victory in the settlement of Teperial Headquartars, already numerous duties Greenland Greatest or citizens than 25, Buckingham Palace Road. these poor women have to perform Elbert they finally decided to obey the ants, and interesting martings and whenever they happen to them of it that one woman was That is the beligerent attitude law be it said to the credit of the beld; but the one which caine of complain about it they are told told that she must finish what valean by Judge Ames, as miners that they lived op to their on Sunday was far and away the 2012 December 1910. that if they don like it they can ever work is set her to do before best ever beld.
sistant to the United States At agreement in spirit as well as in Dear Sir quitas scores of other women are she can leave even if it takes her vorney General, is an address letter. It remains to seen wheth There was a large and repre merce must night Judge Aines is or the operators will do as well. sentative worked linterest in boer 24tu last, now have pleasure in feferring to your letter of Septem daily seeking jobs at the office of till four o clock to do so. Truly the pending a leve days at his home The Government did not take of whom took a lively interest in sen ling you here with Warrants for the bave to be on the job 12 hours Chief Nurse.
repeats itself and it considered Now when it is bistory these when it is seen that the days of the the children of every day Sundays and holidays Israel are here ste. Chitored Belle Scout master included the taskmistress only when you let om die albo again.
Besides, buted to the evenings entertain.
He was in charge of the prosecu llaw and in seeing that coal wasant, and deserve great com Mr. Morton Asst. Scoutmaster selbs. bours with 60 days to the services of a maid sion of the Steel Corporation produced 3rd Colon Troop.
who Innocent bystanders have Profiteering is the cause for of ten rest off at the end ten months. cience for those of one whe or three stend by too long. The publicnow much of the high cost of living. Among those who took part in which they must sweep Mr. Bourne must take labour and capital by About 500 coin modities were un the programme for the evening noors, polish brass, clean Wood must be taught everything and their necks and compel them to der Goverument control during were Mr. Graham President Mr. Fraser work, wash beds clairs and other who, while she is being settle their differences fairly and the war, and their prices ins Year word bxecutive Secro Mr. Baptiste, Instructor taught furniture, one can readily can give but poor service. Sucewithout so much inconvenience mained approximately level, lary, of the Association; Mr. should be glasi you would kindly terest imagine how much time and in. ty there is no economy in that, to the public. Labour is fighting while in the case of 500 uncon. Adicare of the La Boca Anglican for what it believes to be right. trelled commodities there was an Chate. Messts. Walters, convey to these gentleminn my cordia tenist they are able to throw into but they should Harris, while capit is tighting for advance of 35 per cent.
Sam care greetings and heartiest col gratulations tamiro Primary duty, namely the Whitenieces ou encore in these Prices cannot return to the ver in the good work which they have taken care of sick.
over It Most of the ins from which this pre Ware basis turt smete come to oulies of the Association, assand extend to then my bear wishes line tehandu tidiness of the wards for the money he pajce beach well as Mr. Jasand for their Sticces and happiness.
the furniture are not of imcountry is suffering to day may the only way to stirt them back from should be glad to bear from time some of those who hos empiway be, however, that the Gov.
Red Tank and Para ernor of the Panama Canal or be traced to the United States now and effectively to break to so Branches of whom gave to time as the progress and activi piying for jobs rather than kílt tuowaf such conditions existthe Chiet Officer does not Steel Corporation. It introduced high cost of living is for each ties of the 3rd Colon Troop, water stuck to the nation and in person to appoint himself a com. very interesting audresses.
flated hikti prices upon the public mittee of one ws say to the dealt o clock when the meeting was some literature published by the Boy tain employment. It might be well their hearing and bring about was just a few minutes after some with overwork while others in and these lines are written have sent you, under separate cover, are starving through failure to ob in the hope that it should reach order to pay dividends to its who exceeds a reasonable prutit, opened by Mr. Graham Seauto Assucintion, which trust my here to state that their salary is investigations which would restockholders. Can you wonder You can rub me, you dumned President, who asked the hut the poor devils who have ba. protiteer.
net and sing the father be of interest and use in you work. only 18 or 20 a month (very few sult in the bettering of working es From Gree get the latter) and three meals a conditions among the poor coGreenlands les mountain.
West Indian Committee. Carnivai Dance Postponed During tire singing the Chartar Believe me, day which very often is left uneat. loured women. To quote SecreSincerely yours tary Baker: America is too On account of the numerous was The inembers of the Commit applications for tickets for the Brought to its stand by Mr.
great nation to oppress first Vice President Sigoed: HURBERTS MARTIN Again, we understand that others.
tee are asked to take notice that West Indian Carnival dance Miuto Treasurer, Jordan International Commissioner the regulir monthly meeting scheduled to take place at the of the Advisory Board, and Miss Scoutmaster, BOLT will take lace on Monday the Carnival Hall, St. and Ancon Jonson of the ladies Divisiou.
Colon Troop of Boy Scouts, as also take this opportunity to ask 2nd of Firuary at the usual Avenue, on the 31st inst, the headed hy Mr rwoud they can now proudly state that all to attend. collection will be meeling race, commencing at management has decided to post the Executive Secretary.
the troop is recognized aud duly taken up in order to assist in the p. p:omptly, pone, saine until the 12th Feb The receipt of the above letter registered at the Baden Powell formation of a Drain and Fife The inciner of the livran wasla urmats is a source of hap Boy Scouts Headquariers in Corps in connection with the qiz sted to be on time, as the the West Indian Red Cross Hub Chaptain Mr. St. Aubyn Year of ticers and members of the 3rd working ever since their incep Thanking you for space, beg Meubers earnestly reruary. when they will procure fubionou uma pessoas e piness and amteniment a mong don, for which they have been troop.
agenda is a lenthy and in or which is a more cominodious hall. Woud.
The public is requested to node The President then introduced tion some two years Rg. also to thank all who have assist the ch ze in date and place. the cul ve Beeretary who can the Secretary declered it for the Permit me also, Me. Editor, to meric their continuance.
ed es for same and hope we shall St. eter La Eora.
all personis desiring to attend this riva che navelling of the Quarter, government of Olticers and mem state that through the assistance dance must try and secure their The secret sy tirst called on tie bers under its Jurisdiction. of the several merchants, the Rev.
Yours truly, tickets early as thu management Chaplain tora serroep this, weing! The prograinne, which was a Cooper, and other friends CLIFFORD BOLT The Services at St. Peter to can issue only a limited number, directly to the point for the oc lengthy one was then rendered, of this eni u anity, both by their Scoutinaster marrow will be as follows. The price of 100 Cs. re casion.
after which the president bere support to our Bazaar in Decem. Colon, January 29, 1820 3rd Colon Troop, Mutins and sermon at 11 a. mains unchang Hyun Oetrard Christian Sul. took occasion to thank the friends ber as well as by personal subEvensors and sermon at 730 diers wis next sung during for their attendance, and for the scriptions, we are now in possesp.
COURT LAND No. 8443 which the colletion was taken interest they had taken in all that sion of our trop flag and a Union Foot Ball Match.
In view of the consecration of the Rev. James Craik Morris, are notified that the regular was being slowly reloved the promised thein that if they would Governor RS. Areia of Colon, team at the Standard Oval on Members of the above Court, wbuat the veil of the charter le course of the evening, and plays within a day from our Patron team will meet the Fox Mont Ball had been Jack ana a The Standard Foot JD. Bishop eleet of the anal Le chord creation of the day the Sith All February, and Cous your new Common goal of the race that there plete to hold the dedication of the Captain Hon of the Fox team meeting will be held on Thurs. Secretary in pointing to it said, only work together for the com and arrangements are now Zone, on 5th Monday next Holy Communion with a special Tested to attenmembers are usuaest Under the Charter ou would be many good things in three days, their presentation declares that he has every contra intention for the Bishop. large requested.
the Universal Nexro lu prove store for them in the days to and the presentation of Warrants dence in the victory so it is up to attendancu je 17 tat Visit of French Cruiser ment Association and Atrican to come.
to the ofàcers of the troop at the the Stand írd boys to hold their MULOARE, Communities Lague which is a The French Cruiser Jeanne citarit vie, Triendly iniwan tarian rolled daring the evening, and afternoon February 1st af sais appointment of their livas.
new anembers, were en Strand Theatre, Colon, Surdas lown and vive the Fox boys the Are which took an active part and expengra Society ubody he secretaries vere hopt busy jo clock, through the kindness Benefit Dance in the late war arrived at Cristo. ing the brotherhood and the issuing certificates and writing of Mr. Geu Morril, Vice Bina bal on The management of the West in Isthmian waters until the oth love the Lord thy God with all the singing of the Doxology cauo, when the Rev. Fr.
ou shall receipts for monerys handed in, President, Cinema Pan AmeriIndian Red Cross begs to remind inst, During her stay the officers thy heart, soul and mind, as thy. then brought to a close one of Burns will bless the fags. and Smith, twins (two boys) at the Born to Mr. and Mrs.
me pubic of the grand benefit and crew were ashore and hearti. sell. that the bells of Ethiopia the best and mosy interesting we expect to have present among Santo Tomas Hospital Panama, dance to take place on the 11th ly enjoyed themselves. The inen may soon ring to gather her chil meetings which have ever been others Governpr Arcia, the on the morning of the 27th, inst.
February in the Red Cross Hall, were quite orderly and their de drea into her fold.
Calidonia Bridge. The admis portinent about the streets of During this time the charter Branch of the Uniyersal Negro calde, Don. Alberto Harris of while Nate is receiving all the held in the history of the Panama British Vice Consul and the Al Mother and babies are doing well sion is only 50 cents, gold and a Panama was favourably commen was entirely unveiled, and after Improvement Association and Colon. Invitations have been congratulations, Jamaica large attendance is expected, osted on.
CO3 readiag the contents of same, African Communities League issued for the occasion and we please copy.
papers Sirdar are daily ар ing to rise hymn.
With Best wishes en.
Box 756, Cristobal Caual Zone.
ai tant one.
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