
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands mermann JAMAICA Bird Eye View of Recent Strike INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Owned By THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Head Office, 55, Wall Street, Capital, Surplus, Undiv ded Profits Over 9, 000, 00 VO Official Depository of the Republic of Panama DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Forei zn Branches this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM pelled to Council has no power to allow Privy their license. The coming beyond Panama Furniture Company roughly the particulars.
they gaod wishes Occasion and ment in nuent meve mas rists are willing to give call on men to return to her at once Refer the matter to a Con ciliation Board, which will in vestigate judicially all facts which go to show that the tram fures must be altered, or the contrary, in connection with (From Jarra ea mes. meeting just claims as put for ward by the men.
The company was also asked The following concise report the recent strikes at Jamaica to agree that should the menac, is undoubtedly the more interesting and convevs a clearer idea of cept 2d, this will not prejudie the disturbances, than any yet published:their case if the matter went to the Conciliation Board On the morning of Christmas an increase to the Company Eve the motormen and conductors entire staff, and not only to the Management is Firm et the Tramway Company in inotormen and conductors The reply from the Manager Kingston went on strike. The Items on Tuesday promised to give service was thus suspended, and early consideration to these prowhen this was writien on MonMr. Simpson sent a Cablegrain posals, but was tirm in the repe.
day 29th, December, it was still on Friday to the Company tition of the offer of an increase suspended Headquarters in Montreal, as of 2d per hour.
Preceding Events follows. In name of people of The Men Firm Too On the afternoon of Monday 3d hour increase as Monday night at Covent Gardens, At a meeting of the strikers on petition to Mr. Peet, Trafie temporary measure until 4th Mr. Hinchliffe presided, it 22nd. December, the men sent in len emand Company pays Superintendent. This represent January, and save great incon, was once more decided not to re at during season.
to their present pay. which was at Mr. Simpson and Mr. Foster crease was given.
asked that it be increased to ls Davis on Saturday advised the the men which on Wednesday a maximum 6d. per hour. They fund has been opened to aid a wharves me a wore able to earn Conciliation Board, but they de stood at ms 9d. Mr. Hope They pointed out that on the men to put the matter before Panton is Treasurer.
Es, per day, and were not comThe advertised on The Governor Power.
much ndas prothes. They cated that the Monday for 108 motormen ana It is stated on reliable authori had to provide their Seir uniform conductors, offering from 6d to ty that the Governor in They asked for a ply by Tuesd per hour.
day 23rd. At 30 Mr. Peet Manager Proposes Increase of the company to charge thereased brought this to the attention of Fares. be Manager, Mr. Baar, who acted promptly. On Tuesday afternoon Tuesday saw the strike in its however, establish other districts 30 along with Mr. Peet he seventh day. the men still refus. to enable them to collect extra met delegates from the men. The ing to send the matter to a Con fares, provided there be a system matter was gone into. Mr. Baar ciliation Board. The Hon. of transfers, however, but which showed that two years ago Simpson, who has been acting the President is said to be the Company gave a bonus to em between the men and the general averse to.
ployees. It next made this bonus public, received a a reply last Sat The general public is unwilling na internet of their permanentawa care vrea y from the Manager in Mon. to pay more, and the Mayor and Six months ago, de swer to his cablegram de in answer mand from the men, the Company quoted above. Mr. Hutchison test against any increase.
increased wages 10 per cent. Mr. cablegram ran thus. Can only Baar now offered an increase of pay three pence if increase fare.
10. per hour. The elegates ask Use your inftuence with Govern LOCAL STKIES ed that it be made 2d. This was ment, obtain same. Ask Mana agreed to, and it was arranged ger for.
The Pilots Behave Sensibly that the men should resume work In reply Mr. Simpson stated: next morning Cannot consider increase fare.
Men Repudiate Delegotes Pro Men determined. Increase pay lots last week. It began at p. in.
of by three pence only solution.
mise, Position acute Must sanction. on Christmas Eve, but on Christ: To this the President has ca Day the men returned to The men, however, refused to bled in reply work, and three steamers that stand by their delegates arrangecannot meet your views into port. The held up were brought ments, and the strike began on Sorrorun service dictation pilots returned to Wednesday morning, 24th. De cember. The men demanded an to return to work assurance of men. work on receiving an higher fees would be grant inereaee of 3d.
terms pro ed. For more than a year through 3d. per hour, making the 9d. The Manager posed by maximum the pilots declined to agree to this.
renewables But Simpson was against urged the need of this increase along with the Hon HAL Later in the day the Mayor any increase of fare, for the main ter before dons brought the met: the Marine Board and Simpson, and the Clerk of the reason that the Company finan ter befo The men cial position is til, Board had is sound. The earn the Gov addressed the men with the men, and rk, ings for six months ending June re urging. Ho as not to inconvenience the. la new schedule to 1918 could not have been waar ou the Government. The pilots heard public The men would not agree six months it must have and one or two cars worked, at 21, 100 a total of 40, 400 for that and on December 20th, wrote tended to by Inspectors and notifying that they would cease Traffic Regulators.
year. For the first six months of work at p. on Christmas Eve this year the estimated earnings ift The Unltcrm.
the increase was not granted.
are 24, 900 and not withstanding Hearing Rothing on this effect Mr, Baar, who made a very second six is 29, 100 a total for the 24th December and at. the strike, a fair estimate for the they again sent a reminder on full and straightforward state second the to is not correct to say that the men expenses out, among other things, that iting of of 60 (that is, 33, 000) Hon. NOS Being chair had to pay for uniform are deducted. further deduc. Han of the tion The facts are that men of less contribution to the Road Authori. pilotage fees at present in force than three years service get of are under Law 21 of 16, 083 makes the net in Kingstou the inward of 1891. In annum, and pay for one per fee free. The ears, points out get uniforms. come 4, 967 of an increase of and beyond the preseri and the outward 188, between at pre war rates, and that its charges to the publicare fares will have first to go before tance and Kingston; Ded the Mayor and Council.
The men have stated that only Kingstone and Port Beya! 18, and named fees the prices of the electrical goods one man in the service could apply to Old Harbour, Salt River and metals, which it must have earn as much as 15s, a fort. Sav la Mar and Falmouth. There to carry on. For instance, steel night, also that maximum is an additional fee when the tyres, which, in 1916, cost only pay which a regular motor draft of a ship exceeds 7ft. For 9s. now cost 11.
man received was 4s. 6d. per day second class ports the fees are The Number of Men.
and only one man received that el 10s, and 5s. respectively.
amount, Crawford who has Mr. Barr gave the following seen 21 years service with the facts. There are 59 motormen. Company. This statement has Six get Std per hour; eleven 4d; however been denied by the seven 4d; five 5d; seven 54d; ten Manager who has forwarded a 6d; thirteen d.
list to the Governor to show the The get. traffic and their rates 4d; 5d nine. service drawing All conductors, except the 6d per id. per fortnight, and another The Colonization Scheme hour men, receive a further 10 with three years service got bonus.
Accepted in India.
The Men Statement.
The men were sorry at the in.
convenience the public were put The men distributed a leaflet, to, but were not prepared to give GREAT IMPROTEMENT CHANGES pointing out that the average in unless they had definite pro ANTICIPATED.
working hours are 84.
posals and assurance on which The minimum pay now is 21s. they could rely.
Our readers, we are sure, have ped weele; then pion you feepro Governor Propocus Corontalon been following up on the deep inmore, 2d per hour extra Board wolld mean 108 od per week, sans. the of per hour would mean 15: 9d per tion of the Demerara Colonia the 2d increase the situation, save that is de hom passed throngh here on Wednesday, and mo ohango in tion Scheme, the majority of means an additior:al 4, 000 spent cellency the Governor minuted their way to Angland when they the Company Live the 8d the Managers consideration de were roundly abused by a cartiin would mean 61, 300 ore. Any, the following:seoton of the local Prese. In conde tilegt. h monei Compact mo. pite the Sovy treatment had been to state that no indenture but nager, which are their Association have fair and Mr.
Their ate and to Government.
BITS thus shown to strangers within our gates, the Delegation was in vited by a committee of gentlenen of our city to address a largely attended meeting, which was 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA great success. Subsequently then were entertained at a a gala bu Next Door to Cecilia Theatre quet at The Hotel MeKinnes where (in spite of ridiculous com ments made by an opponent) they Headquarters for were given a hearty send off an the best af good wishes forath successful mission High Class Furniture the furtheronce of views tertained for the progressando velopment of British Guiana. joined in the hearty gaod All New Goods Sold at on the Reasonable Terms, Otplated the for their hemen cor orod the distinguished guests. appreciation o WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US now a greater pleasure to be able when buying Furniture.
that the Mission has sus ceeded beyond anticipation. The Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock Indian of the scheme ana bas approved will assist it.
There will be East Indian families, agricu tu ists and artizans will be coming out to accept grants of land grow rice, canes or whatever pre Jduce they care to plant, as also to carry on the various trades for which India (as the ci devant Director of Public Works Hon 46 STREET, PANAMA.
Walsh Wrightson so frequently in and out of season) is fa mous Just received a full stock of, if SILVER CHAIN GOODS over here; would be a revalation to untravelled westerners, so far Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES as excellence of workmanship AU concerned. But For overy form of disease But to return to the short time there will be ships arranged that in: TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
leaving India, at six weeks, to take over the new at intervals of about settlers to Demerara will also be native medical men, etc.
Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
and, in fact, in a couple of years, Satisfaction Guaranteed. so, it is not unlikely that the magnificent Province will be car. FLOWERS, Proreitor. Western India sobriquet. viz O, Box 36Pa, nama City.
Telephone 519 Indies as has so instead of West given British Guiana for years o erroneously been past. In the meantime Trinidad, we are to continue to nue to will have to join Demerara, in much as the Delegates wer never selfish and always pleaded cause of Trihidad along with their own deserving similar corsideration.
Chorrillo Drug Store City Cound a stated tizans could be in the proper al question. It their THE There suits 2ties The is 25s.
Men over that there 105 and 6d. The first na the in: the New Discovery Demerara Dr. French Strengthening Compound sd per hour thirteen, Sta; eleven of pay. One maratter six months Labourin Demerara Considered the west blood and Nerve tonic in the World THE DEMERARA CLERGY Is highly recommended by press and public for Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and general depresalon of the whole system.
For Both Mon and Women.
Quite recently there was a motion before the Demerara Legis.
latare recommending that ministers of religion whose names are mentioned in the Clergy List Ordinance shoald be allowed to share in the bonasou and salaries to be paid to Government Oficers during 1920 THR GOVERNOR VIEW The Governor wid the clergy were not elvil servante. If they were he tould nr overyone of them on Beerene of them did thiags al servants were not flawed do. Aboat two addig Poels To give


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