
THE WORKMAN ESATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920 PAGE THREE Pice KING BEE ed for all who had pola troupe button tres CIGARETTES Agent change the word rein but to real and invest the fede the Black Star hise, and the Trading Co. It would be so exhe sedlying the sya of the patie, rather than bave been looking out for pay schedule that could never en hout, for it must be remembered that the batter had on the price wa balho be was to present it and receive Iue, do you think to. would have kept that recipe and pe the price for the butten? No, seriod 3. 90 ud never got a pereipt, but when the bettene same. got four.
Where would lindo mwipe to preen con1 However, there who call for dollar hak are Agotiatie and his causes him to be blind on other side, and his blindnewesursla to be honest of the power of mubey Therelere hunding bin dollar out of 31. 25 he grupit and call it gain. But no one will blind my eyes with a dollar have paid 25 il my 25 cent be igapred and be treated as a bucket and be thrown in a well, and the dollar be handed to me, will call it a rope, and will not go as far to receive it to reach out my hand from my side, but will say to him who would undertake to hand it to me. Let the rope follow the bucket. SMITH, Cristobal Under the Palm Trees.
OR Among the Northern Shows KING BEE Are THE Quality Smoko City Bible Agency 12 NG BE. The City Bible Agency begs to call the attention of Christian workers and Bitte Readers to the fact that we can supply them with the former translations of Bibles com ared and revised self pronouncing editions and standard concordance of the Bible also Sunday School Teacli mily Bibles. We handle bibles of and fa various societies, especially the Oxford University Press, real worocco binding We also handle all other kinds of religious books in addition to bibles.
See us for prices and terms. Street.
House No. 32 (upstairs) Box 1079, Panama Au ustus Farrier, Agent. WILKINSON CONTRACTOR BUILDER Extra Mild GARETTES First Class Workmanship Plans and Specifications Free Sold Everywhere, WHY?
The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice 15th Street West House 90 Box (11, Panama, The Open Forum. ora TAKE NOTICE.
It is required that all persons leaving the Isthmus should have their eyes in good condition, and free from doing something, the sooner the better tree; bere is no turning back or aside with an entrance fee of 25 cent Tracoma and all other objecfor the betterment of our mutual selves in any real undertaking until your site new project can be introduced that is attained and sincerely hope that in the Men and women of the Race ralled in tionable anomalies.
To avoid all troubles, worwaya aud means may be devised for the very near future large track of this with their 25 eent with a determination a seumulation of a fund sufficiently larse lothaien land will be flourishing in sugar of pulling toother, though their pull. ries, and being turned down, ll e do not hele tinere responsible for opinion or proped in his column to amable na to cater into some agricul cate and its manufacture, bananas, cocoa. urut did prometne nese te doen in whic, call and have your eyes sentiments of the correspondents tural employment of fact any change in their determination Union non employed and the benefit of ships shall carry to foreign markets our they did mean to continue the pull and thoroughly examined at the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
ourely and dependents particularly. products, and when we will be able to bring the Heavene up again. But sin office of DR. BUCHANAN, Orgagier Stoute nooted the idea of naaufae ure our own sugar, meal, etc. there appeared under the darkest whace Eyesight Specialist, Aim, The Key Signature to characters of true succes.
cultivation but it is apparently seeting when we will be able to supply ourselves Statenent of a reimbursement in the Worluman of Dec. 27th 1919. For the that vary little consideration is lernin from our stores our ain stall bave been benefit of those that have anese sed thOffice. 182 Bolivar Street, Aim, the Key. ott cessful, one nauet necesarily have a sim multifarans Migation of the attained, and not thea.
Feal Success.
41 COLON, of fund. In fairness to all solieit that tie; am, respeccfully, continually being (IN FRONT OF MADONIS TEMPLE BUILDING. in view; some well defined objeet toward invited rogerlink amelioration in the ndJ. GABRIEL Hin. The qurstion is what is mal which his efforis are directed. Singleness vanoanent of the Nexto race. This new sunce my answer to be well of purpose bus from the more tristic of project is, members of the weveral Locals Mr. Smith and the Sliver stocked with real estate anıt permat pro bearly every minute o good man besked to subeeribe a verlain perly ther, be move to fundo ponderie mark in this world. It was de presiuneri, am sunt that will be decided you Employees Association.
Pon, and Ty menik s own affaire without or within reach of the individa 1; let us say corporated ca veloping the Uniform! Ne howeve; that the aim wwi ba als costutely with that a nomit. yadionte een he iroutside assistance exempt. livelihood Sir. Please allow me space in your sekere snother the owner yt gret for instance, agriculture 8 Union of this region have sound concern where hundreds are constantly Having selected agriculture sx one ed tho view of the following BRANDON BANK)
being employed and the forever regular enhetele aim, let a ma devole unfieb more trei aurre many of the valuable paper for a few rein rks on the ones ant the manjority The good of others. Do your best, payments in wakes us duriavilicant items inely his whole enery its attrinas, som to agree that agriculture in essily and rejoice with him who can do better. to affect the multidious veins in s po let him not weaken his strength to died. one of the wedisputed factors in solving There is an infinite sati faction in receiv SECURITY nity make up. till another, may con his energies mon; various oon flirting the Negro problem. It being so why ing the gifts of God, but the privilege of SERVICE michor himself very suco sful as a lawyer matters; in ofisa was in. licu mvi wapaupot some rester consideration in becoming the rouans through whieh 11 e who e name is in every body mouth, at too many things at once. The power given this very important pmposition? will bestow light and blessing upon others wliere professii nal pretiese wroux of concenin tin is wherein ANAMA (POUNDED 1808)
Some of us are very great agriculturists is the greatest privilege best wed upon COLON aud clients many and stifying the pre cult undertakings of nit mental capabilis and working for our own welfare. have man. Follow metabers of the Race and titioner, who is nlwaya vî siwerful in tius; but the mind which hins undergone no doubt that we will devete all our management of the Silver Employee As Hier will consider himself one of the discipline essential to the attaintoent energies to some successful end sociation, let us bear in mind that we Our large Resources and well known the most famous men.
o: true sueers fixee itself unflinchingly. After the plantation wall have been are sons of fathers who ruled Ethiopia and conservative Management afford unways may be looked upon ns succesful truncity which nothing but death on vied for labourers furusas, cuelbedge, Inderstanding and justice, without Those who sucean but in these fferent upon the angle of just with a bull dog emerged into a truism, plans can be de. Egypt centuries ago with wisdom, know questioned security for every dollar but sueness in ali three ways may ever sever.
be attrinn hen. mehedati na He who sime to supply their hands which is in blemish being left on record against deposited with this bank.
oneration in almost every great plante them. Therefore being sons of such loyal means caleulated to make a map bppylories won, must rouse every energy stores and great concern. These fathers, let us walk in their steps by at life. the crowaed by vacsori avaieved won and cloth mentioned rice will be operated tending to the good tion of that which he sought and of o hers which have Real success ein never be realizwd hy and summon every talent power within especially for the benefits of employees. baca placed in our hands in a manner the man who seeks after success alone him and plunge into the arena of life with Two monthly contributions of all mem that will be profitable to the owners, and The man who has no o higher sim in life an unfaltering determination to blast biebers interested. January and February, gratifying in the eyes of the public. What General Banking Business Transacted than simply to attain sue res is not likely way on to victory or he must know the 1920) will set the ball a rolling the bal profit is it to a man for his agent to give to succeed in the strietent sense. Such a reasons why.
be paid monthly, until fully, his entire Estate in charity and leave man being netuated solely by ambition We are not yet one hundred per cent that is, when the first frauts of our en himself and his in the rut. Can that ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON will be almost certain to descend to the orginized and already over twenty per deavour shall have been reality. Re action be based on a text in the Bible?
Vice President. mployment of means to attain his desir cent of our organized selves are unem member. Brothers, who almeth at the The Silver Employee Association was ed end which ore inean. patible with the ploved. It is material to us to be up and skies shoots higher much than he menns formed under a liey of Pull Together, Panama Banking Company meni stors to in possession of the ance can Treasurer


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