
WE ACCOMPLISHED IT CAN DO MORE and am una of cur rights. JUNI point a rational WEST INDIAN TRADING Co.
Ltd Master!
want a por a be und PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920 Keep a Cool Head.
Nesto Follow siished anlars by Rates for Advertisement on applicar Toinarrow Sunday 31st, inst.
Centration. Correspondener on ail matters will be Eiuttion Day for the Of.
Duo Corse, Panna, of pabrie interest invited ticers who shall govern The UR. de versal Negro Improvement As.
Al copy for publication must be Bux 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and sociation and African CommuniRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ties Lague in Coton. The must be accompanied by the name of beation will take place at the One Year SU Cy. the writer, not necessarity for publicat Staking kink 14. Streets tion but as a mark of good faith.
Six Months am asking you to kee Three be We do not undertake to return cool head, so as to make it One th: rejected correspondence most invinorable day in the his.
Own and Manage Two Up to Date Groceries in tory of the New Nou on the The Liberty of the Press is the per isins. Do not elect your o Panama, ani to Establish a Chain of Stores on the Vers from any is of SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920 Isthmus to Sell the Right Goods at the Right Prices. view, but rather point. For president, you med an unselfish, sympathie, brond toindd and fearlessa.
Fighting With Firm Faith.
We do not want To Lose My Jobman; but do not want an Am Afraidi rathir a man who will sacritice The man who says that the fight of the colored workhis very life for the Liberty of men on the Panama Canal for better wages and better liv bis fellow en We do not ing conditions is ill conceived and ill advised either knows Capitalized at 10, 000 Dictator, but rather nothing of pscychology or natural philosophy, and a Servant and one who ein le would do better on a hog farm in the backwoods of civiliRegistered under the Commercial Laws of Panama No. 13, on January 13, 1920 reasoned with. We inust not have zations or on a cattle ranch at the border of the jungles man who will tremble at the awal than as an advisor on economics among militart industri MAIN STORE: 114 Central Ave. BRANCH STORE: 22 Central Ave. crack of a whip for our President: but a man who will knock at the alists in these days of stimulated self valuation in the very rates of belli arena of labor.
needs be say unto His Satanic As colored workmen, the Silver employees are told This Corporation is backed by the full support of the people, and as Meses said unto Photy even Lt that they are in error in trying to conganize them those who have not joined this rank are wasting valuable time. the man to be our President man whose whole heart is inust selves for the improvement of the conditions that be obtain at present. They are told that the money they benter ed upon the future progres of his are contributing in the various organizations is a ruthless CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT race. man who thinks ingre of his lace, irrespective of nationalwaste; that they could save this money and invest it in ity or Creed and less of bussell.
some profitable business; that they should discountenance WEST INDIAN TRADING Co. Ltd.
He must be a Marcus Garvey.
the United Brotherhood and regard it as a useless instituBox G, ARCON, For Recording Secretary, we tion from which they would Feceive nothing.
need a man who is prepared to All this would be accepted as genuine advice and Gentlemen: sacrifice part of his time, and who friendly information if the other employees themselves hereby subscribe for. shares of the stock at will not have self agerandizement felt the same way in regard to the Metal Trades and the as bis object. His intelectual cali.
Federal Employees Unions, both of which are recognized 00 per share, and forward herewith as payment bre must be of such as to enable him to record all branches of the American Federation of Labor. ContraI transactions of.
the Assuciations in an intelligent rily, these two organizations are focussing all their money, waquer. He must be one who can brains and energy in the faith that they will achieve all NANE be reasoned with the ends they might aim at; but the Negrees should never ADDRESS For the Financial Secretary or think of getting together, as in their opinion, that is a very Treasurer, we bust have a man unwise and stupid thing to do.
who is absolutely honest. mus It would appear that such statements canie from No one can buy less than shares or more than 1, 000 whose finger tips are completely free from all sticky substances quarters where hostile propaganda were invented against man who cannot be easily led the colored workmen efforts to recover themselves from or scared. He should kuvw the economic serfdom. But such perfidious energies died hope.
reasons Why certain monies mus lessly before the determination of the people to come tobe spent before delivering same.
gether for their mutual interests in the field of labor. The Heinust have a knowledge of Editorialettes easily possible to form such drivers, most of whom seem book keeping.
colored people saw the base insincerity in the statements a eommittee which would be to regard the law as useless The Executive Cuminittee and dismissed them with an air of indifference.
compri of two men from and powerless to stop their Auditors. must also be honest If the United Brotherhood is useless for the colored Isthmian Cricket: each compting colony with violations and infractions, men men who will not coincide people it ought to be useless for other employees also.
the representative of the Turning curves is always with the Treasurer; men who can.
If it can do anything for one section of the people, it can Now that the interest in firm donating or offering the dangerous, but when unregu not be bought:nen who cannot be easily do the same for the other, or rather it ought to be able to Cricket is reviving in this trophy for competition as lated speed is used in per saving a scaceded here must also of book keepdo so. If it does not exercise itself in the interests of the country, the good old Eng. Chairman. Mr. Theo. Mc forming the feat the dangering and Accounting.
colored people it will be their business to know why; but lish game ought to be placed Ginnis, the popula sports. becomes augmented one hun Next comes the Board of to state that it is powerless is altogether questionable.
in the foremost position of man, crosses our mind as one dred per cent. There are traffic Directors: The Directors should disastrously upon the interests of the colored people, the ure seekers and lovers of di for the position of Chairman corners of the streets and KEEP COOL HEAD. Genuine If any pressure, local or otherwise, is brought to bear local past times, and pleas of the most likely nominees cops and speed cops at the be men of very wide experience. com broad minded men. Men who can people will not be slow in making their own rectification of versions bailing from the is: of this Committee. The Bal throughout, the city but they not substitutes. Men an evil introduced by hostility and met by duplicity. The land Kingdom and her colo boa Brewery could be asked are either too lenient in arrests who cannot be bought tutes mer the United Brotherhood must expect that their monies are creation and amusement with of which the victorious team make the Jehu respect the is in this Association and enote in sixteen thousand employees who have cast their lot in with nies should be able to find re: to present a Silver Cup out or the fines are too light to flaged. Men Whouse whole heart Sell. Men safely located, and if a doubt arises in their minds the their fellow citizens when could entertain their guests law and safety of pedestrians. to see everything carried out in of grim determination visiting this Mecca of the and friends. What about Accidents are becoming too the right way.
time for calling for an accounting should not be far off.
There is too much brains in the Brotherhood to allow mittee should be formed for West. An inter colonial com that Mr. Mac?
frequent, and some closer at. So you see, we should think tention should be paid to this deepiy. We should thiok honestly.
matters to stagnate. The opponents of the colored unionists need not worry themselves over the outcome of the fixtures as an incentive to the Furious Driving: organizing inter colonial cup disorder as the protection of We should look twice before we relation of the Silver men with the Headquarters of the the public is too important a leap. We should not put men in Brotherhood. The men have organized themselves and game. healthful porivalry. The greatest neglect of the matter to be denied by any command because they can resis among cricketers from the rules governing vehicular person in the community. capable of fulfilling the position nicely, but because they are are going to stand organized, however the tide might turn, varicus islands would belp to traffic is being exhibited by The habit of neglecting to wherein Unionism is unionism in the hands of intelligent men, but boost the great sport. It is the chauffeurs and jitney blow the horn when round ample, a inan may be an excellent placed. For ex.
it is a farce under the direction of illiterate and inexpeing corners is also a case for Recording Secretary and yet untit rienced people. If the Silver men were all shallow headed gabbers and self seekers the outlook for the colored peo They have with them the support in levery cabicientipus of the collisions at corners be Trang phe ar biele telo sa Sticker von immediate attention. Most Treasurer because his finger tips ple would be as ominous as a heavy cloud before a thun gentleman on the Canal Zone and in the Republic of Patween cars and coaches are because he is unable tich figure a Financial Secretary or derstorm, but since there are many among them who are nama; they have time in which all their wrongs will be due to this disregard. Not correctly.
real men it is a horse of another tan.
be avenged; and those who now are withholding the just more than a week ago two man may like the proverbial bundle of sticks. Everybody will re awake to find that justice and retribution were working to being smashed at the cor, but if he is afraid to lose his job, What the Silver employees must do is keep together deserts of the Silver employees will one good morning cars came dangerously close capable enough to occupy any of the above mentioned positions, spect a pack of wolves, but a solitary canine has a poor slowly, but surely.
ner of Fourteenth and chance of respect from a group of hunters. Intelligent The Wage Board has not yet announced what it con Streets owing to the failure of the or to face a judge in defence men must stand at the head of all colored organizations if siders a good increase for the colored employees of the Pa of both chauffeurs ta blow is not worthy of such as position less than this will accomplish much. If ambitious embi feared that it will be a case of addled eggs. The endless tion of the city authorities is floor member.
ciles stand in the way of general progress they will form red tape is in vogue and no one knows when another set of called to these infractions of keep us content marketing in te drept repeat. we must more potent obstacles than any the opponents of the Bro eggs will be laid and who will be chosen next to do the sit the law.
therhood can invent.
ting. But every member on that board, if his conscience ly and honestly when making our choice in order to put The The best way to fight is with a firm faith that the is alive, ought to remember that tyranny will suffer in the Public Play grounds: rigbt man in the right place.
cause is just. As soon as that point is decided the battle end and that justice will one day triumph and laugh at will proceed with almost certain success. The people, on the wretched failure of injustice.
Both in Panama and on the the other side of the line will hold out as long as they can, but when things get warm they will do exactly as the Ger and they must get it if the economic equipoise of the Pa. for West Indian children. In Anita Robinson, sister of Ribert The people are expecting an increase in their wages necessity for play grounds Canal 2one there is a great British Consulata Notice mans and their associates in wrath. Until they weaken nama Canal is to remain secure. The privilege of people to making the best of circum Clarke, and Bustace Hall, both they will offer the stiffest resistance, but it will be the kind assert and speak out for their rights is known to the Silver stanges our children find it ne natives of Jamaica, are requee.
that must eventually surrender.
employees and they may be tempted to use it if they see cessary to congregate on the bed to call at the British LegaEverything depends on the ability of the colored peo no improvement in their conditions. They know that they side walk or improvise a tho tion at brains; they have the faith, and these are factors that by a lugubrious fat belly who once tried to throw dust in joyment. The absence of sert that the number of juveple to hold out. They have the numbers; they have the are not 75 per cent, men as they have been described roughfare for their own teo: count. There should be no room for pessimism, or doubt. to the eyes of distinguished personality in these parts. safety, in each case, makes it nile offences would be di If one thing fails try another, but in trying keep the whole If ever he has hood winked that individual he will never expedient to present the need minished to zero it the chilsquad intact. Put the brains together and act with com succeed in double crossing the colored people who are as of our children to both gowdren could find a proper place mon sense; determine and follow up; plan, and go forward. familiar with his game as bo id with poker.
Correct the blunders and improve by previous errors; The strain is becoming umpleasant and sooner or later in every section of the Canal have some place to play or ernments. There in much land to amuse themselves and range and reform, but don break up.
the crash will come. When that happens the responsibility Zone and in Panama that they will get into mischied; The Silver men should remember that thoy are will be laid at the door of the Wage Boned, and nowhere could be utilized for this purs alright prevention is better.
and while correction may be fighting a stif game, but they have the odds von their sido. eloe. That will be the time of testing.
pose; and te venture to ne. they make BC


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